
mermaid makes use of various configurations to parametrize the registration algorithms and how computations are performed (e.g., CPU or GPU).

Config parser


Returns the filename string where the compute settings will be read from.

Returns:filename string

Returns the filename string where the basic configuration will be read from.

Returns:filename string

Returns the filename string where the configuration for demo datasets will be read from.

Returns:filename string

Returns the filename string where the configuration for the registration algorithm will be read from.

Returns:filename string
mermaid.config_parser.CUDA_ON = True

If set to True CUDA will be used, otherwise it will not be used

mermaid.config_parser.USE_FLOAT16 = False

If set to True 16 bit computations will be used – not recommended and not actively supported

mermaid.config_parser.nr_of_threads = 16

Specifies the number of threads

mermaid.config_parser.MATPLOTLIB_AGG = False

If set to True matplotlib’s AGG graphics renderer will be used; this should be set to True if run on a server and to False if visualization are desired as part of an interactive compute session


Returns the basic configuration settings as a parameter structure.

Parameters:baseconf_settings_filename – loads the settings from the specified filename, otherwise from the default filename or in the absence of such a file creates default settings from scratch.
Returns:parameter structure

Returns the configuration settings for the demo data as a parameter structure.

Parameters:democonf_settings_filename – loads the settings from the specified filename, otherwise from the default filename or in the absence of such a file creates default settings from scratch.
Returns:parameter structure

Returns the registration algorithm configuration settings as a parameter structure.

Parameters:algconf_settings_filename – loads the settings from the specified filename, otherwise from the default filename or in the absence of such a file creates default settings from scratch.
Returns:parameter structure

Parameter module

Inheritance diagram of mermaid.module_parameters

This package implements a simple way of dealing with parameters, ofproviding default parameters and comments, and to keep track of used parameters for registration runs. See the corresponding note for a brief description on how to use it.

class mermaid.module_parameters.ParameterDict(initDict=None, printSettings=True)[source]

Loads a JSON configuration file

Parameters:fileName – filename of the configuration to be loaded

Writes the JSON configuration to a file

Parameters:fileNames – filename tuple; first entry is filename for configuration, second for comments
write_JSON(fileName, save_int=True)[source]

Writes the JSON configuration to a file

Parameters:fileName – filename to write the configuration to

Writes the JSON commments file. This file will not contain any actual values, but instead descriptions of the settings (if they have been provided). The goal is to provide self-documenting configuration files.

Parameters:fileNameComments – filename to write the commented JSON configuration to

Enable screen output as configurations are read and set.


Disable screen output as configurations are read and set.


Current print settings :return: Returns if screen printing is on (True) or off (False)


Sets Current print settings :param val: value to set the print settings to, needs to be boolean :return: n/a


Convenience testing script (to be converted to an actual test)