Similarity measures

This section describes the various similiarity measures implemented in mermaid.

Similarity measure factory

This is a factory which generates all the supported similarity measures.

Inheritance diagram of mermaid.similarity_measure_factory

Similarity measures for the registration methods and factory to create similarity measures.

class mermaid.similarity_measure_factory.SimilarityMeasure(spacing, params)[source]

Abstract base class for a similarity measure.

spacing = None

pixel/voxel spacing

volumeElement = None

volume element

dim = None

image dimension

params = None

external parameters

sigma = None

1/sigma^2 is a balancing constant

compute_similarity_multiNC(I0, I1, I0Source=None, phi=None)[source]

Compute the multi-image multi-channel image similarity between two images of format BxCxXxYzZ

  • I0 – first image (the warped source image)
  • I1 – second image (target image)
  • I0Source – source image (will typically not be used)
  • phi – map in the target image to warp the source image (will typically not be used)

returns similarity measure

compute_similarity_multiC(I0, I1, I0Source=None, phi=None)[source]

Compute the multi-channel image similarity between two images of format CxXxYzZ

  • I0 – first image (the warped source image)
  • I1 – second image (target image)
  • I0Source – source image (will typically not be used)
  • phi – map in the target image to warp the source image (will typically not be used)

returns similarity measure

compute_similarity(I0, I1, I0Source=None, phi=None)[source]

Abstract method to compute the single-channel image similarity between two images of format XxYzZ. This is the only method that should be overwritten by a specific implemented similarity measure. The multi-channel variants then come for free.

For proper implementation it is important that the similarity measure is muliplied by 1./(self.sigma ** 2) and also by self.volumeElement if it is a volume integral (and not a correlation measure for example)

  • I0 – first image (the warped source image)
  • I1 – second image (target image)
  • I0Source – source image (will typically not be used)
  • phi – map in the target image to warp the source image (will typically not be used)

returns similarity measure


Set balancing constant \(\sigma\)

Parameters:sigma – balancing constant

Get balancing constant

Returns:balancing constant
class mermaid.similarity_measure_factory.SSDSimilarity(spacing, params)[source]

Sum of squared differences (SSD) similarity measure.


compute_similarity(I0, I1, I0Source=None, phi=None)[source]

Computes the SSD measure between two images

  • I0 – first image
  • I1 – second image
  • I0Source – not used
  • phi – not used


class mermaid.similarity_measure_factory.OptimalMassTransportSimilarity(spacing, params, sinkhorn_iterations=200, std_sinkhorn=0.08)[source]
param spacing:spacing of the grid (as in parameters structure)
param std_dev:similarity measure parameter
param sinkhorn_iterations:
 number of iterations in sinkhorn algorithm
param std_sinkhorn:
 standard deviation of the entropic regularization (not too small to avoid nan)
spline_order = None

order of spline for interpolation (if needed)

compute_similarity(I0, I1, I0Source, phi)[source]

Computes the SSD measure between two images

  • I0 – first image (not used)
  • I1 – second image (target image)
  • I0Source – source image (not warped)
  • phi – map to warp the source image to the target


class mermaid.similarity_measure_factory.NCCSimilarity(spacing, params)[source]

Computes a normalized-cross correlation based similarity measure between two images. \(sim = (1-ncc^2)/(\sigma^2)\)

compute_similarity(I0, I1, I0Source=None, phi=None)[source]

Computes the NCC-based image similarity measure between two images

  • I0 – first image
  • I1 – second image
  • I0Source – not used
  • phi – not used


class mermaid.similarity_measure_factory.NCCPositiveSimilarity(spacing, params)[source]

Computes a normalized-cross correlation based similarity measure between two images. Only allows positive correlations. \(sim = (1-ncc)/(\sigma^2)\)

compute_similarity(I0, I1, I0Source=None, phi=None)[source]

Computes the NCC-based image similarity measure between two images

  • I0 – first image
  • I1 – second image
  • I0Source – not used
  • phi – not used


class mermaid.similarity_measure_factory.NCCNegativeSimilarity(spacing, params)[source]

Computes a normalized-cross correlation based similarity measure between two images. Only allows negative correlations. \(sim = (ncc)/(\sigma^2)\)

compute_similarity(I0, I1, I0Source=None, phi=None)[source]

Computes the NCC-based image similarity measure between two images

  • I0 – first image
  • I1 – second image
  • I0Source – not used
  • phi – not used


class mermaid.similarity_measure_factory.LNCCSimilarity(spacing, params)[source]

This is an generalized LNCC; we implement multi-scale (means resolution) multi kernel (means size of neighborhood) LNCC.

Param:resol_bound : type list, resol_bound[0]> resol_bound[1] >… resol_bound[end]
Param:kernel_size_ratio: type list, the ratio of the current input size
Param:kernel_weight_ratio: type list, the weight ratio of each kernel size, should sum to 1
Param:stride: type_list, the stride between each pixel that would compute its lncc
Param:dilation: type_list

Settings in json:

"similarity_measure": {
        "develop_mod_on": false,
        "sigma": 0.5,
        "type": "lncc",

For multi-scale multi kernel, e.g.,:

"kernel_size_ratio":[[0.0625,0.125, 0.25], [0.25,0.5], [0.5]],
"dilation":[1,2,2] #[2,1,1]

or for single-scale single kernel, e.g.,:


Multi-scale is controlled by “resol_bound”, e.g resol_bound = [128, 64], it means if input size>128, then it would compute multi-kernel lncc designed for large image size, if 64<input_size<128, then it would compute multi-kernel lncc desiged for mid-size image, otherwise, it would compute the multi-kernel lncc designed for small image. Attention! we call it multi-scale just because it is designed for multi-scale registration or segmentation problem. ONLY ONE scale would be activated during computing the similarity, which depends on the current input size.

At each scale, corresponding multi-kernel lncc is implemented, here multi-kernel means lncc with different window sizes Loss = w1*lncc_win1 + w2*lncc_win2 … + wn*lncc_winn, where /sum(wi) =1 for example. when (image size) S>128, three windows sizes can be used, namely S/16, S/8, S/4. for easy notation, we use img_ratio to refer window size, the example here use the parameter [1./16,1./8,1.4]

In implementation, we compute lncc by calling convolution function, so in this case, the [S/16, S/8, S/4] refers to the kernel size of convolution function. Intuitively, we would have another two parameters, stride and dilation. For each window size (W), we recommend using W/4 as stride. In extreme case the stride can be 1, but can large increase computation. The dilation expand the reception field, set dilation as 2 would physically twice the window size.

compute_similarity(I0, I1, I0Source=None, phi=None)[source]

Computes the NCC-based image similarity measure between two images

  • I0 – first image
  • I1 – second image
  • I0Source – not used
  • phi – not used
class mermaid.similarity_measure_factory.LocalizedNCCSimilarity(spacing, params)[source]

Computes a normalized-cross correlation based similarity measure between two images. \(sim = (1-ncc^2)/(\sigma^2)\)

gaussian_std = None

half the side length of the cube over which lNCC is computed

compute_similarity(I0, I1, I0Source=None, phi=None)[source]

Computes the NCC-based image similarity measure between two images

  • I0 – first image
  • I1 – second image
  • I0Source – not used
  • phi – not used


class mermaid.similarity_measure_factory.SimilarityMeasureFactory(spacing)[source]

Factory to quickly generate similarity measures that can then be used by the different registration algorithms.

spacing = None

image spacing

dim = None

dimension of image

similarity_measure_default_type = None

default image similarity measure

simMeasures = None

currently implemented similiarity measures

add_similarity_measure(simName, simClass)[source]

Adds a new custom similarity measure

  • simName – desired name of the similarity measure
  • simClass – similiarity measure class (whcih can be instantiated)

Prints all the available similarity measures


Set the default similarity measure to SSD


Set the default similarity measure to OMT (optimal mass transport)


Set the default similarity measure to NCC


Set the default similarity measure to positive NCC (i.e., only positive correlations allowed)


Set the default similarity measure to positive NCC (i.e., only negative correlations allowed)


Set the default similarity measure to localized NCC


Create the actual similarity measure

Parameters:params – ParameterDict() object holding the parameters which can contol similarity measure settings
Returns:returns a similarity measure (which can then be used to evaluate similarities)

Similarity helper OMT

These are some helper functions for the optimal mass transport similarity measure.

Inheritance diagram of mermaid.similarity_helper_omt

Similarity measures for the registration methods and factory to create similarity measures.

class mermaid.similarity_helper_omt.OTSimilarityHelper[source]

Implements the pytorch function of optimal mass transport.

static forward(ctx, phi, I0, I1, multiplier0, multiplier1, spacing, nr_iterations_sinkhorn, std_sink)[source]

Performs the operation.

This function is to be overridden by all subclasses.

It must accept a context ctx as the first argument, followed by any number of arguments (tensors or other types).

The context can be used to store tensors that can be then retrieved during the backward pass.

static backward(ctx, grad_output)[source]

Defines a formula for differentiating the operation.

This function is to be overridden by all subclasses.

It must accept a context ctx as the first argument, followed by as many outputs did forward() return, and it should return as many tensors, as there were inputs to forward(). Each argument is the gradient w.r.t the given output, and each returned value should be the gradient w.r.t. the corresponding input.

The context can be used to retrieve tensors saved during the forward pass. It also has an attribute ctx.needs_input_grad as a tuple of booleans representing whether each input needs gradient. E.g., backward() will have ctx.needs_input_grad[0] = True if the first input to forward() needs gradient computated w.r.t. the output.

class mermaid.similarity_helper_omt.OTSimilarityGradient(spacing, shape, sinkhorn_iterations=300, std_dev=0.07)[source]

Computes a regularized optimal transport distance between two densities.

Formally: \(sim = W^2/(\sigma^2)\)

my_dot(a, b)[source]

Dot product in pytorch :param a: tensor :param b: tensor :return: <a,b>


Dot product in pytorch :param a: tensor :return: sum(a)

build_kernel_matrix(length, std)[source]

Computation of the gaussian kernel.

  • length – length of the vector
  • std – standard deviation of the gaussian kernel

\(\exp(-|x_i - x_j|^2/\sigma^2)\)

build_kernel_matrix_gradient(length, std)[source]

Computation of the gaussian first derivative kernel multiplied by \(1/2\sigma^2\)

  • length – length of the vector
  • std – standard deviation of the gaussian kernel

\((x_i - x_j) \exp(-|x_i - x_j|^2/\sigma^2)\)


Computes the multiplication of a d-dimensional vector (d = 1,2 or 3) with the gaussian kernel K :param multiplier: the vector :param choice_kernel: the choice function that outputs the index in the kernel list. :return: K*multiplier

kernel_multiplication_gradient_helper(multiplier, choice_kernel)[source]
Computes the multiplication of a d-dimensional vector (d = 1,2 or 3) with the
(derivative along a given axis) gaussian kernel and given by the choice_kernel function (give the axis).
  • multiplier – the vector
  • choice_kernel – the choice function that outputs the index in the kernel list.


set_choice_kernel_gibbs(i, offset)[source]

Set the choice of the kernels for the computation of the gradient.

  • i – the (python) index of the dimension
  • offset – the dimension

the function for choosing the kernel

compute_similarity(I0, I1)[source]

Computes the OT-based similarity measure between two densities.

  • I0 – first density
  • I1 – second density


compute_gradient(I0, I1, multiplier0, multiplier1)[source]

Compute the gradient of the similarity with respect to the grid points

  • I0 – first density
  • I1 – second density
  • multiplier0 – Lagrange multiplier for the first marginal
  • multiplier1 – Lagrange multiplier for the second marginal

Gradient wrt the grid