Source code for mermaid.deep_smoothers

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
from builtins import range
from builtins import object
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from future.utils import with_metaclass

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.nn as nn
import numpy as np
from .data_wrapper import USE_CUDA, MyTensor, AdaptVal

from . import finite_differences as fd
from . import module_parameters as pars
from . import fileio as fio
# if float(torch.__version__[:3])<=0.9:
#     from . import custom_pytorch_extensions as ce
# else:
#     from . import custom_pytorch_extensions_module_version as ce
from . import custom_pytorch_extensions_module_version as ce
from . import deep_networks as dn
from .deep_loss import AdaptiveWeightLoss
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def _plot_edgemap_2d(image,gradient_norm,edge_map,gamma):

    plt.title('Original image')

    plt.title('edge map')

    plt.title('Gradient norm')

    plt.title('gamma * Gradient norm')


def _plot_edgemap_3d(image,gradient_norm,edge_map,gamma):

    sz = image.shape
    szh = np.array(sz) // 2




    plt.title('gamma * grad-norm')

    plt.imshow(image[:,szh[1], ...])

    plt.imshow(edge_map[:,szh[1], ...])

    plt.imshow(gradient_norm[:,szh[1], ...])

    plt.imshow(gamma * gradient_norm[:,szh[1], ...])




    plt.imshow(gamma * gradient_norm[:,:,szh[2]])
    plt.title('gamma * grad-norm')


def _edgemap_plot_and_write_to_pdf(image,gradient_norm,edge_map,gamma,pdf_filename):
    dim = len(edge_map.size())

    if dim==1:
        print('INFO: PDF output not yet implemented for 1D image; implement it in')
    elif dim==2:
    elif dim==3:
        raise ValueError('Unknown dimension; dimension must be 1, 2, or 3')

def _compute_localized_edge_penalty(I,spacing,gamma):
    # needs to be batch B x X x Y x Z format
    fdt = fd.FD_torch(spacing=spacing)
    gnI = float(np.min(spacing)) * fdt.grad_norm_sqr_f(I) ** 0.5

    # compute edge penalty
    localized_edge_penalty = 1.0 / (1.0 + gamma * gnI)  # this is what we weight the OMT values with

    return localized_edge_penalty,gnI

[docs]def compute_localized_edge_penalty(I,spacing,params=None): if params==None: # will not be tracked, but this is to keep track of the parameters params = pars.ParameterDict() gamma = params[('edge_penalty_gamma',10.0,'Constant for edge penalty: 1.0/(1.0+gamma*||\\nabla I||*min(spacing)')] write_edge_penalty_to_file = params[('edge_penalty_write_to_file',False,'If set to True the edge penalty is written into a file so it can be debugged')] edge_penalty_filename = params[('edge_penalty_filename','DEBUG_edge_penalty.nrrd','Edge penalty image')] terminate_after_writing_edge_penalty = params[('edge_penalty_terminate_after_writing',False,'Terminates the program after the edge file has been written; otherwise file may be constantly overwritten')] # compute edge penalty localized_edge_penalty,gnI = _compute_localized_edge_penalty(I,spacing=spacing,gamma=gamma) # this is what we weight the OMT values with if write_edge_penalty_to_file: current_image_filename = str(edge_penalty_filename) current_pdf_filename = (os.path.splitext(current_image_filename)[0])+'.pdf' current_pt_filename = (os.path.splitext(current_image_filename)[0])+'.pt' debug_dict = dict() debug_dict['image'] = I,current_pt_filename) fio.ImageIO().write(current_image_filename,localized_edge_penalty[0,...].data.cpu()) _edgemap_plot_and_write_to_pdf(image=I[0,...].data.cpu(),gradient_norm=gnI[0,...].data.cpu(),edge_map=localized_edge_penalty[0,...].data.cpu(),gamma=gamma,pdf_filename=current_pdf_filename) if terminate_after_writing_edge_penalty: print('Terminating, because terminate_after_writing_edge_penalty was set to True') exit(code=0) return localized_edge_penalty
def _compute_local_norm_of_gradient_1d(d,spacing,pnorm=2): fdt = fd.FD_torch(spacing=spacing) # need to use torch.abs here to make sure the proper subgradient is computed at zero t0 = torch.abs(fdt.dXf(d)) return t0 def _compute_local_norm_of_gradient_2d(d,spacing,pnorm=2): fdt = fd.FD_torch(spacing=spacing) # need to use torch.norm here to make sure the proper subgradient is computed at zero #t0 = torch.norm(torch.stack((fdt.dXc(d),fdt.dYc(d))),pnorm,0) dX = fdt.dXf(d) dY = fdt.dYf(d) t0 = torch.norm(torch.stack((dX, dY)), pnorm, 0) #print('DEBUG:min(dX)={}, max(dX)={}, min(dY)={}, max(dY)={}, min(t0)={}, max(t0)={}'.format(dX.min().data.cpu().numpy(), # dX.max().data.cpu().numpy(), # dY.min().data.cpu().numpy(), # dY.max().data.cpu().numpy(), # t0.min().data.cpu().numpy(), # t0.max().data.cpu().numpy())) return t0 def _compute_local_norm_of_gradient_3d(d,spacing, pnorm=2): fdt = fd.FD_torch(spacing=spacing) # need to use torch.norm here to make sure the proper subgradient is computed at zero t0 = torch.norm(torch.stack((fdt.dXf(d), fdt.dYf(d), fdt.dZf(d))), pnorm, 0) return t0 def _compute_local_norm_of_gradient(d, spacing, pnorm=2): # just do the standard component-wise Euclidean norm of the gradient, but muliplied locally by a weight # format needs to be B x X x Y x Z dim = len(d.size())-1 if dim == 1: return _compute_local_norm_of_gradient_1d(d,spacing,pnorm) elif dim == 2: return _compute_local_norm_of_gradient_2d(d,spacing,pnorm) elif dim == 3: return _compute_local_norm_of_gradient_3d(d,spacing,pnorm) else: raise ValueError('Local norm of gradient computation is currently only supported in dimensions 1 to 3') def _compute_total_variation(d, spacing, pnorm=2): # just do the standard component-wise Euclidean norm of the gradient, but muliplied locally by a weight # format needs to be B x X x Y x Z volumeElement = tv = _compute_local_norm_of_gradient(d,spacing,pnorm) return (tv).sum()*volumeElement
[docs]def weighted_softmax(input, dim=None, weights=None ): r"""Applies a softmax function. Weighted_softmax is defined as: :math:`weighted_softmax(x) = \frac{w_i exp(x_i)}{\sum_j w_j exp(x_j)}` It is applied to all slices along dim, and will rescale them so that the elements lie in the range `(0, 1)` and sum to 1. See :class:`~torch.nn.WeightedSoftmax` for more details. Arguments: input (Variable): input dim (int): A dimension along which weighted_softmax will be computed. """ if dim is None: raise ValueError('dimension needs to be defined!') sz = input.size() if weights is None: # just make them all one; this is the default softmax weights = [1.]*sz[dim] nr_of_weights = len(weights) assert( sz[dim]==nr_of_weights ) ret = torch.zeros_like(input) # for numerical reasons we first compute the maximum inout along the dimension and then # subtract if from all the exponents (this assures that we do not get exp(100) and then a NaN # this is ok, because we can multiply the nominator and denominator with the same constant # and by doing this shift the exponentials max_in,_ = torch.max(input, dim=dim) if dim==0: norm = torch.zeros_like(input[0,...]) for c in range(sz[0]): norm += weights[c]*torch.exp(input[c,...]-max_in) for c in range(sz[0]): ret[c,...] = weights[c]*torch.exp(input[c,...]-max_in)/norm elif dim==1: norm = torch.zeros_like(input[:,0, ...]) for c in range(sz[1]): norm += weights[c] * torch.exp(input[:,c, ...]-max_in) for c in range(sz[1]): ret[:,c, ...] = weights[c] * torch.exp(input[:,c, ...]-max_in) / norm elif dim==2: norm = torch.zeros_like(input[:,:,0, ...]) for c in range(sz[2]): norm += weights[c] * torch.exp(input[:,:,c, ...]-max_in) for c in range(sz[2]): ret[:,:,c, ...] = weights[c] * torch.exp(input[:,:,c, ...]-max_in) / norm elif dim==3: norm = torch.zeros_like(input[:,:,:,0, ...]) for c in range(sz[3]): norm += weights[c] * torch.exp(input[:,:,:,c, ...]-max_in) for c in range(sz[3]): ret[:,:,:,c, ...] = weights[c] * torch.exp(input[:,:,:,c, ...]-max_in) / norm elif dim==4: norm = torch.zeros_like(input[:,:,:,:,0, ...]) for c in range(sz[4]): norm += weights[c] * torch.exp(input[:,:,:,:,c, ...]-max_in) for c in range(sz[4]): ret[:,:,:,:,c, ...] = weights[c] * torch.exp(input[:,:,:,:,c, ...]-max_in) / norm else: raise ValueError('weighted_softmax is only supported for dimensions 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4.') return ret
[docs]class WeightedSoftmax(nn.Module): r"""Applies the WeightedSoftmax function to an n-dimensional input Tensor rescaling them so that the elements of the n-dimensional output Tensor lie in the range (0,1) and sum to 1 WeightedSoftmax is defined as :math:`f_i(x) = \frac{w_i\exp(x_i)}{\sum_j w_j\exp(x_j)}` It is assumed that w_i>0 and that the weights sum up to one. The effect of this weighting is that for a zero input (x=0) the output for f_i(x) will be w_i. I.e., we can obtain a default output which is not 1/n. Shape: - Input: any shape - Output: same as input Returns: a Tensor of the same dimension and shape as the input with values in the range [0, 1] Arguments: dim (int): A dimension along which WeightedSoftmax will be computed (so every slice along dim will sum to 1). Examples:: >>> m = nn.WeightedSoftmax() >>> input = autograd.torch.randn(2, 3)) >>> print(input) >>> print(m(input)) """ def __init__(self, dim=None, weights=None): super(WeightedSoftmax, self).__init__() self.dim = dim self.weights = weights def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__.update(state) if not hasattr(self, 'dim'): self.dim = None if not hasattr(self, 'weights'): self.weights = None
[docs] def forward(self, input): return weighted_softmax(input, self.dim, self.weights, _stacklevel=5)
def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ + '()'
[docs]def stable_softmax(input, dim=None): r"""Applies a numerically stqable softmax function. stable_softmax is defined as: :math:`stable_softmax(x) = \frac{exp(x_i)}{\sum_j exp(x_j)}` It is applied to all slices along dim, and will rescale them so that the elements lie in the range `(0, 1)` and sum to 1. See :class:`~torch.nn.StableSoftmax` for more details. Arguments: input (Variable): input dim (int): A dimension along which stable_softmax will be computed. """ if dim is None: raise ValueError('dimension needs to be defined!') sz = input.size() ret = torch.zeros_like(input) # for numerical reasons we first compute the maximum inout along the dimension and then # subtract if from all the exponents (this assures that we do not get exp(100) and then a NaN # this is ok, because we can multiply the nominator and denominator with the same constant # and by doing this shift the exponentials max_in,_ = torch.max(input, dim=dim) if dim==0: norm = torch.zeros_like(input[0,...]) for c in range(sz[0]): norm += torch.exp(input[c,...]-max_in) for c in range(sz[0]): ret[c,...] = torch.exp(input[c,...]-max_in)/norm elif dim==1: norm = torch.zeros_like(input[:,0, ...]) for c in range(sz[1]): norm += torch.exp(input[:,c, ...]-max_in) for c in range(sz[1]): ret[:,c, ...] = torch.exp(input[:,c, ...]-max_in) / norm elif dim==2: norm = torch.zeros_like(input[:,:,0, ...]) for c in range(sz[2]): norm += torch.exp(input[:,:,c, ...]-max_in) for c in range(sz[2]): ret[:,:,c, ...] = torch.exp(input[:,:,c, ...]-max_in) / norm elif dim==3: norm = torch.zeros_like(input[:,:,:,0, ...]) for c in range(sz[3]): norm += torch.exp(input[:,:,:,c, ...]-max_in) for c in range(sz[3]): ret[:,:,:,c, ...] = torch.exp(input[:,:,:,c, ...]-max_in) / norm elif dim==4: norm = torch.zeros_like(input[:,:,:,:,0, ...]) for c in range(sz[4]): norm += torch.exp(input[:,:,:,:,c, ...]-max_in) for c in range(sz[4]): ret[:,:,:,:,c, ...] = torch.exp(input[:,:,:,:,c, ...]-max_in) / norm else: raise ValueError('weighted_softmax is only supported for dimensions 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4.') return ret
[docs]class StableSoftmax(nn.Module): r"""Applies the StableSoftmax function to an n-dimensional input Tensor rescaling them so that the elements of the n-dimensional output Tensor lie in the range (0,1) and sum to 1 StableSoftmax is defined as :math:`f_i(x) = \frac{exp(x_i)}{\sum_j exp(x_j)}` Shape: - Input: any shape - Output: same as input Returns: a Tensor of the same dimension and shape as the input with values in the range [0, 1] Arguments: dim (int): A dimension along which WeightedSoftmax will be computed (so every slice along dim will sum to 1). Examples:: >>> m = nn.StableSoftmax() >>> input = autograd.torch.randn(2, 3)) >>> print(input) >>> print(m(input)) """ def __init__(self, dim=None): super(StableSoftmax, self).__init__() self.dim = dim def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__.update(state) if not hasattr(self, 'dim'): self.dim = None
[docs] def forward(self, input): return stable_softmax(input, self.dim, _stacklevel=5)
def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ + '()'
[docs]def weighted_linear_softmax(input, dim=None, weights=None ): r"""Applies a softmax function. Weighted_linear_softmax is defined as: :math:`weighted_linear_softmax(x) = \frac{clamp(x_i+w_i,0,1)}{\sum_j clamp(x_j+w_j,0,1)}` It is applied to all slices along dim, and will rescale them so that the elements lie in the range `(0, 1)` and sum to 1. See :class:`~torch.nn.WeightedLinearSoftmax` for more details. Arguments: input (Variable): input dim (int): A dimension along which weighted_linear_softmax will be computed. """ if dim is None: raise ValueError('dimension needs to be defined!') sz = input.size() if weights is None: # just make them all one/nr_of_weights weights = [1./sz[dim]]*sz[dim] nr_of_weights = len(weights) assert( sz[dim]==nr_of_weights ) ret = torch.zeros_like(input) # todo: subtracting the input mean (so that the values perturb around the offset and leave the sum constant) # todo: seems highly beneficial for training, find a theoretical justification for this (-> tangent space) input_offset = input.sum(dim=dim) / sz[dim] if dim==0: norm = torch.zeros_like(input[0,...]) for c in range(sz[0]): norm += torch.clamp(weights[c]+input[c,...]-input_offset,min=0,max=1) for c in range(sz[0]): ret[c,...] = torch.clamp(weights[c]+input[c,...]-input_offset,min=0,max=1)/norm elif dim==1: norm = torch.zeros_like(input[:,0, ...]) for c in range(sz[1]): norm += torch.clamp(weights[c]+input[:,c, ...]-input_offset,min=0,max=1) for c in range(sz[1]): ret[:,c, ...] = torch.clamp(weights[c]+input[:,c, ...]-input_offset,min=0,max=1)/norm elif dim==2: norm = torch.zeros_like(input[:,:,0, ...]) for c in range(sz[2]): norm += torch.clamp(weights[c]+input[:,:,c, ...]-input_offset,min=0,max=1) for c in range(sz[2]): ret[:,:,c, ...] = torch.clamp(weights[c]+input[:,:,c, ...]-input_offset,min=0,max=1)/norm elif dim==3: norm = torch.zeros_like(input[:,:,:,0, ...]) for c in range(sz[3]): norm += torch.clamp(weights[c]+input[:,:,:,c, ...]-input_offset,min=0,max=1) for c in range(sz[3]): ret[:,:,:,c, ...] = torch.clamp(weights[c]+input[:,:,:,c, ...]-input_offset,min=0,max=1)/norm elif dim==4: norm = torch.zeros_like(input[:,:,:,:,0, ...]) for c in range(sz[4]): norm += torch.clamp(weights[c]+input[:,:,:,:,c, ...]-input_offset,min=0,max=1) for c in range(sz[4]): ret[:,:,:,:,c, ...] = torch.clamp(weights[c]+input[:,:,:,:,c, ...]-input_offset,min=0,max=1)/norm else: raise ValueError('weighted_softmax is only supported for dimensions 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4.') return ret
[docs]class WeightedLinearSoftmax(nn.Module): r"""Applies the a WeightedLinearSoftmax function to an n-dimensional input Tensor rescaling them so that the elements of the n-dimensional output Tensor lie in the range (0,1) and sum to 1 WeightedSoftmax is defined as :math:`f_i(x) = \frac{clamp(x_i+w_i,0,1)}{\sum_j clamp(x_j+w_j,0,1)}` It is assumed that 0<=w_i<=1 and that the weights sum up to one. The effect of this weighting is that for a zero input (x=0) the output for f_i(x) will be w_i. Shape: - Input: any shape - Output: same as input Returns: a Tensor of the same dimension and shape as the input with values in the range [0, 1] Arguments: dim (int): A dimension along which WeightedSoftmax will be computed (so every slice along dim will sum to 1). Examples:: >>> m = nn.WeightedLinearSoftmax() >>> input = torch.randn(2, 3) >>> print(input) >>> print(m(input)) """ def __init__(self, dim=None, weights=None): super(WeightedLinearSoftmax, self).__init__() self.dim = dim self.weights = weights def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__.update(state) if not hasattr(self, 'dim'): self.dim = None if not hasattr(self, 'weights'): self.weights = None
[docs] def forward(self, input): return weighted_linear_softmax(input, self.dim, self.weights, _stacklevel=5)
def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ + '()'
[docs]def weighted_linear_softnorm(input, dim=None, weights=None ): r"""Applies a weighted linear softnorm function. Weighted_linear_softnorm is defined as: :math:`weighted_linear_softnorm(x) = \frac{clamp(x_i+w_i,0,1)}{\sqrt{\sum_j clamp(x_j+w_j,0,1)**2}}` It is applied to all slices along dim, and will rescale them so that the elements lie in the range `(0, 1)` and sum to 1. See :class:`~torch.nn.WeightedLinearSoftnorm` for more details. Arguments: input (Variable): input dim (int): A dimension along which weighted_linear_softnorm will be computed. """ if dim is None: raise ValueError('dimension needs to be defined!') sz = input.size() if weights is None: # just make them all one/nr_of_weights weights = [1./sz[dim]]*sz[dim] nr_of_weights = len(weights) assert( sz[dim]==nr_of_weights ) ret = torch.zeros_like(input) # todo: subtracting the input mean (so that the values perturb around the offset and leave the sum constant) # todo: seems highly beneficial for training, find a theoretical justification for this (-> tangent space) # clamped_vals = torch.clamp(input, min=0, max=1) # norm = torch.norm(clamped_vals, p=2, dim=dim) # # # todo: subtracting the input mean (so that the values perturb around the offset and leave the sum constant) # # todo: seems highly beneficial for training, find a theoretical justification for this (-> tangent space) # # if dim == 0: # for c in range(sz[0]): # ret[c, ...] = clamped_vals[c, ...] / norm clamped_vals = torch.zeros_like(input) if dim==0: input_offset = input.sum(dim=0)/sz[0] for c in range(sz[0]): clamped_vals[c,...] = torch.clamp(weights[c]+input[c,...]-input_offset,min=0,max=1) norm = torch.norm(clamped_vals, p=2, dim=dim) for c in range(sz[0]): ret[c,...] = clamped_vals[c,...]/norm elif dim==1: input_offset = input.sum(dim=1)/sz[1] for c in range(sz[1]): clamped_vals[:,c,...] = torch.clamp(weights[c]+input[:,c, ...]-input_offset,min=0,max=1) norm = torch.norm(clamped_vals, p=2, dim=dim) for c in range(sz[1]): ret[:,c, ...] = clamped_vals[:,c,...]/norm elif dim==2: input_offset = input.sum(dim=2)/sz[2] for c in range(sz[2]): clamped_vals[:,:,c,...] = torch.clamp(weights[c]+input[:,:,c, ...]-input_offset,min=0,max=1) norm = torch.norm(clamped_vals, p=2, dim=dim) for c in range(sz[2]): ret[:,:,c, ...] = clamped_vals[:,:,c, ...]/norm elif dim==3: input_offset = input.sum(dim=3)/sz[3] for c in range(sz[3]): clamped_vals[:,:,:,c,...] = torch.clamp(weights[c]+input[:,:,:,c, ...]-input_offset,min=0,max=1) norm = torch.norm(clamped_vals, p=2, dim=dim) for c in range(sz[3]): ret[:,:,:,c, ...] = clamped_vals[:,:,:,c, ...]/norm elif dim==4: input_offset = input.sum(dim=4)/sz[4] for c in range(sz[4]): clamped_vals[:,:,:,:,c,...] = torch.clamp(weights[c]+input[:,:,:,:,c, ...]-input_offset,min=0,max=1) norm = torch.norm(clamped_vals, p=2, dim=dim) for c in range(sz[4]): ret[:,:,:,:,c, ...] = clamped_vals[:,:,:,:,c, ...]/norm else: raise ValueError('weighted_softmax is only supported for dimensions 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4.') return ret
[docs]class WeightedLinearSoftnorm(nn.Module): r"""Applies the a WeightedLinearSoftnorm function to an n-dimensional input Tensor rescaling them so that the elements of the n-dimensional output Tensor lie in the range (0,1) and the square sum to 1 WeightedLinearSoftnorm is defined as :math:`f_i(x) = \frac{clamp(x_i+w_i,0,1)}{\sqrt{\sum_j clamp(x_j+w_j,0,1)**2}}` It is assumed that 0<=w_i<=1 and that the weights sum up to one. The effect of this weighting is that for a zero input (x=0) the output for f_i(x) will be w_i. Shape: - Input: any shape - Output: same as input Returns: a Tensor of the same dimension and shape as the input with values in the range [0, 1] Arguments: dim (int): A dimension along which WeightedSoftmax will be computed (so every slice along dim will sum to 1). Examples:: >>> m = nn.WeightedLinearSoftnorm() >>> input = torch.randn(2, 3) >>> print(input) >>> print(m(input)) """ def __init__(self, dim=None, weights=None): super(WeightedLinearSoftnorm, self).__init__() self.dim = dim self.weights = weights def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__.update(state) if not hasattr(self, 'dim'): self.dim = None if not hasattr(self, 'weights'): self.weights = None
[docs] def forward(self, input): return weighted_linear_softnorm(input, self.dim, self.weights, _stacklevel=5)
def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ + '()'
[docs]def linear_softnorm(input, dim=None): r"""Normalizes so that the squares of the resulting values sum up to one and are positive. linear_softnorm is defined as: :math:`linear_softnorm(x) = \frac{clamp(x_i,0,1)}{\sqrt{\sum_j clamp(x_j,0,1)^2}}` It is applied to all slices along dim, and will rescale them so that the elements lie in the range `(0, 1)` and their squares sum to 1. See :class:`~torch.nn.LinearSoftnorm` for more details. Arguments: input (Variable): input dim (int): A dimension along which linear_softnorm will be computed. """ if dim is None: raise ValueError('dimension needs to be defined!') sz = input.size() ret = torch.zeros_like(input) clamped_vals = torch.clamp(input, min=0, max=1) norm = torch.norm(clamped_vals,p=2,dim=dim) # todo: subtracting the input mean (so that the values perturb around the offset and leave the sum constant) # todo: seems highly beneficial for training, find a theoretical justification for this (-> tangent space) if dim==0: for c in range(sz[0]): ret[c,...] = clamped_vals[c,...]/norm elif dim==1: for c in range(sz[1]): ret[:,c, ...] = clamped_vals[:,c,...]/norm elif dim==2: for c in range(sz[2]): ret[:,:,c, ...] = clamped_vals[:,:,c,...]/norm elif dim==3: for c in range(sz[3]): ret[:,:,:,c, ...] = clamped_vals[:,:,:,c,...]/norm elif dim==4: for c in range(sz[4]): ret[:,:,:,:,c, ...] = clamped_vals[:,:,:,:,c,...]/norm else: raise ValueError('linear_softnorm is only supported for dimensions 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4.') return ret
[docs]class LinearSoftnorm(nn.Module): r"""Applies the a LinearSoftnrom function to an n-dimensional input Tensor rescaling them so that the elements of the n-dimensional output Tensor lie in the range (0,1) and their square sums up to 1 LinearSoftnorm is defined as :math:`f_i(x) = \frac{clamp(x_i,0,1)}{\sqrt{\sum_j clamp(x_j,0,1)**2}}` Shape: - Input: any shape - Output: same as input Returns: a Tensor of the same dimension and shape as the input with values in the range [0, 1] Arguments: dim (int): A dimension along which WeightedSoftmax will be computed (so every slice along dim will sum to 1). Examples:: >>> m = nn.LinearSoftnorm() >>> input = torch.randn(2, 3) >>> print(input) >>> print(m(input)) """ def __init__(self, dim=None): super(LinearSoftnorm, self).__init__() self.dim = dim def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__.update(state) if not hasattr(self, 'dim'): self.dim = None
[docs] def forward(self, input): return linear_softnorm(input, self.dim, _stacklevel=5)
def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ + '()'
[docs]def linear_softmax(input, dim=None): r"""Applies linear a softmax function. linear_softmax is defined as: :math:`linear_softmax(x) = \frac{clamp(x_i,0,1)}{\sum_j clamp(x_j,0,1)}` It is applied to all slices along dim, and will rescale them so that the elements lie in the range `(0, 1)` and sum to 1. See :class:`~torch.nn.LinearSoftmax` for more details. Arguments: input (Variable): input dim (int): A dimension along which linear_softmax will be computed. """ if dim is None: raise ValueError('dimension needs to be defined!') sz = input.size() ret = torch.zeros_like(input) if dim==0: norm = torch.zeros_like(input[0,...]) for c in range(sz[0]): norm += torch.clamp(input[c,...],min=0,max=1) for c in range(sz[0]): ret[c,...] = torch.clamp(input[c,...],min=0,max=1)/norm elif dim==1: norm = torch.zeros_like(input[:,0, ...]) for c in range(sz[1]): norm += torch.clamp(input[:,c, ...],min=0,max=1) for c in range(sz[1]): ret[:,c, ...] = torch.clamp(input[:,c, ...],min=0,max=1)/norm elif dim==2: norm = torch.zeros_like(input[:,:,0, ...]) for c in range(sz[2]): norm += torch.clamp(input[:,:,c, ...],min=0,max=1) for c in range(sz[2]): ret[:,:,c, ...] = torch.clamp(input[:,:,c, ...],min=0,max=1)/norm elif dim==3: norm = torch.zeros_like(input[:,:,:,0, ...]) for c in range(sz[3]): norm += torch.clamp(input[:,:,:,c, ...],min=0,max=1) for c in range(sz[3]): ret[:,:,:,c, ...] = torch.clamp(input[:,:,:,c, ...],min=0,max=1)/norm elif dim==4: norm = torch.zeros_like(input[:,:,:,:,0, ...]) for c in range(sz[4]): norm += torch.clamp(input[:,:,:,:,c, ...],min=0,max=1) for c in range(sz[4]): ret[:,:,:,:,c, ...] = torch.clamp(input[:,:,:,:,c, ...],min=0,max=1)/norm else: raise ValueError('linear_softmax is only supported for dimensions 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4.') return ret
[docs]class LinearSoftmax(nn.Module): r"""Applies the a LinearSoftmax function to an n-dimensional input Tensor rescaling them so that the elements of the n-dimensional output Tensor lie in the range (0,1) and sum to 1 WeightedSoftmax is defined as :math:`f_i(x) = \frac{clamp(x_i,0,1)}{\sum_j clamp(x_j,0,1)}` Shape: - Input: any shape - Output: same as input Returns: a Tensor of the same dimension and shape as the input with values in the range [0, 1] Arguments: dim (int): A dimension along which WeightedSoftmax will be computed (so every slice along dim will sum to 1). Examples:: >>> m = nn.LinearSoftmax() >>> input = torch.randn(2, 3) >>> print(input) >>> print(m(input)) """ def __init__(self, dim=None): super(LinearSoftmax, self).__init__() self.dim = dim def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__.update(state) if not hasattr(self, 'dim'): self.dim = None
[docs] def forward(self, input): return linear_softmax(input, self.dim, _stacklevel=5)
def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ + '()'
[docs]def weighted_sqrt_softmax(input, dim=None, weights=None ): r"""Applies a weighted square-root softmax function. Weighted_sqrt_softmax is defined as: :math:`weighted_sqrt_softmax(x) = \frac{\sqrt{w_i} exp(x_i)}{\sqrt{\sum_j w_j (exp(x_j))^2}}` It is applied to all slices along dim, and will rescale them so that the elements lie in the range `(0, 1)` and sum to 1. See :class:`~torch.nn.WeightedSoftmax` for more details. Arguments: input (Variable): input dim (int): A dimension along which weighted_softmax will be computed. """ if dim is None: raise ValueError('dimension needs to be defined!') sz = input.size() if weights is None: # just make them all one; this is the default softmax weights = [1.]*sz[dim] nr_of_weights = len(weights) assert( sz[dim]==nr_of_weights ) ret = torch.zeros_like(input) # for numerical reasons we first compute the maximum inout along the dimension and then # subtract if from all the exponents (this assures that we do not get exp(100) and then a NaN # this is ok, because we can multiply the nominator and denominator with the same constant # and by doing this shift the exponentials max_in, _ = torch.max(input, dim=dim) if dim==0: norm_sqr = torch.zeros_like(input[0,...]) for c in range(sz[0]): norm_sqr += weights[c]*(torch.exp(input[c,...]-max_in))**2 norm = torch.sqrt(norm_sqr) for c in range(sz[0]): ret[c,...] = torch.sqrt(weights[c])*torch.exp(input[c,...]-max_in)/norm elif dim==1: norm_sqr = torch.zeros_like(input[:,0, ...]) for c in range(sz[1]): norm_sqr += weights[c] * (torch.exp(input[:,c, ...]-max_in))**2 norm = torch.sqrt(norm_sqr) for c in range(sz[1]): ret[:,c, ...] = torch.sqrt(weights[c]) * torch.exp(input[:,c, ...]-max_in) / norm elif dim==2: norm_sqr = torch.zeros_like(input[:,:,0, ...]) for c in range(sz[2]): norm_sqr += weights[c] * (torch.exp(input[:,:,c, ...]-max_in))**2 norm = torch.sqrt(norm_sqr) for c in range(sz[2]): ret[:,:,c, ...] = torch.sqrt(weights[c]) * torch.exp(input[:,:,c, ...]-max_in) / norm elif dim==3: norm_sqr = torch.zeros_like(input[:,:,:,0, ...]) for c in range(sz[3]): norm_sqr += weights[c] * (torch.exp(input[:,:,:,c, ...]-max_in))**2 norm = torch.sqrt(norm_sqr) for c in range(sz[3]): ret[:,:,:,c, ...] = torch.sqrt(weights[c]) * torch.exp(input[:,:,:,c, ...]-max_in) / norm elif dim==4: norm_sqr = torch.zeros_like(input[:,:,:,:,0, ...]) for c in range(sz[4]): norm_sqr += weights[c] * (torch.exp(input[:,:,:,:,c, ...]-max_in))**2 norm = torch.sqrt(norm_sqr) for c in range(sz[4]): ret[:,:,:,:,c, ...] = torch.sqrt(weights[c]) * torch.exp(input[:,:,:,:,c, ...]-max_in) / norm else: raise ValueError('weighted_softmax is only supported for dimensions 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4.') return ret
[docs]class WeightedSqrtSoftmax(nn.Module): r"""Applies the WeightedSqrtSoftmax function to an n-dimensional input Tensor rescaling them so that the elements of the n-dimensional output Tensor lie in the range (0,1) and their squares sum to 1 WeightedSoftmax is defined as :math:`f_i(x) = \frac{\sqrt{w_i}\exp(x_i)}{\sqrt{\sum_j w_j\exp(x_j)^2}}` It is assumed that w_i>=0 and that the weights sum up to one. The effect of this weighting is that for a zero input (x=0) the output for f_i(x) will be \sqrt{w_i}. I.e., we can obtain a default output which is not 1/n and if we sqaure the outputs we are back to the original weights for zero (input). This is useful behavior to implement, for example, local kernel weightings while avoiding square roots of weights that may be close to zero (and hence potential numerical issues with the gradient). The assumption is, of course, here that the weights are fixed and are not being optimized over, otherwise there would still be numerical issues. TODO: check that this is indeed working as planned. Shape: - Input: any shape - Output: same as input Returns: a Tensor of the same dimension and shape as the input with positive values such that their squares sum up to one. Arguments: dim (int): A dimension along which WeightedSqrtSoftmax will be computed (so every slice along dim will sum to 1). Examples:: >>> m = nn.WeightedSqrtSoftmax() >>> input = autograd.torch.randn(2, 3)) >>> print(input) >>> print(m(input)) """ def __init__(self, dim=None, weights=None): super(WeightedSqrtSoftmax, self).__init__() self.dim = dim self.weights = weights def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__.update(state) if not hasattr(self, 'dim'): self.dim = None if not hasattr(self, 'weights'): self.weights = None
[docs] def forward(self, input): return weighted_sqrt_softmax(input, self.dim, self.weights, _stacklevel=5)
def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ + '()'
[docs]def compute_weighted_multi_smooth_v(momentum, weights, gaussian_stds, gaussian_fourier_filter_generator): # computes the weighted smoothed velocity field i.e., K_i*( w_i m ) for all i in one data structure # dimension will be batch x K x dim x X x Y x ... sz_m = momentum.size() #sz_mv = [len(gaussian_stds)] + list(sz_m) sz_mv = [sz_m[0]]+ [len(gaussian_stds)] + list(sz_m[1:]) dim = sz_m[1] weighted_multi_smooth_v = AdaptVal(MyTensor(*sz_mv)) # and fill it with weighted smoothed velocity fields for i,g in enumerate(gaussian_stds): weighted_momentum_i = weights[:,i:i+1,...]*momentum current_g = MyTensor([g]) current_weighted_smoothed_v_i = ce.fourier_set_of_gaussian_convolutions(weighted_momentum_i, gaussian_fourier_filter_generator,current_g, compute_std_gradients=False) weighted_multi_smooth_v[:,i,...] = current_weighted_smoothed_v_i[0,...] return weighted_multi_smooth_v
def _project_weights_to_min_sum_one(weights,min_val,dim=1): sz = weights.size() nr_of_weights = sz[dim] if not dim in [0,1]: raise ValueError('Only dimensions 0 or 1 are currently supported') # this assures that the minimum value will indeed be min_val eff_min_val = min_val/(1.-nr_of_weights*min_val) max_weights = torch.clamp(weights,min=eff_min_val) max_weight_sum = torch.sum(max_weights, dim=dim) projected_weights = torch.zeros_like(max_weights) if dim==0: for n in range(nr_of_weights): projected_weights[n,...] = max_weights[n,...]/max_weight_sum elif dim==1: for n in range(nr_of_weights): projected_weights[:,n,...] = max_weights[:,n,...]/max_weight_sum else: raise ValueError('Only dimensions 0 or 1 are currently supported') return projected_weights def _project_weights_to_min_sum_of_squares_one(weights,min_val,dim=1): sz = weights.size() nr_of_weights = sz[dim] if not dim in [0,1]: raise ValueError('Only dimensions 0 or 1 are currently supported') # this assures that the minimum value will indeed be min_val eff_min_val = float(min_val / np.sqrt(1. - nr_of_weights * min_val**2)) max_weights = torch.clamp(weights, min=eff_min_val) max_weight_norm = torch.sqrt(torch.sum(max_weights**2, dim=dim)) projected_weights = torch.zeros_like(max_weights) if dim==0: for n in range(nr_of_weights): projected_weights[n, ...] = max_weights[n, ...] / max_weight_norm elif dim==1: for n in range(nr_of_weights): projected_weights[:, n, ...] = max_weights[:, n, ...] / max_weight_norm else: raise ValueError('Only dimensions 0 or 1 are currently supported') return projected_weights def _project_weights_to_min(weights,min_val,norm_type='sum',dim=1): if norm_type=='sum': return _project_weights_to_min_sum_one(weights=weights,min_val=min_val,dim=dim) elif norm_type=='sum_of_squares': return _project_weights_to_min_sum_of_squares_one(weights=weights,min_val=min_val,dim=dim) else: raise ValueError('Unknown projection type') # clamped_weights = torch.clamp(weights, min_val, 1.0 - min_val) # clamped_weight_sum = torch.sum(clamped_weights, dim=1) # sz = clamped_weights.size() # nr_of_weights = sz[1] # projected_weights = torch.zeros_like(clamped_weights) # for n in range(nr_of_weights): # projected_weights[:, n, ...] = clamped_weights[:, n, ...] / clamped_weight_sum # #plt.clf() #plt.subplot(1,2,1) #plt.imshow(weights[0,nr_of_weights-1,...].data.cpu().numpy()) #plt.colorbar() #plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) #plt.imshow(projected_weights[0, nr_of_weights - 1, ...].data.cpu().numpy()) #plt.colorbar()
[docs]class DeepSmoothingModel(with_metaclass(ABCMeta,nn.Module)): """ Base class for mini neural network which takes as an input a set of smoothed velocity field as well as input images and predicts weights for a multi-Gaussian smoothing from this Enforces the same weighting for all the dimensions of the vector field to be smoothed """ def __init__(self, nr_of_gaussians, gaussian_stds, dim, spacing, im_sz, nr_of_image_channels=1, omt_power=1.0,params=None): super(DeepSmoothingModel, self).__init__() self.nr_of_image_channels = nr_of_image_channels if nr_of_image_channels!=1: #raise ValueError('Currently only implemented for images with 1 channel') print("warnining, the current image is not included in the input of the deep smoother") self.dim = dim self.im_sz = im_sz assert(len(self.im_sz)==self.dim) #self.omt_power = omt_power self.pnorm = 2 self.print_count = 0. self.print_every_n_iter =10 self.epoch = None self.spacing = spacing self.fdt = fd.FD_torch(self.spacing) self.volumeElement = # check that the largest standard deviation is the largest one if gaussian_stds.max() > gaussian_stds[-1]: raise ValueError('The last standard deviation needs to be the largest') self.use_weighted_linear_softmax = params[('use_weighted_linear_softmax', True, 'If set to ture use the use_weighted_linear_softmax to compute the pre-weights, otherwise use stable softmax')] #25 if self.use_weighted_linear_softmax: print(" the weighted_linear_softmax is used") else: print(" the stable softmax is used") cparams = params[('deep_smoother', {})] self.params = cparams self.weighting_type = self.params[ ('weighting_type', 'sqrt_w_K_sqrt_w', 'Type of weighting: w_K|w_K_w|sqrt_w_K_sqrt_w')] admissible_weighting_types = ['w_K', 'w_K_w', 'sqrt_w_K_sqrt_w'] if self.weighting_type not in admissible_weighting_types: raise ValueError('Unknown weighting_type: needs to be w_K|w_K_w|sqrt_w_K_sqrt_w') self.gaussianWeight_min = params[('gaussian_weight_min', 0.001, 'minimal weight allowed for the Gaussians')] """minimal allowed weight during optimization""" self.clamp_local_weight =params[('clamp_local_weight', True, 'clmap the preweight predicted by the network')] self.local_pre_weight_max =params[('local_pre_weight_max', 1.5, 'max weight allowed for the preweight')] """max allowed initial preweight""" self.loss = AdaptiveWeightLoss(nr_of_gaussians, gaussian_stds, dim, spacing, im_sz, omt_power=omt_power,params=params) # self.omt_weight_penalty = params[('omt_weight_penalty', 25, 'Penalty for the optimal mass transport')] #25 # self.omt_use_log_transformed_std = params[('omt_use_log_transformed_std', True, # 'If set to true the standard deviations are log transformed for the computation of OMT')] # """if set to true the standard deviations are log transformed for the OMT computation""" # # self.omt_power = params[('omt_power', 1.0, 'Power for the optimal mass transport (i.e., to which power distances are penalized')] # """optimal mass transport power""" # # # self.preweight_input_range_weight_penalty = params[('preweight_input_range_weight_penalty', 1.0, # 'Penalty for the input to the preweight computation; weights should be between 0 and 1. If they are not they get quadratically penalized; use this with weighted_linear_softmax only.')] # # # # self.diffusion_weight_penalty = self.params[('diffusion_weight_penalty', 0.0, 'Penalized the squared gradient of the weights')] # self.total_variation_weight_penalty = self.params[('total_variation_weight_penalty', 0.1, 'Penalize the total variation of the weights if desired')] # self.weight_range_init_weight_penalty = self.params[('weight_range_init_weight_penalty', 0., 'Penalize to the range of the weights')] # self.weight_range_epoch_factor = self.params[('weight_range_factor', 6, 'the factor control the change of the penality ')] self.standardize_input_images = self.params[('standardize_input_images',True,'if true, subtracts the value specified by standardize_subtract_from_input_images followed by division by standardize_divide_input_images from all input images to the network')] """if true then we subtract standardize_subtract_from_input_images from all network input images""" self.standardize_subtract_from_input_images = self.params[('standardize_subtract_from_input_images',0.5,'Subtracts this value from all images input into a network')] """Subtracts this value from all images input into a network""" self.standardize_divide_input_images = self.params[('standardize_divide_input_images',1.0,'Value to divide the input images by *AFTER* subtraction')] """Value to divide the input images by *AFTER* subtraction""" self.standardize_input_momentum = self.params[('standardize_input_momentum', True, 'if true, subtracts the value specified by standardize_subtract_from_input_momentum followed by division by standardize_divide_input_momentum from the input momentum to the network')] """if true then we subtract standardize_subtract_from_input_momentum from the network input momentum""" self.standardize_subtract_from_input_momentum = self.params[('standardize_subtract_from_input_momentum', 0.0, 'Subtracts this value from the input momentum into a network')] """Subtracts this value from the momentum input to a network""" self.standardize_divide_input_momentum = self.params[('standardize_divide_input_momentum', 0.1, 'Value to divide the input momentum by *AFTER* subtraction')] """Value to divide the input momentum by *AFTER* subtraction""" self.standardize_display_standardization = self.params[('standardize_display_standardization',True,'Outputs statistical values before and after standardization')] """Outputs statistical values before and after standardization""" self.nr_of_gaussians = nr_of_gaussians self.gaussian_stds = gaussian_stds self.computed_weights = None """stores the computed weights if desired""" self.computed_pre_weights = None """stores the computed pre weights if desired""" self.current_penalty = AdaptVal(MyTensor([0])) """to stores the current penalty (for example OMT) after running through the model""" self.deep_network_local_weight_smoothing = self.params[('deep_network_local_weight_smoothing', 0.02, '0.02 prefered,How much to smooth the local weights (implemented by smoothing the resulting velocity field) to assure sufficient regularity')] """Smoothing of the local weight fields to assure sufficient regularity of the resulting velocity""" self.deep_network_weight_smoother = None """The smoother that does the smoothing of the weights; needs to be initialized in the forward model""" # """These are parameters for the edge detector; put them here so that they are generated in the json file""" # """This allows propagating the parameter between stages""" # """There are not used for anything directly here""" # self.params[('edge_penalty_gamma', 10.0, 'Constant for edge penalty: 1.0/(1.0+gamma*||\\nabla I||*min(spacing)')] # self.params[('edge_penalty_write_to_file', False,'If set to True the edge penalty is written into a file so it can be debugged')] # self.params[('edge_penalty_filename', 'DEBUG_edge_penalty.nrrd', 'Edge penalty image')] # self.params[('edge_penalty_terminate_after_writing', False, # 'Terminates the program after the edge file has been written; otherwise file may be constantly overwritten')] self.use_momentum_as_input = self.params[('use_momentum_as_input', False, 'If true, uses the image and the momentum as input')] if not self.use_momentum_as_input: self.standardize_divide_input_images = 2 self.estimate_around_global_weights = self.params[('estimate_around_global_weights', True,'If true, a weighted softmax is used so the default output (for input zero) are the global weights')] self.use_current_image_as_input = self.params[('use_current_image_as_input', True, 'If true, uses current image as input')] self.use_source_image_as_input = self.params[('use_source_image_as_input', False, 'If true, uses the source image as additional input')] self.use_target_image_as_input = self.params[('use_target_image_as_input', False, 'If true, uses the target image as additional input')] self.network_penalty = self.params[('network_penalty', 1e-5, 'factor by which the L2 norm of network weights is penalized')] """penalty factor for L2 norm of network weights""" # loss functions # self.tv_loss = dn.TotalVariationLoss(dim=dim, im_sz=im_sz, spacing=spacing, # use_omt_weighting=False, # gaussian_stds=self.gaussian_stds, # omt_power=self.omt_power, # omt_use_log_transformed_std=self.omt_use_log_transformed_std, # params=self.params).to(device) # # self.omt_loss = dn.OMTLoss(spacing=spacing, desired_power=self.omt_power, # use_log_transform=self.omt_use_log_transformed_std, params=params).to(device) # # # self.preweight_input_range_loss = dn.WeightInputRangeLoss() # self.weight_range_loss = dn.WeightRangeLoss(self.dim, self.gaussian_stds, self.weight_range_epoch_factor) self.compute_the_penalty = True self.accumulate_the_penalty = False self.weights = None self.preweights =None
[docs] def get_weighting_type(self): return self.weighting_type
[docs] def set_cur_epoch(self,epoch): self.epoch = epoch
[docs] def get_number_of_input_channels(self, nr_of_image_channels, dim): """ legacy; to support velocity fields as input channels currently only returns the number of image channels, but if something else would be used as the network input, would need to return the total number of inputs """ add_channels = 0 if self.use_current_image_as_input: add_channels+=1 if self.use_momentum_as_input: add_channels += dim if self.use_source_image_as_input: add_channels += 1 if self.use_target_image_as_input: add_channels += 1 return self.nr_of_image_channels + add_channels
def _display_stats_before_after(self, Ib, Ia, iname): Ib_min = Ib.min().detach().cpu().numpy() Ib_max = Ib.max().detach().cpu().numpy() Ib_mean = Ib.mean().detach().cpu().numpy() Ib_std = Ib.std().detach().cpu().numpy() Ia_min = Ia.min().detach().cpu().numpy() Ia_max = Ia.max().detach().cpu().numpy() Ia_mean = Ia.mean().detach().cpu().numpy() Ia_std = Ia.std().detach().cpu().numpy() print(' {}: before: [{:.2f},{:.2f},{:.2f}]({:.2f}); after: [{:.2f},{:.2f},{:.2f}]({:.2f})'.format(iname, Ib_min,Ib_mean,Ib_max,Ib_std,Ia_min,Ia_mean,Ia_max,Ia_std)) def _standardize_input_if_necessary(self, I, momentum=None, I0=None, I1=None,verbose=False): # only I is definitely expected to exist, the others can be None if desired sI = None sM = None sI0 = None sI1 = None # first standardize the input images if self.standardize_input_images: if not np.isclose(self.standardize_divide_input_images,1.0): sI = (I - self.standardize_subtract_from_input_images)/self.standardize_divide_input_images if self.use_source_image_as_input: sI0 = (I0 - self.standardize_subtract_from_input_images)/self.standardize_divide_input_images if self.use_target_image_as_input: sI1 = (I1 - self.standardize_subtract_from_input_images)/self.standardize_divide_input_images else: sI = I - self.standardize_subtract_from_input_images if self.use_source_image_as_input: sI0 = I0 - self.standardize_subtract_from_input_images if self.use_target_image_as_input: sI1 = I1 - self.standardize_subtract_from_input_images if self.standardize_display_standardization and verbose: self._display_stats_before_after(I,sI,'I') if self.use_source_image_as_input: self._display_stats_before_after(I0, sI0, 'I0') if self.use_target_image_as_input: self._display_stats_before_after(I1, sI1, 'I1') else: # if we do not standardize the input images, just do the I/O mapping sI = I if self.use_source_image_as_input: sI0 = I0 if self.use_target_image_as_input: sI1 = I1 # now standardize the input momentum if self.use_momentum_as_input: if self.standardize_input_momentum: if not np.isclose(self.standardize_divide_input_momentum, 1.0): sM = (momentum - self.standardize_subtract_from_input_momentum)/self.standardize_divide_input_momentum else: sM = momentum - self.standardize_subtract_from_input_momentum if self.standardize_display_standardization and verbose: self._display_stats_before_after(momentum,sM,'m') else: sM = momentum return sI, sM, sI0, sI1
[docs] def get_omt_weight_penalty(self): return self.loss.omt_weight_penalty
[docs] def get_omt_power(self): return self.loss.omt_power
def _initialize_weights(self): print('WARNING: weight initialization DISABLED; using pyTorch default network initialization, which is probably not a good idea.') print('WARNING: if you are seeing this message, you probably should have implemented your own weight initialization.') # self.weight_initalization_constant = self.params[('weight_initialization_constant', 0.01, 'Weights are initialized via normal_(0, math.sqrt(weight_initialization_constant / n))')] # print('WARNING: weight initialization ENABLED') # # for m in self.modules(): # if isinstance(m, DimConv(self.dim)): # n = m.out_channels # for d in range(self.dim): # n *= m.kernel_size[d] #, math.sqrt(self.weight_initalization_constant / n)) # elif isinstance(m, DimBatchNorm(self.dim)): # pass # elif isinstance(m, nn.Linear): # pass
[docs] def get_number_of_image_channels_from_state_dict(self, state_dict, dim): """legacy; to support velocity fields as input channels""" return self.nr_of_image_channels
# def get_number_of_input_channels(self, nr_of_image_channels, dim): # """ # legacy; to support velocity fields as input channels # currently only returns the number of image channels, but if something else would be used as # the network input, would need to return the total number of inputs # """ # return self.nr_of_image_channels
[docs] def get_computed_weights(self): return self.computed_weights
[docs] def get_computed_pre_weights(self): return self.computed_pre_weights
[docs] def compute_diffusion(self, d): # just do the standard component-wise Euclidean squared norm of the gradient if self.dim == 1: return self._compute_diffusion_1d(d) elif self.dim == 2: return self._compute_diffusion_2d(d) elif self.dim == 3: return self._compute_diffusion_3d(d) else: raise ValueError('Diffusion computation is currently only supported in dimensions 1 to 3')
def _compute_diffusion_1d(self, d): # need to use torch.abs here to make sure the proper subgradient is computed at zero t0 = (self.fdt.dXc(d))**2 return (t0).sum() * self.volumeElement def _compute_diffusion_2d(self, d): # need to use torch.norm here to make sure the proper subgradient is computed at zero t0 = self.fdt.dXc(d)**2+self.fdt.dYc(d)**2 return t0.sum() * self.volumeElement def _compute_diffusion_3d(self, d): # need to use torch.norm here to make sure the proper subgradient is computed at zero t0 = self.fdt.dXc(d)**2 + self.fdt.dYc(d)**2 + self.fdt.dZc(d)**2 return t0.sum() * self.volumeElement
[docs] def spatially_average(self, x): """ does spatial averaging of a 2D image with potentially multiple batches: format B x X x Y :param x: :return: """ # first set the boundary to zero (first dimension is batch and this only works for 2D for now) y = torch.zeros_like(x) # now do local averaging in the interior using the four neighborhood y[:, 1:-1, 1:-1] = 0.5 * x[:, 1:-1, 1:-1] + 0.125 * ( x[:, 0:-2, 1:-1] + x[:, 2:, 1:-1] + x[:, 1:-1, 0:-2] + x[:, 1:-1, 2:]) # do the corners y[:, 0, 0] = 8. / 6. * (0.5 * x[:, 0, 0] + 0.125 * (x[:, 1, 0] + x[:, 0, 1])) y[:, 0, -1] = 8. / 6. * (0.5 * x[:, 0, -1] + 0.125 * (x[:, 1, -1] + x[:, 0, -2])) y[:, -1, 0] = 8. / 6. * (0.5 * x[:, -1, 0] + 0.125 * (x[:, -2, 0] + x[:, -1, 1])) y[:, -1, -1] = 8. / 6. * (0.5 * x[:, -1, -1] + 0.125 * (x[:, -2, -1] + x[:, -1, -2])) # and lastly the edges y[:, 1:-1, 0] = 8. / 7. * (0.5 * x[:, 1:-1, 0] + 0.125 * (x[:, 1:-1, 1] + x[:, 0:-2, 0] + x[:, 2:, 0])) y[:, 0, 1:-1] = 8. / 7. * (0.5 * x[:, 0, 1:-1] + 0.125 * (x[:, 1, 1:-1] + x[:, 0, 0:-2] + x[:, 0, 2:])) y[:, 1:-1, -1] = 8. / 7. * (0.5 * x[:, 1:-1, -1] + 0.125 * (x[:, 1:-1, -2] + x[:, 0:-2, -1] + x[:, 2:, -1])) y[:, -1, 1:-1] = 8. / 7. * (0.5 * x[:, -1, 1:-1] + 0.125 * (x[:, -2, 1:-1] + x[:, -1, 0:-2] + x[:, -1, 2:])) return y
[docs] def get_current_penalty(self): """ returns the current penalty for the weights (OMT penalty here) :return: """ return self.current_penalty
@abstractmethod def _compute_pre_weights(self,x,iter=0): """ Method which generates the output of a neural network (before it gets mapped to the pre-weights :param x: input to the network :param iter: iteration or epoch (for batch-based optimization) :return: output of the network """ pass
[docs] def get_weights(self): return self.weights
[docs] def get_pre_weights(self): return self.preweights
[docs] @abstractmethod def compute_l2_parameter_weight_penalty(self): """ Computes the l2 penalty over all the parameters :return: n/a """ pass
def _compute_weights_from_pre_weights(self, pre_weights): # instantiate the extra smoother if weight is larger than 0 and it has not been initialized yet if self.deep_network_local_weight_smoothing > 0 and self.deep_network_weight_smoother is None: import mermaid.smoother_factory as sf s_m_params = pars.ParameterDict() s_m_params['smoother']['type'] = 'gaussian' s_m_params['smoother']['gaussian_std'] = self.deep_network_local_weight_smoothing self.deep_network_weight_smoother = sf.SmootherFactory(pre_weights.size()[2::], self.spacing).create_smoother( s_m_params) if self.deep_network_local_weight_smoothing > 0: # now we smooth all the weights weights = self.deep_network_weight_smoother.smooth(pre_weights) # make sure they are all still positive (#todo: may not be necessary, since we set a minumum weight above now; but risky as we take the square root below) # todo: put this back in? #weights = torch.clamp(weights, 0.0, 1.0) else: weights = pre_weights return weights def _compute_weights_and_preweights(self, I, additional_inputs, global_multi_gaussian_weights, iter=0): # get the size of the input momentum batch x channels x X x Y momentum = additional_inputs['m'] sI, sM, sI0, sI1 = self._standardize_input_if_necessary(I, momentum, additional_inputs['I0'], additional_inputs['I1']) # network input x= None if self.use_current_image_as_input: x = sI #print(x.shape, sM.shape, additional_inputs['I0'].shape,additional_inputs['I1'].shape) if self.use_momentum_as_input: x =[x, sM], dim=1) if x is not None else sM if self.use_source_image_as_input: x =[x, sI0], dim=1) if x is not None else sI0 if self.use_target_image_as_input: x =[x, sI1], dim=1) if x is not None else sI1 #print(torch.sum((sI-sI0))**2) pre_weights, pre_weight_input = self._compute_pre_weights(x, I, global_multi_gaussian_weights, iter=iter) weights = self._compute_weights_from_pre_weights(pre_weights=pre_weights) weights_sum = weights.sum(1) # print("debugging, the min,max of the preweights and weights is {},{},{},{}, also the weight channel sum{},{}{}".format(pre_weights.min().item(),pre_weights.max().item(), # weights.min().item(),weights.max().item(),weights_sum.min().item(),weights_sum.mean().item(),weights_sum.max().item())) return weights, pre_weights, pre_weight_input # def _compute_penalty_from_weights_preweights_and_input_to_preweights(self, I, weights, pre_weights, input_to_preweights, global_multi_gaussian_weights): # # # compute the total variation penalty; compute this on the pre (non-smoothed) weights # total_variation_penalty = MyTensor(1).zero_() # if self.total_variation_weight_penalty > 0: # # total_variation_penalty += self.compute_local_weighted_tv_norm(I=I,weights=pre_weights) # total_variation_penalty += self.tv_loss(input_images=I, label_probabilities=pre_weights, use_color_tv=True) # # diffusion_penalty = MyTensor(1).zero_() # if self.diffusion_weight_penalty > 0: # for g in range(self.nr_of_gaussians): # diffusion_penalty += self.compute_diffusion(pre_weights[:, g, ...]) # # current_diffusion_penalty = self.diffusion_weight_penalty * diffusion_penalty # omt_penalty = MyTensor(1).zero_() # omt_epoch_factor = 1. # if self.omt_weight_penalty>0: # if self.weighting_type == 'w_K_w': # omt_penalty = self.omt_loss(weights=weights ** 2, gaussian_stds=self.gaussian_stds) # else: # omt_penalty = self.omt_loss(weights=weights, gaussian_stds=self.gaussian_stds) # #omt_epoch_factor =self.omt_loss.cal_weights_for_omt(self.epoch) # preweight_input_range_penalty = MyTensor(1).zero_() # if self.preweight_input_range_weight_penalty>0: # if self.estimate_around_global_weights: # preweight_input_range_penalty = self.preweight_input_range_loss(input_to_preweights, # spacing=self.spacing, # use_weighted_linear_softmax=True, # weights=global_multi_gaussian_weights, # min_weight=self.gaussianWeight_min, # max_weight=1.0, # dim=1) # else: # preweight_input_range_penalty = self.preweight_input_range_loss(input_to_preweights, # spacing=self.spacing, # use_weighted_linear_softmax=False, # weights=None, # min_weight=self.gaussianWeight_min, # max_weight=1.0, # dim=None) # weight_range_penalty = MyTensor(1).zero_() # weight_range_epoch_factor =0. # if self.weight_range_init_weight_penalty>0: # weight_range_penalty = self.weight_range_loss(weights, self.spacing) # assert self.epoch>=0 # weight_range_epoch_factor = self.weight_range_loss.cal_weights_for_weightrange(self.epoch) # balance_factor = (1.-weight_range_epoch_factor) if self.weight_range_init_weight_penalty>0 else 1. # current_omt_penalty = self.omt_weight_penalty * omt_epoch_factor* omt_penalty*balance_factor # current_tv_penalty = self.total_variation_weight_penalty * total_variation_penalty # current_preweight_input_range_penalty = self.preweight_input_range_weight_penalty * preweight_input_range_penalty # current_range_weight_penalty = self.weight_range_init_weight_penalty*weight_range_epoch_factor *weight_range_penalty # current_penalty = current_omt_penalty + current_tv_penalty + current_diffusion_penalty + current_preweight_input_range_penalty +current_range_weight_penalty # # current_batch_size = I.size()[0] # # if self.print_count% self.print_every_n_iter==0: # print(' TV/TV_penalty = ' + str(total_variation_penalty.item()/current_batch_size) + '/' \ # + str(current_tv_penalty.item()/current_batch_size) + \ # '; OMT/OMT_penalty = ' + str(omt_penalty.item()/current_batch_size) + '/' \ # + str(current_omt_penalty.item()/current_batch_size) + \ # '; WR/WR_penalty = ' + str(weight_range_penalty.item()/current_batch_size) + '/' \ # + str(current_range_weight_penalty.item()/current_batch_size) + \ # '; PWI/PWI_penalty = ' + str(preweight_input_range_penalty.item()/current_batch_size) + '/' \ # + str(current_preweight_input_range_penalty.item()/current_batch_size) + \ # '; diffusion_penalty = ' + str(current_diffusion_penalty.item()/current_batch_size)) # with torch.no_grad(): # self.displacy_weight_info(weights, global_multi_gaussian_weights) # self.print_count += 1 # # return current_penalty, current_omt_penalty, current_tv_penalty, current_diffusion_penalty, current_preweight_input_range_penalty
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_last_kernel_size(self): pass
[docs] def forward(self, I, additional_inputs, global_multi_gaussian_weights, gaussian_fourier_filter_generator, iter=0, retain_weights=False): # format of multi_smooth_v is multi_v x batch x channels x X x Y # (channels here are the vector field components) # I is the image, m is the momentum. multi_smooth_v is the momentum smoothed with the various kernels """ First make sure that the multi_smooth_v has the correct dimension. I.e., the correct spatial dimension and one output for each Gaussian (multi_v) """ # get the size of the input momentum batch x channels x X x Y momentum = additional_inputs['m'] sz_m = momentum.size() # get the size of the multi-velocity field; multi_v x batch x channels x X x Y sz_mv = [self.nr_of_gaussians] + list(sz_m) # create the output tensor: will be of dimension: batch x channels x X x Y ret = AdaptVal(MyTensor(*sz_m)) # now determine the size for the weights # Since the smoothing will be the same for all spatial directions (for a velocity field), # this basically amounts to cutting out the channels; i.e., multi_v x batch x X x Y sz_weight = list(sz_mv) sz_weight = [sz_weight[1]] + [sz_weight[0]] + sz_weight[3:] weights, pre_weights, input_to_pre_weights = self._compute_weights_and_preweights(I, additional_inputs, global_multi_gaussian_weights, iter) #self.displacy_weight_info(weights) self.weights = weights self.preweights = pre_weights # if the weights should be stored (for debugging), create the tensor to store them here if retain_weights: if self.computed_weights is None: print('DEBUG: retaining smoother weights - turn off to minimize memory consumption') # create storage; batch x size v x X x Y self.computed_weights = MyTensor(*sz_weight) if self.deep_network_local_weight_smoothing > 0: if self.computed_pre_weights is None: print('DEBUG: retaining smoother pre weights - turn off to minimize memory consumption') self.computed_pre_weights = MyTensor(*sz_weight) if retain_weights: # todo: change visualization to work with this new format: # B x weights x X x Y instead of weights x B x X x Y self.computed_weights[:] = self.computed_pre_weights[:] = if self.compute_the_penalty: # todo if the accumluate penalty need to be considered, here should need an accumulated term self.loss.epoch = self.epoch current_penalty,_,_,_,_ = self.loss._compute_penalty_from_weights_preweights_and_input_to_preweights(I=I,weights=weights, pre_weights=pre_weights, input_to_preweights=input_to_pre_weights, global_multi_gaussian_weights=global_multi_gaussian_weights) if not self.accumulate_the_penalty: self.current_penalty = current_penalty else: self.current_penalty += current_penalty # multiply the velocity fields by the weights and sum over them # this is then the multi-Gaussian output weights = torch.clamp((weights), min=1e-3) if self.weighting_type=='sqrt_w_K_sqrt_w': sqrt_weights = torch.sqrt(weights) sqrt_weighted_multi_smooth_v = compute_weighted_multi_smooth_v( momentum=momentum, weights=sqrt_weights, gaussian_stds=self.gaussian_stds, gaussian_fourier_filter_generator=gaussian_fourier_filter_generator ) elif self.weighting_type=='w_K_w': # now create the weighted multi-smooth-v weighted_multi_smooth_v = compute_weighted_multi_smooth_v( momentum=momentum, weights=weights, gaussian_stds=self.gaussian_stds, gaussian_fourier_filter_generator=gaussian_fourier_filter_generator ) elif self.weighting_type=='w_K': # todo: check if we can do a more generic datatype conversion than using .float() multi_smooth_v = ce.fourier_set_of_gaussian_convolutions(momentum, gaussian_fourier_filter_generator=gaussian_fourier_filter_generator, sigma=self.gaussian_stds, compute_std_gradients=False) else: raise ValueError('Unknown weighting_type: {}'.format(self.weighting_type)) # now we apply this weight across all the channels; weight output is B x weights x X x Y for n in range(self.dim): # we have batch x multi_velocity x X x Y # i.e., the multi-velocity field output is treated as a channel # reminder: # format of multi_smooth_v is batchxmulti_v x channels x X x Y # (channels here are the vector field components); i.e. as many as there are dimensions # each one of those should be smoothed the same # let's smooth this on the fly, as the smoothing will be of form # w_i*K_i*(w_i m) if self.weighting_type=='sqrt_w_K_sqrt_w': # roc should be: batch x multi_v x X x Y roc = sqrt_weighted_multi_smooth_v[:, :, n, ...] #print(sqrt_weighted_multi_smooth_v.shape, sqrt_weights.shape,roc.shape) yc = torch.sum(roc * sqrt_weights, dim=1) elif self.weighting_type=='w_K_w': # roc should be: batch x multi_v x X x Y roc = weighted_multi_smooth_v[:, :, n, ...] yc = torch.sum(roc*weights,dim=1) elif self.weighting_type=='w_K': # roc should be: batch x multi_v x X x Y roc = torch.transpose(multi_smooth_v[:, :, n, ...], 0, 1) yc = torch.sum(roc * weights, dim=1) else: raise ValueError('Unknown weighting_type: {}'.format(self.weighting_type)) ret[:, n, ...] = yc # ret is: batch x channels x X x Y return ret
[docs]class GeneralNetworkWeightedSmoothingModel(DeepSmoothingModel): """ Mini neural network which takes as an input a set of smoothed velocity field as well as input images and predicts weights for a multi-Gaussian smoothing from this Enforces the same weighting for all the dimensions of the vector field to be smoothed """ def __init__(self, network_type, nr_of_gaussians, gaussian_stds, dim, spacing, im_sz, nr_of_image_channels=1, omt_power=1.0, params=None ): super(GeneralNetworkWeightedSmoothingModel, self).__init__(nr_of_gaussians=nr_of_gaussians,\ gaussian_stds=gaussian_stds,\ dim=dim,\ spacing=spacing,\ im_sz=im_sz,\ nr_of_image_channels=nr_of_image_channels,\ omt_power=omt_power, params=params) self.randomly_initialize_network = self.params[('randomly_initialize_network', True, 'Randomly initialize the network weights')] """Can be set to false, to load a previously saved network""" = None self.network_type = network_type # needs to be initialized here, otherwise the optimizer won't see the modules from ModuleList # todo: figure out how to do ModuleList initialization not in __init__ # todo: this would allow removing dim and nr_of_image_channels from interface # todo: because it could be compute on the fly when forward is executed self._init(self.nr_of_image_channels,dim=self.dim) def _init(self,nr_of_image_channels,dim): """ Initalizes all the conv layers :param nr_of_image_channels: :param dim: :return: """ # determine the network type admissible_network_types = ['simple_consistent','encoder_decoder','simple_unet','unet','unet_no_skip'] if self.network_type.lower() not in admissible_network_types: raise ValueError('Unknow network type: {}'.format(self.network_type)) if self.network_type.lower()=='simple_consistent': network_type = dn.Simple_consistent elif self.network_type.lower()=='encoder_decoder': network_type = dn.Encoder_decoder elif self.network_type.lower()=='simple_unet': network_type = dn.Simple_Unet elif self.network_type.lower()=='unet': network_type = dn.Unet elif self.network_type.lower()=='unet_no_skip': network_type = dn.Unet_no_skip else: raise ValueError('Unknown network type: {}'.format(self.network_type)) # dim, n_in_channel, n_out_channel, im_sz, params nr_of_input_channels = self.get_number_of_input_channels(nr_of_image_channels,dim) # create the network if USE_CUDA: = network_type(dim=dim, n_in_channel=nr_of_input_channels, n_out_channel=self.nr_of_gaussians, im_sz=self.im_sz, params=self.params).cuda() else: = network_type(dim=dim, n_in_channel=nr_of_input_channels, n_out_channel=self.nr_of_gaussians, im_sz=self.im_sz, params=self.params) # todo: Check how the initialization of these weights works (for training and testing) # todo: this may explain the issue w/ batch normalization if self.randomly_initialize_network: print('INFO: nn weights WERE randomly initialized') else: print('INFO: nn weights were NOT randomly initialized')
[docs] def compute_l2_parameter_weight_penalty(self): total_number_of_parameters = 1 par_penalty = MyTensor(1).zero_() for p in total_number_of_parameters += p.numel() par_penalty += (p ** 2).sum() par_penalty /= total_number_of_parameters return par_penalty
def _compute_pre_weights(self, x_in, I, global_multi_gaussian_weights, iter=0): # now let's apply all the convolution layers, until the last # (because the last one is not relu-ed x =,iter=iter) if self.clamp_local_weight: x = x.clamp(min=-self.local_pre_weight_max,max=self.local_pre_weight_max) if self.weighting_type=='sqrt_w_K_sqrt_w' or self.weighting_type=='w_K': # for both of these models that weights should sum up to one # now we are ready for the weighted softmax (will be like softmax if no weights are specified) if self.estimate_around_global_weights: if not self.use_weighted_linear_softmax: pre_weights = stable_softmax(x, dim=1) else: pre_weights = weighted_linear_softmax(x, dim=1, weights=global_multi_gaussian_weights) ## the weighted softmax is an approximation to the Exp map (see paper by Schnoerr) #pre_weights = weighted_softmax(x, dim=1, weights=global_multi_gaussian_weights) else: pre_weights = linear_softmax(x, dim=1) # enforce minimum weight for numerical reasons pre_weights = _project_weights_to_min(pre_weights, self.gaussianWeight_min, norm_type='sum') elif self.weighting_type=='w_K_w': # for this model the square of the weights should sum to one if self.estimate_around_global_weights: #pre_weights = stable_softmax(x,dim=1) if not self.use_weighted_linear_softmax: pre_weights = stable_softmax(x, dim=1) pre_weights = x / torch.norm(pre_weights, p=None, dim=1, keepdim=True) # todo remove this since already use_project_weights_to_min #pre_weights = torch.abs(x)/ torch.norm(x, p=None, dim=1, keepdim=True) else: pre_weights = weighted_linear_softnorm(x, dim=1, weights=global_multi_gaussian_weights) else: pre_weights = linear_softnorm(x, dim=1) # enforce minimum weight for numerical reasons pre_weights = _project_weights_to_min(pre_weights, self.gaussianWeight_min, norm_type='sum_of_squares') else: raise ValueError('Unknown weighting type: {}'.format(self.weighting_type)) return pre_weights,x
[docs] def get_last_kernel_size(self): return
[docs]class ClusteredWeightedSmoothingModel(DeepSmoothingModel): """ Assumes a given clustering of an input image and estimates weights for this clustering Enforces the same weighting for all the dimensions of the vector field to be smoothed This is NOT a deep network model, but a way to debug optimization using the synthetic data """ def __init__(self, nr_of_gaussians, gaussian_stds, dim, spacing, im_sz, nr_of_image_channels=1, omt_power=1.0, params=None ): super(ClusteredWeightedSmoothingModel, self).__init__(nr_of_gaussians=nr_of_gaussians,\ gaussian_stds=gaussian_stds,\ dim=dim,\ spacing=spacing,\ im_sz=im_sz,\ nr_of_image_channels=nr_of_image_channels,\ omt_power=omt_power, params=params) self.nr_of_clusters = 3 # todo: if this model works, this should be a parameter and clustering should be done within the model scaling_factor = 100 # what the random initialization will be divided by # initialize a weight vector (will be run through the weighed_linear_softmax later, so that will keep the output in range self.pre_lsm_weights = torch.nn.Parameter(AdaptVal(torch.rand(self.nr_of_gaussians,self.nr_of_clusters)/scaling_factor)) # make sure the last one is the largest one assert(gaussian_stds[-1]==gaussian_stds.max()) def _get_cluster_indices(self,I,cluster_number): """ This is a setting for our synthetic experiment. We have the following three intervals: (-infinity,0.5],[0.5,1.5),[1.5,infinity) :param I: :param cluster_number: :return: """ # as we assume this is scalar input data, we kill the channel (1st-dimension) # (a>0.4) & (a<0.6) if cluster_number==0: return (I[:,0,...]<=0.5) elif cluster_number==1: return ((I[:,0,...]>0.5) & (I[:,0,...]<=1.5)) elif cluster_number==2: return (I[:,0,...]>1.5) else: raise ValueError('Unknown cluster number {}. Needs to be 0,1, or 2.'.format(cluster_number))
[docs] def compute_l2_parameter_weight_penalty(self): total_number_of_parameters = 1 par_penalty = MyTensor(1).zero_() p = self.pre_lsm_weights total_number_of_parameters += p.numel() par_penalty += (p ** 2).sum() par_penalty /= total_number_of_parameters return par_penalty
def _compute_pre_weights(self, x, I, global_multi_gaussian_weights, iter=0): # get the size of the batch x channels x X x Y sz = x.size() # get the size of the multi-velocity field; multi_v x batch x channels x X x Y sz_mv = [self.nr_of_gaussians] + list(sz) # now determine the size for the weights # Since the smoothing will be the same for all spatial directions (for a velocity field), # this basically amounts to cutting out the channels; i.e., multi_v x batch x X x Y sz_weight = list(sz_mv) sz_weight = [sz_weight[1]] + [sz_weight[0]] + sz_weight[3:] # apply the mapping to normalize the pre_lsm_weights (these are parameters that are being optimized over) #print('TODO: check that it is indeed good here as well to use weighted_softmax instead of weighted_linear_softmax') #lsm_weights = weighted_softmax(self.pre_lsm_weights, dim=0, weights=global_multi_gaussian_weights) lsm_weights = weighted_linear_softmax(self.pre_lsm_weights, dim=0, weights=global_multi_gaussian_weights) print('pre_lsm_weights') print(self.pre_lsm_weights) print('lsm_weights') print(lsm_weights) # now we find the image "clusters" and use them to create the weight vector # weight vector format: B x weights x X x Y pre_weights = AdaptVal(torch.zeros(*sz_weight)) for c in range(self.nr_of_clusters): # indices for the first cluster current_indices = self._get_cluster_indices(I,c) # need to loop weights only as the indices will be for entire batches for w in range(sz_weight[1]): pre_weights[:,w,...] = pre_weights[:,w,...] + current_indices.float()*lsm_weights[w,c] return pre_weights,self.pre_lsm_weights
[docs] def get_last_kernel_size(self): return 1
[docs]class DeepSmootherFactory(object): """ Factory to quickly create different types of deep smoothers. """ def __init__(self, nr_of_gaussians, gaussian_stds, dim, spacing, im_sz, nr_of_image_channels=1 ): self.nr_of_gaussians = nr_of_gaussians """number of Gaussians as input""" self.gaussian_stds = gaussian_stds """stds of the Gaussians""" self.dim = dim """dimension of input image""" self.im_sz = im_sz """image size""" self.nr_of_image_channels = nr_of_image_channels """number of channels the image has (currently only one is supported)""" self.spacing = spacing """Spacing of the image""" if self.nr_of_image_channels!=1: # raise ValueError('Currently only one image channel supported') print("Warninging, the current image is not included in the input of the deep smoother")
[docs] def create_deep_smoother(self, params ): """ Create the desired deep smoother :param params: ParamterDict() object to hold paramters which should be passed on :return: returns the deep smoother """ cparams = params[('deep_smoother',{})] smootherType = cparams[('type', 'unet','type of deep smoother (simple_consistent|encoder_decoder|clustered|simple_unet|unet|unet_no_skip)')] admissible_smoother_types = ['simple_consistent','encoder_decoder','simple_unet','unet','unet_no_skip','clustered'] if smootherType.lower() not in admissible_smoother_types: raise ValueError('Unknown smoother type: {}'.format(smootherType)) if smootherType=='clustered': return ClusteredWeightedSmoothingModel(nr_of_gaussians=self.nr_of_gaussians, gaussian_stds=self.gaussian_stds, dim=self.dim, spacing=self.spacing, im_sz=self.im_sz, nr_of_image_channels=self.nr_of_image_channels, params=params) else: return GeneralNetworkWeightedSmoothingModel(network_type=smootherType, nr_of_gaussians=self.nr_of_gaussians, gaussian_stds=self.gaussian_stds, dim=self.dim, spacing=self.spacing, im_sz=self.im_sz, nr_of_image_channels=self.nr_of_image_channels, params=params)