Registration models

This section describes the most important registration modules of mermaid. These

  • generate a registration model (see Model factory),
  • specify dynamic forward models, i.e., what gets integrated (see Forward models),
  • allow evaluation of the forward models, e.g., when parameters are already given, or when integrating into deep learning models (see Model evaluation)
  • implement the different regisration models (see Registration networks)

Model factory

The model factory provides convenience functionality to instantiate different registration models.

Inheritance diagram of mermaid.model_factory

Package to quickly instantiate registration models by name.

class mermaid.model_factory.AvailableModels[source]
models = None

dictionary defining all the models


Returns all available models as a dictionary which has as keys the model name and tuple entries of the form (networkclass,lossclass,usesMap,explanation_string) :return: the model dictionary


Prints the models that are available and can be created with create_registration_model

class mermaid.model_factory.ModelFactory(sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model)[source]

Factory class to instantiate registration models.

sz_sim = None

size of the image (BxCxXxYxZ) format as used in the similarity measure part of the loss function

spacing_sim = None

spatial spacing as used in the similarity measure of the loss function

sz_model = None

size of the parameters (BxCxXxYxZ) as used in the model itself (and possibly in the loss function for regularization)

spacing_model = None

spatial spacing as used in the model itself (and possibly in the loss function for regularization)

dim = None

spatial dimension


Returns all available models as a dictionary which has as keys the model name and tuple entries of the form (networkclass,lossclass,usesMap,explanation_string) :return: the model dictionary

add_model(modelName, networkClass, lossClass, useMap, modelDescription='custom model')[source]

Allows to quickly add a new model.

  • modelName – name for the model
  • networkClass – network class defining the model
  • lossClass – loss class being used by ty the model

Prints the models that are available and can be created with create_registration_model

create_registration_model(modelName, params, compute_inverse_map=False)[source]

Performs the actual model creation including the loss function

  • modelName – Name of the model to be created
  • params – parameter dictionary of type ParameterDict
  • compute_inverse_map – for a map-based model if this is turned on then the inverse map is computed on the fly

a two-tuple: model, loss

Forward models

The forward models are implementations of the dynamic equations for the registration models.

Inheritance diagram of mermaid.forward_models_wrap
class mermaid.forward_models_wrap.ODEWrapFunc(nested_class, has_combined_input=False, pars=None, variables_from_optimizer=None, extra_var=None, dim_info=None)[source]

a wrap on tensor based torchdiffeq input

nested_class = None

the model to be integrated

pars = None

ParameterDict, settings passed to integrator

variables_from_optimizer = None

allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration)

extra_var = None

extra variable

has_combined_input = None

the model has combined input in x e.g. EPDiff* equation, otherwise, model has individual input e.g. advect* , has x,u two inputs

dim_info = None

the input x can be a tensor concatenated by several variables along channel, dim_info is a list indicates the dim of each variable

static factor_res(u, res)[source]
forward(t, y)[source]

Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

class mermaid.forward_models_wrap.ODEWrapFunc_tuple(nested_class, has_combined_input=False, pars=None, variables_from_optimizer=None, extra_var=None, dim_info=None)[source]

a warp on tuple based torchdiffeq input

nested_class = None

the model to be integrated

pars = None

ParameterDict, settings passed to integrator

variables_from_optimizer = None

allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration)

extra_var = None

extra variable

has_combined_input = None

the model has combined input in x e.g. EPDiff* equation, otherwise, model has individual input e.g. advect* , has x,u two inputs

dim_info = None

not use in tuple version

static factor_res(u, res)[source]
forward(t, y)[source]

Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

Inheritance diagram of mermaid.forward_models

Package defining various dynamic forward models as well as convenience methods to generate the right hand sides (RHS) of the related partial differential equations.

Currently, the following forward models are implemented:
  1. An advection equation for images
  2. An advection equation for maps
  3. The EPDiff-equation parameterized using the vector-valued momentum for images
  4. The EPDiff-equation parameterized using the vector-valued momentum for maps
  5. The EPDiff-equation parameterized using the scalar-valued momentum for images
  6. The EPDiff-equation parameterized using the scalar-valued momentum for maps

The images are expected to be tensors of dimension: BxCxXxYxZ (or BxCxX in 1D and BxCxXxY in 2D), where B is the batch-size, C the number of channels, and X, Y, and Z are the spatial coordinate indices.

Futhermore the following (RHSs) are provided
  1. Image advection
  2. Map advection
  3. Scalar conservation law
  4. EPDiff
class mermaid.forward_models.RHSLibrary(spacing, use_neumann_BC_for_map=False)[source]

Convenience class to quickly generate various right hand sides (RHSs) of popular partial differential equations. In this way new forward models can be written with minimal code duplication.

spacing = None

spatial spacing

spacing_min = None

min of the spacing

fdt_ne = None

torch finite differencing support neumann zero

fdt_le = None

torch finite differencing support linear extrapolation

fdt_di = None

torch finite differencing support dirichlet zero

dim = None

spatial dimension

use_neumann_BC_for_map = None

If True uses zero Neumann boundary conditions also for evolutions of the map, if False uses linear extrapolation

rhs_advect_image_multiNC(I, v)[source]

Advects a batch of images which can be multi-channel. Expected image format here, is BxCxXxYxZ, where B is the number of images (batch size), C, the number of channels per image and X, Y, Z are the spatial coordinates (X only in 1D; X,Y only in 2D)

\(-\nabla I^Tv\)

  • I – Image batch BxCIxXxYxZ
  • v – Velocity fields (this will be one velocity field per image) BxCxXxYxZ

Returns the RHS of the advection equations involved BxCxXxYxZ

rhs_scalar_conservation_multiNC(I, v)[source]

Scalar conservation law for a batch of images which can be multi-channel. Expected image format here, is BxCxXxYxZ, where B is the number of images (batch size), C, the number of channels per image and X, Y, Z are the spatial coordinates (X only in 1D; X,Y only in 2D)


  • I – Image batch BxCIxXxYxZ
  • v – Velocity fields (this will be one velocity field per image) BxCxXxYxZ

Returns the RHS of the scalar conservation law equations involved BxCxXxYxZ

rhs_lagrangian_evolve_map_multiNC(phi, v)[source]

Evolves a set of N maps (for N images). Expected format here, is BxCxXxYxZ, where B is the number of images/maps (batch size), C, the number of channels per (here the spatial dimension for the map coordinate functions), and X, Y, Z are the spatial coordinates (X only in 1D; X,Y only in 2D). This is used to evolve the map going from source to target image. Requires interpolation so should if at all possible not be used as part of an optimization. the idea of compute inverse map is due to the map is defined in the source space, referring to point move to where,(compared with the target space, refers to where it comes from) in this situation, we only need to capture the velocity at that place and accumulate along the time step since advecton function is moves the image (or phi based image) by v step, which means v is shared by different coordinate, so it is safe to compute in this way.


  • phi – map batch BxCxXxYxZ
  • v – Velocity fields (this will be one velocity field per map) BxCxXxYxZ
  • phi
  • v

Returns the RHS of the evolution equations involved BxCxXxYxZ


rhs_advect_map_multiNC(phi, v)[source]

Advects a set of N maps (for N images). Expected format here, is BxCxXxYxZ, where B is the number of images/maps (batch size), C, the number of channels per (here the spatial dimension for the map coordinate functions), and X, Y, Z are the spatial coordinates (X only in 1D; X,Y only in 2D)

\(-D\phi v\)

  • phi – map batch BxCxXxYxZ
  • v – Velocity fields (this will be one velocity field per map) BxCxXxYxZ

Returns the RHS of the advection equations involved BxCxXxYxZ

rhs_epdiff_multiNC(m, v)[source]

Computes the right hand side of the EPDiff equation for of N momenta (for N images). Expected format here, is BxCxXxYxZ, where B is the number of momenta (batch size), C, the number of channels per (here the spatial dimension for the momenta), and X, Y, Z are the spatial coordinates (X only in 1D; X,Y only in 2D)

a new version, where batch is no longer calculated separately


  • m – momenta batch BxCXxYxZ
  • v – Velocity fields (this will be one velocity field per momentum) BxCXxYxZ

Returns the RHS of the EPDiff equations involved BxCXxYxZ

rhs_adapt_epdiff_wkw_multiNC(m, v, w, sm_wm, smoother)[source]

Computes the right hand side of the EPDiff equation for of N momenta (for N images). Expected format here, is BxCxXxYxZ, where B is the number of momenta (batch size), C, the number of channels per (here the spatial dimension for the momenta), and X, Y, Z are the spatial coordinates (X only in 1D; X,Y only in 2D)

a new version, where batch is no longer calculated separately


  • m – momenta batch BxCXxYxZ
  • v – Velocity fields (this will be one velocity field per momentum) BxCXxYxZ

Returns the RHS of the EPDiff equations involved BxCXxYxZ

class mermaid.forward_models.ForwardModel(sz, spacing, params=None)[source]

Abstract forward model class. Should never be instantiated. Derived classes require the definition of f(self,t,x,u,pars) and u(self,t,pars). These functions will be used for integration: x’(t) = f(t,x(t),u(t))

dim = None

spatial dimension

spacing = None

spatial spacing

sz = None

image size (BxCxXxYxZ)

params = None

ParameterDict instance holding parameters

rhs = None

rhs library support

f(t, x, u, pars, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

Function to be integrated

  • t – time
  • x – state
  • u – input
  • pars – optional parameters
  • variables_from_optimizer – variables that can be passed from the optimizer

the function value, should return a list (to support easy concatenations of states)

u(t, pars, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

External input

  • t – time
  • pars – parameters
  • variables_from_optimizer – variables that can be passed from the optimizer

the external input

class mermaid.forward_models.AdvectMap(sz, spacing, params=None, compute_inverse_map=False)[source]

Forward model to advect an n-D map using a transport equation: \(\Phi_t + D\Phi v = 0\). v is treated as an external argument and Phi is the state

compute_inverse_map = None

If True then computes the inverse map on the fly for a map-based solution

u(t, pars, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

External input, to hold the velocity field

  • t – time (ignored; not time-dependent)
  • pars – assumes an n-D velocity field is passed as the only input argument
  • variables_from_optimizer – variables that can be passed from the optimizer

Simply returns this velocity field

f(t, x, u, pars=None, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

Function to be integrated, i.e., right hand side of transport equation:

\(-D\phi v\)

  • t – time (ignored; not time-dependent)
  • x – state, here the map, Phi, itself (assumes 3D-5D array; [nrI,0,:,:] x-coors; [nrI,1,:,:] y-coors; …
  • u – external input, will be the velocity field here
  • pars – ignored (does not expect any additional inputs)
  • variables_from_optimizer – variables that can be passed from the optimizer

right hand side [phi]

class mermaid.forward_models.AdvectImage(sz, spacing, params=None)[source]

Forward model to advect an image using a transport equation: \(I_t + \nabla I^Tv = 0\). v is treated as an external argument and I is the state

u(t, pars, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

External input, to hold the velocity field

  • t – time (ignored; not time-dependent)
  • pars – assumes an n-D velocity field is passed as the only input argument
  • variables_from_optimizer – variables that can be passed from the optimizer

Simply returns this velocity field

f(t, x, u, pars=None, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

Function to be integrated, i.e., right hand side of transport equation: \(-\nabla I^T v\)

  • t – time (ignored; not time-dependent)
  • x – state, here the image, I, itself (supports multiple images and channels)
  • u – external input, will be the velocity field here
  • pars – ignored (does not expect any additional inputs)
  • variables_from_optimizer – variables that can be passed from the optimizer

right hand side [I]

class mermaid.forward_models.EPDiffImage(sz, spacing, smoother, params=None)[source]

Forward model for the EPdiff equation. State is the momentum, m, and the image I: \((m_1,...,m_d)^T_t = -(div(m_1v),...,div(m_dv))^T-(Dv)^Tm\)


\(I_t+\nabla I^Tv=0\)

f(t, x, u, pars=None, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

Function to be integrated, i.e., right hand side of the EPDiff equation: \(-(div(m_1v),...,div(m_dv))^T-(Dv)^Tm\)

\(-\nabla I^Tv\)

  • t – time (ignored; not time-dependent)
  • x – state, here the vector momentum, m, and the image, I
  • u – ignored, no external input
  • pars – ignored (does not expect any additional inputs)
  • variables_from_optimizer – variables that can be passed from the optimizer

right hand side [m,I]

class mermaid.forward_models.EPDiffMap(sz, spacing, smoother, params=None, compute_inverse_map=False)[source]

Forward model for the EPDiff equation. State is the momentum, m, and the transform, \(\phi\) (mapping the source image to the target image).

\((m_1,...,m_d)^T_t = -(div(m_1v),...,div(m_dv))^T-(Dv)^Tm\)


\(\phi_t+D\phi v=0\)

compute_inverse_map = None

If True then computes the inverse map on the fly for a map-based solution

debugging(input, t)[source]
f(t, x, u, pars=None, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

Function to be integrated, i.e., right hand side of the EPDiff equation: :math:`-(div(m_1v),…,div(m_dv))^T-(Dv)^Tm’

\(-D\phi v\)

  • t – time (ignored; not time-dependent)
  • x – state, here the image, vector momentum, m, and the map, \(\phi\)
  • u – ignored, no external input
  • pars – ignored (does not expect any additional inputs)
  • variables_from_optimizer – variables that can be passed from the optimizer

right hand side [m,phi]

class mermaid.forward_models.EPDiffAdaptMap(sz, spacing, smoother, params=None, compute_inverse_map=False, update_sm_by_advect=True, update_sm_with_interpolation=True, compute_on_initial_map=True)[source]

Forward model for the EPDiff equation. State is the momentum, m, and the transform, \(\phi\) (mapping the source image to the target image).

\((m_1,...,m_d)^T_t = -(div(m_1v),...,div(m_dv))^T-(Dv)^Tm\)


\(\phi_t+D\phi v=0\)

compute_inverse_map = None

If True then computes the inverse map on the fly for a map-based solution

embedded_smoother = None

if only take the first step penalty as the total penalty, otherwise accumluate the penalty

debug_nan(input, t, name='')[source]
debug_distrib(var, name)[source]
f(t, x, u, pars=None, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

Function to be integrated, i.e., right hand side of the EPDiff equation: :math:`-(div(m_1v),…,div(m_dv))^T-(Dv)^Tm’

\(-D\phi v\)

  • t – time (ignored; not time-dependent)
  • x – state, here the image, vector momentum, m, and the map, \(\phi\)
  • u – ignored, no external input
  • pars – ignored (does not expect any additional inputs)
  • variables_from_optimizer – variables that can be passed from the optimizer

right hand side [m,phi]

class mermaid.forward_models.EPDiffScalarMomentum(sz, spacing, smoother, params)[source]

Base class for scalar momentum EPDiff solutions. Defines a smoother that can be commonly used.

class mermaid.forward_models.EPDiffScalarMomentumImage(sz, spacing, smoother, params=None)[source]

Forward model for the scalar momentum EPdiff equation. State is the scalar momentum, lam, and the image I \((m_1,...,m_d)^T_t = -(div(m_1v),...,div(m_dv))^T-(Dv)^Tm\)


:math:’m=lambdanabla I`

\(I_t+\nabla I^Tv=0\)

\(\lambda_t + div(\lambda v)=0\)

f(t, x, u, pars=None, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

Function to be integrated, i.e., right hand side of the EPDiff equation:


\(-\nabla I^Tv\)


-div(lambda v)

  • t – time (ignored; not time-dependent)
  • x – state, here the scalar momentum, lam, and the image, I, itself
  • u – no external input
  • pars – ignored (does not expect any additional inputs)
  • variables_from_optimizer – variables that can be passed from the optimizer

right hand side [lam,I]

class mermaid.forward_models.EPDiffScalarMomentumMap(sz, spacing, smoother, params=None, compute_inverse_map=False)[source]

Forward model for the scalar momentum EPDiff equation. State is the scalar momentum, lam, the image, I, and the transform, phi. \((m_1,...,m_d)^T_t = -(div(m_1v),...,div(m_dv))^T-(Dv)^Tm\)


\(m=\lambda\nabla I\)

\(I_t+\nabla I^Tv=0\)

\(\lambda_t + div(\lambda v)=0\)

\(\Phi_t+D\Phi v=0\)

compute_inverse_map = None

If True then computes the inverse map on the fly for a map-based solution

f(t, x, u, pars=None, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

Function to be integrated, i.e., right hand side of the EPDiff equation:


\(-\nabla I^Tv\)

\(-div(\lambda v)\)

\(-D\Phi v\)

  • t – time (ignored; not time-dependent)
  • x – state, here the scalar momentum, lam, the image, I, and the transform, \(\phi\)
  • u – ignored, no external input
  • pars – ignored (does not expect any additional inputs)
  • variables_from_optimizer – variables that can be passed from the optimizer

right hand side [lam,I,phi]

Model evaluation

Given registration parameters the model evaluation module allows to evaluate a given model. That is, it performs setup and integration of the forward models. This can also be used to easily combine the forward models with deep learning approaches.

mermaid.model_evaluation.evaluate_model(ISource_in, ITarget_in, sz, spacing, model_name=None, use_map=None, compute_inverse_map=False, map_low_res_factor=None, compute_similarity_measure_at_low_res=None, spline_order=None, individual_parameters=None, shared_parameters=None, params=None, extra_info=None, visualize=True, visual_param=None, given_weight=False)[source]

#todo: Support initial maps which are not identity

  • ISource_in – source image (BxCxXxYxZ format)
  • ITarget_in – target image (BxCxXxYxZ format)
  • sz – size of the images (BxCxXxYxZ format)
  • spacing – spacing for the images
  • model_name – name of the desired model (string)
  • use_map – if set to True then map-based mode is used
  • compute_inverse_map – if set to True the inverse map will be computed
  • map_low_res_factor – if set to None then computations will be at full resolution, otherwise at a fraction of the resolution
  • compute_similarity_measure_at_low_res
  • spline_order – desired spline order for the sampler
  • individual_parameters – individual registration parameters
  • shared_parameters – shared registration parameters
  • params – parameter dictionary (of model_dictionary type) which configures the model
  • visualize – if set to True results will be visualized

returns a tuple (I_warped,phi,phi_inverse,model_dictionary), here I_warped = I_sourcecircphi, and phi_inverse is the inverse of phi; model_dictionary contains various intermediate results

mermaid.model_evaluation.evaluate_model_low_level_interface(model, I_source, opt_variables=None, use_map=False, initial_map=None, compute_inverse_map=False, initial_inverse_map=None, map_low_res_factor=None, sampler=None, low_res_spacing=None, spline_order=1, low_res_I_source=None, low_res_initial_map=None, low_res_initial_inverse_map=None, compute_similarity_measure_at_low_res=False)[source]

Evaluates a registration model. Core functionality for optimizer. Use evaluate_model for a convenience implementation which recomputes settings on the fly

  • model – registration model
  • I_source – source image (may not be used for map-based approaches)
  • opt_variables – dictionary to be passed to an optimizer or here the evaluation routine (e.g., {‘iter’: self.iter_count,’epoch’: self.current_epoch})
  • use_map – if set to True then map-based mode is used
  • initial_map – initial full-resolution map (will in most cases be the identity)
  • compute_inverse_map – if set to True the inverse map will be computed
  • initial_inverse_map – initial inverse map (will in most cases be the identity)
  • map_low_res_factor – if set to None then computations will be at full resolution, otherwise at a fraction of the resolution
  • sampler – sampler which takes care of upsampling maps from their low-resolution variants (when map_low_res_factor<1.)
  • low_res_spacing – spacing of the low res map/image
  • spline_order – desired spline order for the sampler
  • low_res_I_source – low resolution source image
  • low_res_initial_map – low resolution version of the initial map
  • low_res_initial_inverse_map – low resolution version of the initial inverse map
  • compute_similarity_measure_at_low_res – if set to True the similarity measure is also evaluated at low resolution (otherwise at full resolution)

returns a tuple (I_warped,phi,phi_inverse), here I_warped = I_sourcecircphi, and phi_inverse is the inverse of phi

IMPORTANT: note that phi is the map that maps from source to target image; I_warped is None for map_based solution, phi is None for image-based solution; phi_inverse is None if inverse is not computed

Registration networks

The registration network module implements the different registration algorithms.

Inheritance diagram of mermaid.registration_networks

Defines different registration methods as pyTorch networks. Currently implemented:

  • SVFImageNet: image-based stationary velocity field
  • SVFMapNet: map-based stationary velocity field
  • SVFQuasiMomentumImageNet: EXPERIMENTAL (not working yet): SVF which is parameterized by a momentum
  • SVFScalarMomentumImageNet: image-based SVF using the scalar-momentum parameterization
  • SVFScalarMomentumMapNet: map-based SVF using the scalar-momentum parameterization
  • SVFVectorMomentumImageNet: image-based SVF using the vector-momentum parameterization
  • SVFVectorMomentumMapNet: map-based SVF using the vector-momentum parameterization
  • CVFVectorMomentumMapNet: map-based CVF using the vector-momentum parameterization
  • LDDMMShootingVectorMomentumImageNet: image-based LDDMM using the vector-momentum parameterization
  • LDDMMShootingVectorMomentumMapNet: map-based LDDMM using the vector-momentum parameterization
  • LDDMMShootingScalarMomentumImageNet: image-based LDDMM using the scalar-momentum parameterization
  • LDDMMShootingScalarMomentumMapNet: map-based LDDMM using the scalar-momentum parameterization
class mermaid.registration_networks.RegistrationNet(sz, spacing, params)[source]

Abstract base-class for all the registration networks

sz = None

image size

spacing = None

image spacing

params = None

ParameterDict() object for the parameters

nrOfImages = None

the number of images, i.e., the batch size B

nrOfChannels = None

the number of image channels, i.e., C

dim = None

dimension of the image


The values will be transfered to the default dictionary (shallow is fine).

Parameters:d – dictionary to pass to integrator

This is a function that can be overwritten by models to allow to return variables which are also needed for the computation of the loss function. Returns None by default, but can for example be used to pass parameters or smoothers which are needed for the model itself and its loss. By convention these variables should be returned as a dictionary.


Can be overwritten by a method to allow for additional optimizer output (on top of the energy values)


Can be overwritten by a method to allow for additional optimizer history output (should in most cases go hand-in-hand with the string returned by get_custom_optimizer_output_string()


Abstract method to create the registration parameters over which should be optimized. They need to be of type torch Parameter()


Method to return the registration parameters and buffers (i.e., the model state directory)

Returns:returns the registration parameters and buffers

Abstract method to return the registration parameters

Returns:returns the registration parameters

Returns the parameters that have not been declared shared for optimization. This can for example be the parameters that of a given registration model without shared parameters of a smoother.


Same as get_shared_registration_parameters, but does also include buffers which may not be parameters.


Returns the parameters that have been declared shared for optimization. This can for example be parameters of a smoother that are shared between registrations.

set_registration_parameters(pars, sz, spacing)[source]

Abstract method to set the registration parameters externally. This can for example be useful when the optimizer should be initialized at a specific value

  • pars – dictionary of registration parameters
  • sz – size of the image the parameter corresponds to
  • spacing – spacing of the image the parameter corresponds to

Allows to only set the registration parameters which are not shared between registrations.

Parameters:pars – dictionary containing the parameters

Allows to only set the shared registration parameters

Parameters:pars – dictionary containing the parameters

Loads the shared part of a state dictionary

Parameters:sd – shared state dictionary

Returns the shared part of the state dictionary


Returns the individual part of the state dictionary


Method to downsample the registration parameters spatially to a desired size. Should be overwritten by a derived class.

Parameters:desiredSz – desired size in XxYxZ format, e.g., [50,100,40]
Returns:should return a tuple (downsampled_image,downsampled_spacing)

Method to upsample the registration parameters spatially to a desired size. Should be overwritten by a derived class.

Parameters:desiredSz – desired size in XxYxZ format, e.g., [50,100,40]
Returns:should return a tuple (upsampled_image,upsampled_spacing)

Convenience function to specify an image that should be visualized including its caption. This will typically be related to the parameter of a model. This method should be overwritten by a derived class

Parameters:ISource – (optional) source image as this is part of the initial condition for some parameterizations
Returns:should return a tuple (image,desired_caption)

To be overwritten to write back optimized parameters to the setting where they came from

class mermaid.registration_networks.RegistrationNetDisplacement(sz, spacing, params)[source]

Abstract base-class for all the registration networks without time-integration which directly estimate a deformation field.

d = None

displacement field that will be optimized over

spline_order = None

order of the spline for interpolations


Creates the displacement field that is being optimized over

Returns:displacement field parameter

Returns the displacement field parameter magnitude image and a name

Returns:Returns the tuple (displacement_magnitude_image,name)

Upsamples the displacement field to a desired size

Parameters:desiredSz – desired size of the upsampled displacement field
Returns:returns a tuple (upsampled_state,upsampled_spacing)

Downsamples the displacement field to a desired size

Parameters:desiredSz – desired size of the downsampled displacement field
Returns:returns a tuple (downsampled_state,downsampled_spacing)
forward(phi, I0_source, phi_inv=None, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

Solved the map-based equation forward

  • phi – initial condition for the map
  • I0_source – not used
  • phi_inv – inverse intial map (not used)
  • variables_from_optimizer – allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration)

returns the map with the displacement subtracted

class mermaid.registration_networks.RegistrationNetTimeIntegration(sz, spacing, params)[source]

Abstract base-class for all the registration networks with time-integration

tFrom = None

time to solve a model from

tTo = None

time to solve a model to

use_CFL_clamping = None

If the model uses time integration, then CFL clamping is used

env = None

settings for the task environment of the solver or smoother


Sets the starging time for integration

Parameters:tFrom – starting time

Gets the starting integration time (typically 0)

Returns:starting integration time

Sets the time up to which to integrate

Parameters:tTo – time to integrate to

Gets the time to integrate to (typically 1)

Returns:time to integrate to

Abstract method to create an integrator for time-integration of a model

class mermaid.registration_networks.SVFNet(sz, spacing, params)[source]

Base class for SVF-type registrations. Provides a velocity field (as a parameter) and an integrator

v = None

velocity field that will be optimized over

integrator = None

integrator to do the time-integration

spline_order = None

order of the spline for interpolations


Creates the velocity field that is being optimized over

Returns:velocity field parameter

Returns the velocity field parameter magnitude image and a name

Returns:Returns the tuple (velocity_magnitude_image,name)

Upsamples the velocity field to a desired size

Parameters:desiredSz – desired size of the upsampled velocity field
Returns:returns a tuple (upsampled_state,upsampled_spacing)

Downsamples the velocity field to a desired size

Parameters:desiredSz – desired size of the downsampled velocity field
Returns:returns a tuple (downsampled_image,downsampled_spacing)
class mermaid.registration_networks.SVFImageNet(sz, spacing, params)[source]

Specialization for SVF-based image registration


Creates an integrator for the advection equation of the image

Returns:returns this integrator
forward(I, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

Solves the image-based advection equation

  • I – initial condition for the image
  • variables_from_optimizer – allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration)

returns the image at the final time (tTo)

class mermaid.registration_networks.SVFQuasiMomentumNet(sz, spacing, params)[source]

Attempt at parameterizing SVF with a momentum-like vector field (EXPERIMENTAL, not working yet)

m = None

momentum parameter

smoother = None

smoother to go from momentum to velocity

v = None

corresponding velocity field

integrator = None

integrator to solve the forward model

spline_order = None

order of the spline for interpolations


To be overwritten to write back optimized parameters to the setting where they came from


Can be overwritten by a method to allow for additional optimizer output (on top of the energy values)


Can be overwritten by a method to allow for additional optimizer history output (should in most cases go hand-in-hand with the string returned by get_custom_optimizer_output_string()


Creates the registration parameters (the momentum field) and returns them

Returns:momentum field

Returns the momentum magnitude image and \(|m|\) as the image caption

Returns:Returns a tuple (magnitude_m,name)

Method to upsample the registration parameters spatially to a desired size. Should be overwritten by a derived class.

Parameters:desiredSz – desired size in XxYxZ format, e.g., [50,100,40]
Returns:should return a tuple (upsampled_image,upsampled_spacing)

Method to downsample the registration parameters spatially to a desired size. Should be overwritten by a derived class.

Parameters:desiredSz – desired size in XxYxZ format, e.g., [50,100,40]
Returns:should return a tuple (downsampled_image,downsampled_spacing)
class mermaid.registration_networks.SVFQuasiMomentumImageNet(sz, spacing, params)[source]

Specialization for image registation


Creates the integrator that solve the advection equation (based on the smoothed momentum) :return: returns this integrator

forward(I, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

Solves the model by first smoothing the momentum field and then using it as the velocity for the advection equation

  • I – initial condition for the image
  • variables_from_optimizer – allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration)

returns the image at the final time point (tTo)

class mermaid.registration_networks.RegistrationLoss(sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params)[source]

Abstract base class to define a loss function for image registration

spacing_sim = None

image/map spacing for the similarity measure part of the loss function

spacing_model = None

spacing for any model parameters (typically for the regularization part of the loss function)

sz_sim = None

image size for the similarity measure part of the loss function

sz_model = None

image size for the model parameters (typically for the regularization part of the loss function)

params = None

ParameterDict() paramters

smFactory = None

factory to create similarity measures on the fly

similarityMeasure = None

the similarity measure itself

env = None

settings for the task environment of the solver or smoother


The values will be transfered to the default dictionary (shallow is fine).

Parameters:d – dictionary to pass to smoother
add_similarity_measure(simName, simMeasure)[source]

To add a custom similarity measure to the similarity measure factory

  • simName – desired name of the similarity measure (string)
  • simMeasure – similarity measure itself (to instantiate an object)
compute_similarity_energy(I1_warped, I1_target, I0_source=None, phi=None, variables_from_forward_model=None, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

Computing the image matching energy based on the selected similarity measure

  • I1_warped – warped image at time tTo
  • I1_target – target image to register to
  • I0_source – source image at time 0 (typically not used)
  • phi – map to warp I0_source to target space (typically not used)
  • variables_from_forward_model – allows passing in additional variables (intended to pass variables between the forward modell and the loss function)
  • variables_from_optimizer – allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration)

returns the value for image similarity energy

compute_regularization_energy(I0_source, variables_from_forward_model=None, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

Abstract method computing the regularization energy based on the registration parameters and (if desired) the initial image

  • I0_source – Initial image
  • variables_from_forward_model – allows passing in additional variables (intended to pass variables between the forward modell and the loss function)
  • variables_from_optimizer – allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration)

should return the value for the regularization energy

class mermaid.registration_networks.RegistrationImageLoss(sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params)[source]

Specialization for image-based registration losses

get_energy(I1_warped, I0_source, I1_target, variables_from_forward_model=None, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

Computes the overall registration energy as E = E_sim + E_reg

  • I1_warped – warped image
  • I0_source – source image
  • I1_target – target image
  • variables_from_forward_model – allows passing in additional variables (intended to pass variables between the forward modell and the loss function)
  • variables_from_optimizer – allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration)

return the energy value

forward(I1_warped, I0_source, I1_target, variables_from_forward_model=None, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

Computes the loss by evaluating the energy

  • I1_warped – warped image
  • I0_source – source image
  • I1_target – target image
  • variables_from_forward_model – allows passing in additional variables (intended to pass variables between the forward modell and the loss function)
  • variables_from_optimizer – allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration)

tuple: overall energy, similarity energy, regularization energy

class mermaid.registration_networks.RegistrationMapLoss(sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params)[source]

Specialization for map-based registration losses

spline_order = None

order of the spline for interpolations

get_energy(phi0, phi1, I0_source, I1_target, lowres_I0, variables_from_forward_model=None, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

Compute the energy by warping the source image via the map and then comparing it to the target image

  • phi0 – map (initial map from which phi1 is computed by integration; likely the identity map)
  • phi1 – map (mapping the source image to the target image, defined in the space of the target image)
  • I0_source – source image
  • I1_target – target image
  • lowres_I0 – for map with reduced resolution this is the downsampled source image, may be needed to compute the regularization energy
  • variables_from_forward_model – allows passing in additional variables (intended to pass variables between the forward modell and the loss function)
  • variables_from_optimizer – allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration)

registration energy

forward(phi0, phi1, I0_source, I1_target, lowres_I0, variables_from_forward_model=None, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

Compute the loss function value by evaluating the registration energy

  • phi0 – map (initial map from which phi1 is computed by integration; likely the identity map)
  • phi1 – map (mapping the source image to the target image, defined in the space of the target image)
  • I0_source – source image
  • I1_target – target image
  • lowres_I0 – for map with reduced resolution this is the downsampled source image, may be needed to compute the regularization energy
  • variables_from_forward_model – allows passing in additional variables (intended to pass variables between the forward modell and the loss function)
  • variables_from_optimizer – allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration)

tuple: overall energy, similarity energy, regularization energy

class mermaid.registration_networks.SVFImageLoss(v, sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params)[source]

Loss specialization for image-based SVF

v = None

veclocity field parameter

regularizer = None

regularizer to compute the regularization energy

compute_regularization_energy(I0_source, variables_from_forward_model=None, variables_from_optimizer=False)[source]

Computing the regularization energy

  • I0_source – source image (not used)
  • variables_from_forward_model – (not used)
  • variables_from_optimizer – allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration)

returns the regularization energy

class mermaid.registration_networks.SVFQuasiMomentumImageLoss(m, sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params)[source]

Loss function specialization for the image-based quasi-momentum SVF implementation. Essentially the same as for SVF but has to smooth the momentum field first to obtain the velocity field.

m = None

vector momentum

regularizer = None

regularizer to compute the regularization energy

smoother = None

smoother to convert from momentum to velocity

compute_regularization_energy(I0_source, variables_from_forward_model=None, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

Compute the regularization energy from the momentum

  • I0_source – not used
  • variables_from_forward_model – (not used)
  • variables_from_optimizer – allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration)

returns the regularization energy

class mermaid.registration_networks.SVFMapNet(sz, spacing, params, compute_inverse_map=False)[source]

Network specialization to a map-based SVF

compute_inverse_map = None

If set to True the inverse map is computed on the fly


Creates an integrator to solve a map-based advection equation

Returns:returns this integrator
forward(phi, I0_source, phi_inv=None, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

Solved the map-based equation forward

  • phi – initial condition for the map
  • I0_source – not used
  • phi_inv – inverse initial map
  • variables_from_optimizer – allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration)
  • variables_from_optimizer – allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration)

returns the map at time tTo

class mermaid.registration_networks.SVFMapLoss(v, sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params)[source]

Specialization of the loss function for SVF to a map-based solution

v = None

velocity field parameter

regularizer = None

regularizer to compute the regularization energy

compute_regularization_energy(I0_source, variables_from_forward_model=None, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

Computes the regularizaton energy from the velocity field parameter

  • I0_source – not used
  • variables_from_forward_model – (not used)
  • variables_from_optimizer – allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration)

returns the regularization energy

class mermaid.registration_networks.DiffusionMapLoss(d, sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params)[source]

Specialization of the loss function for displacement-based registration to diffusion registration

d = None

displacement field parameter

regularizer = None

regularizer to compute the regularization energy

compute_regularization_energy(I0_source, variables_from_forward_model=None, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

Computes the regularizaton energy from the velocity field parameter

  • I0_source – not used
  • variables_from_forward_model – (not used)
  • variables_from_optimizer – allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration)

returns the regularization energy

class mermaid.registration_networks.TotalVariationMapLoss(d, sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params)[source]

Specialization of the loss function for displacement-based registration to diffusion registration

d = None

displacement field parameter

regularizer = None

regularizer to compute the regularization energy

compute_regularization_energy(I0_source, variables_from_forward_model=None, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

Computes the regularizaton energy from the velocity field parameter

  • I0_source – not used
  • variables_from_forward_model – (not used)
  • variables_from_optimizer – allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration)

returns the regularization energy

class mermaid.registration_networks.CurvatureMapLoss(d, sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params)[source]

Specialization of the loss function for displacement-based registration to diffusion registration

d = None

displacement field parameter

regularizer = None

regularizer to compute the regularization energy

compute_regularization_energy(I0_source, variables_from_forward_model=None, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

Computes the regularizaton energy from the velocity field parameter

  • I0_source – not used
  • variables_from_forward_model – (not used)
  • variables_from_optimizer – allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration)

returns the regularization energy

class mermaid.registration_networks.AffineMapNet(sz, spacing, params, compute_inverse_map=False)[source]

Registration network for affine transformation


Abstract method to create the registration parameters over which should be optimized. They need to be of type torch Parameter()


Returns the velocity field parameter magnitude image and a name

Returns:Returns the tuple (velocity_magnitude_image,name)

Upsamples the afffine parameters to a desired size (ie., just returns them)

Parameters:desiredSz – desired size of the upsampled image
Returns:returns a tuple (upsampled_state,upsampled_spacing)

Downsamples the affine parameters to a desired size (ie., just returns them)

Parameters:desiredSz – desired size of the downsampled image
Returns:returns a tuple (downsampled_state,downsampled_spacing)
forward(phi, I0_source, phi_inv=None, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

Solved the map-based equation forward

  • phi – initial condition for the map
  • I0_source – not used
  • phi_inv – inverse initial map (not used)
  • variables_from_optimizer – allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration)

returns the map at time tTo

class mermaid.registration_networks.AffineMapLoss(Ab, sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params)[source]

Specialization of the loss function for a map-based affine transformation

Ab = None

affine parameters

compute_regularization_energy(I0_source, variables_from_forward_model=None, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

Computes the regularizaton energy from the affine parameter

  • I0_source – not used
  • variables_from_forward_model – (not used)
  • variables_from_optimizer – allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration)

returns the regularization energy

class mermaid.registration_networks.ShootingVectorMomentumNet(sz, spacing, params)[source]

Methods using vector-momentum-based shooting

smoother = None


integrator = None

integrator to solve EPDiff variant

spline_order = None

order of the spline for interpolations

initial_velocity = None

the velocity field at t0, saved during map computation and used during loss computation

sparams = None

settings for the vector momentum related methods

velocity_mask = None

a continuous image-size float tensor mask, to force zero velocity at the boundary


To be overwritten to write back optimized parameters to the setting where they came from


Can be overwritten by a method to allow for additional optimizer output (on top of the energy values)


Can be overwritten by a method to allow for additional optimizer history output (should in most cases go hand-in-hand with the string returned by get_custom_optimizer_output_string()


This is a function that can be overwritten by models to allow to return variables which are also needed for the computation of the loss function. Returns None by default, but can for example be used to pass parameters or smoothers which are needed for the model itself and its loss. By convention these variables should be returned as a dictionary.


Creates the vector momentum parameter

Returns:Returns the vector momentum parameter

Creates a magnitude image for the momentum and returns it with name \(|m|\)

Returns:Returns tuple (m_magnitude_image,name)

Upsamples the vector-momentum parameter

Parameters:desiredSz – desired size of the upsampled momentum
Returns:Returns tuple (upsampled_state,upsampled_spacing)

Downsamples the vector-momentum parameter

Parameters:desiredSz – desired size of the downsampled momentum
Returns:Returns tuple (downsampled_state,downsampled_spacing)
class mermaid.registration_networks.LDDMMShootingVectorMomentumImageNet(sz, spacing, params)[source]

Specialization of vector-momentum LDDMM for direct image matching.

integrator = None

integrator to solve EPDiff variant


Creates integrator to solve EPDiff together with an advevtion equation for the image

Returns:returns this integrator
forward(I, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

Integrates EPDiff plus advection equation for image forward

  • I – Initial condition for image
  • variables_from_optimizer – allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration)

returns the image at time tTo

class mermaid.registration_networks.LDDMMShootingVectorMomentumImageLoss(m, sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params)[source]

Specialization of the image loss to vector-momentum LDDMM

m = None


compute_regularization_energy(I0_source, variables_from_forward_model, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

Computes the regularzation energy based on the inital momentum

  • I0_source – not used
  • variables_from_forward_model – allows passing in additional variables (intended to pass variables between the forward modell and the loss function)
  • variables_from_optimizer – allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration)

regularization energy

class mermaid.registration_networks.SVFVectorMomentumImageNet(sz, spacing, params)[source]

Specialization of vector momentum based stationary velocity field image-based matching

integrator = None

integrator to solve EPDiff variant


Creates an integrator integrating the scalar momentum conservation law and an advection equation for the image

Returns:returns this integrator
forward(I, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

Solved the vector momentum forward equation and returns the image at time tTo

  • I – initial image
  • variables_from_optimizer – allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration)

image at time tTo

class mermaid.registration_networks.SVFVectorMomentumImageLoss(m, sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params)[source]

Specialization of the loss to vector-momentum stationary velocity field on images

m = None

vector momentum

compute_regularization_energy(I0_source, variables_from_forward_model, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

Computes the regularization energy from the initial vector momentum as obtained from the vector momentum

  • I0_source – source image
  • variables_from_forward_model – allows passing in additional variables (intended to pass variables between the forward modell and the loss function)
  • variables_from_optimizer – allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration)

returns the regularization energy

class mermaid.registration_networks.LDDMMShootingVectorMomentumMapNet(sz, spacing, params, compute_inverse_map=False)[source]

Specialization for map-based vector-momentum where the map itself is advected

compute_inverse_map = None

If set to True the inverse map is computed on the fly

integrator = None

integrator to solve EPDiff variant


Creates an integrator for EPDiff + advection equation for the map

Returns:returns this integrator
forward(phi, I0_source, phi_inv=None, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

Solves EPDiff + advection equation forward and returns the map at time tTo

  • phi – initial condition for the map
  • I0_source – not used
  • phi_inv – inverse initial map
  • variables_from_optimizer – allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration)

returns the map at time tTo

class mermaid.registration_networks.LDDMMShootingVectorMomentumMapLoss(m, sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params)[source]

Specialization of the loss for map-based vector momumentum. Image similarity is computed based on warping the source image with the advected map.

m = None

vector momentum

compute_regularization_energy(I0_source, variables_from_forward_model, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

Commputes the regularization energy from the initial vector momentum

  • I0_source – not used
  • variables_from_forward_model – allows passing in additional variables (intended to pass variables between the forward modell and the loss function)
  • variables_from_optimizer – allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration)

returns the regularization energy

class mermaid.registration_networks.SVFVectorMomentumMapNet(sz, spacing, params, compute_inverse_map=False)[source]

Specialization of vector momentum based stationary velocity field map-based matching

compute_inverse_map = None

If set to True the inverse map is computed on the fly

integrator = None

integrator to solve EPDiff variant


Creates an integrator integrating the vector momentum conservation law and an advection equation for the map

Returns:returns this integrator
forward(phi, I0_source, phi_inv=None, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

Solved the vector momentum forward equation and returns the map at time tTo

  • phi – initial map
  • I0_source – not used
  • phi_inv – initial inverse map
  • variables_from_optimizer – allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration)

map at time tTo

class mermaid.registration_networks.SVFVectorMomentumMapLoss(m, sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params)[source]

Specialization of loss for vector momentum based stationary velocity field

m = None

vector momentum

compute_regularization_energy(I0_source, variables_from_forward_model, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

Computes the regularization energy from the initial vector momentum

  • I0_source – source image
  • variables_from_forward_model – allows passing in additional variables (intended to pass variables between the forward modell and the loss function)
  • variables_from_optimizer – allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration)

returns the regularization energy

class mermaid.registration_networks.AdaptiveSmootherMomentumMapBasicNet(sz, spacing, params, compute_inverse_map=False)[source]

Mehtods using map-based vector-momentum and adaptive regularizers

compute_inverse_map = None

If set to True the inverse map is computed on the fly

create_single_local_smoother(sz, spacing)[source]

Creates local single gaussian smoother, which is for smoothing pre-weights

debug_distrib(var, name, range)[source]

Creates parameters of the regularizer, a weight vector for multi-gaussian smoother at each position

Returns:Returns the vector momentum parameter

Upsamples the vector-momentum and regularizer parameter

Parameters:desiredSz – desired size of the upsampled momentum
Returns:Returns tuple (upsampled_state,upsampled_spacing)

Downsamples the vector-momentum and regularizer parameter

Parameters:desiredSz – desired size of the downsampled momentum
Returns:Returns tuple (downsampled_state,downsampled_spacing)

Freeze the regularizer param


Freeze the momentum


Unfreeze the momentum


Unfreeze the regularizer param

forward(phi, I0_source, phi_inv=None, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

get_parameter_image_and_name_to_visualize(ISource=None, use_softmax=False, output_preweight=True)[source]

visualize the regularizer parameters

  • ISource – not used
  • use_softmax – true: apply softmax to get pre-weight
  • output_preweight – true: output the pre-weight of the regularizer , false: output the weight of the regualrizer

class mermaid.registration_networks.AdaptiveSmootherMomentumMapBasicLoss(m, sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params)[source]

Specialization of the loss for adaptive map-based vector momumentum. Image similarity is computed based on warping the source image with the advected map.

m = None

vector momentum

compute_regularization_energy(I0_source, variables_from_forward_model, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

Commputes the regularization energy from the initial vector momentum and the adaptive smoother

  • I0_source – source image
  • variables_from_forward_model – allows passing in additional variables (intended to pass variables between the forward modell and the loss function)
  • variables_from_optimizer – allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration)

returns the regularization energy

class mermaid.registration_networks.SVFVectorAdaptiveSmootherMomentumMapNet(sz, spacing, params, compute_inverse_map=False)[source]

Specialization of vector momentum based stationary velocity field with adaptive regularizer

compute_inverse_map = None

If set to True the inverse map is computed on the fly

integrator = None

integrator to solve EPDiff variant


Creates an integrator integrating the vector momentum conservation law, an advection equation for the map with adaptive regularizer

Returns:returns this integrator
forward(phi, I0_source, phi_inv=None, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

Solved the vector momentum forward equation and returns the map at time tTo

  • phi – initial map
  • I0_source – source image
  • phi_inv – initial inverse map
  • variables_from_optimizer – allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration)

map at time tTo

class mermaid.registration_networks.SVFVectorAdaptiveSmootherMomentumMapLoss(m, sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params)[source]

Specialization of the loss to scalar-momentum LDDMM on images

class mermaid.registration_networks.LDDMMAdaptiveSmootherMomentumMapNet(sz, spacing, params, compute_inverse_map=False)[source]

Specialization of LDDMM with adaptive regularizer

integrator = None

integrator to solve EPDiff variant


Creates an integrator for generalized EPDiff + advection equation for the map

Returns:returns this integrator
forward(phi, I0_source, phi_inv=None, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

Solves generalized EPDiff + advection equation forward and returns the map at time tTo

  • phi – initial condition for the map
  • I0_source – source image
  • variables_from_optimizer – allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration)

returns the map at time tTo

class mermaid.registration_networks.LDDMMAdaptiveSmootherMomentumMapLoss(m, sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params)[source]

Specialization of the loss for map-based vector momumentum. Image similarity is computed based on warping the source image with the advected map.

class mermaid.registration_networks.OneStepMapNet(sz, spacing, params, compute_inverse_map=False)[source]

Specialization for single step registration

compute_inverse_map = None

If set to True the inverse map is computed on the fly

integrator = None

integrator to solve EPDiff variant

Returns:returns this integrator
forward(phi, I0_source, phi_inv=None, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

Smooth and return the transformation map

  • phi – initial condition for the map
  • I0_source – not used
  • variables_from_optimizer – allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration)

returns the map at time tTo

class mermaid.registration_networks.OneStepMapLoss(m, sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params)[source]

Specialization of the loss for OneStepMapLoss.

m = None

vector momentum

compute_regularization_energy(I0_source, variables_from_forward_model, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

Commputes the regularization energy

  • I0_source – not used
  • variables_from_forward_model – allows passing in additional variables (intended to pass variables between the forward modell and the loss function)
  • variables_from_optimizer – allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration)

returns the regularization energy

class mermaid.registration_networks.ShootingScalarMomentumNet(sz, spacing, params)[source]

Specialization of the registration network to registrations with scalar momentum. Provides an integrator and the scalar momentum parameter.

lam = None

scalar momentum

smoother = None


integrator = None

integrator to integrate EPDiff and associated equations (for image or map)

spline_order = None

order of the spline for interpolations


To be overwritten to write back optimized parameters to the setting where they came from


Can be overwritten by a method to allow for additional optimizer output (on top of the energy values)


Can be overwritten by a method to allow for additional optimizer history output (should in most cases go hand-in-hand with the string returned by get_custom_optimizer_output_string()


This is a function that can be overwritten by models to allow to return variables which are also needed for the computation of the loss function. Returns None by default, but can for example be used to pass parameters or smoothers which are needed for the model itself and its loss. By convention these variables should be returned as a dictionary.


Creates the scalar momentum registration parameter

Returns:Returns this scalar momentum parameter

Returns an image of the scalar momentum (magnitude over all channels) and ‘lambda’ as name

Returns:Returns tuple (lamda_magnitude,lambda_name)

Upsample the scalar momentum

Parameters:desiredSz – desired size to be upsampled to, e.g., [100,50,40]
Returns:returns a tuple (upsampled_state,upsampled_spacing)

Downsample the scalar momentum

Parameters:desiredSz – desired size to be downsampled to, e.g., [40,20,10]
Returns:returns a tuple (downsampled_state,downsampled_spacing)
class mermaid.registration_networks.SVFScalarMomentumImageNet(sz, spacing, params)[source]

Specialization of scalar-momentum SVF image-based matching


Creates an integrator integrating the scalar momentum conservation law and an advection equation for the image

Returns:returns this integrator
forward(I, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

Solved the scalar momentum forward equation and returns the image at time tTo

  • I – initial image
  • variables_from_optimizer – allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration)

image at time tTo

class mermaid.registration_networks.SVFScalarMomentumImageLoss(lam, sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params)[source]

Specialization of the loss to scalar-momentum LDDMM on images

lam = None

scalar momentum

develop_smoother = None

smoother to go from momentum to velocity

compute_regularization_energy(I0_source, variables_from_forward_model, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

Computes the regularization energy from the initial vector momentum as obtained from the scalar momentum

  • I0_source – source image
  • variables_from_forward_model – allows passing in additional variables (intended to pass variables between the forward modell and the loss function)
  • variables_from_optimizer – allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration)

returns the regularization energy

class mermaid.registration_networks.LDDMMShootingScalarMomentumImageNet(sz, spacing, params)[source]

Specialization of scalar-momentum LDDMM to image-based matching


Creates an integrator integrating the scalar momentum conservation law and an advection equation for the image

Returns:returns this integrator
forward(I, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

Solved the scalar momentum forward equation and returns the image at time tTo

  • I – initial image
  • variables_from_optimizer – allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration)

image at time tTo

class mermaid.registration_networks.LDDMMShootingScalarMomentumImageLoss(lam, sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params)[source]

Specialization of the loss to scalar-momentum LDDMM on images

lam = None

scalar momentum

develop_smoother = None

smoother to go from momentum to velocity

compute_regularization_energy(I0_source, variables_from_forward_model, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

Computes the regularization energy from the initial vector momentum as obtained from the scalar momentum

  • I0_source – source image
  • variables_from_forward_model – allows passing in additional variables (intended to pass variables between the forward modell and the loss function)
  • variables_from_optimizer – allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration)

returns the regularization energy

class mermaid.registration_networks.LDDMMShootingScalarMomentumMapNet(sz, spacing, params, compute_inverse_map=False)[source]

Specialization of scalar-momentum LDDMM registration to map-based image matching

compute_inverse_map = None

If set to True the inverse map is computed on the fly


Creates an integrator integrating the scalar conservation law for the scalar momentum, the advection equation for the image and the advection equation for the map,

Returns:returns this integrator
forward(phi, I0_source, phi_inv=None, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

Solves the scalar conservation law and the two advection equations forward in time.

  • phi – initial condition for the map
  • I0_source – initial condition for the image
  • phi_inv – initial condition for the inverse map
  • variables_from_optimizer – allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration)

returns the map at time tTo

class mermaid.registration_networks.LDDMMShootingScalarMomentumMapLoss(lam, sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params)[source]

Specialization of the loss function to scalar-momentum LDDMM for maps.

lam = None

scalar momentum

develop_smoother = None

smoother to go from momentum to velocity for development configuration

compute_regularization_energy(I0_source, variables_from_forward_model, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

Computes the regularizaton energy from the initial vector momentum as computed from the scalar momentum

  • I0_source – initial image
  • variables_from_forward_model – allows passing in additional variables (intended to pass variables between the forward modell and the loss function)
  • variables_from_optimizer – allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration)

returns the regularization energy

class mermaid.registration_networks.SVFScalarMomentumMapNet(sz, spacing, params, compute_inverse_map=False)[source]

Specialization of scalar-momentum LDDMM to SVF image-based matching

compute_inverse_map = None

If set to True the inverse map is computed on the fly


Creates an integrator integrating the scalar momentum conservation law and an advection equation for the image

Returns:returns this integrator
forward(phi, I0_source, phi_inv=None, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

Solved the scalar momentum forward equation and returns the map at time tTo

  • I – initial image
  • variables_from_optimizer – allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration)

image at time tTo

class mermaid.registration_networks.SVFScalarMomentumMapLoss(lam, sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params)[source]

Specialization of the loss to scalar-momentum LDDMM on images

lam = None

scalar momentum

develop_smoother = None

smoother to go from momentum to velocity

compute_regularization_energy(I0_source, variables_from_forward_model, variables_from_optimizer=None)[source]

Computes the regularization energy from the initial vector momentum as obtained from the scalar momentum

  • I0_source – source image
  • variables_from_forward_model – allows passing in additional variables (intended to pass variables between the forward modell and the loss function)
  • variables_from_optimizer – allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration)

returns the regularization energy