Regularization and Smoothing

mermaid implements primarily non-parametric registration approaces. These are over-parameterized and therefore require regularization. Various smoothers and regularization options are therefore available.

Regularizer factory

Inheritance diagram of mermaid.regularizer_factory

Package implementing general purpose regularizers.

class mermaid.regularizer_factory.Regularizer(spacing, params)[source]

Abstract regularizer base class

spacing = None


fdt = None

finite differencing support

volumeElement = None

volume element, i.e., volume of a pixel/voxel

dim = None

spatial dimension

params = None



Compute a regularized vector field

Parameters:v – Input vector field
Returns:Regularizer energy
class mermaid.regularizer_factory.DiffusionRegularizer(spacing, params)[source]

Implements a diffusion regularizer sum of squared gradients of vector field components

class mermaid.regularizer_factory.CurvatureRegularizer(spacing, params)[source]

Implements a curvature regularizer sum of squared Laplacians of the vector field components

class mermaid.regularizer_factory.TotalVariationRegularizer(spacing, params)[source]

Implements a total variation regularizer sum of Euclidean norms of gradient of vector field components


Sets the norm type

Parameters:pnorm – norm type

Gets the norm type

Returns:Returns the norm type
class mermaid.regularizer_factory.HelmholtzRegularizer(spacing, params)[source]

Implements a Helmholtz regularizer \(Reg[v] = \langle\gamma v -\alpha \Delta v, \gamma v -\alpha \Delta v\rangle\)

alpha = None

penalty for second derivative

gamma = None

penalty for magnitude


Sets the penalty for the second derivative

Parameters:alpha – penalty

Gets the penalty for the second derivative

Returns:Returns the penalty for the second derivative

Sets the penalty for the magnitude

Parameters:gamma – penalty

Gest the penalty for the magnitude

Returns:Returns the penalty for the magnitude
class mermaid.regularizer_factory.RegularizerFactory(spacing)[source]

Regularizer factory to instantiate a regularizer by name.

spacing = None


dim = None

spatial dimension

default_regularizer_type = None

type of the regularizer used by default


Sets the default regularizer type to helmholtz


Sets the default regularizer type to diffusion


Sets the default regularizer type to totalVariation


Sets the default regularizer type to curvature

create_regularizer_by_name(regularizerType, params)[source]

Create a regularizer by name. This is a convenience function in the case where there should be no free choice of regularizer (because a particular one is required for a model) :param regularizerType: name of the regularizer: helmholtz|totalVariation|diffusion|curvature :param params: ParameterDict instance :return: returns a regularizer which can compute the regularization energy


Create the regularizer

Parameters:params – ParameterDict instance, expecting category ‘regularizer’, with variables ‘type’ and any settings the regularizer may require
Returns:returns the regularizer which can commpute the regularization energy

Smoother factory

Inheritance diagram of mermaid.smoother_factory

This package implements various types of smoothers.

mermaid.smoother_factory.get_compatible_state_dict_for_module(state_dict, module_name, target_state_dict)[source]
mermaid.smoother_factory.get_state_dict_for_module(state_dict, module_name)[source]
class mermaid.smoother_factory.Smoother(sz, spacing, params)[source]

Abstract base class defining the general smoother interface.

sz = None

image size

spacing = None

image spacing

fdt = None

finite difference support for torch

volumeElement = None

volume of pixel/voxel

dim = None


params = None

ParameterDict() parameter object holding various configuration options

multi_gaussian_optimizer_params = None

parameters that will be exposed to the optimizer

ISource = None

For smoothers that make use of the map, stores the source image to which the map can be applied

batch_size = None

batch size of what is being smoothed


Associates parameters that should be optimized with the given module.

Parameters:module – module to associate the parameters to
Returns:set of parameters that were associated

If called will take the current parameter state and write it back into the initial setting configuration. This should be called from the model it uses the smoother and will for example allow to write back optimized weitght parameters into the smoother :param module: :return:


Can be overwritten by a smoother to return a custom penalty which will be added to the optimization cost. For example to put penalities on smoother paramters that are being optimized over. :return: scalar value; penalty for smoother


If the smoother contains a torch state-dict, this function allows setting it externally (to initialize as needed). This is typically not needed as it will be set via a registration model for example, but can be useful for external testing of the smoother. This is also different from smoother parameters and only affects parameters that may be optimized over.

Parameters:state_dict – OrderedDict containing the state information

If the smoother contains a torch state-dict, this function returns it

Returns:state dict as an OrderedDict

Sets the source image. Useful for smoothers that have as an input the map and need to compute a warped source image.

Parameters:ISource – source image

Returns the optimizer parameters for a smoother. Returns None of there are none, or if optimization is disabled. :return: Optimizer parameters


Returns a customized string describing a smoother’s setting. Will be displayed during optimization. Useful to overwrite if optimizing over smoother parameters. :return: string


Returns a customized dictionary with additional values describing a smoother’s setting. Will become part of the optimization history. Useful to overwrite if optimizing over smoother parameters.

apply_smooth(v, vout=None, pars={}, variables_from_optimizer=None, smooth_to_compute_regularizer_energy=False, clampCFL_dt=None)[source]

Abstract method to smooth a vector field. Only this method should be overwritten in derived classes.

  • v – input field to smooth BxCxXxYxZ
  • vout – if not None then result is returned in this variable
  • pars – dictionary that can contain various extra variables; for smoother this will for example be the current image ‘I’ or the current map ‘phi’. typically not used.
  • variables_from_optimizer – variables that can be passed from the optimizer (for example iteration count)
  • smooth_to_compute_regularizer_energy – in certain cases smoothing to compute a smooth velocity field should be different than the smoothing for the regularizer (this flag allows smoother implementations reacting to this difference)
  • clampCFL_dt – If specified the result of the smoother is clampled according to the CFL condition, based on the given time-step

should return the a smoothed scalar field, image dimension BxCXxYxZ

smooth(v, vout=None, pars={}, variables_from_optimizer=None, smooth_to_compute_regularizer_energy=False, clampCFL_dt=None, multi_output=False)[source]

Smoothes a vector field of dimension BxCxXxYxZ,

  • v – vector field to smooth BxCxXxYxZ
  • vout – if not None then result is returned in this variable
  • pars – dictionary that can contain various extra variables; for smoother this will for example be the current image ‘I’ or the current map ‘phi’. typically not used.
  • variables_from_optimizer – variables that can be passed from the optimizer (for example iteration count)
  • smooth_to_compute_regularizer_energy – in certain cases smoothing to compute a smooth velocity field should be different than the smoothing for the regularizer (this flag allows smoother implementations reacting to this difference)
  • clampCFL_dt – If specified the result of the smoother is clampled according to the CFL condition, based on the given time-step

smoothed vector field BxCxXxYxZ

class mermaid.smoother_factory.DiffusionSmoother(sz, spacing, params)[source]

Smoothing by solving the diffusion equation iteratively.

iter = None

number of iterations


Set the number of iterations for the diffusion smoother

Parameters:iter – number of iterations
Returns:returns the number of iterations

Returns the set number of iterations

Returns:number of iterations
apply_smooth(v, vout=None, pars={}, variables_from_optimizer=None, smooth_to_compute_regularizer_energy=False, clampCFL_dt=None)[source]

Smoothes a scalar field of dimension XxYxZ

  • v – input image
  • vout – if not None returns the result in this variable
  • pars – dictionary that can contain various extra variables; for smoother this will for example be the current image ‘I’ or the current map ‘phi’. typically not used.
  • variables_from_optimizer – variables that can be passed from the optimizer (for example iteration count)

smoothed image

class mermaid.smoother_factory.GaussianSmoother(sz, spacing, params)[source]

Gaussian smoothing in the spatial domain (hence, SLOW in high dimensions on the CPU at least).


Clean up the two implementations (spatial and Fourier of the Gaussian smoothers). In particular, assure that all computions are done in physical coordinates. For now these are just in [-1,1]^d

class mermaid.smoother_factory.GaussianSpatialSmoother(sz, spacing, params)[source]
k_sz_h = None

size of half the smoothing kernel

filter = None

smoothing filter


Set the size of half the smoothing kernel

Parameters:k_sz_h – size of half the kernel as array

Returns the size of half the smoothing kernel

Returns:return half the smoothing kernel size
apply_smooth(v, vout=None, pars={}, variables_from_optimizer=None, smooth_to_compute_regularizer_energy=False, clampCFL_dt=None)[source]

Smooth the scalar field using Gaussian smoothing in the spatial domain

  • v – image to smooth
  • vout – if not None returns the result in this variable
  • pars – dictionary that can contain various extra variables; for smoother this will for example be the current image ‘I’ or the current map ‘phi’. typically not used.
  • variables_from_optimizer – variables that can be passed from the optimizer (for example iteration count)

smoothed image

class mermaid.smoother_factory.GaussianFourierSmoother(sz, spacing, params)[source]

Performs Gaussian smoothing via convolution in the Fourier domain. Much faster for large dimensions than spatial Gaussian smoothing on the CPU in large dimensions.

FFilter = None

filter in Fourier domain

apply_smooth(v, vout=None, pars={}, variables_from_optimizer=None, smooth_to_compute_regularizer_energy=False, clampCFL_dt=None)[source]

Smooth the scalar field using Gaussian smoothing in the Fourier domain

  • v – image to smooth
  • vout – if not None returns the result in this variable
  • pars – dictionary that can contain various extra variables; for smoother this will for example be the current image ‘I’ or the current map ‘phi’. typically not used.
  • variables_from_optimizer – variables that can be passed from the optimizer (for example iteration count)

smoothed image

class mermaid.smoother_factory.AdaptiveSingleGaussianFourierSmoother(sz, spacing, params)[source]

Performs Gaussian smoothing via convolution in the Fourier domain. Much faster for large dimensions than spatial Gaussian smoothing on the CPU in large dimensions.

gaussianStd = None

standard deviation of Gaussian

gaussianStd_min = None

minimal allowed standard deviation during optimization

optimize_over_smoother_parameters = None

determines if we should optimize over the smoother parameters


Associates parameters that should be optimized with the given module.

Parameters:module – module to associate the parameters to
Returns:set of parameters that were associated

Returns a customized string describing a smoother’s setting. Will be displayed during optimization. Useful to overwrite if optimizing over smoother parameters. :return: string


If called will take the current parameter state and write it back into the initial setting configuration. This should be called from the model it uses the smoother and will for example allow to write back optimized weitght parameters into the smoother :param module: :return:


Returns the optimizer parameters for a smoother. Returns None of there are none, or if optimization is disabled. :return: Optimizer parameters


Set the standard deviation of the Gaussian filter

Parameters:gstd – standard deviation

Return the standard deviation of the Gaussian filter

Returns:standard deviation of Gaussian filter
apply_smooth(v, vout=None, pars={}, variables_from_optimizer=None, smooth_to_compute_regularizer_energy=False, clampCFL_dt=None)[source]

Smooth the scalar field using Gaussian smoothing in the Fourier domain

  • v – image to smooth
  • vout – if not None returns the result in this variable
  • pars – dictionary that can contain various extra variables; for smoother this will for example be the current image ‘I’ or the current map ‘phi’. typically not used.
  • variables_from_optimizer – variables that can be passed from the optimizer (for example iteration count)

smoothed image

class mermaid.smoother_factory.SingleGaussianFourierSmoother(sz, spacing, params)[source]

Performs Gaussian smoothing via convolution in the Fourier domain. Much faster for large dimensions than spatial Gaussian smoothing on the CPU in large dimensions.

gaussianStd = None

standard deviation of Gaussian

gaussianStd_min = None

minimal allowed standard deviation during optimization

Set the standard deviation of the Gaussian filter
Parameters:gstd – standard deviation

Return the standard deviation of the Gaussian filter

Returns:standard deviation of Gaussian filter
class mermaid.smoother_factory.MultiGaussianFourierSmoother(sz, spacing, params)[source]

Performs multi Gaussian smoothing via convolution in the Fourier domain. Much faster for large dimensions than spatial Gaussian smoothing on the CPU in large dimensions.

multi_gaussian_weights = None

weights for the Gaussians

class mermaid.smoother_factory.AdaptiveMultiGaussianFourierSmoother(sz, spacing, params)[source]

Adaptive multi-Gaussian smoother which allows optimizing over weights and standard deviations

multi_gaussian_stds = None

standard deviations of Gaussians

gaussianStd_min = None

minimal allowed standard deviation during optimization

omt_weight_penalty = None

penalty factor for the optimal mass transport term

omt_use_log_transformed_std = None

if set to true the standard deviations are log transformed for the OMT computation

optimize_over_smoother_stds = None

determines if we should optimize over the smoother standard deviations

optimize_over_smoother_weights = None

determines if we should optimize over the smoother global weights

nr_of_gaussians = None

number of Gaussians

multi_gaussian_weights = None

global weights for the Gaussians

gaussianWeight_min = None

minimal allowed weight during optimization

gaussian_fourier_filter_generator = None

creates the smoothed vector fields

omt_power = None

optimal mass transport power


Associates parameters that should be optimized with the given module.

Parameters:module – module to associate the parameters to
Returns:set of parameters that were associated

Returns a customized string describing a smoother’s setting. Will be displayed during optimization. Useful to overwrite if optimizing over smoother parameters. :return: string


Returns a customized dictionary with additional values describing a smoother’s setting. Will become part of the optimization history. Useful to overwrite if optimizing over smoother parameters.


If the smoother contains a torch state-dict, this function allows setting it externally (to initialize as needed). This is typically not needed as it will be set via a registration model for example, but can be useful for external testing of the smoother. This is also different from smoother parameters and only affects parameters that may be optimized over.

Parameters:state_dict – OrderedDict containing the state information

If called will take the current parameter state and write it back into the initial setting configuration. This should be called from the model it uses the smoother and will for example allow to write back optimized weitght parameters into the smoother :param module: :return:


Sets the weights for the multi-Gaussian smoother :param gweights: vector of weights :return: n/a


Returns the weights for the multi-Gaussian smoother :return: vector of weights


Set the standard deviation of the Gaussian filter

Parameters:gstd – standard deviation

Return the standard deviations of the Gaussian filters

Returns:standard deviation of Gaussian filter

Can be overwritten by a smoother to return a custom penalty which will be added to the optimization cost. For example to put penalities on smoother paramters that are being optimized over. :return: scalar value; penalty for smoother

apply_smooth(v, vout=None, pars={}, variables_from_optimizer=None, smooth_to_compute_regularizer_energy=False, clampCFL_dt=None)[source]

Smooth the scalar field using Gaussian smoothing in the Fourier domain

  • v – image to smooth
  • vout – if not None returns the result in this variable
  • pars – dictionary that can contain various extra variables; for smoother this will for example be the current image ‘I’ or the current map ‘phi’. typically not used.
  • variables_from_optimizer – variables that can be passed from the optimizer (for example iteration count)

smoothed image

class mermaid.smoother_factory.LearnedMultiGaussianCombinationFourierSmoother(sz, spacing, params)[source]

Adaptive multi-Gaussian Fourier smoother. Allows optimization over weights and standard deviations

multi_gaussian_stds = None

standard deviations of Gaussians

gaussianStd_min = None

minimal allowed standard deviation during optimization

smallest_gaussian_std = None

The smallest of the standard deviations

optimize_over_smoother_stds = None

determines if we should optimize over the smoother standard deviations

optimize_over_smoother_weights = None

determines if we should optimize over the smoother global weights

scale_global_parameters = None

If set to True the global parameters are scaled for the global parameters, to make sure energies decay similarly as for the deep-network weight estimation’

optimize_over_deep_network = None

determines if we should optimize over the smoother global weights

evaluate_but_do_not_optimize_over_shared_registration_parameters = None

If set to true then the network is evaluated (should have been loaded from a previously computed optimized state), but the network weights are not being optimized over

freeze_parameters = None

Freezes parameters; this, for example, allows optimizing for a few extra steps without changing their current value

start_optimize_over_smoother_parameters_at_iteration = None

at what iteration the optimization over weights or stds should start

start_optimize_over_nn_smoother_parameters_at_iteration = None

at what iteration the optimization over nn parameters should start

nr_of_gaussians = None

number of Gaussians

multi_gaussian_weights = None

global weights for the Gaussians

gaussianWeight_min = None

minimal allowed weight during optimization

ws = None

learned mini-network to predict multi-Gaussian smoothing weights

global_parameter_scaling_factor = None

If set to True the global parameters are scaled, to make sure energies decay similarly as for the deep-network weight estimation’

use_multi_gaussian_regularization = None

If set to true then the regularization for w_K_w or sqrt_w_K_sqrt_w will use multi-Gaussian smoothing (not the velocity) of the deep smoother

load_dnn_parameters_from_this_file = None

To allow pre-initializing a network

omt_weight_penalty = None

penalty factor for the optimal mass transport term

omt_use_log_transformed_std = None

if set to true the standard deviations are log transformed for the OMT computation

omt_power = None

power for the optimal mass transport term


Associates parameters that should be optimized with the given module.

Parameters:module – module to associate the parameters to
Returns:set of parameters that were associated

Returns a customized string describing a smoother’s setting. Will be displayed during optimization. Useful to overwrite if optimizing over smoother parameters. :return: string


Returns a customized dictionary with additional values describing a smoother’s setting. Will become part of the optimization history. Useful to overwrite if optimizing over smoother parameters.


If called will take the current parameter state and write it back into the initial setting configuration. This should be called from the model it uses the smoother and will for example allow to write back optimized weitght parameters into the smoother :param module: :return:


If the smoother contains a torch state-dict, this function allows setting it externally (to initialize as needed). This is typically not needed as it will be set via a registration model for example, but can be useful for external testing of the smoother. This is also different from smoother parameters and only affects parameters that may be optimized over.

Parameters:state_dict – OrderedDict containing the state information

Sets the weights for the multi-Gaussian smoother :param gweights: vector of weights :return: n/a


Returns the weights for the multi-Gaussian smoother :return: vector of weights


Set the standard deviation of the Gaussian filter

Parameters:gstd – standard deviation

Return the standard deviations of the Gaussian filters

Returns:standard deviation of Gaussian filter

Can be overwritten by a smoother to return a custom penalty which will be added to the optimization cost. For example to put penalities on smoother paramters that are being optimized over. :return: scalar value; penalty for smoother

apply_smooth(v, vout=None, pars={}, variables_from_optimizer=None, smooth_to_compute_regularizer_energy=False, clampCFL_dt=None)[source]

Smooth the scalar field using Gaussian smoothing in the Fourier domain

  • v – image to smooth
  • vout – if not None returns the result in this variable
  • pars – dictionary that can contain various extra variables; for smoother this will for example be the current image ‘I’ or the current map ‘phi’. typically not used.
  • variables_from_optimizer – variables that can be passed from the optimizer (for example iteration count)

smoothed image

class mermaid.smoother_factory.LocalFourierSmoother(sz, spacing, params)[source]

Performs multi Gaussian smoothing via convolution in the Fourier domain. Much faster for large dimensions than spatial Gaussian smoothing on the CPU in large dimensions.

the local fourier smoother is designed for optimization version, in this case, only local Fourier smoother need to be used, but currently, not support global std, weights optimization.

Besides, it can be jointly used with deep smoother, in this case, we would call import_outside_var during the init to share the vars with the deep smoother.


Returns a customized string describing a smoother’s setting. Will be displayed during optimization. Useful to overwrite if optimizing over smoother parameters. :return: string


Returns a customized dictionary with additional values describing a smoother’s setting. Will become part of the optimization history. Useful to overwrite if optimizing over smoother parameters.

import_outside_var(multi_gaussian_stds, multi_gaussian_weights, gaussian_fourier_filter_generator, loss)[source]

This function is to deal with situation like the optimization of the multi-gaussian-stds, multi-gaussian_weight, here we also take the gaussian_fourier_filter_generator loss as the input to reduce the head cost; this function only needs to be called once at the init.

  • multi_gaussian_stds
  • multi_gaussian_weights
  • weighting_type
  • gaussian_fourier_filter_generator
  • loss

debugging(input, t)[source]

Can be overwritten by a smoother to return a custom penalty which will be added to the optimization cost. For example to put penalities on smoother paramters that are being optimized over. :return: scalar value; penalty for smoother

compute_penalty(I, weights, pre_weights, input_to_pre_weights=None)[source]
apply_smooth(v, vout=None, pars={}, variables_from_optimizer=None, smooth_to_compute_regularizer_energy=False, clampCFL_dt=None)[source]

Abstract method to smooth a vector field. Only this method should be overwritten in derived classes.

  • v – input field to smooth BxCxXxYxZ
  • vout – if not None then result is returned in this variable
  • pars – dictionary that can contain various extra variables; for smoother this will for example be the current image ‘I’ or the current map ‘phi’. typically not used.
  • variables_from_optimizer – variables that can be passed from the optimizer (for example iteration count)
  • smooth_to_compute_regularizer_energy – in certain cases smoothing to compute a smooth velocity field should be different than the smoothing for the regularizer (this flag allows smoother implementations reacting to this difference)
  • clampCFL_dt – If specified the result of the smoother is clampled according to the CFL condition, based on the given time-step

should return the a smoothed scalar field, image dimension BxCXxYxZ

class mermaid.smoother_factory.AvailableSmoothers[source]
smoothers = None

dictionary defining all the smoothers


Returns all available smoothers as a dictionary which has as keys the smoother name and tuple entries of the form (smootherclass,explanation_string) :return: the model dictionary


Prints the smoothers that are available and can be created with create_smoother

class mermaid.smoother_factory.SmootherFactory(sz, spacing)[source]

Factory to quickly create different types of smoothers.

spacing = None

spatial spacing of image

sz = None

size of image (X,Y,…); does not include batch-size or number of channels

dim = None

dimension of image

default_smoother_type = None

default smoother used for smoothing


Returns all available smoothers as a dictionary which has as keys the smoother name and tuple entries of the form (smootherclass,,explanation_string) :return: the smoother dictionary


Prints the smoothers that are available and can be created with create_smoother


Set the default smoother type to Gaussian smoothing in the Fourier domain


Set the default smoother type to diffusion smoothing


Set the default smoother type to Gaussian smoothing in the spatial domain

create_smoother_by_name(smoother_name, params=None)[source]

Creates a smoother by specifying the smoother name (convenience function).

  • smoother_name – (string) specifies the smoother name
  • params – ParamterDict() object to hold paramters which should be passed on

create_smoother(params, smooth_type=None)[source]

Create the desired smoother :param params: ParamterDict() object to hold paramters which should be passed on :return: returns the smoother

Deep smoothers

Inheritance diagram of mermaid.deep_smoothers
mermaid.deep_smoothers.compute_localized_edge_penalty(I, spacing, params=None)[source]
mermaid.deep_smoothers.weighted_softmax(input, dim=None, weights=None)[source]

Applies a softmax function.

Weighted_softmax is defined as:

\(weighted_softmax(x) = \frac{w_i exp(x_i)}{\sum_j w_j exp(x_j)}\)

It is applied to all slices along dim, and will rescale them so that the elements lie in the range (0, 1) and sum to 1.

See WeightedSoftmax for more details.

  • input (Variable) – input
  • dim (int) – A dimension along which weighted_softmax will be computed.
class mermaid.deep_smoothers.WeightedSoftmax(dim=None, weights=None)[source]

Applies the WeightedSoftmax function to an n-dimensional input Tensor rescaling them so that the elements of the n-dimensional output Tensor lie in the range (0,1) and sum to 1

WeightedSoftmax is defined as \(f_i(x) = \frac{w_i\exp(x_i)}{\sum_j w_j\exp(x_j)}\)

It is assumed that w_i>0 and that the weights sum up to one. The effect of this weighting is that for a zero input (x=0) the output for f_i(x) will be w_i. I.e., we can obtain a default output which is not 1/n.

  • Input: any shape
  • Output: same as input
Returns:a Tensor of the same dimension and shape as the input with values in the range [0, 1]
Parameters:dim (int) – A dimension along which WeightedSoftmax will be computed (so every slice along dim will sum to 1).


>>> m = nn.WeightedSoftmax()
>>> input = autograd.torch.randn(2, 3))
>>> print(input)
>>> print(m(input))

Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

mermaid.deep_smoothers.stable_softmax(input, dim=None)[source]

Applies a numerically stqable softmax function.

stable_softmax is defined as:

\(stable_softmax(x) = \frac{exp(x_i)}{\sum_j exp(x_j)}\)

It is applied to all slices along dim, and will rescale them so that the elements lie in the range (0, 1) and sum to 1.

See StableSoftmax for more details.

  • input (Variable) – input
  • dim (int) – A dimension along which stable_softmax will be computed.
class mermaid.deep_smoothers.StableSoftmax(dim=None)[source]

Applies the StableSoftmax function to an n-dimensional input Tensor rescaling them so that the elements of the n-dimensional output Tensor lie in the range (0,1) and sum to 1

StableSoftmax is defined as \(f_i(x) = \frac{exp(x_i)}{\sum_j exp(x_j)}\)

  • Input: any shape
  • Output: same as input
Returns:a Tensor of the same dimension and shape as the input with values in the range [0, 1]
Parameters:dim (int) – A dimension along which WeightedSoftmax will be computed (so every slice along dim will sum to 1).


>>> m = nn.StableSoftmax()
>>> input = autograd.torch.randn(2, 3))
>>> print(input)
>>> print(m(input))

Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

mermaid.deep_smoothers.weighted_linear_softmax(input, dim=None, weights=None)[source]

Applies a softmax function.

Weighted_linear_softmax is defined as:

\(weighted_linear_softmax(x) = \frac{clamp(x_i+w_i,0,1)}{\sum_j clamp(x_j+w_j,0,1)}\)

It is applied to all slices along dim, and will rescale them so that the elements lie in the range (0, 1) and sum to 1.

See WeightedLinearSoftmax for more details.

  • input (Variable) – input
  • dim (int) – A dimension along which weighted_linear_softmax will be computed.
class mermaid.deep_smoothers.WeightedLinearSoftmax(dim=None, weights=None)[source]

Applies the a WeightedLinearSoftmax function to an n-dimensional input Tensor rescaling them so that the elements of the n-dimensional output Tensor lie in the range (0,1) and sum to 1

WeightedSoftmax is defined as \(f_i(x) = \frac{clamp(x_i+w_i,0,1)}{\sum_j clamp(x_j+w_j,0,1)}\)

It is assumed that 0<=w_i<=1 and that the weights sum up to one. The effect of this weighting is that for a zero input (x=0) the output for f_i(x) will be w_i.

  • Input: any shape
  • Output: same as input
Returns:a Tensor of the same dimension and shape as the input with values in the range [0, 1]
Parameters:dim (int) – A dimension along which WeightedSoftmax will be computed (so every slice along dim will sum to 1).


>>> m = nn.WeightedLinearSoftmax()
>>> input = torch.randn(2, 3)
>>> print(input)
>>> print(m(input))

Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

mermaid.deep_smoothers.weighted_linear_softnorm(input, dim=None, weights=None)[source]

Applies a weighted linear softnorm function.

Weighted_linear_softnorm is defined as:

\(weighted_linear_softnorm(x) = \frac{clamp(x_i+w_i,0,1)}{\sqrt{\sum_j clamp(x_j+w_j,0,1)**2}}\)

It is applied to all slices along dim, and will rescale them so that the elements lie in the range (0, 1) and sum to 1.

See WeightedLinearSoftnorm for more details.

  • input (Variable) – input
  • dim (int) – A dimension along which weighted_linear_softnorm will be computed.
class mermaid.deep_smoothers.WeightedLinearSoftnorm(dim=None, weights=None)[source]

Applies the a WeightedLinearSoftnorm function to an n-dimensional input Tensor rescaling them so that the elements of the n-dimensional output Tensor lie in the range (0,1) and the square sum to 1

WeightedLinearSoftnorm is defined as \(f_i(x) = \frac{clamp(x_i+w_i,0,1)}{\sqrt{\sum_j clamp(x_j+w_j,0,1)**2}}\)

It is assumed that 0<=w_i<=1 and that the weights sum up to one. The effect of this weighting is that for a zero input (x=0) the output for f_i(x) will be w_i.

  • Input: any shape
  • Output: same as input
Returns:a Tensor of the same dimension and shape as the input with values in the range [0, 1]
Parameters:dim (int) – A dimension along which WeightedSoftmax will be computed (so every slice along dim will sum to 1).


>>> m = nn.WeightedLinearSoftnorm()
>>> input = torch.randn(2, 3)
>>> print(input)
>>> print(m(input))

Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

mermaid.deep_smoothers.linear_softnorm(input, dim=None)[source]

Normalizes so that the squares of the resulting values sum up to one and are positive.

linear_softnorm is defined as:

\(linear_softnorm(x) = \frac{clamp(x_i,0,1)}{\sqrt{\sum_j clamp(x_j,0,1)^2}}\)

It is applied to all slices along dim, and will rescale them so that the elements lie in the range (0, 1) and their squares sum to 1.

See LinearSoftnorm for more details.

  • input (Variable) – input
  • dim (int) – A dimension along which linear_softnorm will be computed.
class mermaid.deep_smoothers.LinearSoftnorm(dim=None)[source]

Applies the a LinearSoftnrom function to an n-dimensional input Tensor rescaling them so that the elements of the n-dimensional output Tensor lie in the range (0,1) and their square sums up to 1

LinearSoftnorm is defined as \(f_i(x) = \frac{clamp(x_i,0,1)}{\sqrt{\sum_j clamp(x_j,0,1)**2}}\)

  • Input: any shape
  • Output: same as input
Returns:a Tensor of the same dimension and shape as the input with values in the range [0, 1]
Parameters:dim (int) – A dimension along which WeightedSoftmax will be computed (so every slice along dim will sum to 1).


>>> m = nn.LinearSoftnorm()
>>> input = torch.randn(2, 3)
>>> print(input)
>>> print(m(input))

Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

mermaid.deep_smoothers.linear_softmax(input, dim=None)[source]

Applies linear a softmax function.

linear_softmax is defined as:

\(linear_softmax(x) = \frac{clamp(x_i,0,1)}{\sum_j clamp(x_j,0,1)}\)

It is applied to all slices along dim, and will rescale them so that the elements lie in the range (0, 1) and sum to 1.

See LinearSoftmax for more details.

  • input (Variable) – input
  • dim (int) – A dimension along which linear_softmax will be computed.
class mermaid.deep_smoothers.LinearSoftmax(dim=None)[source]

Applies the a LinearSoftmax function to an n-dimensional input Tensor rescaling them so that the elements of the n-dimensional output Tensor lie in the range (0,1) and sum to 1

WeightedSoftmax is defined as \(f_i(x) = \frac{clamp(x_i,0,1)}{\sum_j clamp(x_j,0,1)}\)

  • Input: any shape
  • Output: same as input
Returns:a Tensor of the same dimension and shape as the input with values in the range [0, 1]
Parameters:dim (int) – A dimension along which WeightedSoftmax will be computed (so every slice along dim will sum to 1).


>>> m = nn.LinearSoftmax()
>>> input = torch.randn(2, 3)
>>> print(input)
>>> print(m(input))

Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

mermaid.deep_smoothers.weighted_sqrt_softmax(input, dim=None, weights=None)[source]

Applies a weighted square-root softmax function.

Weighted_sqrt_softmax is defined as:

\(weighted_sqrt_softmax(x) = \frac{\sqrt{w_i} exp(x_i)}{\sqrt{\sum_j w_j (exp(x_j))^2}}\)

It is applied to all slices along dim, and will rescale them so that the elements lie in the range (0, 1) and sum to 1.

See WeightedSoftmax for more details.

  • input (Variable) – input
  • dim (int) – A dimension along which weighted_softmax will be computed.
class mermaid.deep_smoothers.WeightedSqrtSoftmax(dim=None, weights=None)[source]

Applies the WeightedSqrtSoftmax function to an n-dimensional input Tensor rescaling them so that the elements of the n-dimensional output Tensor lie in the range (0,1) and their squares sum to 1

WeightedSoftmax is defined as \(f_i(x) = \frac{\sqrt{w_i}\exp(x_i)}{\sqrt{\sum_j w_j\exp(x_j)^2}}\)

It is assumed that w_i>=0 and that the weights sum up to one. The effect of this weighting is that for a zero input (x=0) the output for f_i(x) will be sqrt{w_i}. I.e., we can obtain a default output which is not 1/n and if we sqaure the outputs we are back to the original weights for zero (input). This is useful behavior to implement, for example, local kernel weightings while avoiding square roots of weights that may be close to zero (and hence potential numerical issues with the gradient). The assumption is, of course, here that the weights are fixed and are not being optimized over, otherwise there would still be numerical issues. TODO: check that this is indeed working as planned.

  • Input: any shape
  • Output: same as input
Returns:a Tensor of the same dimension and shape as the input with positive values such that their squares sum up to one.
Parameters:dim (int) – A dimension along which WeightedSqrtSoftmax will be computed (so every slice along dim will sum to 1).


>>> m = nn.WeightedSqrtSoftmax()
>>> input = autograd.torch.randn(2, 3))
>>> print(input)
>>> print(m(input))

Defines the computation performed at every call.

Should be overridden by all subclasses.


Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the Module instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.

mermaid.deep_smoothers.compute_weighted_multi_smooth_v(momentum, weights, gaussian_stds, gaussian_fourier_filter_generator)[source]
class mermaid.deep_smoothers.DeepSmoothingModel(nr_of_gaussians, gaussian_stds, dim, spacing, im_sz, nr_of_image_channels=1, omt_power=1.0, params=None)[source]

Base class for mini neural network which takes as an input a set of smoothed velocity field as well as input images and predicts weights for a multi-Gaussian smoothing from this Enforces the same weighting for all the dimensions of the vector field to be smoothed

gaussianWeight_min = None

minimal allowed weight during optimization

local_pre_weight_max = None

max allowed initial preweight

standardize_input_images = None

if true then we subtract standardize_subtract_from_input_images from all network input images

standardize_subtract_from_input_images = None

Subtracts this value from all images input into a network

standardize_input_momentum = None

if true then we subtract standardize_subtract_from_input_momentum from the network input momentum

standardize_subtract_from_input_momentum = None

Subtracts this value from the momentum input to a network

standardize_divide_input_momentum = None

Value to divide the input momentum by AFTER subtraction

standardize_display_standardization = None

Outputs statistical values before and after standardization

computed_weights = None

stores the computed weights if desired

computed_pre_weights = None

stores the computed pre weights if desired

current_penalty = None

to stores the current penalty (for example OMT) after running through the model

deep_network_local_weight_smoothing = None

Smoothing of the local weight fields to assure sufficient regularity of the resulting velocity

deep_network_weight_smoother = None

The smoother that does the smoothing of the weights; needs to be initialized in the forward model

standardize_divide_input_images = None

Value to divide the input images by AFTER subtraction

network_penalty = None

penalty factor for L2 norm of network weights

get_number_of_input_channels(nr_of_image_channels, dim)[source]

legacy; to support velocity fields as input channels currently only returns the number of image channels, but if something else would be used as the network input, would need to return the total number of inputs

get_number_of_image_channels_from_state_dict(state_dict, dim)[source]

legacy; to support velocity fields as input channels


does spatial averaging of a 2D image with potentially multiple batches: format B x X x Y :param x: :return:


returns the current penalty for the weights (OMT penalty here) :return:


Computes the l2 penalty over all the parameters :return: n/a

forward(I, additional_inputs, global_multi_gaussian_weights, gaussian_fourier_filter_generator, iter=0, retain_weights=False)[source]

First make sure that the multi_smooth_v has the correct dimension. I.e., the correct spatial dimension and one output for each Gaussian (multi_v)

class mermaid.deep_smoothers.GeneralNetworkWeightedSmoothingModel(network_type, nr_of_gaussians, gaussian_stds, dim, spacing, im_sz, nr_of_image_channels=1, omt_power=1.0, params=None)[source]

Mini neural network which takes as an input a set of smoothed velocity field as well as input images and predicts weights for a multi-Gaussian smoothing from this Enforces the same weighting for all the dimensions of the vector field to be smoothed

randomly_initialize_network = None

Can be set to false, to load a previously saved network


Computes the l2 penalty over all the parameters :return: n/a

class mermaid.deep_smoothers.ClusteredWeightedSmoothingModel(nr_of_gaussians, gaussian_stds, dim, spacing, im_sz, nr_of_image_channels=1, omt_power=1.0, params=None)[source]

Assumes a given clustering of an input image and estimates weights for this clustering Enforces the same weighting for all the dimensions of the vector field to be smoothed This is NOT a deep network model, but a way to debug optimization using the synthetic data


Computes the l2 penalty over all the parameters :return: n/a

class mermaid.deep_smoothers.DeepSmootherFactory(nr_of_gaussians, gaussian_stds, dim, spacing, im_sz, nr_of_image_channels=1)[source]

Factory to quickly create different types of deep smoothers.

nr_of_gaussians = None

number of Gaussians as input

gaussian_stds = None

stds of the Gaussians

dim = None

dimension of input image

im_sz = None

image size

nr_of_image_channels = None

number of channels the image has (currently only one is supported)

spacing = None

Spacing of the image


Create the desired deep smoother :param params: ParamterDict() object to hold paramters which should be passed on :return: returns the deep smoother