Source code for mermaid.finite_differences

** is the main package to compute finite differences in 
1D, 2D, and 3D on numpy arrays (class FD_np) and pytorch tensors (class FD_torch).
The package supports first and second order derivatives and Neumann and linear extrapolation
boundary conditions (though the latter have not been tested extensively yet).
from __future__ import absolute_import

# from builtins import object
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

import torch
from torch.autograd import Variable
from .data_wrapper import MyTensor
import numpy as np
from future.utils import with_metaclass

[docs]class FD(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, object)): """ *FD* is the abstract class for finite differences. It includes most of the actual finite difference code, but requires the definition (in a derived class) of the methods *get_dimension*, *create_zero_array*, and *get_size_of_array*. In this way the numpy and pytorch versions can easily be derived. All the method expect BxXxYxZ format (i.e., they process a batch at a time) """ def __init__(self,spacing, mode='linear'): """ Constructor :param spacing: 1D numpy array defining the spatial spacing, e.g., [0.1,0.1,0.1] for a 3D image :param bcNeumannZero: Defines the boundary condition. If set to *True* (default) zero Neumann boundary conditions are imposed. If set to *False* linear extrapolation is used (this is still experimental, but may be beneficial for better boundary behavior) """ self.dim = spacing.size """spatial dimension""" self.spacing = np.ones(self.dim) """spacing""" assert mode in ['linear', 'neumann_zero', 'dirichlet_zero'], \ " boundary condition {} is not supported , supported list 'linear', 'neumann_zero', 'dirichlet_zero'".format(mode) self.bcNeumannZero = mode =='neumann_zero' # if false then linear interpolation self.bclinearInterp = mode =='linear' self.bcDirichletZero = mode =='dirichlet_zero' """should Neumann boundary conditions be used? (otherwise linear extrapolation)""" if spacing.size == 1: self.spacing[0] = spacing[0] elif spacing.size == 2: self.spacing[0] = spacing[0] self.spacing[1] = spacing[1] elif spacing.size == 3: self.spacing = spacing else: raise ValueError('Finite differences are only supported in dimensions 1 to 3')
[docs] def dXb(self,I): """ Backward difference in x direction: :math:`\\frac{dI(i)}{dx}\\approx\\frac{I_i-I_{i-1}}{h_x}` :param I: Input image :return: Returns the first derivative in x direction using backward differences """ res= (I-self.xm(I))*(1./self.spacing[0]) return res
[docs] def dXf(self,I): """ Forward difference in x direction: :math:`\\frac{dI(i)}{dx}\\approx\\frac{I_{i+1}-I_{i}}{h_x}` :param I: Input image :return: Returns the first derivative in x direction using forward differences """ res= (self.xp(I)-I)*(1./self.spacing[0]) return res
[docs] def dXc(self,I): """ Central difference in x direction: :math:`\\frac{dI(i)}{dx}\\approx\\frac{I_{i+1}-I_{i-1}}{2h_x}` :param I: Input image :return: Returns the first derivative in x direction using central differences """ res= (self.xp(I, central=True)-self.xm(I, central=True))*(0.5/self.spacing[0]) return res
[docs] def ddXc(self,I): """ Second deriative in x direction :param I: Input image :return: Returns the second derivative in x direction """ res= (self.xp(I, central=True)-I-I+self.xm(I, central=True))*(1/(self.spacing[0]**2)) return res
[docs] def dYb(self,I): """ Same as dXb, but for the y direction :param I: Input image :return: Returns the first derivative in y direction using backward differences """ res= (I-self.ym(I))*(1./self.spacing[1]) return res
[docs] def dYf(self,I): """ Same as dXf, but for the y direction :param I: Input image :return: Returns the first derivative in y direction using forward differences """ res= (self.yp(I)-I)*(1./self.spacing[1]) return res
[docs] def dYc(self,I): """ Same as dXc, but for the y direction :param I: Input image :return: Returns the first derivative in y direction using central differences """ res= (self.yp(I, central=True)-self.ym(I, central=True))*(0.5/self.spacing[1]) return res
[docs] def ddYc(self,I): """ Same as ddXc, but for the y direction :param I: Input image :return: Returns the second derivative in the y direction """ res= (self.yp(I, central=True)-I-I+self.ym(I, central=True))*(1/(self.spacing[1]**2)) return res
[docs] def dZb(self,I): """ Same as dXb, but for the z direction :param I: Input image :return: Returns the first derivative in the z direction using backward differences """ res= (I -*(1./self.spacing[2]) return res
[docs] def dZf(self, I): """ Same as dXf, but for the z direction :param I: Input image :return: Returns the first derivative in the z direction using forward differences """ res= (self.zp(I)-I)*(1./self.spacing[2]) return res
[docs] def dZc(self, I): """ Same as dXc, but for the z direction :param I: Input image :return: Returns the first derivative in the z direction using central differences """ res= (self.zp(I, central=True), central=True))*(0.5/self.spacing[2]) return res
[docs] def ddZc(self,I): """ Same as ddXc, but for the z direction :param I: Input iamge :return: Returns the second derivative in the z direction """ res= (self.zp(I, central=True), central=True))*(1/(self.spacing[2]**2)) return res
[docs] def lap(self, I): """ Compute the Lapacian of an image !!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT: ALL THE FOLLOWING IMPLEMENTED CODE ADD 1 ON DIMENSION, WHICH REPRESENT BATCH DIMENSION. THIS IS FOR COMPUTATIONAL EFFICIENCY. :param I: Input image [batch, channel, X,Y,Z] :return: Returns the Laplacian """ ndim = self.getdimension(I) if ndim == 1+1: return self.ddXc(I) elif ndim == 2+1: return (self.ddXc(I) + self.ddYc(I)) elif ndim == 3+1: return (self.ddXc(I) + self.ddYc(I) + self.ddZc(I)) else: raise ValueError('Finite differences are only supported in dimensions 1 to 3')
[docs] def grad_norm_sqr_c(self, I): """ Computes the gradient norm of an image !!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT: ALL THE FOLLOWING IMPLEMENTED CODE ADD 1 ON DIMENSION, WHICH REPRESENT BATCH DIMENSION. THIS IS FOR COMPUTATIONAL EFFICIENCY. :param I: Input image [batch, channel, X,Y,Z] :return: returns ||grad I||^2 """ ndim = self.getdimension(I) if ndim == 1 +1: return self.dXc(I)**2 elif ndim == 2 +1: return (self.dXc(I)**2 + self.dYc(I)**2) elif ndim == 3 +1: return (self.dXc(I)**2 + self.dYc(I)**2 + self.dZc(I)**2) else: raise ValueError('Finite differences are only supported in dimensions 1 to 3')
[docs] def grad_norm_sqr_f(self, I): """ Computes the gradient norm of an image !!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT: ALL THE FOLLOWING IMPLEMENTED CODE ADD 1 ON DIMENSION, WHICH REPRESENT BATCH DIMENSION. THIS IS FOR COMPUTATIONAL EFFICIENCY. :param I: Input image [batch, channel, X,Y,Z] :return: returns ||grad I||^2 """ ndim = self.getdimension(I) if ndim == 1 +1: return self.dXf(I)**2 elif ndim == 2 +1: return (self.dXf(I)**2 + self.dYf(I)**2) elif ndim == 3 +1: return (self.dXf(I)**2 + self.dYf(I)**2 + self.dZf(I)**2) else: raise ValueError('Finite differences are only supported in dimensions 1 to 3')
[docs] def grad_norm_sqr_b(self, I): """ Computes the gradient norm of an image !!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT: ALL THE FOLLOWING IMPLEMENTED CODE ADD 1 ON DIMENSION, WHICH REPRESENT BATCH DIMENSION. THIS IS FOR COMPUTATIONAL EFFICIENCY. :param I: Input image [batch, channel, X,Y,Z] :return: returns ||grad I||^2 """ ndim = self.getdimension(I) if ndim == 1 +1: return self.dXb(I)**2 elif ndim == 2 +1: return (self.dXb(I)**2 + self.dYb(I)**2) elif ndim == 3 +1: return (self.dXb(I)**2 + self.dYb(I)**2 + self.dZb(I)**2) else: raise ValueError('Finite differences are only supported in dimensions 1 to 3')
[docs] @abstractmethod def getdimension(self,I): """ Abstract method to return the dimension of an input image I :param I: Input image :return: Returns the dimension of the image I """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def create_zero_array(self, sz): """ Abstract method to create a zero array of a given size, sz. E.g., sz=[10,2,5] :param sz: Size array :return: Returns a zero array of the specified size """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_size_of_array(self, A): """ Abstract method to return the size of an array (as a vector) :param A: Input array :return: Returns its size (e.g., [5,10] or [3,4,6] """ pass
[docs] def xp(self,I, central=False): """ !!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT: ALL THE FOLLOWING IMPLEMENTED CODE ADD 1 ON DIMENSION, WHICH REPRESENT BATCH DIMENSION. THIS IS FOR COMPUTATIONAL EFFICIENCY. Returns the values for x-index incremented by one (to the right in 1D) :param I: Input image [batch, channel, X, Y,Z] :return: Image with values at an x-index one larger """ rxp = self.create_zero_array( self.get_size_of_array( I ) ) ndim = self.getdimension(I) if ndim in[1+1, 2+1, 3+1]: rxp[:,0:-1] = I[:,1:] if self.bcNeumannZero: rxp[:,-1] = I[:,-1] if central: rxp[:, 0] = I[:, 0] elif self.bclinearInterp: rxp[:,-1] = 2*I[:,-1]-I[:,-2] elif self.bcDirichletZero: rxp[:, -1] = 0. else: raise ValueError('Finite differences are only supported in dimensions 1 to 3') return rxp
[docs] def xm(self,I, central=False): """ !!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT: ALL THE FOLLOWING IMPLEMENTED CODE ADD 1 ON DIMENSION, WHICH REPRESENT BATCH DIMENSION. THIS IS FOR COMPUTATIONAL EFFICIENCY. Returns the values for x-index decremented by one (to the left in 1D) :param I: Input image [batch, channel, X, Y, Z] :return: Image with values at an x-index one smaller """ rxm = self.create_zero_array( self.get_size_of_array( I ) ) ndim = self.getdimension(I) if ndim in [1+1, 2+1, 3+1]: rxm[:,1:] = I[:,0:-1] if self.bcNeumannZero: rxm[:,0] = I[:,0] if central: rxm[:,-1] = I[:,-1] elif self.bclinearInterp: rxm[:,0] = 2.*I[:,0]-I[:,1] elif self.bcDirichletZero: rxm[:, 0] = 0. else: raise ValueError('Finite differences are only supported in dimensions 1 to 3') return rxm
[docs] def yp(self, I, central=False): """ !!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT: ALL THE FOLLOWING IMPLEMENTED CODE ADD 1 ON DIMENSION, WHICH REPRESENT BATCH DIMENSION. THIS IS FOR COMPUTATIONAL EFFICIENCY. Same as xp, but for the y direction :param I: Input image :return: Image with values at y-index one larger """ ryp = self.create_zero_array( self.get_size_of_array( I ) ) ndim = self.getdimension(I) if ndim in [2+1, 3+1]: ryp[:,:,0:-1] = I[:,:,1:] if self.bcNeumannZero: ryp[:,:,-1] = I[:,:,-1] if central: ryp[:,:,0] = I[:,:,0] elif self.bclinearInterp: ryp[:,:,-1] = 2.*I[:,:,-1]-I[:,:,-2] elif self.bcDirichletZero: ryp[:, :, -1] = 0. else: raise ValueError('Finite differences are only supported in dimensions 1 to 3') return ryp
[docs] def ym(self, I, central=False): """ Same as xm, but for the y direction !!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT: ALL THE FOLLOWING IMPLEMENTED CODE ADD 1 ON DIMENSION, WHICH REPRESENT BATCH DIMENSION. THIS IS FOR COMPUTATIONAL EFFICIENCY. Returns the values for x-index decremented by one (to the left in 1D) :param I: Input image [batch, channel, X, Y, Z] :return: Image with values at y-index one smaller """ rym = self.create_zero_array( self.get_size_of_array( I ) ) ndim = self.getdimension(I) if ndim in [2+1, 3+1]: rym[:,:,1:] = I[:,:,0:-1] if self.bcNeumannZero: rym[:,:,0] = I[:,:,0] if central: rym[:,:,-1] = I[:,:,-1] elif self.bclinearInterp: rym[:,:,0] = 2.*I[:,:,0]-I[:,:,1] elif self.bcDirichletZero: rym[:, :, 0] = 0. else: raise ValueError('Finite differences are only supported in dimensions 1 to 3') return rym
[docs] def zp(self, I, central=False): """ Same as xp, but for the z direction !!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT: ALL THE FOLLOWING IMPLEMENTED CODE ADD 1 ON DIMENSION, WHICH REPRESENT BATCH DIMENSION. THIS IS FOR COMPUTATIONAL EFFICIENCY. Returns the values for x-index decremented by one (to the left in 1D) :param I: Input image [batch, channel, X, Y, Z] :return: Image with values at z-index one larger """ rzp = self.create_zero_array( self.get_size_of_array( I ) ) ndim = self.getdimension(I) if ndim in [3+1]: rzp[:,:,:,0:-1] = I[:,:,:,1:] if self.bcNeumannZero: rzp[:,:,:,-1] = I[:,:,:,-1] if central: rzp[:,:,:,0] = I[:,:,:,0] elif self.bclinearInterp: rzp[:,:,:,-1] = 2.*I[:,:,:,-1]-I[:,:,:,-2] elif self.bcDirichletZero: rzp[:,:,:,-1] = 0. else: raise ValueError('Finite differences are only supported in dimensions 1 to 3') return rzp
[docs] def zm(self, I, central=False): """ Same as xm, but for the z direction !!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT: ALL THE FOLLOWING IMPLEMENTED CODE ADD 1 ON DIMENSION, WHICH REPRESENT BATCH DIMENSION. THIS IS FOR COMPUTATIONAL EFFICIENCY. Returns the values for x-index decremented by one (to the left in 1D) :param I: Input image [batch, channel, X, Y, Z] :return: Image with values at z-index one smaller """ rzm = self.create_zero_array( self.get_size_of_array( I ) ) ndim = self.getdimension(I) if ndim in [3+1]: rzm[:,:,:,1:] = I[:,:,:,0:-1] if self.bcNeumannZero: rzm[:,:,:,0] = I[:,:,:,0] if central: rzm[:,:,:,-1] = I[:,:,:,-1] elif self.bclinearInterp: rzm[:,:,:,0] = 2.*I[:,:,:,0]-I[:,:,:,1] elif self.bcDirichletZero: rzm[:,:,:,0] = 0. else: raise ValueError('Finite differences are only supported in dimensions 1 to 3') return rzm
[docs]class FD_np(FD): """ Defnitions of the abstract methods for numpy """ def __init__(self,dim,mode='linear'): """ Constructor for numpy finite differences :param spacing: spatial spacing (array with as many entries as there are spatial dimensions) :param bcNeumannZero: Specifies if zero Neumann conditions should be used (if not, uses linear extrapolation) """ super(FD_np, self).__init__(dim,mode)
[docs] def getdimension(self,I): """ Returns the dimension of an image :param I: input image :return: dimension of the input image """ return I.ndim
[docs] def create_zero_array(self, sz): """ Creates a zero array :param sz: size of the zero array, e.g., [3,4,2] :return: the zero array """ return np.zeros( sz )
[docs] def get_size_of_array(self, A): """ Returns the size (shape in numpy) of an array :param A: input array :return: shape/size """ return A.shape
[docs]class FD_torch(FD): """ Defnitions of the abstract methods for torch """ def __init__(self,dim,mode='linear'): """ Constructor for torch finite differences :param spacing: spatial spacing (array with as many entries as there are spatial dimensions) :param bcNeumannZero: Specifies if zero Neumann conditions should be used (if not, uses linear extrapolation) """ super(FD_torch, self).__init__(dim,mode)
[docs] def getdimension(self,I): """ Returns the dimension of an image :param I: input image :return: dimension of the input image """ return I.dim()
[docs] def create_zero_array(self, sz): """ Creats a zero array :param sz: size of the array, e.g., [3,4,2] :return: the zero array """ return MyTensor(sz).zero_()
[docs] def get_size_of_array(self, A): """ Returns the size (size()) of an array :param A: input array :return: shape/size """ return A.size()