Source code for mermaid.image_sampling

Package to allow for resampling of images, for example to support multi-scale solvers.

.. todo::
  skimage in version 0.14 (not officially released yet, supports 3D up- and downsampling.
  Should replace this class with the skimage functionality once officially available.
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

from builtins import range
from builtins import object
from scipy import ndimage as nd
import torch
import numpy as np

from . import smoother_factory as SF
from . import module_parameters as MP
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from . import utils
from .data_wrapper import AdaptVal

[docs]class ResampleImage(object): """ This class supports image resampling, both based on a scale factor (implemented via skimage's zoom functionality) and to a fixed size (via custom interpolation). For multi-scaling the fixed size option is preferred as it gives better control over the resulting image sizes. In particular using the scaling factors consistent image sizes cannot be guaranteed when down-/up-sampling multiple times. """ def __init__(self): self.params = MP.ParameterDict(printSettings=False) self.params['iter']=0
[docs] def set_iter(self,nrIter): """ Sets the number of smoothing iterations done after upsampling and before downsampling. The default is 0, i.e., no smoothing at all. :param nrIter: number of iterations :return: no return arguments """ self.params['iter'] = nrIter
[docs] def get_iter(self): """ Returns the number of iterations :return: number of smoothing iterations after upsampling and before downsampling """ return self.params['iter']
def _compute_scaled_size(self, sz, scaling): resSz = sz*scaling resSzInt = np.zeros(len(scaling),dtype='int') for v in enumerate(resSz): resSzInt[v[0]]=int(round(v[1])) # zoom works with rounding return resSzInt def _zoom_image_singleC(self,I,spacing,scaling): #TODO """ ..todo:: Replace zoom, so we can backprop through it if necessary """ sz = np.array(list(I.size())) # we assume this is a pytorch tensor resSzInt = self._compute_scaled_size(sz, scaling) Iz = nd.zoom(I.detach().cpu().numpy(),scaling,None,order=1,mode='reflect') newSpacing = spacing*((sz.astype('float')-1.)/(resSzInt.astype('float')-1.)) Iz_t = torch.from_numpy(Iz) return Iz_t,newSpacing def _zoom_image_multiC(self,I,spacing,scaling): sz = np.array(list(I.size())) # we assume this is a pytorch tensor resSzInt = self._compute_scaled_size(sz[1::], scaling) Iz = torch.zeros([sz[0]]+list(resSzInt)) for nrC in range(sz[0]): # loop over all channels Iz[nrC, ...], newSpacing = self._zoom_image_singleC(I[nrC, ...], spacing, scaling) return Iz,newSpacing def _zoom_image_multiNC(self,I,spacing,scaling): sz = np.array(list(I.size())) # we assume this is a pytorch tensor resSzInt = self._compute_scaled_size(sz[2::], scaling) Iz = torch.zeros([sz[0],sz[1]]+list(resSzInt)) for nrI in range(sz[0]): # loop over images Iz[nrI,...],newSpacing = self._zoom_image_multiC(I[nrI,...],spacing,scaling) return Iz,newSpacing
[docs] def upsample_image_to_size(self,I,spacing,desiredSize,spline_order,zero_boundary=False): """ Upsamples an image to a given desired size :param I: Input image (expected to be of BxCxXxYxZ format) :param spacing: array describing the spatial spacing :param desiredSize: array for the desired size (excluding B and C, i.e, 1 entry for 1D, 2 for 2D, and 3 for 3D) :return: returns a tuple: the upsampled image, the new spacing after upsampling """ sz = np.array(list(I.size())) dim = len(spacing) # check that the batch size and the number of channels is the same nrOfI = sz[0] nrOfC = sz[1] desiredSizeNC = np.array([nrOfI,nrOfC]+list(desiredSize)) # if (sz>desiredSizeNC).any(): # print(sz) # print(desiredSizeNC) # raise('For upsampling sizes need to increase') newspacing = spacing*((sz[2::].astype('float')-1)/(desiredSizeNC[2::].astype('float')-1))################################## idDes = AdaptVal(torch.from_numpy(utils.identity_map_multiN(desiredSizeNC,newspacing))) # now use this map for resampling IZ = utils.compute_warped_image_multiNC(I, idDes, newspacing, spline_order,zero_boundary) newSz = IZ.size()[-1 - dim + 1::] smoother = SF.DiffusionSmoother(newSz, newspacing, self.params) smoothedImage_multiNC = smoother.smooth(IZ) return smoothedImage_multiNC,newspacing
[docs] def downsample_image_to_size(self,I,spacing,desiredSize, spline_order,zero_boundary=False): """ Downsamples an image to a given desired size :param I: Input image (expected to be of BxCxXxYxZ format) :param spacing: array describing the spatial spacing :param desiredSize: array for the desired size (excluding B and C, i.e, 1 entry for 1D, 2 for 2D, and 3 for 3D) :return: returns a tuple: the downsampled image, the new spacing after downsampling """ sz = np.array(list(I.size())) # check that the batch size and the number of channels is the same nrOfI = sz[0] nrOfC = sz[1] desiredSizeNC = np.array([nrOfI,nrOfC]+list(desiredSize)) if (sz<desiredSizeNC).any(): raise('For downsampling sizes need to decrease') smoother = SF.DiffusionSmoother(sz, spacing, self.params) smoothedImage_multiNC = smoother.smooth(I) newspacing = spacing*((sz[2::].astype('float')-1.)/(desiredSizeNC[2::].astype('float')-1.)) ########################################### idDes = AdaptVal(torch.from_numpy(utils.identity_map_multiN(desiredSizeNC,newspacing))) # now use this map for resampling ID = utils.compute_warped_image_multiNC(smoothedImage_multiNC, idDes, newspacing, spline_order,zero_boundary) return ID,newspacing
[docs] def upsample_image_by_factor(self, I, spacing, scalingFactor=0.5): """ Upsamples an image based on a given scale factor :param I: Input image (expected to be of BxCxXxYxZ format) :param spacing: array describing the spatial spacing :param scalingFactor: scaling factor, e.g., 2 scales all dimensions by two :return: returns a tuple: the upsampled image, the new spacing after upsampling """ # assume we are dealing with a pytorch tensor sz = np.array(list(I.size())) dim = len(spacing) scaling = 1./(np.tile(scalingFactor, dim)) IZ,newspacing = self._zoom_image_multiNC(I, spacing, scaling) newSz = IZ.size()[-1-dim+1::] smoother = SF.DiffusionSmoother(newSz, newspacing, self.params) smoothedImage_multiNC = smoother.smooth(IZ) return smoothedImage_multiNC,newspacing
[docs] def downsample_image_by_factor(self, I, spacing, scalingFactor=0.5): """ Downsamples an image based on a given scale factor :param I: Input image (expected to be of BxCxXxYxZ format) :param spacing: array describing the spatial spacing :param scalingFactor: scaling factor, e.g., 0.5 scales all dimensions by half :return: returns a tuple: the downsampled image, the new spacing after downsampling """ # assume we are dealing with a pytorch tensor sz = np.array(list(I.size())) dim = len(spacing) scaling = np.tile( scalingFactor, dim ) smoother = SF.DiffusionSmoother(sz,spacing,self.params) smoothedImage_multiNC = smoother.smooth(I) return self._zoom_image_multiNC(smoothedImage_multiNC,spacing,scaling)
[docs] def upsample_vector_field_by_factor(self, v, spacing, scalingFactor=0.5): """ Upsamples a vector field based on a given scale factor :param v: Input vector field (expected to be of BxCxXxYxZ format) :param spacing: array describing the spatial spacing :param scalingFactor: scaling factor, e.g., 2 scales all dimensions by two :return: returns a tuple: the upsampled vector field, the new spacing after upsampling """ sz = np.array(list(v.size())) dim = len(spacing) scaling = 1. / (np.tile(scalingFactor, dim)) # for zooming purposes we can just treat it as a multi-channel image vZ, newspacing = self._zoom_image_multiNC(v, spacing, scaling) newSz = vZ.size()[-1 - dim + 1::] smoother = SF.DiffusionSmoother(newSz, newspacing, self.params) smoothedImage_multiNC = smoother.smooth(vZ) return smoothedImage_multiNC, newspacing
[docs] def downsample_vector_field_by_factor(self, v, spacing, scalingFactor=0.5): """ Downsamples a vector field based on a given scale factor :param v: Input vector field (expected to be of BxCxXxYxZ format) :param spacing: array describing the spatial spacing :param scalingFactor: scaling factor, e.g., 0.5 scales all dimensions by half :return: returns a tuple: the downsampled vector field, the new spacing after downsampling """ # assume we are dealing with a pytorch tensor sz = np.array(list(v.size())) dim = len(spacing) scaling = np.tile(scalingFactor, dim) smoother = SF.DiffusionSmoother(sz, spacing, self.params) smoothedV_multiN = smoother.smooth(v) # for zooming purposes we can just treat it as a multi-channel image return self._zoom_image_multiNC(smoothedV_multiN,spacing,scaling)
[docs]def test_me(): """ Convenience testing function (to be converted to a test) """ I = torch.zeros([1,1,100,100]) I[0,0,30:70,30:70]=1 ri = ResampleImage() spacing = np.array([1,1]) ID,spacing_down = ri.downsample_image_by_factor(I, spacing) IU,spacing_up = ri.upsample_image_by_factor(ID, spacing_down) print(spacing) print(spacing_down) print(spacing_up) plt.subplot(131) plt.imshow(I[0,0,:,:].detach().cpu().numpy().squeeze()) plt.subplot(132) plt.imshow(ID[0, 0, :, :].detach().cpu().numpy().squeeze()) plt.subplot(133) plt.imshow(IU[0, 0, :, :].detach().cpu().numpy().squeeze())
[docs]def test_me_2(): """ Convenience testing function (to be converted to a test) """ I = torch.zeros([1, 1, 100, 100]) I[0, 0, 30:70, 30:70] = 1 ri = ResampleImage() desiredSizeDown = np.array([1,1,32,78]) desiredSizeUp = np.array([1,1,100,100]) spacing = np.array([1.,1.]) ID, spacing_down = ri.downsample_image_to_size(I, spacing, desiredSizeDown,spline_order=1) IU, spacing_up = ri.upsample_image_to_size(ID, spacing_down, desiredSizeUp,spline_order=1) print(I.size()) print(ID.size()) print(IU.size()) print(spacing) print(spacing_down) print(spacing_up) plt.subplot(131) plt.imshow(I[0, 0, :, :].detach().cpu().numpy().squeeze()) plt.subplot(132) plt.imshow(ID[0, 0, :, :].detach().cpu().numpy().squeeze()) plt.subplot(133) plt.imshow(IU[0, 0, :, :].detach().cpu().numpy().squeeze())