Source code for mermaid.model_factory

Package to quickly instantiate registration models by name.
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

from builtins import object
from . import registration_networks as RN

def _print_models(models):
    print('\nKnown registration models are:')
    for key in models:
        print('{model_name:>40s}: {model_description}'.format(model_name=key, model_description=models[key][3]))

[docs]class AvailableModels(object): def __init__(self): # (model, loss, uses map, description) self.models = { 'affine_map': (RN.AffineMapNet, RN.AffineMapLoss, True, 'map-based affine registration'), 'diffusion_map': (RN.RegistrationNetDisplacement, RN.DiffusionMapLoss, True, 'displacement-based diffusion registration'), 'curvature_map': (RN.RegistrationNetDisplacement, RN.CurvatureMapLoss, True, 'displacement-based curvature registration'), 'total_variation_map': (RN.RegistrationNetDisplacement, RN.TotalVariationMapLoss, True, 'displacement-based total variation registration'), 'svf_map': (RN.SVFMapNet, RN.SVFMapLoss, True, 'map-based stationary velocity field'), 'svf_image': (RN.SVFImageNet, RN.SVFImageLoss, False, 'image-based stationary velocity field'), 'svf_scalar_momentum_image': (RN.SVFScalarMomentumImageNet, RN.SVFScalarMomentumImageLoss, False, 'image-based stationary velocity field using the scalar momentum'), 'svf_scalar_momentum_map': (RN.SVFScalarMomentumMapNet, RN.SVFScalarMomentumMapLoss, True, 'map-based stationary velocity field using the scalar momentum'), 'svf_vector_momentum_image': (RN.SVFVectorMomentumImageNet, RN.SVFVectorMomentumImageLoss, False, 'image-based stationary velocity field using the vector momentum'), 'svf_vector_momentum_map': (RN.SVFVectorMomentumMapNet, RN.SVFVectorMomentumMapLoss, True, 'map-based stationary velocity field using the vector momentum'), 'lddmm_shooting_map': (RN.LDDMMShootingVectorMomentumMapNet, RN.LDDMMShootingVectorMomentumMapLoss, True, 'map-based shooting-based LDDMM using the vector momentum'), 'lddmm_shooting_image': (RN.LDDMMShootingVectorMomentumImageNet, RN.LDDMMShootingVectorMomentumImageLoss, False, 'image-based shooting-based LDDMM using the vector momentum'), 'lddmm_shooting_scalar_momentum_map': (RN.LDDMMShootingScalarMomentumMapNet, RN.LDDMMShootingScalarMomentumMapLoss, True, 'map-based shooting-based LDDMM using the scalar momentum'), 'lddmm_shooting_scalar_momentum_image': (RN.LDDMMShootingScalarMomentumImageNet, RN.LDDMMShootingScalarMomentumImageLoss, False, 'image-based shooting-based LDDMM using the scalar momentum'), 'svf_quasi_momentum_image': (RN.SVFQuasiMomentumImageNet, RN.SVFQuasiMomentumImageLoss, False, 'EXPERIMENTAL: Image-based SVF version which estimates velcocity based on a smoothed vetor field'), 'lddmm_adapt_smoother_map': (RN.LDDMMAdaptiveSmootherMomentumMapNet,RN.LDDMMAdaptiveSmootherMomentumMapLoss,True,"map-based shooting-based Region specific diffemorphic mapping, with a spatio-temporal regularizer"), 'svf_adapt_smoother_map': (RN.SVFVectorAdaptiveSmootherMomentumMapNet,RN.SVFVectorAdaptiveSmootherMomentumMapLoss,True,"map-based shooting-based vSVF, with a spatio regularizer"), 'one_step_map': (RN.OneStepMapNet, RN.OneStepMapLoss, True, 'map based displacement field') } """dictionary defining all the models"""
[docs] def get_models(self): """ Returns all available models as a dictionary which has as keys the model name and tuple entries of the form (networkclass,lossclass,usesMap,explanation_string) :return: the model dictionary """ return self.models
[docs] def print_available_models(self): """ Prints the models that are available and can be created with `create_registration_model` """ _print_models(self.models)
[docs]class ModelFactory(object): """ Factory class to instantiate registration models. """ def __init__(self,sz_sim,spacing_sim,sz_model,spacing_model): """ Constructor. :param sz_sim: image/map size to evaluate the similarity measure of the loss :param spacing_sim: image/map spacing to evaluate the similarity measure of the loss :param sz_model: sz of the model parameters (will only be different from sz_sim if computed at low res) :param spacing_model: spacing of model parameters (will only be different from spacing_sim if computed at low res) """ self.sz_sim = sz_sim """size of the image (BxCxXxYxZ) format as used in the similarity measure part of the loss function""" self.spacing_sim = spacing_sim """spatial spacing as used in the similarity measure of the loss function""" self.sz_model = sz_model """size of the parameters (BxCxXxYxZ) as used in the model itself (and possibly in the loss function for regularization)""" self.spacing_model = spacing_model """spatial spacing as used in the model itself (and possibly in the loss function for regularization)""" self.dim = len( spacing_model ) """spatial dimension""" self.models = AvailableModels().get_models() assert( len(spacing_model)==len(spacing_sim) )
[docs] def get_models(self): """ Returns all available models as a dictionary which has as keys the model name and tuple entries of the form (networkclass,lossclass,usesMap,explanation_string) :return: the model dictionary """ return self.models
[docs] def add_model(self,modelName,networkClass,lossClass,useMap,modelDescription='custom model'): """ Allows to quickly add a new model. :param modelName: name for the model :param networkClass: network class defining the model :param lossClass: loss class being used by ty the model """ print('Registering new model ' + modelName ) self.models[modelName] = (networkClass,lossClass,useMap,modelDescription)
[docs] def print_available_models(self): """ Prints the models that are available and can be created with `create_registration_model` """ _print_models(self.models)
[docs] def create_registration_model(self, modelName, params, compute_inverse_map=False): """ Performs the actual model creation including the loss function :param modelName: Name of the model to be created :param params: parameter dictionary of type :class:`ParameterDict` :param compute_inverse_map: for a map-based model if this is turned on then the inverse map is computed on the fly :return: a two-tuple: model, loss """ cparams = params[('registration_model',{},'specifies the registration model')] cparams['type']= (modelName,'Name of the registration model') external_env = cparams[('env', {},"env settings, typically are specificed by the external package, including the mode for solver or for smoother")] """settings for the task environment of the solver or smoother""" get_momentum_from_external_network = external_env[('get_momentum_from_external_network', False,"use external network to predict momentum, notice that the momentum network is not built in this package")] if modelName in self.models: uses_map = self.models[modelName][2] if uses_map: print('Using map-based ' + modelName + ' model') model = self.models[modelName][0](self.sz_model, self.spacing_model, cparams,compute_inverse_map) else: print('Using ' + modelName + ' model') model = self.models[modelName][0](self.sz_model, self.spacing_model, cparams) if get_momentum_from_external_network: loss = self.models[modelName][1](model.m, self.sz_sim, self.spacing_sim, self.sz_model, self.spacing_model, cparams) else: print("works in mermaid iter mode") loss = self.models[modelName][1](list(model.parameters())[0], self.sz_sim, self.spacing_sim, self.sz_model, self.spacing_model, cparams) return model, loss else: self.print_available_models() raise ValueError('Registration model: ' + modelName + ' not known')