Source code for mermaid.module_parameters

This package implements a simple way of dealing with parameters, ofproviding
default parameters and comments, and to keep track of used parameters for 
registration runs. See the corresponding note for a brief description on how to use it.
from __future__ import print_function

# from builtins import str
# from builtins import object
import json

[docs]class ParameterDict(object): def __init__(self, initDict=None, printSettings=True): if initDict is not None: if type(initDict)==type(self): self.ext = initDict.ext else: print('WARNING: Cannot initialize from non ParameterDict object. Ignoring initialization.') self.ext = {} else: self.ext = {} = {} = {} self.currentCategoryName = 'root' self.printSettings = printSettings def __str__(self): return 'ext = ' + "\n" + json.dumps(self.ext, indent=4, sort_keys=True) + "\n" + \ 'int = ' + "\n" + json.dumps(, indent=4, sort_keys=True) + "\n" + \ 'com = ' + "\n" + json.dumps(, indent=4, sort_keys=True) + "\n" + \ 'currentCategoryName = ' + str(self.currentCategoryName) + "\n"
[docs] def isempty(self): return{}
[docs] def load_JSON(self, fileName): """ Loads a JSON configuration file :param fileName: filename of the configuration to be loaded """ try: with open(fileName) as data_file: if self.printSettings: print('Loading parameter file = ' + fileName ) self.ext = json.load(data_file) except IOError as e: print('Could not open file = ' + fileName + '; ignoring request.')
[docs] def write_JSON_and_JSON_comments(self,fileNames): """ Writes the JSON configuration to a file :param fileNames: filename tuple; first entry is filename for configuration, second for comments """ self.write_JSON(fileNames[0]) self.write_JSON_comments(fileNames[1])
[docs] def write_JSON(self, fileName,save_int=True): """ Writes the JSON configuration to a file :param fileName: filename to write the configuration to """ with open(fileName, 'w') as outfile: if self.printSettings: print('Writing parameter file = ' + fileName ) if save_int: json.dump(, outfile, indent=4, sort_keys=True) else: json.dump(self.ext, outfile, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
[docs] def write_JSON_comments(self, fileNameComments): """ Writes the JSON commments file. This file will not contain any actual values, but instead descriptions of the settings (if they have been provided). The goal is to provide self-documenting configuration files. :param fileNameComments: filename to write the commented JSON configuration to """ with open(fileNameComments, 'w') as outfile: if self.printSettings: print('Writing parameter file = ' + fileNameComments ) json.dump(, outfile, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
[docs] def print_settings_on(self): """ Enable screen output as configurations are read and set. """ self.printSettings = True
[docs] def print_settings_off(self): """ Disable screen output as configurations are read and set. """ self.printSettings = False
[docs] def get_print_settings(self): """ Current print settings :return: Returns if screen printing is on (True) or off (False) """ return self.printSettings
[docs] def set_print_settings(self,val): """ Sets Current print settings :param val: value to set the print settings to, needs to be boolean :return: n/a """ self.printSettings = val
def _set_value_of_instance(self, ext, int, com, currentCategoryName): self.ext = ext = int = com self.currentCategoryName = currentCategoryName def __missing__(self, key): # if key cannot be found raise ValueError('Could not find key = ' + str( key ) ) def __getitem__(self, key_or_keyTuple): # getting an item based on key # here the key can be three different things # 1) simply a text key (then returns the current value) # 2) A 2-tuple (keyname,defaultvalue) # 3) A 3-tuple (keyname,defaultvalue,comment) # returns a ParDicts object if we are accessing a category (i.e., a dictionary) # returns just the value if it is a regular value if type(key_or_keyTuple)==tuple: # here, we need to distinguish cases 2) and 3) lT = len(key_or_keyTuple) if lT==1: # treat this as if it would only be the keyword return self._get_current_key(key_or_keyTuple[0]) elif lT==2: # treat this as keyword + default value return self._get_current_key(key_or_keyTuple[0], key_or_keyTuple[1]) elif lT==3: # treat this as keyword + default value + comment return self._get_current_key(key_or_keyTuple[0], key_or_keyTuple[1], key_or_keyTuple[2]) else: raise ValueError('Tuple of incorrect size') else: # now we just want to return it (there is no default value or comment) return self._get_current_key(key_or_keyTuple) def __setitem__(self, key, valueTuple): # to set an item # valueTuple is either a 2-tuple (actual value, comment) # or it is simply a comment, then this key becomes a category if type(valueTuple)==tuple: if len(valueTuple)==2: value = valueTuple[0] comment = valueTuple[1] elif len(valueTuple)==1: value = {} comment = valueTuple[0] else: raise ValueError('Expected a 2-tuple as input') else: # not a tuple value = valueTuple comment = None if type(value)==dict: # only add if this is an empty dictionary if len(value)==0: self._set_current_category(key, comment) else: raise ValueError('Can only add empty dictionaries') # we are assigning a category else: # now we have to set an actual value (not a category) if type(value)==type(self): # Here we are trying to assign a full parameter object # We want to add the content and not the object itself self.ext[key]=value.ext[key]={}[key]={} else: # this is just a normal value self._set_current_key(key, value, comment) def _set_current_category(self, key, comment): currentCategoryName = self.currentCategoryName + '.' + str(key) if key not in self.ext or (key in self.ext and type(self.ext[key])!=dict): # we do not want to over-write any settings here if self.printSettings: print('Creating new category: ' + currentCategoryName) self.ext[key] = {}[key] = {}[key] = {} if comment is not None: if len(comment) > 0:[key]['__doc__'] = comment def _set_current_key(self, key, value, comment=None): if self.printSettings: if key in self.ext: print('Overwriting key = ' + str(key) + '; category = ' + self.currentCategoryName + '; value = ' + str( self.ext[key] ) + ' -> ' + str(value) ) else: print('Creating key = ' + str(key) + '; category = ' + self.currentCategoryName + '; value = ' + str(value)) self.ext[key] = value[key] = value if comment is not None: if len(comment)>0:[key] = comment def _recursive_has_key(self,current_key_list,current_dict): if len(current_key_list)==1: if current_key_list[0] in current_dict: return True else: return False else: if current_key_list[0] in current_dict: return self._recursive_has_key(current_key_list[1:],current_dict[current_key_list[0]]) else: return False
[docs] def has_key(self,key_list): if len(key_list) < 1: raise ValueError('At least one key expected in key list') else: return self._recursive_has_key(key_list,
def _get_current_key(self, key, defaultValue=None, comment=None): # returns a ParDicts object if we are accessing a category (i.e., a dictionary) # returns just the value if it is a regular value if key in self.ext: value = self.ext[key] if type(value)==dict: # this is a category, need to create a ParDicts object to return # if the key already exists in int and com keep it otherwise initialize it to empty if key not in[key]={} if key not in[key]={} if comment is not None: if len(comment)>0:[key]['__doc__'] = comment newpar = ParameterDict(printSettings=self.printSettings) currentCategoryName = self.currentCategoryName + '.' + str(key) newpar._set_value_of_instance(self.ext[key],[key],[key], currentCategoryName) return newpar else: # just a regular value which we can return[key] = value if comment is not None: if len(comment)>0:[key] = comment return value else: # does not have the key, create it via the default value if defaultValue is None: # then make it a dictionary defaultValue = {} # if defaultValue is not None: if type(defaultValue)==dict: # make sure it is empty and if it is create a category if len(defaultValue)==0: self._set_current_category(key, comment) # and now we need to return it newpar = ParameterDict(printSettings=self.printSettings) currentCategoryName = self.currentCategoryName + '.' + str(key) newpar._set_value_of_instance(self.ext[key],[key],[key], currentCategoryName) return newpar else: raise ValueError('Cannot create a default key of type dict()') else: # now we can create it and return it self.ext[key]=defaultValue[key]=defaultValue if comment is not None: if len(comment)>0:[key]=comment if self.printSettings: print('Using default value = ' + str(defaultValue) + ' for key = ' + str(key) + ' of category = ' + self.currentCategoryName ) return defaultValue
#else: # raise ValueError('Cannot create key = ' + str(key) + ' without a default value') # test it
[docs]def test_parameter_dict(): """ Convenience testing script (to be converted to an actual test) """ p = ParameterDict() # we can directly assign p['registration_model'] = ({},'general settings for registration models') p['registration_model']['similarity_measure'] = ({},'settings for the similarity measures') p['registration_model']['similarity_measure']['type']=('ssd','similarity measure type') # we can also ask for a parameter and use a default parameter if it does not exist p['registration_model'][('nrOfIterations',10,'number of iterations')] # we can also create a new category with default values if it does not exist yet p[('new_category',{},'this is a new category')] p[('registration_model',{},'this category already existed')] # check if a key exists print(p.has_key(['registration_model'])) print(p.has_key(['registration_model','bla'])) # and we can print everything of course print(p) # lastly we can write it all out as json p.write_JSON('test_pars.json') p.write_JSON_comments('test_pars_comments.json')