Source code for mermaid.registration_networks

Defines different registration methods as pyTorch networks.
Currently implemented:

* SVFImageNet: image-based stationary velocity field
* SVFMapNet: map-based stationary velocity field
* SVFQuasiMomentumImageNet: EXPERIMENTAL (not working yet): SVF which is parameterized by a momentum
* SVFScalarMomentumImageNet: image-based SVF using the scalar-momentum parameterization
* SVFScalarMomentumMapNet: map-based SVF using the scalar-momentum parameterization
* SVFVectorMomentumImageNet: image-based SVF using the vector-momentum parameterization
* SVFVectorMomentumMapNet: map-based SVF using the vector-momentum parameterization
* CVFVectorMomentumMapNet: map-based CVF using the vector-momentum parameterization
* LDDMMShootingVectorMomentumImageNet: image-based LDDMM using the vector-momentum parameterization
* LDDMMShootingVectorMomentumMapNet: map-based LDDMM using the vector-momentum parameterization
* LDDMMShootingScalarMomentumImageNet: image-based LDDMM using the scalar-momentum parameterization
* LDDMMShootingScalarMomentumMapNet: map-based LDDMM using the scalar-momentum parameterization

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

# from builtins import str
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.nn.parameter import Parameter

from mermaid.deep_smoothers import stable_softmax
from . import rungekutta_integrators as RK

from . import forward_models as FM
from .data_wrapper import AdaptVal
from . import regularizer_factory as RF
from . import similarity_measure_factory as SM

from . import smoother_factory as SF
from . import image_sampling as IS
from . import ode_int as ODE
from .data_wrapper import MyTensor
from . import utils
import collections

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from future.utils import with_metaclass

[docs]class RegistrationNet(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, nn.Module)): """ Abstract base-class for all the registration networks """ def __init__(self, sz, spacing, params): """ Constructor :param sz: image size (BxCxXxYxZ format) :param spacing: spatial spacing, e.g., [0.1,0.1,0.2] :param params: ParameterDict() object to hold general parameters """ super(RegistrationNet, self).__init__() = sz """image size""" self.spacing = spacing """image spacing""" # self.normalized_spacing = utils.noramlized_spacing_to_smallest(spacing) # self.normalized_spacing_ratio = self.normalized_spacing/self.spacing """only the smallest spacing is kept, projecting all spacing into the same space""" self.params = params """ParameterDict() object for the parameters""" self.nrOfImages = int(sz[0]) """the number of images, i.e., the batch size B""" self.nrOfChannels = int(sz[1]) """the number of image channels, i.e., C""" self._shared_states = set() """shared states""" self.dim = len(spacing) """ dimension of the image""" self._default_dictionary_to_pass_to_integrator = dict() def _get_default_dictionary_to_pass_to_integrator(self): """ Returns a dictionary with the default extra variables that should be made available for the integrator (and hence to the forward model) :return: dictionary w/ named entries """ return self._default_dictionary_to_pass_to_integrator
[docs] def set_dictionary_to_pass_to_integrator(self, d): """ The values will be transfered to the default dictionary (shallow is fine). :param d: dictionary to pass to integrator :return: dictionary """ self._default_dictionary_to_pass_to_integrator.clear() for k in d: self._default_dictionary_to_pass_to_integrator[k] = d[k]
[docs] def get_variables_to_transfer_to_loss_function(self): """ This is a function that can be overwritten by models to allow to return variables which are also needed for the computation of the loss function. Returns None by default, but can for example be used to pass parameters or smoothers which are needed for the model itself and its loss. By convention these variables should be returned as a dictionary. :return: """ return None
[docs] def get_custom_optimizer_output_string(self): """ Can be overwritten by a method to allow for additional optimizer output (on top of the energy values) :return: """ return ''
[docs] def get_custom_optimizer_output_values(self): """ Can be overwritten by a method to allow for additional optimizer history output (should in most cases go hand-in-hand with the string returned by get_custom_optimizer_output_string() :return: """ return None
[docs] @abstractmethod def create_registration_parameters(self): """ Abstract method to create the registration parameters over which should be optimized. They need to be of type torch Parameter() """ pass
[docs] def get_registration_parameters_and_buffers(self): """ Method to return the registration parameters and buffers (i.e., the model state directory) :return: returns the registration parameters and buffers """ cs = self.state_dict() params = collections.OrderedDict() for key in cs: params[key] = cs[key] return params
[docs] def get_registration_parameters(self): """ Abstract method to return the registration parameters :return: returns the registration parameters """ cs = list(self.named_parameters()) params = collections.OrderedDict() for key_value in cs: params[key_value[0]] = key_value[1] return params
[docs] def get_individual_registration_parameters(self): """ Returns the parameters that have *not* been declared shared for optimization. This can for example be the parameters that of a given registration model *without* shared parameters of a smoother. """ cs = list(self.named_parameters()) individual_params = collections.OrderedDict() for key_value in cs: if not self._shared_states.issuperset({key_value[0]}): individual_params[key_value[0]] = key_value[1] return individual_params
[docs] def get_shared_registration_parameters_and_buffers(self): """ Same as get_shared_registration_parameters, but does also include buffers which may not be parameters. :return: """ cs = self.state_dict() # in this way we also get the buffers shared_params_and_buffers = collections.OrderedDict() for key_value in cs: if self._shared_states.issuperset({key_value}): shared_params_and_buffers[key_value] = cs[key_value] return shared_params_and_buffers
[docs] def get_shared_registration_parameters(self): """ Returns the parameters that have been declared shared for optimization. This can for example be parameters of a smoother that are shared between registrations. """ cs = list(self.named_parameters()) shared_params = collections.OrderedDict() for key_value in cs: if self._shared_states.issuperset({key_value[0]}): # todo: implement this properly shared_params[key_value[0]] = key_value[1] return shared_params
def _load_state_dict_individual_or_shared(self, pars, is_individual=False, is_shared=False): """ Method to load shared or individual states or parameters into the state dictionary :param pars: parameters/states :param is_individual: boolean :param is_shared: boolean :return: n/a """ if is_individual and is_shared: raise ValueError('Cannot be individual and shared at the same time') cs = self.state_dict() for key in pars: if key in cs: if not (is_individual or is_shared) \ or (is_individual and not self._shared_states.issuperset({key})) \ or (is_shared and self._shared_states.issuperset({key})): if torch.is_tensor(pars[key]): cs[key].copy_(pars[key]) else: # is a parameter cs[key].copy_(pars[key].data) def _state_dict_individual_or_shared(self, is_individual=False, is_shared=False): """ Method to return shared or individual states or parameters as a state ordered dictionary :param is_individual: boolean :param is_shared: boolean :return: ordered state dictionary """ if is_individual and is_shared: raise ValueError('Cannot be individual and shared at the same time') current_state_dict = collections.OrderedDict() cs = self.state_dict() for key in cs: if not (is_individual or is_shared) \ or (is_individual and not self._shared_states.issuperset({key})) \ or (is_shared and self._shared_states.issuperset({key})): current_state_dict[key] = cs[key] return current_state_dict
[docs] def set_registration_parameters(self, pars, sz, spacing): """ Abstract method to set the registration parameters externally. This can for example be useful when the optimizer should be initialized at a specific value :param pars: dictionary of registration parameters :param sz: size of the image the parameter corresponds to :param spacing: spacing of the image the parameter corresponds to """ self._load_state_dict_individual_or_shared(pars) = sz self.spacing = spacing
[docs] def set_individual_registration_parameters(self, pars): """ Allows to only set the registration parameters which are not shared between registrations. :param pars: dictionary containing the parameters :return: n/a """ self._load_state_dict_individual_or_shared(pars, is_individual=True)
[docs] def set_shared_registration_parameters(self, pars): """ Allows to only set the shared registration parameters :param pars: dictionary containing the parameters :return: n/a """ self._load_state_dict_individual_or_shared(pars, is_shared=True)
[docs] def load_shared_state_dict(self, sd): """ Loads the shared part of a state dictionary :param sd: shared state dictionary :return: n/a """ self._load_state_dict_individual_or_shared(sd, is_shared=True)
[docs] def shared_state_dict(self): """ Returns the shared part of the state dictionary :return: """ return self._state_dict_individual_or_shared(is_shared=True)
[docs] def individual_state_dict(self): """ Returns the individual part of the state dictionary :return: """ return self._state_dict_individual_or_shared(is_individual=True)
[docs] def downsample_registration_parameters(self, desiredSz): """ Method to downsample the registration parameters spatially to a desired size. Should be overwritten by a derived class. :param desiredSz: desired size in XxYxZ format, e.g., [50,100,40] :return: should return a tuple (downsampled_image,downsampled_spacing) """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def upsample_registration_parameters(self, desiredSz): """ Method to upsample the registration parameters spatially to a desired size. Should be overwritten by a derived class. :param desiredSz: desired size in XxYxZ format, e.g., [50,100,40] :return: should return a tuple (upsampled_image,upsampled_spacing) """ raise NotImplementedError
# todo: maybe make in these cases the initial image explicitly part of the parameterization # todo: this would then also allow for optimization over it
[docs] def get_parameter_image_and_name_to_visualize(self, ISource=None): """ Convenience function to specify an image that should be visualized including its caption. This will typically be related to the parameter of a model. This method should be overwritten by a derived class :param ISource: (optional) source image as this is part of the initial condition for some parameterizations :return: should return a tuple (image,desired_caption) """ # not defined yet return None, None
[docs] def write_parameters_to_settings(self): """To be overwritten to write back optimized parameters to the setting where they came from""" pass
[docs]class RegistrationNetDisplacement(RegistrationNet): """ Abstract base-class for all the registration networks without time-integration which directly estimate a deformation field. """ def __init__(self, sz, spacing, params): """ Constructor :param sz: image size (BxCxXxYxZ format) :param spacing: spatial spacing, e.g., [0.1,0.1,0.2] :param params: ParameterDict() object to hold general parameters """ super(RegistrationNetDisplacement, self).__init__(sz, spacing, params) self.d = self.create_registration_parameters() """displacement field that will be optimized over""" self.spline_order = params[ ('spline_order', 1, 'Spline interpolation order; 1 is linear interpolation (default); 3 is cubic spline')] """order of the spline for interpolations"""
[docs] def create_registration_parameters(self): """ Creates the displacement field that is being optimized over :return: displacement field parameter """ return utils.create_ND_vector_field_parameter_multiN([2::], self.nrOfImages)
[docs] def get_parameter_image_and_name_to_visualize(self, ISource=None): """ Returns the displacement field parameter magnitude image and a name :return: Returns the tuple (displacement_magnitude_image,name) """ name = '|d|' par_image = ((self.d[:, ...] ** 2).sum(1)) ** 0.5 # assume BxCxXxYxZ format return par_image, name
[docs] def upsample_registration_parameters(self, desiredSz): """ Upsamples the displacement field to a desired size :param desiredSz: desired size of the upsampled displacement field :return: returns a tuple (upsampled_state,upsampled_spacing) """ sampler = IS.ResampleImage() ustate = self.state_dict().copy() upsampled_d, upsampled_spacing = sampler.upsample_image_to_size(self.d, self.spacing, desiredSz, self.spline_order) ustate['d'] = return ustate, upsampled_spacing
[docs] def downsample_registration_parameters(self, desiredSz): """ Downsamples the displacement field to a desired size :param desiredSz: desired size of the downsampled displacement field :return: returns a tuple (downsampled_state,downsampled_spacing) """ sampler = IS.ResampleImage() dstate = self.state_dict().copy() dstate['d'], downsampled_spacing = sampler.downsample_image_to_size(self.d, self.spacing, desiredSz, self.spline_order) return dstate, downsampled_spacing
[docs] def forward(self, phi, I0_source, phi_inv=None, variables_from_optimizer=None): """ Solved the map-based equation forward :param phi: initial condition for the map :param I0_source: not used :param phi_inv: inverse intial map (not used) :param variables_from_optimizer: allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration) :return: returns the map with the displacement subtracted """ return (phi - self.d)
[docs]class RegistrationNetTimeIntegration(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, RegistrationNet)): """ Abstract base-class for all the registration networks with time-integration """ def __init__(self, sz, spacing, params): """ Constructor :param sz: image size (BxCxXxYxZ format) :param spacing: spatial spacing, e.g., [0.1,0.1,0.2] :param params: ParameterDict() object to hold general parameters """ super(RegistrationNetTimeIntegration, self).__init__(sz, spacing, params) self.tFrom = 0. """time to solve a model from""" self.tTo = 1. """time to solve a model to""" self.use_CFL_clamping = self.params[ ('use_CFL_clamping', True, 'If the model uses time integration, CFL clamping is used')] """If the model uses time integration, then CFL clamping is used""" self.env = params[('env', {}, "env settings, typically are specificed by the external package, including the mode for solver or for smoother")] """settings for the task environment of the solver or smoother""" self.use_odeint = self.env[('use_odeint', True, 'using torchdiffeq package as the ode solver')] self.use_ode_tuple = self.env[('use_ode_tuple', False, 'once use torchdiffeq package, take the tuple input or tensor input')] def _use_CFL_clamping_if_desired(self, cfl_dt): if self.use_CFL_clamping: return cfl_dt else: return None
[docs] def set_integration_tfrom(self, tFrom): """ Sets the starging time for integration :param tFrom: starting time :return: n/a """ self.tFrom = tFrom
[docs] def get_integraton_tfrom(self): """ Gets the starting integration time (typically 0) :return: starting integration time """ return self.tFrom
[docs] def set_integration_tto(self, tTo): """ Sets the time up to which to integrate :param tTo: time to integrate to :return: n/a """ self.tTo = tTo
[docs] def get_integraton_tto(self): """ Gets the time to integrate to (typically 1) :return: time to integrate to """ return self.tTo
[docs] @abstractmethod def create_integrator(self): """ Abstract method to create an integrator for time-integration of a model """ pass
[docs]class SVFNet(RegistrationNetTimeIntegration): """ Base class for SVF-type registrations. Provides a velocity field (as a parameter) and an integrator """ def __init__(self, sz, spacing, params): super(SVFNet, self).__init__(sz, spacing, params) self.v = self.create_registration_parameters() """velocity field that will be optimized over""" self.integrator = self.create_integrator() """integrator to do the time-integration""" self.spline_order = params[ ('spline_order', 1, 'Spline interpolation order; 1 is linear interpolation (default); 3 is cubic spline')] """order of the spline for interpolations"""
[docs] def create_registration_parameters(self): """ Creates the velocity field that is being optimized over :return: velocity field parameter """ return utils.create_ND_vector_field_parameter_multiN([2::], self.nrOfImages)
[docs] def get_parameter_image_and_name_to_visualize(self, ISource=None): """ Returns the velocity field parameter magnitude image and a name :return: Returns the tuple (velocity_magnitude_image,name) """ name = '|v|' par_image = ((self.v[:, ...] ** 2).sum(1)) ** 0.5 # assume BxCxXxYxZ format return par_image, name
[docs] def upsample_registration_parameters(self, desiredSz): """ Upsamples the velocity field to a desired size :param desiredSz: desired size of the upsampled velocity field :return: returns a tuple (upsampled_state,upsampled_spacing) """ sampler = IS.ResampleImage() ustate = self.state_dict().copy() upsampled_v, upsampled_spacing = sampler.upsample_image_to_size(self.v, self.spacing, desiredSz, self.spline_order) ustate['v'] = return ustate, upsampled_spacing
[docs] def downsample_registration_parameters(self, desiredSz): """ Downsamples the velocity field to a desired size :param desiredSz: desired size of the downsampled velocity field :return: returns a tuple (downsampled_image,downsampled_spacing) """ sampler = IS.ResampleImage() dstate = self.state_dict().copy() dstate['v'], downsampled_spacing = sampler.downsample_image_to_size(self.v, self.spacing, desiredSz, self.spline_order) return dstate, downsampled_spacing
[docs]class SVFImageNet(SVFNet): """ Specialization for SVF-based image registration """ def __init__(self, sz, spacing, params): super(SVFImageNet, self).__init__(sz, spacing, params)
[docs] def create_integrator(self): """ Creates an integrator for the advection equation of the image :return: returns this integrator """ cparams = self.params[('forward_model', {}, 'settings for the forward model')] advection = FM.AdvectImage(, self.spacing) return ODE.ODEWrapBlock(advection, cparams, self.use_odeint, self.use_ode_tuple, self.tFrom, self.tTo)
[docs] def forward(self, I, variables_from_optimizer=None): """ Solves the image-based advection equation :param I: initial condition for the image :param variables_from_optimizer: allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration) :return: returns the image at the final time (tTo) """ pars_to_pass_i = utils.combine_dict({'v': self.v}, self._get_default_dictionary_to_pass_to_integrator()) self.integrator.init_solver(pars_to_pass_i, variables_from_optimizer, has_combined_input=False) I1=self.integrator.solve([self.v, I], variables_from_optimizer) return I1[1]
[docs]class SVFQuasiMomentumNet(RegistrationNetTimeIntegration): """ Attempt at parameterizing SVF with a momentum-like vector field (EXPERIMENTAL, not working yet) """ def __init__(self, sz, spacing, params): super(SVFQuasiMomentumNet, self).__init__(sz, spacing, params) self.m = self.create_registration_parameters() """momentum parameter""" cparams = params[('forward_model', {}, 'settings for the forward model')] self.smoother = SF.SmootherFactory([2::], self.spacing).create_smoother(cparams) """smoother to go from momentum to velocity""" self._shared_states = self._shared_states.union(self.smoother.associate_parameters_with_module(self)) """registers the smoother parameters so that they are optimized over if applicable""" self.v = torch.zeros_like(self.m) """corresponding velocity field""" self.integrator = self.create_integrator() """integrator to solve the forward model""" self.spline_order = params[ ('spline_order', 1, 'Spline interpolation order; 1 is linear interpolation (default); 3 is cubic spline')] """order of the spline for interpolations"""
[docs] def write_parameters_to_settings(self): super(SVFQuasiMomentumNet, self).write_parameters_to_settings() self.smoother.write_parameters_to_settings()
[docs] def get_custom_optimizer_output_string(self): return self.smoother.get_custom_optimizer_output_string()
[docs] def get_custom_optimizer_output_values(self): return self.smoother.get_custom_optimizer_output_values()
[docs] def create_registration_parameters(self): """ Creates the registration parameters (the momentum field) and returns them :return: momentum field """ return utils.create_ND_vector_field_parameter_multiN([2::], self.nrOfImages)
[docs] def get_parameter_image_and_name_to_visualize(self, ISource=None): """ Returns the momentum magnitude image and :math:`|m|` as the image caption :return: Returns a tuple (magnitude_m,name) """ name = '|m|' par_image = ((self.m[:, ...] ** 2).sum(1)) ** 0.5 # assume BxCxXxYxZ format return par_image, name
[docs] def upsample_registration_parameters(self, desiredSz): sampler = IS.ResampleImage() ustate = self.state_dict().copy() upsampled_m, upsampled_spacing = sampler.upsample_image_to_size(self.m, self.spacing, desiredSz, self.spline_order) ustate['m'] = return ustate, upsampled_spacing
[docs] def downsample_registration_parameters(self, desiredSz): sampler = IS.ResampleImage() dstate = self.state_dict().copy() dstate['m'], downsampled_spacing = sampler.downsample_image_to_size(self.m, self.spacing, desiredSz, self.spline_order) return dstate, downsampled_spacing
[docs]class SVFQuasiMomentumImageNet(SVFQuasiMomentumNet): """ Specialization for image registation """ def __init__(self, sz, spacing, params): super(SVFQuasiMomentumImageNet, self).__init__(sz, spacing, params)
[docs] def create_integrator(self): """ Creates the integrator that solve the advection equation (based on the smoothed momentum) :return: returns this integrator """ cparams = self.params[('forward_model', {}, 'settings for the forward model')] advection = FM.AdvectImage(, self.spacing) return ODE.ODEWrapBlock(advection, cparams, self.use_odeint, self.use_ode_tuple, self.tFrom, self.tTo)
[docs] def forward(self, I, variables_from_optimizer=None): """ Solves the model by first smoothing the momentum field and then using it as the velocity for the advection equation :param I: initial condition for the image :param variables_from_optimizer: allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration) :return: returns the image at the final time point (tTo) """ pars_to_pass = utils.combine_dict({'I': I}, self._get_default_dictionary_to_pass_to_integrator()) dt = self.integrator.get_dt() self.smoother.smooth(self.m, self.v, pars_to_pass, variables_from_optimizer, smooth_to_compute_regularizer_energy=False, clampCFL_dt=self._use_CFL_clamping_if_desired(dt)) pars_to_pass_i = utils.combine_dict({'v': self.v}, self._get_default_dictionary_to_pass_to_integrator()) self.integrator.init_solver(pars_to_pass_i, variables_from_optimizer, has_combined_input=False) I1 = self.integrator.solve([self.v, I], variables_from_optimizer) return I1[1]
[docs]class RegistrationLoss(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, nn.Module)): """ Abstract base class to define a loss function for image registration """ def __init__(self, sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params): """ Constructor. We have two different spacings to be able to allow for low-res transformation computations and high-res image similarity. This is only relevant for map-based approaches. For image-based approaches these two values should be the same. :param sz_sim: image/map size to evaluate the similarity measure of the loss :param spacing_sim: image/map spacing to evaluate the similarity measure of the loss :param sz_model: sz of the model parameters (will only be different from sz_sim if computed at low res) :param spacing_model: spacing of model parameters (will only be different from spacing_sim if computed at low res) :param params: ParameterDict() object to hold and keep track of general parameters """ super(RegistrationLoss, self).__init__() self.spacing_sim = spacing_sim """image/map spacing for the similarity measure part of the loss function""" self.spacing_model = spacing_model """spacing for any model parameters (typically for the regularization part of the loss function)""" self.sz_sim = sz_sim """image size for the similarity measure part of the loss function""" self.sz_model = sz_model """image size for the model parameters (typically for the regularization part of the loss function)""" self.params = params """ParameterDict() paramters""" self.smFactory = SM.SimilarityMeasureFactory(self.spacing_sim) """factory to create similarity measures on the fly""" self.similarityMeasure = None """the similarity measure itself""" self._default_dictionary_to_pass_to_smoother = dict() self.env = params[('env', {}, "env settings, typically are specificed by the external package, including the mode for solver or for smoother")] """settings for the task environment of the solver or smoother""" self.reg_factor = self.env[('reg_factor', 1.0, "regularzation factor")]
[docs] def set_dictionary_to_pass_to_smoother(self, d): """ The values will be transfered to the default dictionary (shallow is fine). :param d: dictionary to pass to smoother :return: dictionary """ self._default_dictionary_to_pass_to_smoother.clear() for k in d: self._default_dictionary_to_pass_to_smoother[k] = d[k]
def _get_default_dictionary_to_pass_to_smoother(self): """ Returns a dictionary with the default extra variables that should be made available for smoother. This should match what is provided to the integrator in the actual model. :return: dictionary w/ named entries """ return self._default_dictionary_to_pass_to_smoother
[docs] def add_similarity_measure(self, simName, simMeasure): """ To add a custom similarity measure to the similarity measure factory :param simName: desired name of the similarity measure (string) :param simMeasure: similarity measure itself (to instantiate an object) """ self.smFactory.add_similarity_measure(simName, simMeasure)
[docs] def compute_similarity_energy(self, I1_warped, I1_target, I0_source=None, phi=None, variables_from_forward_model=None, variables_from_optimizer=None): """ Computing the image matching energy based on the selected similarity measure :param I1_warped: warped image at time tTo :param I1_target: target image to register to :param I0_source: source image at time 0 (typically not used) :param phi: map to warp I0_source to target space (typically not used) :param variables_from_forward_model: allows passing in additional variables (intended to pass variables between the forward modell and the loss function) :param variables_from_optimizer: allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration) :return: returns the value for image similarity energy """ if self.similarityMeasure is None: self.similarityMeasure = self.smFactory.create_similarity_measure(self.params) sim = self.similarityMeasure.compute_similarity_multiNC(I1_warped, I1_target, I0_source, phi) return sim
[docs] @abstractmethod def compute_regularization_energy(self, I0_source, variables_from_forward_model=None, variables_from_optimizer=None): """ Abstract method computing the regularization energy based on the registration parameters and (if desired) the initial image :param I0_source: Initial image :param variables_from_forward_model: allows passing in additional variables (intended to pass variables between the forward modell and the loss function) :param variables_from_optimizer: allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration) :return: should return the value for the regularization energy """ pass
[docs]class RegistrationImageLoss(RegistrationLoss): """ Specialization for image-based registration losses """ def __init__(self, sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params): super(RegistrationImageLoss, self).__init__(sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params)
[docs] def get_energy(self, I1_warped, I0_source, I1_target, variables_from_forward_model=None, variables_from_optimizer=None): """ Computes the overall registration energy as E = E_sim + E_reg :param I1_warped: warped image :param I0_source: source image :param I1_target: target image :param variables_from_forward_model: allows passing in additional variables (intended to pass variables between the forward modell and the loss function) :param variables_from_optimizer: allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration) :return: return the energy value """ sim = self.compute_similarity_energy(I1_warped, I1_target, I0_source, None, variables_from_forward_model, variables_from_optimizer) reg = self.compute_regularization_energy(I0_source, variables_from_forward_model, variables_from_optimizer) energy = sim + reg # saveguard against infinity energy = utils.remove_infs_from_variable(energy) return energy, sim, reg
[docs] def forward(self, I1_warped, I0_source, I1_target, variables_from_forward_model=None, variables_from_optimizer=None): """ Computes the loss by evaluating the energy :param I1_warped: warped image :param I0_source: source image :param I1_target: target image :param variables_from_forward_model: allows passing in additional variables (intended to pass variables between the forward modell and the loss function) :param variables_from_optimizer: allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration) :return: tuple: overall energy, similarity energy, regularization energy """ energy, sim, reg = self.get_energy(I1_warped, I0_source, I1_target, variables_from_forward_model, variables_from_optimizer) return energy, sim, reg
[docs]class RegistrationMapLoss(RegistrationLoss): """ Specialization for map-based registration losses """ def __init__(self, sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params): super(RegistrationMapLoss, self).__init__(sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params) cparams = params[('loss', {}, 'settings for the loss function')] self.display_max_displacement = cparams[ ('display_max_displacement', False, 'displays the current maximal displacement')] self.limit_displacement = cparams[('limit_displacement', False, '[True/False] if set to true limits the maximal displacement based on the max_displacement_setting')] max_displacement = cparams[( 'max_displacement', 0.05, 'Max displacement penalty added to loss function of limit_displacement set to True')] self.max_displacement_sqr = max_displacement ** 2 self.spline_order = params[ ('spline_order', 1, 'Spline interpolation order; 1 is linear interpolation (default); 3 is cubic spline')] """order of the spline for interpolations"""
[docs] def get_energy(self, phi0, phi1, I0_source, I1_target, lowres_I0, variables_from_forward_model=None, variables_from_optimizer=None): """ Compute the energy by warping the source image via the map and then comparing it to the target image :param phi0: map (initial map from which phi1 is computed by integration; likely the identity map) :param phi1: map (mapping the source image to the target image, defined in the space of the target image) :param I0_source: source image :param I1_target: target image :param lowres_I0: for map with reduced resolution this is the downsampled source image, may be needed to compute the regularization energy :param variables_from_forward_model: allows passing in additional variables (intended to pass variables between the forward modell and the loss function) :param variables_from_optimizer: allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration) :return: registration energy """ # print(I0_source.shape) I1_warped = utils.compute_warped_image_multiNC(I0_source, phi1, self.spacing_sim, self.spline_order, zero_boundary=True) sim = self.compute_similarity_energy(I1_warped, I1_target, I0_source, phi1, variables_from_forward_model, variables_from_optimizer) if lowres_I0 is not None: # todo the lowes_I0 is not used when we compute adaptive method, maybe we should remove this and only compute on full resolution reg = self.compute_regularization_energy(lowres_I0, variables_from_forward_model, variables_from_optimizer) else: reg = self.compute_regularization_energy(I0_source, variables_from_forward_model, variables_from_optimizer) if self.limit_displacement: # first compute squared displacement dispSqr = ((phi1 - phi0) ** 2).sum(1) if self.display_max_displacement == True: dispMax = (torch.sqrt(dispSqr)).max() print('Max disp = ' + str(utils.t2np(dispMax))) sz = dispSqr.size() # todo: remove once pytorch can properly deal with infinite values maxDispSqr = utils.remove_infs_from_variable( dispSqr).max() # required to shield this from inf during the optimization dispPenalty = (torch.max((maxDispSqr - self.max_displacement_sqr), MyTensor(sz).zero_())).sum() reg = reg + dispPenalty else: if self.display_max_displacement == True: dispMax = (torch.sqrt(((phi1 - phi0) ** 2).sum(1))).max() print('Max disp = ' + str(utils.t2np(dispMax))) energy = sim + reg return energy, sim, reg
[docs] def forward(self, phi0, phi1, I0_source, I1_target, lowres_I0, variables_from_forward_model=None, variables_from_optimizer=None): """ Compute the loss function value by evaluating the registration energy :param phi0: map (initial map from which phi1 is computed by integration; likely the identity map) :param phi1: map (mapping the source image to the target image, defined in the space of the target image) :param I0_source: source image :param I1_target: target image :param lowres_I0: for map with reduced resolution this is the downsampled source image, may be needed to compute the regularization energy :param variables_from_forward_model: allows passing in additional variables (intended to pass variables between the forward modell and the loss function) :param variables_from_optimizer: allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration) :return: tuple: overall energy, similarity energy, regularization energy """ energy, sim, reg = self.get_energy(phi0, phi1, I0_source, I1_target, lowres_I0, variables_from_forward_model, variables_from_optimizer) return energy, sim, reg
[docs]class SVFImageLoss(RegistrationImageLoss): """ Loss specialization for image-based SVF """ def __init__(self, v, sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params): """ Constructor :param v: velocity field parameter :param sz_sim: image/map size to evaluate the similarity measure of the loss :param spacing_sim: image/map spacing to evaluate the similarity measure of the loss :param sz_model: sz of the model parameters (will only be different from sz_sim if computed at low res) :param spacing_model: spacing of model parameters (will only be different from spacing_sim if computed at low res) :param params: general parameters via ParameterDict() """ super(SVFImageLoss, self).__init__(sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params) self.v = v """veclocity field parameter""" cparams = params[('loss', {}, 'settings for the loss function')] self.regularizer = (RF.RegularizerFactory(self.spacing_model). create_regularizer(cparams)) """regularizer to compute the regularization energy"""
[docs] def compute_regularization_energy(self, I0_source, variables_from_forward_model=None, variables_from_optimizer=False): """ Computing the regularization energy :param I0_source: source image (not used) :param variables_from_forward_model: (not used) :param variables_from_optimizer: allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration) :return: returns the regularization energy """ return self.regularizer.compute_regularizer_multiN(self.v) * self.reg_factor
[docs]class SVFQuasiMomentumImageLoss(RegistrationImageLoss): """ Loss function specialization for the image-based quasi-momentum SVF implementation. Essentially the same as for SVF but has to smooth the momentum field first to obtain the velocity field. """ def __init__(self, m, sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params): """ Constructor :param m: momentum field :param sz_sim: image/map size to evaluate the similarity measure of the loss :param spacing_sim: image/map spacing to evaluate the similarity measure of the loss :param sz_model: sz of the model parameters (will only be different from sz_sim if computed at low res) :param spacing_model: spacing of model parameters (will only be different from spacing_sim if computed at low res) :param params: ParameterDict() parameters """ super(SVFQuasiMomentumImageLoss, self).__init__(sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params) self.m = m """vector momentum""" cparams = params[('loss', {}, 'settings for the loss function')] self.regularizer = (RF.RegularizerFactory(self.spacing_model). create_regularizer(cparams)) """regularizer to compute the regularization energy""" if params['similarity_measure'][('develop_mod_on', False, 'developing mode')]: cparams = params[('similarity_measure', {}, 'settings for the similarity ')] else: cparams = self.params[('forward_model', {}, 'settings for the forward model')] # TODO: support smoother optimization here -> move smoother to model instead of loss function self.smoother = SF.SmootherFactory(self.sz_model[2::], self.spacing_model).create_smoother(cparams) """smoother to convert from momentum to velocity"""
[docs] def compute_regularization_energy(self, I0_source, variables_from_forward_model=None, variables_from_optimizer=None): """ Compute the regularization energy from the momentum :param I0_source: not used :param variables_from_forward_model: (not used) :param variables_from_optimizer: allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration) :return: returns the regularization energy """ m = self.m pars_to_pass = utils.combine_dict({'I': I0_source}, self._get_default_dictionary_to_pass_to_smoother()) v = self.smoother.smooth(m, None, pars_to_pass, variables_from_optimizer, smooth_to_compute_regularizer_energy=True) return self.regularizer.compute_regularizer_multiN(v) * self.reg_factor + self.smoother.get_penalty()
[docs]class SVFMapNet(SVFNet): """ Network specialization to a map-based SVF """ def __init__(self, sz, spacing, params, compute_inverse_map=False): self.compute_inverse_map = compute_inverse_map """If set to True the inverse map is computed on the fly""" super(SVFMapNet, self).__init__(sz, spacing, params)
[docs] def create_integrator(self): """ Creates an integrator to solve a map-based advection equation :return: returns this integrator """ cparams = self.params[('forward_model', {}, 'settings for the forward model')] advectionMap = FM.AdvectMap(, self.spacing, compute_inverse_map=self.compute_inverse_map) return ODE.ODEWrapBlock(advectionMap, cparams, self.use_odeint, self.use_ode_tuple, self.tFrom, self.tTo)
[docs] def forward(self, phi, I0_source, phi_inv=None, variables_from_optimizer=None): """ Solved the map-based equation forward :param phi: initial condition for the map :param I0_source: not used :param phi_inv: inverse initial map :param variables_from_optimizer: allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration) :param variables_from_optimizer: allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration) :return: returns the map at time tTo """ pars_to_pass_i = utils.combine_dict({'v': self.v}, self._get_default_dictionary_to_pass_to_integrator()) self.integrator.init_solver(pars_to_pass_i, variables_from_optimizer, has_combined_input=False) if self.compute_inverse_map: if phi_inv is not None: phi1 = self.integrator.solve([self.v, phi, phi_inv], variables_from_optimizer) return (phi1[1], phi1[2]) else: phi1 = self.integrator.solve([self.v, phi], variables_from_optimizer) return (phi1[1], None) else: phi1 = self.integrator.solve([self.v, phi], variables_from_optimizer) return phi1[1]
[docs]class SVFMapLoss(RegistrationMapLoss): """ Specialization of the loss function for SVF to a map-based solution """ def __init__(self, v, sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params): super(SVFMapLoss, self).__init__(sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params) self.v = v """velocity field parameter""" cparams = params[('loss', {}, 'settings for the loss function')] self.regularizer = (RF.RegularizerFactory(self.spacing_model). create_regularizer(cparams)) """regularizer to compute the regularization energy"""
[docs] def compute_regularization_energy(self, I0_source, variables_from_forward_model=None, variables_from_optimizer=None): """ Computes the regularizaton energy from the velocity field parameter :param I0_source: not used :param variables_from_forward_model: (not used) :param variables_from_optimizer: allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration) :return: returns the regularization energy """ return self.regularizer.compute_regularizer_multiN(self.v)
[docs]class DiffusionMapLoss(RegistrationMapLoss): """ Specialization of the loss function for displacement-based registration to diffusion registration """ def __init__(self, d, sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params): super(DiffusionMapLoss, self).__init__(sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params) self.d = d """displacement field parameter""" cparams = params[('loss', {}, 'settings for the loss function')] self.regularizer = (RF.RegularizerFactory(self.spacing_model). create_regularizer_by_name('diffusion', cparams)) """regularizer to compute the regularization energy"""
[docs] def compute_regularization_energy(self, I0_source, variables_from_forward_model=None, variables_from_optimizer=None): """ Computes the regularizaton energy from the velocity field parameter :param I0_source: not used :param variables_from_forward_model: (not used) :param variables_from_optimizer: allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration) :return: returns the regularization energy """ return self.regularizer.compute_regularizer_multiN(self.d) * self.reg_factor
[docs]class TotalVariationMapLoss(RegistrationMapLoss): """ Specialization of the loss function for displacement-based registration to diffusion registration """ def __init__(self, d, sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params): super(TotalVariationMapLoss, self).__init__(sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params) self.d = d """displacement field parameter""" cparams = params[('loss', {}, 'settings for the loss function')] self.regularizer = (RF.RegularizerFactory(self.spacing_model). create_regularizer_by_name('totalVariation', cparams)) """regularizer to compute the regularization energy"""
[docs] def compute_regularization_energy(self, I0_source, variables_from_forward_model=None, variables_from_optimizer=None): """ Computes the regularizaton energy from the velocity field parameter :param I0_source: not used :param variables_from_forward_model: (not used) :param variables_from_optimizer: allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration) :return: returns the regularization energy """ return self.regularizer.compute_regularizer_multiN(self.d) * self.reg_factor
[docs]class CurvatureMapLoss(RegistrationMapLoss): """ Specialization of the loss function for displacement-based registration to diffusion registration """ def __init__(self, d, sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params): super(CurvatureMapLoss, self).__init__(sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params) self.d = d """displacement field parameter""" cparams = params[('loss', {}, 'settings for the loss function')] self.regularizer = (RF.RegularizerFactory(self.spacing_model). create_regularizer_by_name('curvature', cparams)) """regularizer to compute the regularization energy"""
[docs] def compute_regularization_energy(self, I0_source, variables_from_forward_model=None, variables_from_optimizer=None): """ Computes the regularizaton energy from the velocity field parameter :param I0_source: not used :param variables_from_forward_model: (not used) :param variables_from_optimizer: allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration) :return: returns the regularization energy """ return self.regularizer.compute_regularizer_multiN(self.d) * self.reg_factor
[docs]class AffineMapNet(RegistrationNet): """ Registration network for affine transformation """ def __init__(self, sz, spacing, params, compute_inverse_map=False): super(AffineMapNet, self).__init__(sz, spacing, params) self.dim = len( - 2 self.compute_inverse_map = compute_inverse_map self.Ab = self.create_registration_parameters()
[docs] def create_registration_parameters(self): pars = Parameter(AdaptVal(torch.zeros(self.nrOfImages, self.dim * self.dim + self.dim))) utils.set_affine_transform_to_identity_multiN( return pars
[docs] def get_parameter_image_and_name_to_visualize(self, ISource=None): """ Returns the velocity field parameter magnitude image and a name :return: Returns the tuple (velocity_magnitude_image,name) """ name = 'Ab' par_image = self.Ab return par_image, name
[docs] def upsample_registration_parameters(self, desiredSz): """ Upsamples the afffine parameters to a desired size (ie., just returns them) :param desiredSz: desired size of the upsampled image :return: returns a tuple (upsampled_state,upsampled_spacing) """ ustate = self.state_dict().copy() # stays the same if len( == len(desiredSz): desiredSz = desiredSz[2:] if len( - len(desiredSz) == 2: upsampled_spacing = self.spacing * (([2::].astype('float') - 1.) / (desiredSz.astype('float') - 1.)) else: raise ValueError("Size not matched") return ustate, upsampled_spacing
[docs] def downsample_registration_parameters(self, desiredSz): """ Downsamples the affine parameters to a desired size (ie., just returns them) :param desiredSz: desired size of the downsampled image :return: returns a tuple (downsampled_state,downsampled_spacing) """ dstate = self.state_dict().copy() # stays the same downsampled_spacing = self.spacing * ( ([2::].astype('float') - 1.) / (desiredSz[2::].astype('float') - 1.)) return dstate, downsampled_spacing
[docs] def forward(self, phi, I0_source, phi_inv=None, variables_from_optimizer=None): """ Solved the map-based equation forward :param phi: initial condition for the map :param I0_source: not used :param phi_inv: inverse initial map (not used) :param variables_from_optimizer: allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration) :return: returns the map at time tTo """ phi1 = utils.apply_affine_transform_to_map_multiNC(self.Ab, phi) return phi1
[docs]class AffineMapLoss(RegistrationMapLoss): """ Specialization of the loss function for a map-based affine transformation """ def __init__(self, Ab, sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params): super(AffineMapLoss, self).__init__(sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params) self.Ab = Ab """affine parameters"""
[docs] def compute_regularization_energy(self, I0_source, variables_from_forward_model=None, variables_from_optimizer=None): """ Computes the regularizaton energy from the affine parameter :param I0_source: not used :param variables_from_forward_model: (not used) :param variables_from_optimizer: allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration) :return: returns the regularization energy """ regE = MyTensor(1).zero_() return regE # so far there is no regularization
[docs]class ShootingVectorMomentumNet(RegistrationNetTimeIntegration): """ Methods using vector-momentum-based shooting """ def __init__(self, sz, spacing, params): super(ShootingVectorMomentumNet, self).__init__(sz, spacing, params) self.get_momentum_from_external_network = self.env[('get_momentum_from_external_network', False, "use external network to predict momentum, notice that the momentum network is not built in this package")] self.m = self.create_registration_parameters() cparams = params[('forward_model', {}, 'settings for the forward model')] self.smoother = SF.SmootherFactory([2::], self.spacing).create_smoother(cparams) """smoother""" # mn: added this check self.smoother = SF.SmootherFactory([2::], self.spacing).create_smoother(cparams, cparams['smoother']['type']) print("the param of smoother is {}".format(self.smoother)) if not self.get_momentum_from_external_network: self._shared_states = self._shared_states.union(self.smoother.associate_parameters_with_module(self)) """registers the smoother parameters so gbgithat they are optimized over if applicable""" self.integrator = None """integrator to solve EPDiff variant""" self.spline_order = params[ ('spline_order', 1, 'Spline interpolation order; 1 is linear interpolation (default); 3 is cubic spline')] """order of the spline for interpolations""" self.initial_velocity = None """ the velocity field at t0, saved during map computation and used during loss computation""" self.sparams = params[('shooting_vector_momentum', {}, 'settings for shooting vector momentum methods')] """ settings for the vector momentum related methods""" self.use_velocity_mask = self.sparams[('use_velocity_mask_on_boundary', False, 'a mask to force boundary velocity be zero, the value of the mask is from 0-1')] self.velocity_mask = None """ a continuous image-size float tensor mask, to force zero velocity at the boundary""" if self.use_velocity_mask: img_sz = sz[2:] min_sz = min(img_sz) mask_range = 4 if min_sz > 20 else 3 # control the width of the zero region at the boundary self.velocity_mask = utils.momentum_boundary_weight_mask(sz[2:], spacing, mask_range=mask_range, smoother_std=0.04, pow=2)
[docs] def associate_parameters_with_module(self): self._shared_states = self._shared_states.union(self.smoother.associate_parameters_with_module(self))
[docs] def write_parameters_to_settings(self): super(ShootingVectorMomentumNet, self).write_parameters_to_settings() self.smoother.write_parameters_to_settings()
[docs] def get_custom_optimizer_output_string(self): return self.smoother.get_custom_optimizer_output_string()
[docs] def get_custom_optimizer_output_values(self): return self.smoother.get_custom_optimizer_output_values()
[docs] def get_variables_to_transfer_to_loss_function(self): d = dict() d['smoother'] = self.smoother d['initial_velocity'] = self.initial_velocity return d
[docs] def create_registration_parameters(self): """ Creates the vector momentum parameter :return: Returns the vector momentum parameter """ return utils.create_ND_vector_field_parameter_multiN([2::], self.nrOfImages, self.get_momentum_from_external_network)
[docs] def get_parameter_image_and_name_to_visualize(self, ISource=None): """ Creates a magnitude image for the momentum and returns it with name :math:`|m|` :return: Returns tuple (m_magnitude_image,name) """ name = '|m|' par_image = ((self.m[:, ...] ** 2).sum(1)) ** 0.5 # assume BxCxXxYxZ format return par_image, name
[docs] def upsample_registration_parameters(self, desiredSz): """ Upsamples the vector-momentum parameter :param desiredSz: desired size of the upsampled momentum :return: Returns tuple (upsampled_state,upsampled_spacing) """ ustate = self.state_dict().copy() sampler = IS.ResampleImage() upsampled_m, upsampled_spacing = sampler.upsample_image_to_size(self.m, self.spacing, desiredSz, self.spline_order) ustate['m'] = return ustate, upsampled_spacing
[docs] def downsample_registration_parameters(self, desiredSz): """ Downsamples the vector-momentum parameter :param desiredSz: desired size of the downsampled momentum :return: Returns tuple (downsampled_state,downsampled_spacing) """ dstate = self.state_dict().copy() sampler = IS.ResampleImage() dstate['m'], downsampled_spacing = sampler.downsample_image_to_size(self.m, self.spacing, desiredSz, self.spline_order) return dstate, downsampled_spacing
[docs]class LDDMMShootingVectorMomentumImageNet(ShootingVectorMomentumNet): """ Specialization of vector-momentum LDDMM for direct image matching. """ def __init__(self, sz, spacing, params): super(LDDMMShootingVectorMomentumImageNet, self).__init__(sz, spacing, params) self.integrator = self.create_integrator() """integrator to solve EPDiff variant"""
[docs] def create_integrator(self): """ Creates integrator to solve EPDiff together with an advevtion equation for the image :return: returns this integrator """ cparams = self.params[('forward_model', {}, 'settings for the forward model')] epdiffImage = FM.EPDiffImage(, self.spacing, self.smoother, cparams) return ODE.ODEWrapBlock(epdiffImage, cparams, self.use_odeint, self.use_ode_tuple, self.tFrom, self.tTo)
[docs] def forward(self, I, variables_from_optimizer=None): """ Integrates EPDiff plus advection equation for image forward :param I: Initial condition for image :param variables_from_optimizer: allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration) :return: returns the image at time tTo """ pars_to_pass_i = self._get_default_dictionary_to_pass_to_integrator() self.integrator.init_solver(pars_to_pass_i, variables_from_optimizer, has_combined_input=True) mI1 = self.integrator.solve([self.m, I], variables_from_optimizer) return mI1[1]
[docs]class LDDMMShootingVectorMomentumImageLoss(RegistrationImageLoss): """ Specialization of the image loss to vector-momentum LDDMM """ def __init__(self, m, sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params): super(LDDMMShootingVectorMomentumImageLoss, self).__init__(sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params) self.m = m """momentum"""
[docs] def compute_regularization_energy(self, I0_source, variables_from_forward_model, variables_from_optimizer=None): """ Computes the regularzation energy based on the inital momentum :param I0_source: not used :param variables_from_forward_model: allows passing in additional variables (intended to pass variables between the forward modell and the loss function) :param variables_from_optimizer: allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration) :return: regularization energy """ m = self.m pars_to_pass = utils.combine_dict({'I': I0_source}, self._get_default_dictionary_to_pass_to_smoother()) v = variables_from_forward_model['smoother'].smooth(m, None, pars_to_pass, variables_from_optimizer, smooth_to_compute_regularizer_energy=True) reg = (v * m).sum() * * self.reg_factor + variables_from_forward_model[ 'smoother'].get_penalty() return reg
[docs]class SVFVectorMomentumImageNet(ShootingVectorMomentumNet): """ Specialization of vector momentum based stationary velocity field image-based matching """ def __init__(self, sz, spacing, params): super(SVFVectorMomentumImageNet, self).__init__(sz, spacing, params) self.integrator = self.create_integrator() """integrator to solve EPDiff variant"""
[docs] def create_integrator(self): """ Creates an integrator integrating the scalar momentum conservation law and an advection equation for the image :return: returns this integrator """ cparams = self.params[('forward_model', {}, 'settings for the forward model')] advection = FM.AdvectImage(, self.spacing) return ODE.ODEWrapBlock(advection, cparams, self.use_odeint, self.use_ode_tuple, self.tFrom, self.tTo)
[docs] def forward(self, I, variables_from_optimizer=None): """ Solved the vector momentum forward equation and returns the image at time tTo :param I: initial image :param variables_from_optimizer: allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration) :return: image at time tTo """ pars_to_pass_s = utils.combine_dict({'I': I}, self._get_default_dictionary_to_pass_to_integrator()) dt = self.integrator.get_dt() v = self.smoother.smooth(self.m, None, pars_to_pass_s, variables_from_optimizer, smooth_to_compute_regularizer_energy=False, clampCFL_dt=self._use_CFL_clamping_if_desired(dt)) pars_to_pass_i = utils.combine_dict({'v': v}, self._get_default_dictionary_to_pass_to_integrator()) self.integrator.init_solver(pars_to_pass_i, variables_from_optimizer, has_combined_input=False) I1 = self.integrator.solve([v, I], variables_from_optimizer) return I1[1]
[docs]class SVFVectorMomentumImageLoss(RegistrationImageLoss): """ Specialization of the loss to vector-momentum stationary velocity field on images """ def __init__(self, m, sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params): super(SVFVectorMomentumImageLoss, self).__init__(sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params) self.m = m """vector momentum"""
[docs] def compute_regularization_energy(self, I0_source, variables_from_forward_model, variables_from_optimizer=None): """ Computes the regularization energy from the initial vector momentum as obtained from the vector momentum :param I0_source: source image :param variables_from_forward_model: allows passing in additional variables (intended to pass variables between the forward modell and the loss function) :param variables_from_optimizer: allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration) :return: returns the regularization energy """ m = self.m pars_to_pass = utils.combine_dict({'I': I0_source}, self._get_default_dictionary_to_pass_to_smoother()) v = variables_from_forward_model['smoother'].smooth(m, None, pars_to_pass, variables_from_optimizer, smooth_to_compute_regularizer_energy=True) reg = (v * m).sum() * * self.reg_factor + variables_from_forward_model[ 'smoother'].get_penalty() return reg
[docs]class LDDMMShootingVectorMomentumMapNet(ShootingVectorMomentumNet): """ Specialization for map-based vector-momentum where the map itself is advected """ def __init__(self, sz, spacing, params, compute_inverse_map=False): self.compute_inverse_map = compute_inverse_map """If set to True the inverse map is computed on the fly""" super(LDDMMShootingVectorMomentumMapNet, self).__init__(sz, spacing, params) self.integrator = self.create_integrator() """integrator to solve EPDiff variant"""
[docs] def create_integrator(self): """ Creates an integrator for EPDiff + advection equation for the map :return: returns this integrator """ cparams = self.params[('forward_model', {}, 'settings for the forward model')] epdiffMap = FM.EPDiffMap(, self.spacing, self.smoother, cparams,compute_inverse_map=self.compute_inverse_map) return ODE.ODEWrapBlock(epdiffMap, cparams, self.use_odeint, self.use_ode_tuple, self.tFrom, self.tTo)
[docs] def forward(self, phi, I0_source, phi_inv=None, variables_from_optimizer=None): """ Solves EPDiff + advection equation forward and returns the map at time tTo :param phi: initial condition for the map :param I0_source: not used :param phi_inv: inverse initial map :param variables_from_optimizer: allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration) :return: returns the map at time tTo """ self.smoother.set_source_image(I0_source) m = self.m pars_to_pass_i = self._get_default_dictionary_to_pass_to_integrator() # if self.use_velocity_mask: # m= self.m # if self.get_momentum_from_external_network: # m = self.m * self.velocity_mask # else: # = self.m.clamp(min=-2, max=2) # m = self.m * self.velocity_mask # todo current code is not efficient, need to compute the init v and pass it to reg_loss self.integrator.init_solver(pars_to_pass_i, variables_from_optimizer, has_combined_input=True) if self.compute_inverse_map: if phi_inv is not None: mphi1 = self.integrator.solve([m, phi, phi_inv], variables_from_optimizer) return (mphi1[1], mphi1[2]) else: mphi1 = self.integrator.solve([m, phi], variables_from_optimizer) return (mphi1[1], None) else: mphi1 = self.integrator.solve([m, phi], variables_from_optimizer) return mphi1[1]
[docs]class LDDMMShootingVectorMomentumMapLoss(RegistrationMapLoss): """ Specialization of the loss for map-based vector momumentum. Image similarity is computed based on warping the source image with the advected map. """ def __init__(self, m, sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params): super(LDDMMShootingVectorMomentumMapLoss, self).__init__(sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params) self.m = m """vector momentum"""
[docs] def compute_regularization_energy(self, I0_source, variables_from_forward_model, variables_from_optimizer=None): """ Commputes the regularization energy from the initial vector momentum :param I0_source: not used :param variables_from_forward_model: allows passing in additional variables (intended to pass variables between the forward modell and the loss function) :param variables_from_optimizer: allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration) :return: returns the regularization energy """ m = self.m pars_to_pass = utils.combine_dict({'I': I0_source}, self._get_default_dictionary_to_pass_to_smoother()) v = variables_from_forward_model['smoother'].smooth(m, None, pars_to_pass, variables_from_optimizer, smooth_to_compute_regularizer_energy=True) reg = torch.clamp((v * m), min=0.).sum() * * self.reg_factor + \ variables_from_forward_model['smoother'].get_penalty() return reg
[docs]class SVFVectorMomentumMapNet(ShootingVectorMomentumNet): """ Specialization of vector momentum based stationary velocity field map-based matching """ def __init__(self, sz, spacing, params, compute_inverse_map=False): self.compute_inverse_map = compute_inverse_map """If set to True the inverse map is computed on the fly""" super(SVFVectorMomentumMapNet, self).__init__(sz, spacing, params) self.integrator = self.create_integrator() """integrator to solve EPDiff variant"""
[docs] def create_integrator(self): """ Creates an integrator integrating the vector momentum conservation law and an advection equation for the map :return: returns this integrator """ cparams = self.params[('forward_model', {}, 'settings for the forward model')] advectionMap = FM.AdvectMap(, self.spacing, compute_inverse_map=self.compute_inverse_map) return ODE.ODEWrapBlock(advectionMap, cparams, self.use_odeint, self.use_ode_tuple, self.tFrom, self.tTo)
[docs] def forward(self, phi, I0_source, phi_inv=None, variables_from_optimizer=None): """ Solved the vector momentum forward equation and returns the map at time tTo :param phi: initial map :param I0_source: not used :param phi_inv: initial inverse map :param variables_from_optimizer: allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration) :return: map at time tTo """ pars_to_pass_s = utils.combine_dict({'I': I0_source}, self._get_default_dictionary_to_pass_to_integrator()) dt = self.integrator.get_dt() v = self.smoother.smooth(self.m, None, pars_to_pass_s, variables_from_optimizer, smooth_to_compute_regularizer_energy=False, clampCFL_dt=self._use_CFL_clamping_if_desired(dt)) pars_to_pass_i = utils.combine_dict({'v': v}, self._get_default_dictionary_to_pass_to_integrator()) self.initial_velocity = v self.integrator.init_solver(pars_to_pass_i, variables_from_optimizer, has_combined_input=False) if self.compute_inverse_map: if phi_inv is not None: phi1 = self.integrator.solve([v, phi, phi_inv], variables_from_optimizer) return (phi1[1], phi1[2]) else: phi1 = self.integrator.solve([v, phi], variables_from_optimizer) return (phi1[1], None) else: phi1 = self.integrator.solve([v, phi], variables_from_optimizer) return phi1[1]
[docs]class SVFVectorMomentumMapLoss(RegistrationMapLoss): """ Specialization of loss for vector momentum based stationary velocity field """ def __init__(self, m, sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params): super(SVFVectorMomentumMapLoss, self).__init__(sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params) self.m = m """vector momentum"""
[docs] def compute_regularization_energy(self, I0_source, variables_from_forward_model, variables_from_optimizer=None): """ Computes the regularization energy from the initial vector momentum :param I0_source: source image :param variables_from_forward_model: allows passing in additional variables (intended to pass variables between the forward modell and the loss function) :param variables_from_optimizer: allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration) :return: returns the regularization energy """ m = self.m v = variables_from_forward_model['initial_velocity'] reg = torch.clamp((v * m), min=0.).sum() * / 1. * self.reg_factor + \ variables_from_forward_model['smoother'].get_penalty() return reg
[docs]class AdaptiveSmootherMomentumMapBasicNet(ShootingVectorMomentumNet): """ Mehtods using map-based vector-momentum and adaptive regularizers """ def __init__(self, sz, spacing, params, compute_inverse_map=False): from . import utils as py_utils from . import data_wrapper as DW self.compute_inverse_map = compute_inverse_map """If set to True the inverse map is computed on the fly""" super(AdaptiveSmootherMomentumMapBasicNet, self).__init__(sz, spacing, params) self.adp_params = self.sparams[('adapt_model', {}, "settings for adaptive smoothers")] self.compute_on_initial_map = self.adp_params[('compute_on_initial_map', False, "true: compute the map based on initial map, false: compute the map based on id map first, then interp with the initial map")] self.clamp_local_weight = self.adp_params[('clamp_local_weight', True, "true:clamp the local weight")] self.local_pre_weight_max = self.adp_params[('local_pre_weight_max', 2, "clamp the value from -value to value")] self.use_predefined_weight = self.adp_params[ ('use_predefined_weight', False, "use predefined weight for adapt smoother")] self.gaussian_std_weights = self.smoother.multi_gaussian_weights self.gaussian_stds = self.smoother.multi_gaussian_stds self.get_preweight_from_network = self.env[ ('get_preweight_from_network', False, 'deploy network to predict preweights of the smoothers')] if not self.get_preweight_from_network: self.local_weights = self.create_local_filter_weights_parameters() self.create_single_local_smoother(sz, spacing) # TODO if optimize the stds and global weights, should not comment the following and asscociate std weights into parameters # else: # self.smoother_for_forward.import_outside_var(self.smoother.get_gaussian_stds(),self.smoother.get_gaussian_weights() # ,self.smoother.gaussian_fourier_filter_generator, = py_utils.identity_map_multiN(sz, spacing) = DW.AdaptVal(torch.from_numpy( self.print_count = 0 self.local_weights_hook = None self.m_hook = None
[docs] def create_single_local_smoother(self,sz,spacing): """ Creates local single gaussian smoother, which is for smoothing pre-weights :return: """ from . import module_parameters as pars s_m_params = pars.ParameterDict() s_m_params['smoother']['type'] = 'gaussian' s_m_params['smoother']['gaussian_std'] = self.params['forward_model']['smoother']['deep_smoother'][ 'deep_network_local_weight_smoothing'] self.embedded_smoother = SF.SmootherFactory(sz[2:], spacing).create_smoother(s_m_params)
[docs] def debug_distrib(self, var, name, range): import numpy as np var = var.cpu().numpy() density, _ = np.histogram(var, range, density=True) print("{} distri:{}".format(name, density))
[docs] def create_local_filter_weights_parameters(self): """ Creates parameters of the regularizer, a weight vector for multi-gaussian smoother at each position :return: Returns the vector momentum parameter """ weight_type = self.smoother.weighting_type return utils.create_local_filter_weights_parameter_multiN([2::], self.gaussian_std_weights, self.nrOfImages, weight_type, self.get_preweight_from_network)
[docs] def upsample_registration_parameters(self, desiredSz): """ Upsamples the vector-momentum and regularizer parameter :param desiredSz: desired size of the upsampled momentum :return: Returns tuple (upsampled_state,upsampled_spacing) """ ustate = self.state_dict().copy() sampler = IS.ResampleImage() upsampled_m, upsampled_spacing = sampler.upsample_image_to_size(self.m, self.spacing, desiredSz, self.spline_order) upsampled_local_weights, upsampled_spacing = sampler.upsample_image_to_size(self.local_weights, self.spacing, desiredSz, self.spline_order) ustate['m'] = ustate['local_weights'] = return ustate, upsampled_spacing
[docs] def downsample_registration_parameters(self, desiredSz): """ Downsamples the vector-momentum and regularizer parameter :param desiredSz: desired size of the downsampled momentum :return: Returns tuple (downsampled_state,downsampled_spacing) """ dstate = self.state_dict().copy() sampler = IS.ResampleImage() dstate['m'], downsampled_spacing = sampler.downsample_image_to_size(self.m, self.spacing, desiredSz, self.spline_order) dstate['local_weights'], downsampled_spacing = sampler.downsample_image_to_size(self.local_weights, self.spacing, desiredSz, self.spline_order) return dstate, downsampled_spacing
[docs] def freeze_adaptive_regularizer_param(self): """ Freeze the regularizer param :return: """ if self.local_weights_hook is None: print("the local adaptive smoother weight is locked") self.local_weights_hook = self.local_weights.register_hook(lambda grad: grad * 0) self.local_weights_hook_flag = True
[docs] def freeze_momentum(self): """ Freeze the momentum :return: """ if self.m_hook is None: print("the local adaptive smoother weight is locked") self.m_hook = self.m.register_hook(lambda grad: grad * 0)
[docs] def unfreeze_momentum(self): """ Unfreeze the momentum :return: """ if self.m_hook is not None: print("the local adaptive smoother weight is locked") self.m_hook.remove()
[docs] def unfreeze_adaptive_regularizer_param(self): """ Unfreeze the regularizer param :return: """ if self.local_weights_hook is not None and self.local_weights_hook_flag: print("the local adaptive smoother weight is unlocked") self.local_weights_hook.remove() self.local_weights_hook_flag = False
[docs] def forward(self, phi, I0_source, phi_inv=None, variables_from_optimizer=None): pass
def _display_stats_before_after(self, Ib, Ia, iname): Ib_min = Ib.min().detach().cpu().numpy() Ib_max = Ib.max().detach().cpu().numpy() Ib_mean = Ib.mean().detach().cpu().numpy() Ib_std = Ib.std().detach().cpu().numpy() Ia_min = Ia.min().detach().cpu().numpy() Ia_max = Ia.max().detach().cpu().numpy() Ia_mean = Ia.mean().detach().cpu().numpy() Ia_std = Ia.std().detach().cpu().numpy() print(' {}: before: [{:.7f},{:.7f},{:.7f}]({:.7f}); after: [{:.7f},{:.7f},{:.7f}]({:.7f})'.format(iname, Ib_min, Ib_mean, Ib_max, Ib_std, Ia_min, Ia_mean, Ia_max, Ia_std))
[docs] def get_parameter_image_and_name_to_visualize(self, ISource=None, use_softmax=False, output_preweight=True): """ visualize the regularizer parameters :param ISource: not used :param use_softmax: true: apply softmax to get pre-weight :param output_preweight: true: output the pre-weight of the regularizer , false: output the weight of the regualrizer :return: """ # if self.clamp_local_weight: # =self.local_weights.clamp(min=-self.local_pre_weight_max,max=self.local_pre_weight_max) if use_softmax: local_adapt_weights_pre = stable_softmax(self.local_weights, dim=1) # torch.abs(self.local_weights) else: local_adapt_weights_pre = torch.abs(self.local_weights) if self.smoother.weighting_type == 'w_K_w': local_adapt_weights_pre = local_adapt_weights_pre / torch.norm(local_adapt_weights_pre, p=None, dim=1, keepdim=True) if output_preweight: local_adapt_weights = local_adapt_weights_pre name = 'preweight h_0' else: local_adapt_weights = self.embedded_smoother.smooth(local_adapt_weights_pre) name = 'weight w_0' dim = len(local_adapt_weights.shape) - 2 adaptive_smoother_map = local_adapt_weights.detach() if self.smoother.weighting_type == 'w_K_w': adaptive_smoother_map = adaptive_smoother_map ** 2 gaussian_stds = self.smoother.multi_gaussian_stds.detach() view_sz = [1] + [len(gaussian_stds)] + [1] * dim gaussian_stds = gaussian_stds.view(*view_sz) smoother_map = adaptive_smoother_map * (gaussian_stds ** 2) par_image = torch.sqrt(torch.sum(smoother_map, 1, keepdim=True)) return par_image[:, 0], name
[docs]class AdaptiveSmootherMomentumMapBasicLoss(RegistrationMapLoss): """ Specialization of the loss for adaptive map-based vector momumentum. Image similarity is computed based on warping the source image with the advected map. """ def __init__(self, m, sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params): super(AdaptiveSmootherMomentumMapBasicLoss, self).__init__(sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params) self.load_velocity_from_forward_model = params[ ('load_velocity_from_forward_model', False, 'load_velocity_from_forward_model')] self.m = m """vector momentum"""
[docs] def compute_regularization_energy(self, I0_source, variables_from_forward_model, variables_from_optimizer=None): """ Commputes the regularization energy from the initial vector momentum and the adaptive smoother :param I0_source: source image :param variables_from_forward_model: allows passing in additional variables (intended to pass variables between the forward modell and the loss function) :param variables_from_optimizer: allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration) :return: returns the regularization energy """ smoother = variables_from_forward_model['smoother'] m = self.m if not self.load_velocity_from_forward_model: pars_to_pass = utils.combine_dict({'I': I0_source}, self._get_default_dictionary_to_pass_to_smoother()) v = smoother.smooth(m, None, pars_to_pass, variables_from_optimizer, smooth_to_compute_regularizer_energy=True) else: v = variables_from_forward_model['initial_velocity'] reg = torch.clamp((v * m), min=0.).sum() * * self.reg_factor + smoother.get_penalty() return reg
[docs]class SVFVectorAdaptiveSmootherMomentumMapNet(AdaptiveSmootherMomentumMapBasicNet): """ Specialization of vector momentum based stationary velocity field with adaptive regularizer """ def __init__(self, sz, spacing, params, compute_inverse_map=False): self.compute_inverse_map = compute_inverse_map """If set to True the inverse map is computed on the fly""" super(SVFVectorAdaptiveSmootherMomentumMapNet, self).__init__(sz, spacing, params, compute_inverse_map) self.integrator = self.create_integrator() """integrator to solve EPDiff variant"""
[docs] def create_integrator(self): """ Creates an integrator integrating the vector momentum conservation law, an advection equation for the map with adaptive regularizer :return: returns this integrator """ cparams = self.params[('forward_model', {}, 'settings for the forward model')] advectionMap = FM.AdvectMap(, self.spacing, cparams) return ODE.ODEWrapBlock(advectionMap, cparams, self.use_odeint, self.use_ode_tuple, self.tFrom, self.tTo)
[docs] def forward(self, phi, I0_source, phi_inv=None, variables_from_optimizer=None): """ Solved the vector momentum forward equation and returns the map at time tTo :param phi: initial map :param I0_source: source image :param phi_inv: initial inverse map :param variables_from_optimizer: allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration) :return: map at time tTo """ self.n_of_gaussians = self.smoother.nr_of_gaussians default_dic = self._get_default_dictionary_to_pass_to_integrator() """ this will be used to do the first step velcity computation, to get the local_adapt_weights""" if self.get_preweight_from_network: I = utils.compute_warped_image_multiNC(default_dic['I0_full'], phi, self.spacing, 1, zero_boundary=True) else: # TODO the optimization version not support orignal image input yet, need to be fixed I = utils.compute_warped_image_multiNC(default_dic['I0'], phi, self.spacing, 1, zero_boundary=True) pars_to_pass_s = utils.combine_dict({'I': I.detach()}, default_dic) dt = self.integrator.get_dt() # there are three typical adaptive model, 1. learnt the preweight from the network 2. optimize the preweight 3. predefine the preweight if self.get_preweight_from_network: self.smoother.reset_penalty() v = self.smoother.smooth(self.m, None, pars_to_pass_s, variables_from_optimizer, smooth_to_compute_regularizer_energy=False, clampCFL_dt=self._use_CFL_clamping_if_desired(dt)) if self.use_velocity_mask: v = v * self.velocity_mask else: if variables_from_optimizer is not None: epoch = variables_from_optimizer['iter'] self.smoother.set_epoch(epoch // 2) # if variables_from_optimizer['iter'] < 1: # self.freeze_adaptive_regularizer_param() # else: # self.unfreeze_adaptive_regularizer_param() else: print("no epoch/iter information is provided, set to 0") epoch = 0 self.smoother.set_epoch(epoch) if self.clamp_local_weight: = self.local_weights.clamp(min=-self.local_pre_weight_max, max=self.local_pre_weight_max) if not self.use_predefined_weight: # we deploy a softmax before getting the optimized preweight local_adapt_weights_pre = stable_softmax(self.local_weights, dim=1) # torch.abs(self.local_weights) else: # we use abs before getting the predefine preweight local_adapt_weights_pre = torch.abs(self.local_weights) # local_adapt_weights_pre =local_adapt_weights_pre.clamp(min=0.01) if self.smoother.weighting_type == 'w_K_w': # nomalize preweight, todo replace this with stable _project_weights_to_min local_adapt_weights_pre = local_adapt_weights_pre / torch.norm(local_adapt_weights_pre, p=None, dim=1, keepdim=True) local_adapt_weights = self.embedded_smoother.smooth(local_adapt_weights_pre) pars_to_pass_s = utils.combine_dict({'w': local_adapt_weights}, default_dic) v, _ = self.smoother.smooth(self.m, None, pars_to_pass_s, variables_from_optimizer, smooth_to_compute_regularizer_energy=False, clampCFL_dt=self._use_CFL_clamping_if_desired(dt), multi_output=True) if self.use_velocity_mask: v = v * self.velocity_mask self.smoother.reset_penalty() self.smoother.compute_penalty(I, local_adapt_weights, local_adapt_weights_pre) self.smoother.disable_penalty_computation() pars_to_pass_i = utils.combine_dict({'v': v}, self._get_default_dictionary_to_pass_to_integrator()) # todo to see if the detach would influence the result self.initial_velocity = v self.integrator.init_solver(pars_to_pass_i, variables_from_optimizer, has_combined_input=False) self.print_count += 1 if self.compute_inverse_map: if phi_inv is not None: phi1 = self.integrator.solve([v, phi, phi_inv], variables_from_optimizer) return (phi1[1], phi1[2]) else: phi1 = self.integrator.solve([v, phi], variables_from_optimizer) return (phi1[1], None) else: phi1 = self.integrator.solve([v, phi], variables_from_optimizer) return phi1[1]
[docs]class SVFVectorAdaptiveSmootherMomentumMapLoss(AdaptiveSmootherMomentumMapBasicLoss): """ Specialization of the loss to scalar-momentum LDDMM on images """ def __init__(self, m, sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params): super(SVFVectorAdaptiveSmootherMomentumMapLoss, self).__init__(m, sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params)
[docs]class LDDMMAdaptiveSmootherMomentumMapNet(AdaptiveSmootherMomentumMapBasicNet): """ Specialization of LDDMM with adaptive regularizer """ def __init__(self, sz, spacing, params, compute_inverse_map=False): super(LDDMMAdaptiveSmootherMomentumMapNet, self).__init__(sz, spacing, params, compute_inverse_map) self.update_sm_by_advect = self.adp_params[('update_sm_by_advect', True, "true: advect smoother parameter for each time step false: deploy network to predict smoother params at each time step")] self.update_sm_with_interpolation = self.adp_params[('update_sm_with_interpolation', True, "true: during advection, interpolate the smoother params with current map false: compute the smoother params by advection equation")] self.addition_smoother = self.env[ ('addition_smoother', 'localAdaptive', 'using torchdiffeq package as the ode solver')] self.integrator = self.create_integrator() """integrator to solve EPDiff variant"""
[docs] def create_integrator(self): """ Creates an integrator for generalized EPDiff + advection equation for the map :return: returns this integrator """ cparams = self.params[('forward_model', {}, 'settings for the forward model')] if self.update_sm_by_advect: smoother = SF.SmootherFactory([2::], self.spacing).create_smoother(cparams, self.addition_smoother) else: smoother = self.smoother epdiffApt = FM.EPDiffAdaptMap(, self.spacing, smoother, cparams, compute_inverse_map=self.compute_inverse_map, update_sm_by_advect=self.update_sm_by_advect, update_sm_with_interpolation=self.update_sm_with_interpolation, compute_on_initial_map=self.compute_on_initial_map) return ODE.ODEWrapBlock(epdiffApt, cparams, self.use_odeint, self.use_ode_tuple, self.tFrom, self.tTo)
[docs] def forward(self, phi, I0_source, phi_inv=None, variables_from_optimizer=None): """ Solves generalized EPDiff + advection equation forward and returns the map at time tTo :param phi: initial condition for the map :param I0_source: source image :param variables_from_optimizer: allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration) :return: returns the map at time tTo """ self.n_of_gaussians = self.smoother.nr_of_gaussians default_dic = self._get_default_dictionary_to_pass_to_integrator() """ this will be used to do the first step velcity computation, to get the local_adapt_weights""" if self.get_preweight_from_network: I = utils.compute_warped_image_multiNC(default_dic['I0_full'], phi, self.spacing, 1, zero_boundary=True) else: # TODO the optimization version not support orignal image input yet, need to be fixed I = utils.compute_warped_image_multiNC(default_dic['I0'], phi, self.spacing, 1, zero_boundary=True) dt = self.integrator.get_dt() # there are three typical adaptive model, 1. learnt the preweight from the network 2. optimize the preweight 3. predefine the preweight if self.get_preweight_from_network: pars_to_pass_s = utils.combine_dict({'I': I.detach()}, default_dic) self.smoother.reset_penalty() m = self.m v = self.smoother.smooth(m, None, pars_to_pass_s, variables_from_optimizer, smooth_to_compute_regularizer_energy=False, clampCFL_dt=self._use_CFL_clamping_if_desired(dt)) if self.use_velocity_mask: v = v * self.velocity_mask local_adapt_weights_pre = self.smoother.get_deep_smoother_preweights() else: if variables_from_optimizer is not None: epoch = variables_from_optimizer['iter'] over_scale_iter_count = variables_from_optimizer['over_scale_iter_count'] self.smoother.set_epoch(over_scale_iter_count // 2) # if variables_from_optimizer['iter'] < 50: # self.freeze_adaptive_regularizer_param() # else: # self.unfreeze_adaptive_regularizer_param() else: print("no epoch/iter information is provided, set to 0") epoch = 0 self.smoother.set_epoch(epoch) if self.clamp_local_weight: = self.local_weights.clamp(min=-self.local_pre_weight_max, max=self.local_pre_weight_max) if not self.use_predefined_weight: # we deploy a softmax before getting the optimized preweight local_adapt_weights_pre = stable_softmax(self.local_weights, dim=1) # torch.abs(self.local_weights) else: # we use abs before getting the predefine preweight local_adapt_weights_pre = torch.abs(self.local_weights) if self.smoother.weighting_type == 'w_K_w': # todo replace this with stable _project_weights_to_min local_adapt_weights_pre = local_adapt_weights_pre / torch.norm(local_adapt_weights_pre, p=None, dim=1, keepdim=True) local_adapt_weights = self.embedded_smoother.smooth(local_adapt_weights_pre) m = self.m pars_to_pass_s = utils.combine_dict({'w': local_adapt_weights}, default_dic) v, _ = self.smoother.smooth(m, None, pars_to_pass_s, variables_from_optimizer, smooth_to_compute_regularizer_energy=False, clampCFL_dt=self._use_CFL_clamping_if_desired(dt), multi_output=True) if self.use_velocity_mask: v = v * self.velocity_mask self.smoother.reset_penalty() self.smoother.compute_penalty(I, local_adapt_weights, local_adapt_weights_pre) self.smoother.disable_penalty_computation() # to advect the preweight self.initial_velocity = v pars_to_pass_i= pars_to_pass_s self.integrator.init_solver(pars_to_pass_i, variables_from_optimizer, has_combined_input=True) self.integrator.model.init_velocity_mask(self.velocity_mask) n_batch = I.shape[0] if self.compute_inverse_map: raise ValueError("Not implemented yet") else: # the version using advection on weight is removed, only interpolation version is kept self.integrator.model.init_zero_sm_weight(local_adapt_weights_pre.detach()) if self.compute_on_initial_map: vphi1 = self.integrator.solve([m, phi, local_adapt_weights_pre,[:n_batch].detach().clone()], variables_from_optimizer) phi1 = vphi1[1] else: vphi1 = self.integrator.solve([m,[:n_batch].detach(), local_adapt_weights_pre], variables_from_optimizer) phi1 = utils.compute_warped_image_multiNC(phi, vphi1[1], self.spacing, spline_order=1, zero_boundary=False) self.print_count += 1 return phi1
[docs]class LDDMMAdaptiveSmootherMomentumMapLoss(AdaptiveSmootherMomentumMapBasicLoss): """ Specialization of the loss for map-based vector momumentum. Image similarity is computed based on warping the source image with the advected map. """ def __init__(self, m, sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params): super(LDDMMAdaptiveSmootherMomentumMapLoss, self).__init__(m, sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params)
[docs]class OneStepMapNet(ShootingVectorMomentumNet): """ Specialization for single step registration """ def __init__(self, sz, spacing, params, compute_inverse_map=False): self.compute_inverse_map = compute_inverse_map """If set to True the inverse map is computed on the fly""" super(OneStepMapNet, self).__init__(sz, spacing, params) self.identity_map = AdaptVal(torch.from_numpy(utils.identity_map_multiN(sz, spacing))) self.spacing = spacing self.integrator = self.create_integrator() """integrator to solve EPDiff variant"""
[docs] def create_integrator(self): """ :return: returns this integrator """ return None
[docs] def forward(self, phi, I0_source, phi_inv=None, variables_from_optimizer=None): """ Smooth and return the transformation map :param phi: initial condition for the map :param I0_source: not used :param variables_from_optimizer: allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration) :return: returns the map at time tTo """ self.smoother.set_source_image(I0_source) v = self.smoother.smooth(self.m, None, None, variables_from_optimizer, smooth_to_compute_regularizer_energy=False, clampCFL_dt=None) warped_phi = utils.compute_warped_image_multiNC(phi, self.identity_map + v, self.spacing, 1, zero_boundary=True) if self.compute_inverse_map: raise ValueError("Not implemented yet") else: return warped_phi
[docs]class OneStepMapLoss(RegistrationMapLoss): """ Specialization of the loss for OneStepMapLoss. """ def __init__(self, m, sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params): super(OneStepMapLoss, self).__init__(sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params) self.m = m """vector momentum""" self.use_net = False
[docs] def compute_regularization_energy(self, I0_source, variables_from_forward_model, variables_from_optimizer=None): """ Commputes the regularization energy :param I0_source: not used :param variables_from_forward_model: allows passing in additional variables (intended to pass variables between the forward modell and the loss function) :param variables_from_optimizer: allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration) :return: returns the regularization energy """ m = self.m pars_to_pass = utils.combine_dict({'I': I0_source}, self._get_default_dictionary_to_pass_to_smoother()) v = variables_from_forward_model['smoother'].smooth(m, None, pars_to_pass, variables_from_optimizer, smooth_to_compute_regularizer_energy=True) reg = torch.clamp((v * m), min=0.).sum() * * self.reg_factor + \ variables_from_forward_model[ 'smoother'].get_penalty() return reg
[docs]class ShootingScalarMomentumNet(RegistrationNetTimeIntegration): """ Specialization of the registration network to registrations with scalar momentum. Provides an integrator and the scalar momentum parameter. """ def __init__(self, sz, spacing, params): super(ShootingScalarMomentumNet, self).__init__(sz, spacing, params) self.lam = self.create_registration_parameters() """scalar momentum""" cparams = params[('forward_model', {}, 'settings for the forward model')] self.smoother = SF.SmootherFactory([2::], self.spacing).create_smoother(cparams) """smoother""" self._shared_states = self._shared_states.union(self.smoother.associate_parameters_with_module(self)) """registers the smoother parameters so that they are optimized over if applicable""" if params['forward_model']['smoother']['type'] == 'adaptiveNet': self.add_module('mod_smoother', self.smoother.smoother) self.integrator = self.create_integrator() """integrator to integrate EPDiff and associated equations (for image or map)""" self.spline_order = params[ ('spline_order', 1, 'Spline interpolation order; 1 is linear interpolation (default); 3 is cubic spline')] """order of the spline for interpolations"""
[docs] def write_parameters_to_settings(self): super(ShootingScalarMomentumNet, self).write_parameters_to_settings() self.smoother.write_parameters_to_settings()
[docs] def get_custom_optimizer_output_string(self): return self.smoother.get_custom_optimizer_output_string()
[docs] def get_custom_optimizer_output_values(self): return self.smoother.get_custom_optimizer_output_values()
[docs] def get_variables_to_transfer_to_loss_function(self): d = dict() d['smoother'] = self.smoother return d
[docs] def create_registration_parameters(self): """ Creates the scalar momentum registration parameter :return: Returns this scalar momentum parameter """ return utils.create_ND_scalar_field_parameter_multiNC([2::], self.nrOfImages, self.nrOfChannels)
[docs] def get_parameter_image_and_name_to_visualize(self, ISource=None): """ Returns an image of the scalar momentum (magnitude over all channels) and 'lambda' as name :return: Returns tuple (lamda_magnitude,lambda_name) """ # name = 'lambda' # par_image = ((self.lam[:,...]**2).sum(1))**0.5 # assume BxCxXxYxZ format name = '|m(lambda,I0)|' m = utils.compute_vector_momentum_from_scalar_momentum_multiNC(self.lam, ISource,, self.spacing) par_image = ((m[:, ...] ** 2).sum(1)) ** 0.5 # assume BxCxXxYxZ format return par_image, name
[docs] def upsample_registration_parameters(self, desiredSz): """ Upsample the scalar momentum :param desiredSz: desired size to be upsampled to, e.g., [100,50,40] :return: returns a tuple (upsampled_state,upsampled_spacing) """ ustate = self.state_dict().copy() sampler = IS.ResampleImage() upsampled_lam, upsampled_spacing = sampler.upsample_image_to_size(self.lam, self.spacing, desiredSz, self.spline_order) ustate['lam'] = return ustate, upsampled_spacing
[docs] def downsample_registration_parameters(self, desiredSz): """ Downsample the scalar momentum :param desiredSz: desired size to be downsampled to, e.g., [40,20,10] :return: returns a tuple (downsampled_state,downsampled_spacing) """ dstate = self.state_dict().copy() sampler = IS.ResampleImage() dstate['lam'], downsampled_spacing = sampler.downsample_image_to_size(self.lam, self.spacing, desiredSz, self.spline_order) return dstate, downsampled_spacing
[docs]class SVFScalarMomentumImageNet(ShootingScalarMomentumNet): """ Specialization of scalar-momentum SVF image-based matching """ def __init__(self, sz, spacing, params): super(SVFScalarMomentumImageNet, self).__init__(sz, spacing, params)
[docs] def create_integrator(self): """ Creates an integrator integrating the scalar momentum conservation law and an advection equation for the image :return: returns this integrator """ cparams = self.params[('forward_model', {}, 'settings for the forward model')] advection = FM.AdvectImage(, self.spacing) return ODE.ODEWrapBlock(advection, cparams, self.use_odeint, self.use_ode_tuple, self.tFrom, self.tTo)
[docs] def forward(self, I, variables_from_optimizer=None): """ Solved the scalar momentum forward equation and returns the image at time tTo :param I: initial image :param variables_from_optimizer: allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration) :return: image at time tTo """ m = utils.compute_vector_momentum_from_scalar_momentum_multiNC(self.lam, I,, self.spacing) pars_to_pass_s = utils.combine_dict({'I': I}, self._get_default_dictionary_to_pass_to_integrator()) dt = self.integrator.get_dt() v = self.smoother.smooth(m, None, pars_to_pass_s, variables_from_optimizer, smooth_to_compute_regularizer_energy=False, clampCFL_dt=self._use_CFL_clamping_if_desired(dt)) pars_to_pass_i = utils.combine_dict({'v': v}, self._get_default_dictionary_to_pass_to_integrator()) self.integrator.init_solver(pars_to_pass_i, variables_from_optimizer, has_combined_input=False) I1 = self.integrator.solve([v, I], variables_from_optimizer) return I1[1]
[docs]class SVFScalarMomentumImageLoss(RegistrationImageLoss): """ Specialization of the loss to scalar-momentum LDDMM on images """ def __init__(self, lam, sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params): super(SVFScalarMomentumImageLoss, self).__init__(sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params) self.lam = lam """scalar momentum""" if params['similarity_measure'][('develop_mod_on', False, 'developing mode')]: cparams = params[('similarity_measure', {}, 'settings for the similarity ')] self.develop_smoother = SF.SmootherFactory(self.sz_model[2::], self.spacing_model).create_smoother(cparams) """smoother to go from momentum to velocity""" else: self.develop_smoother = None
[docs] def compute_regularization_energy(self, I0_source, variables_from_forward_model, variables_from_optimizer=None): """ Computes the regularization energy from the initial vector momentum as obtained from the scalar momentum :param I0_source: source image :param variables_from_forward_model: allows passing in additional variables (intended to pass variables between the forward modell and the loss function) :param variables_from_optimizer: allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration) :return: returns the regularization energy """ m = utils.compute_vector_momentum_from_scalar_momentum_multiNC(self.lam, I0_source, self.sz_model, self.spacing_model) pars_to_pass = utils.combine_dict({'I': I0_source}, self._get_default_dictionary_to_pass_to_smoother()) v = variables_from_forward_model['smoother'].smooth(m, None, pars_to_pass, variables_from_optimizer, smooth_to_compute_regularizer_energy=True) reg = (v * m).sum() * * self.reg_factor + variables_from_forward_model[ 'smoother'].get_penalty() return reg
[docs]class LDDMMShootingScalarMomentumImageNet(ShootingScalarMomentumNet): """ Specialization of scalar-momentum LDDMM to image-based matching """ def __init__(self, sz, spacing, params): super(LDDMMShootingScalarMomentumImageNet, self).__init__(sz, spacing, params)
[docs] def create_integrator(self): """ Creates an integrator integrating the scalar momentum conservation law and an advection equation for the image :return: returns this integrator """ cparams = self.params[('forward_model', {}, 'settings for the forward model')] epdiffScalarMomentumImage = FM.EPDiffScalarMomentumImage(, self.spacing, self.smoother, cparams) return ODE.ODEWrapBlock(epdiffScalarMomentumImage, cparams, self.use_odeint, self.use_ode_tuple, self.tFrom, self.tTo)
[docs] def forward(self, I, variables_from_optimizer=None): """ Solved the scalar momentum forward equation and returns the image at time tTo :param I: initial image :param variables_from_optimizer: allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration) :return: image at time tTo """ pars_to_pass_i = self._get_default_dictionary_to_pass_to_integrator() self.integrator.init_solver(pars_to_pass_i, variables_from_optimizer, has_combined_input=True) lamI1 = self.integrator.solve([self.lam, I], variables_from_optimizer) return lamI1[1]
[docs]class LDDMMShootingScalarMomentumImageLoss(RegistrationImageLoss): """ Specialization of the loss to scalar-momentum LDDMM on images """ def __init__(self, lam, sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params): super(LDDMMShootingScalarMomentumImageLoss, self).__init__(sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params) self.lam = lam """scalar momentum""" if params['similarity_measure'][('develop_mod_on', False, 'developing mode')]: cparams = params[('similarity_measure', {}, 'settings for the similarity ')] self.develop_smoother = SF.SmootherFactory(self.sz_model[2::], self.spacing_model).create_smoother(cparams) """smoother to go from momentum to velocity""" else: self.develop_smoother = None
[docs] def compute_regularization_energy(self, I0_source, variables_from_forward_model, variables_from_optimizer=None): """ Computes the regularization energy from the initial vector momentum as obtained from the scalar momentum :param I0_source: source image :param variables_from_forward_model: allows passing in additional variables (intended to pass variables between the forward modell and the loss function) :param variables_from_optimizer: allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration) :return: returns the regularization energy """ m = utils.compute_vector_momentum_from_scalar_momentum_multiNC(self.lam, I0_source, self.sz_model, self.spacing_model) pars_to_pass = utils.combine_dict({'I': I0_source}, self._get_default_dictionary_to_pass_to_smoother()) v = variables_from_forward_model['smoother'].smooth(m, None, pars_to_pass, variables_from_optimizer, smooth_to_compute_regularizer_energy=True) reg = (v * m).sum() * * self.reg_factor + variables_from_forward_model[ 'smoother'].get_penalty() return reg
[docs]class LDDMMShootingScalarMomentumMapNet(ShootingScalarMomentumNet): """ Specialization of scalar-momentum LDDMM registration to map-based image matching """ def __init__(self, sz, spacing, params, compute_inverse_map=False): self.compute_inverse_map = compute_inverse_map """If set to True the inverse map is computed on the fly""" super(LDDMMShootingScalarMomentumMapNet, self).__init__(sz, spacing, params)
[docs] def create_integrator(self): """ Creates an integrator integrating the scalar conservation law for the scalar momentum, the advection equation for the image and the advection equation for the map, :return: returns this integrator """ cparams = self.params[('forward_model', {}, 'settings for the forward model')] epdiffScalarMomentumMap = FM.EPDiffScalarMomentumMap(, self.spacing, self.smoother, cparams, compute_inverse_map=self.compute_inverse_map) return ODE.ODEWrapBlock(epdiffScalarMomentumMap, cparams, self.use_odeint, self.use_ode_tuple, self.tFrom, self.tTo)
[docs] def forward(self, phi, I0_source, phi_inv=None, variables_from_optimizer=None): """ Solves the scalar conservation law and the two advection equations forward in time. :param phi: initial condition for the map :param I0_source: initial condition for the image :param phi_inv: initial condition for the inverse map :param variables_from_optimizer: allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration) :return: returns the map at time tTo """ self.smoother.set_source_image(I0_source) pars_to_pass_i = self._get_default_dictionary_to_pass_to_integrator() self.integrator.init_solver(pars_to_pass_i, variables_from_optimizer, has_combined_input=True) if self.compute_inverse_map: if phi_inv is not None: lamIphi1 = self.integrator.solve([self.lam, I0_source, phi, phi_inv], variables_from_optimizer) return (lamIphi1[2], lamIphi1[3]) else: lamIphi1 = self.integrator.solve([self.lam, I0_source, phi], variables_from_optimizer) return (lamIphi1[2], None) else: lamIphi1 = self.integrator.solve([self.lam, I0_source, phi], variables_from_optimizer) return lamIphi1[2]
[docs]class LDDMMShootingScalarMomentumMapLoss(RegistrationMapLoss): """ Specialization of the loss function to scalar-momentum LDDMM for maps. """ def __init__(self, lam, sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params): super(LDDMMShootingScalarMomentumMapLoss, self).__init__(sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params) self.lam = lam """scalar momentum""" if params['similarity_measure'][('develop_mod_on', False, 'developing mode')]: cparams = params[('similarity_measure', {}, 'settings for the similarity ')] self.develop_smoother = SF.SmootherFactory(self.sz_model[2::], self.spacing_model).create_smoother(cparams) """smoother to go from momentum to velocity for development configuration""" else: self.develop_smoother = None
[docs] def compute_regularization_energy(self, I0_source, variables_from_forward_model, variables_from_optimizer=None): """ Computes the regularizaton energy from the initial vector momentum as computed from the scalar momentum :param I0_source: initial image :param variables_from_forward_model: allows passing in additional variables (intended to pass variables between the forward modell and the loss function) :param variables_from_optimizer: allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration) :return: returns the regularization energy """ m = utils.compute_vector_momentum_from_scalar_momentum_multiNC(self.lam, I0_source, self.sz_model, self.spacing_model) pars_to_pass = utils.combine_dict({'I': I0_source}, self._get_default_dictionary_to_pass_to_smoother()) v = variables_from_forward_model['smoother'].smooth(m, None, pars_to_pass, variables_from_optimizer, smooth_to_compute_regularizer_energy=True) reg = (v * m).sum() * * self.reg_factor + variables_from_forward_model[ 'smoother'].get_penalty() return reg
[docs]class SVFScalarMomentumMapNet(ShootingScalarMomentumNet): """ Specialization of scalar-momentum LDDMM to SVF image-based matching """ def __init__(self, sz, spacing, params, compute_inverse_map=False): self.compute_inverse_map = compute_inverse_map """If set to True the inverse map is computed on the fly""" super(SVFScalarMomentumMapNet, self).__init__(sz, spacing, params)
[docs] def create_integrator(self): """ Creates an integrator integrating the scalar momentum conservation law and an advection equation for the image :return: returns this integrator """ cparams = self.params[('forward_model', {}, 'settings for the forward model')] advectionMap = FM.AdvectMap(, self.spacing, compute_inverse_map=self.compute_inverse_map) return ODE.ODEWrapBlock(advectionMap, cparams, self.use_odeint, self.use_ode_tuple, self.tFrom, self.tTo)
[docs] def forward(self, phi, I0_source, phi_inv=None, variables_from_optimizer=None): """ Solved the scalar momentum forward equation and returns the map at time tTo :param I: initial image :param variables_from_optimizer: allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration) :return: image at time tTo """ m = utils.compute_vector_momentum_from_scalar_momentum_multiNC(self.lam, I0_source,, self.spacing) pars_to_pass_s = utils.combine_dict({'I': I0_source}, self._get_default_dictionary_to_pass_to_integrator()) dt = self.integrator.get_dt() v = self.smoother.smooth(m, None, pars_to_pass_s, variables_from_optimizer, smooth_to_compute_regularizer_energy=False, clampCFL_dt=self._use_CFL_clamping_if_desired(dt)) pars_to_pass_i = utils.combine_dict({'v': v}, self._get_default_dictionary_to_pass_to_integrator()) self.integrator.init_solver(pars_to_pass_i, variables_from_optimizer, has_combined_input=False) if self.compute_inverse_map: if phi_inv is not None: phi1 = self.integrator.solve([v, phi, phi_inv], variables_from_optimizer) return (phi1[1], phi1[2]) else: phi1 = self.integrator.solve([v, phi], variables_from_optimizer) return (phi1[1], None) else: phi1 = self.integrator.solve([v, phi], variables_from_optimizer) return phi1[1]
[docs]class SVFScalarMomentumMapLoss(RegistrationMapLoss): """ Specialization of the loss to scalar-momentum LDDMM on images """ def __init__(self, lam, sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params): super(SVFScalarMomentumMapLoss, self).__init__(sz_sim, spacing_sim, sz_model, spacing_model, params) self.lam = lam """scalar momentum""" if params['similarity_measure'][('develop_mod_on', False, 'developing mode')]: cparams = params[('similarity_measure', {}, 'settings for the similarity ')] self.develop_smoother = SF.SmootherFactory(self.sz_model[2::], self.spacing_model).create_smoother(cparams) """smoother to go from momentum to velocity""" else: self.develop_smoother = None
[docs] def compute_regularization_energy(self, I0_source, variables_from_forward_model, variables_from_optimizer=None): """ Computes the regularization energy from the initial vector momentum as obtained from the scalar momentum :param I0_source: source image :param variables_from_forward_model: allows passing in additional variables (intended to pass variables between the forward modell and the loss function) :param variables_from_optimizer: allows passing variables (as a dict from the optimizer; e.g., the current iteration) :return: returns the regularization energy """ m = utils.compute_vector_momentum_from_scalar_momentum_multiNC(self.lam, I0_source, self.sz_model, self.spacing_model) pars_to_pass = utils.combine_dict({'I': I0_source}, self._get_default_dictionary_to_pass_to_smoother()) v = variables_from_forward_model['smoother'].smooth(m, None, pars_to_pass, variables_from_optimizer, smooth_to_compute_regularizer_energy=True) reg = (v * m).sum() * * self.reg_factor + variables_from_forward_model[ 'smoother'].get_penalty() return reg