Source code for mermaid.regularizer_factory

Package implementing general purpose regularizers.
from __future__ import absolute_import

from builtins import range
from builtins import object
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

import torch

from . import finite_differences as fd
from .data_wrapper import MyTensor
from future.utils import with_metaclass

[docs]class Regularizer(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, object)): """ Abstract regularizer base class """ def __init__(self, spacing, params): """ Constructor. :param spacing: Spatial spacing (BxCxXxYxZ format) :param params: ParameterDict dictionary instance to pass parameters around """ self.spacing = spacing """spacing""" self.fdt = fd.FD_torch( self.spacing ) """finite differencing support""" self.volumeElement = """volume element, i.e., volume of a pixel/voxel""" self.dim = len(spacing) """spatial dimension""" self.params = params """parameters""" @abstractmethod def _compute_regularizer(self, v): pass
[docs] def compute_regularizer_multiN(self, v): """ Compute a regularized vector field :param v: Input vector field :return: Regularizer energy """ szv = v.size() reg = MyTensor(1).zero_() for nrI in range(szv[0]): # loop over number of images reg = reg + self._compute_regularizer(v[nrI, ...]) return reg
[docs]class DiffusionRegularizer(Regularizer): """ Implements a diffusion regularizer sum of squared gradients of vector field components """ def __init__(self, spacing, params): """ Constructor :param spacing: spatial spacing :param params: ParameterDict dictionary instance """ super(DiffusionRegularizer, self).__init__(spacing, params) def _compute_regularizer(self, d): # just do the standard component-wise norm of gradient squared if self.dim == 1: return self._compute_regularizer_1d(d) elif self.dim == 2: return self._compute_regularizer_2d(d) elif self.dim == 3: return self._compute_regularizer_3d(d) else: raise ValueError('Regularizer is currently only supported in dimensions 1 to 3') # None in the following refers to batch, which is added here for compatibility, the following [0] is used for this reason # now compute the norm def _compute_regularizer_1d(self, d): return (self.fdt.dXc(d[None, 0, :])[0]**2).sum() * self.volumeElement def _compute_regularizer_2d(self, d): return ( (self.fdt.dXc(d[None, 0, :, :])[0] ** 2) + (self.fdt.dYc(d[None, 0, :, :])[0] ** 2) + (self.fdt.dXc(d[None, 1, :, :])[0] ** 2) + (self.fdt.dYc(d[None, 1, :, :])[0] ** 2)).sum() * self.volumeElement def _compute_regularizer_3d(self, d): return ( (self.fdt.dXc(d[None, 0, :, :, :])[0] ** 2) + (self.fdt.dYc(d[None, 0, :, :, :])[0] ** 2) + (self.fdt.dZc(d[None, 0, :, :, :])[0] ** 2) + (self.fdt.dXc(d[None, 1, :, :, :])[0] ** 2) + (self.fdt.dYc(d[None, 1, :, :, :])[0] ** 2) + (self.fdt.dZc(d[None, 1, :, :, :])[0] ** 2) + (self.fdt.dXc(d[None, 2, :, :, :])[0] ** 2) + (self.fdt.dYc(d[None, 2, :, :, :])[0] ** 2) + (self.fdt.dZc(d[None, 2, :, :, :])[0] ** 2) ).sum() * self.volumeElement
[docs]class CurvatureRegularizer(Regularizer): """ Implements a curvature regularizer sum of squared Laplacians of the vector field components """ def __init__(self, spacing, params): """ Constructor :param spacing: spatial spacing :param params: ParameterDict dictionary instance """ super(CurvatureRegularizer, self).__init__(spacing, params) def _compute_regularizer(self, d): # just do the standard component-wise norm of gradient squared if self.dim == 1: return self._compute_regularizer_1d(d) elif self.dim == 2: return self._compute_regularizer_2d(d) elif self.dim == 3: return self._compute_regularizer_3d(d) else: raise ValueError('Regularizer is currently only supported in dimensions 1 to 3') # None in the following refers to batch, which is added here for compatibility, the following [0] is used for this reason # now compute the norm def _compute_regularizer_1d(self, d): return (self.fdt.lap(d[None, 0, :])[0]**2).sum() * self.volumeElement def _compute_regularizer_2d(self, d): return ( (self.fdt.lap(d[None, 0, :, :])[0] ** 2) + (self.fdt.lap(d[None, 1, :, :])[0] ** 2)).sum() * self.volumeElement def _compute_regularizer_3d(self, d): return ( (self.fdt.lap(d[None, 0, :, :, :])[0] ** 2) + (self.fdt.lap(d[None, 1, :, :, :])[0] ** 2) + (self.fdt.lap(d[None, 2, :, :, :])[0] ** 2) + (self.fdt.dYc(d[None, 2, :, :, :])[0] ** 2) ).sum() * self.volumeElement
[docs]class TotalVariationRegularizer(Regularizer): """ Implements a total variation regularizer sum of Euclidean norms of gradient of vector field components """ def __init__(self, spacing, params): """ Constructor :param spacing: spatial spacing :param params: ParameterDict dictionary instance """ super(TotalVariationRegularizer, self).__init__(spacing, params) self.pnorm = params[('pnorm', 2, 'p-norm type: 2 is Euclidean')]
[docs] def set_pnorm(self, pnorm): """ Sets the norm type :param pnorm: norm type """ self.pnorm = pnorm self.params['pnorm'] = pnorm
[docs] def get_pnorm(self): """ Gets the norm type :return: Returns the norm type """ return self.pnorm
def _compute_regularizer(self, d): # just do the standard component-wise Euclidean norm of the gradient if self.dim == 1: return self._compute_regularizer_1d(d) elif self.dim == 2: return self._compute_regularizer_2d(d) elif self.dim == 3: return self._compute_regularizer_3d(d) else: raise ValueError('Regularizer is currently only supported in dimensions 1 to 3') # None in the following refers to batch, which is added here for compatibility, the following [0] is used for this reason # now compute the norm def _compute_regularizer_1d(self, d): # need to use torch.abs here to make sure the proper subgradient is computed at zero v0 = torch.abs(self.fdt.dXc(d[None, 0, :])[0]) return (v0).sum() * self.volumeElement def _compute_regularizer_2d(self, d): # need to use torch.norm here to make sure the proper subgradient is computed at zero v0 = torch.norm(torch.stack((self.fdt.dXc(d[None, 0, :, :])[0],self.fdt.dYc(d[None, 0, :, :])[0])),self.pnorm,0) v1 = torch.norm(torch.stack((self.fdt.dXc(d[None, 1, :, :])[0],self.fdt.dYc(d[None, 1, :, :])[0])),self.pnorm,0) return (v0+v1).sum()*self.volumeElement def _compute_regularizer_3d(self, d): # need to use torch.norm here to make sure the proper subgradient is computed at zero v0 = torch.norm(torch.stack((self.fdt.dXc(d[None, 0, :, :, :])[0], self.fdt.dYc(d[None, 0, :, :, :])[0], self.fdt.dZc(d[None, 0, :, :, :])[0])), self.pnorm, 0) v1 = torch.norm(torch.stack((self.fdt.dXc(d[None, 1, :, :, :])[0], self.fdt.dYc(d[None, 1, :, :, :])[0], self.fdt.dZc(d[None, 1, :, :, :])[0])), self.pnorm, 0) v2 = torch.norm(torch.stack((self.fdt.dXc(d[None, 2, :, :, :])[0], self.fdt.dYc(d[None, 2, :, :, :])[0], self.fdt.dZc(d[None, 2, :, :, :])[0])), self.pnorm, 0) return (v0+v1+v2).sum()*self.volumeElement
[docs]class HelmholtzRegularizer(Regularizer): """ Implements a Helmholtz regularizer :math:`Reg[v] = \\langle\\gamma v -\\alpha \\Delta v, \\gamma v -\\alpha \\Delta v\\rangle` """ def __init__(self, spacing, params): """ Constructor :param spacing: spatial spacing :param params: ParameterDict dictionary instance """ super(HelmholtzRegularizer,self).__init__(spacing,params) self.alpha = params[('alpha', 0.2, 'penalty for 2nd derivative' )] """penalty for second derivative""" self.gamma = params[('gamma', 1.0, 'penalty for magnitude' )] """penalty for magnitude"""
[docs] def set_alpha(self,alpha): """ Sets the penalty for the second derivative :param alpha: penalty """ self.alpha = alpha self.params['alpha'] = alpha
[docs] def get_alpha(self): """ Gets the penalty for the second derivative :return: Returns the penalty for the second derivative """ return self.alpha
[docs] def set_gamma(self,gamma): """ Sets the penalty for the magnitude :param gamma: penalty """ self.gamma = gamma self.params['gamma'] = gamma
[docs] def get_gamma(self): """ Gest the penalty for the magnitude :return: Returns the penalty for the magnitude """ return self.gamma
def _compute_regularizer(self, v): # just do the standard component-wise gamma id -\alpha \Delta if self.dim == 1: return self._compute_regularizer_1d(v, self.alpha, self.gamma) elif self.dim == 2: return self._compute_regularizer_2d(v, self.alpha, self.gamma) elif self.dim == 3: return self._compute_regularizer_3d(v, self.alpha, self.gamma) else: raise ValueError('Regularizer is currently only supported in dimensions 1 to 3') def _compute_regularizer_1d(self, v, alpha, gamma): Lv = MyTensor(v.size()).zero_() # None is refer to batch, which is added here for compatibility, the following [0] is used for this reason Lv[0,:] = v[0,:] * gamma - self.fdt.lap(v[None,0,:])[0] * alpha # now compute the norm return (Lv[0,:] ** 2).sum()*self.volumeElement def _compute_regularizer_2d(self, v, alpha, gamma): Lv = MyTensor(v.size()).zero_() for i in [0, 1]: # None is refer to batch, which is added here for compatibility, the following [0] is used for this reason Lv[i,:, :] = v[i,:, :] * gamma - self.fdt.lap(v[None, i,:, :])[0] * alpha # now compute the norm return (Lv[0,:, :] ** 2 + Lv[1,:, :] ** 2).sum()*self.volumeElement def _compute_regularizer_3d(self, v, alpha, gamma): Lv = MyTensor(v.size()).zero_() for i in [0, 1, 2]: # None is refer to batch, which is added here for compatibility, the following [0] is used for this reason Lv[i,:, :, :] = v[i,:, :, :] * gamma - self.fdt.lap(v[None,i,:, :, :])[0] * alpha # now compute the norm return (Lv[0,:, :, :] ** 2 + Lv[1,:, :, :] ** 2 + Lv[2,:, :, :] ** 2).sum()*self.volumeElement
[docs]class RegularizerFactory(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, object)): """ Regularizer factory to instantiate a regularizer by name. """ def __init__(self,spacing): """ Constructor :param spacing: spatial spacing """ self.spacing = spacing """spacing""" self.dim = len( spacing ) """spatial dimension""" self.default_regularizer_type = 'helmholtz' """type of the regularizer used by default"""
[docs] def set_default_regularizer_type_to_helmholtz(self): """ Sets the default regularizer type to helmholtz """ self.default_regularizer_type = 'helmholtz'
[docs] def set_default_regularizer_type_to_diffusion(self): """ Sets the default regularizer type to diffusion """ self.default_regularizer_type = 'diffusion'
[docs] def set_default_regularizer_type_to_total_variation(self): """ Sets the default regularizer type to totalVariation """ self.default_regularizer_type = 'totalVariation'
[docs] def set_default_regularizer_type_to_curvature(self): """ Sets the default regularizer type to curvature """ self.default_regularizer_type = 'curvature'
def _get_regularizer_instance(self, regularizerType, cparams): if regularizerType == 'helmholtz': return HelmholtzRegularizer(self.spacing, cparams) elif regularizerType == 'totalVariation': return TotalVariationRegularizer(self.spacing, cparams) elif regularizerType == 'diffusion': return DiffusionRegularizer(self.spacing, cparams) elif regularizerType == 'curvature': return CurvatureRegularizer(self.spacing, cparams) else: raise ValueError('Regularizer: ' + regularizerType + ' not known')
[docs] def create_regularizer_by_name(self, regularizerType, params): """ Create a regularizer by name. This is a convenience function in the case where there should be no free choice of regularizer (because a particular one is required for a model) :param regularizerType: name of the regularizer: helmholtz|totalVariation|diffusion|curvature :param params: ParameterDict instance :return: returns a regularizer which can compute the regularization energy """ cparams = params[('regularizer', {}, 'Parameters for the regularizer')] cparams['type'] = regularizerType return self._get_regularizer_instance(regularizerType,cparams)
[docs] def create_regularizer(self, params): """ Create the regularizer :param params: ParameterDict instance, expecting category 'regularizer', with variables 'type' and any settings the regularizer may require :return: returns the regularizer which can commpute the regularization energy """ cparams = params[('regularizer',{},'Parameters for the regularizer')] regularizerType = cparams[('type',self.default_regularizer_type, 'type of regularizer (only helmholtz at the moment)')] return self._get_regularizer_instance(regularizerType,cparams)