Source code for mermaid.spline_interpolation

from __future__ import absolute_import
from builtins import range
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import torch
from torch.autograd import Function

from torch.autograd import gradcheck

from torch.nn.modules.module import Module

from .data_wrapper import MyTensor
from .data_wrapper import MyLongTensor
from .data_wrapper import AdaptVal, USE_CUDA

device = torch.device("cuda:0" if (USE_CUDA and torch.cuda.is_available()) else "cpu")

[docs]class SplineInterpolation_ND_BCXYZ(Module): """ Spline transform code for nD (1D, 2D, and 3D) spatial spline transforms. Uses the BCXYZ image format. Spline orders 3 to 9 are supported. Only order 3 is currently well tested. The code is a generalization (and pyTorch-ification) of the 2D spline code by Philippe Thevenaz: The main difference is that the code supports 1D, 2D, and 3D images in pyTorch format (i.e., the first two dimensions are the batch size and the number of channels. Furthermore, great care has been taken to avoid loops over pixels to obtain a reasonably high performance interpolation. """ def __init__(self, spacing, spline_order): """ Constructor for spline interpolation :param spacing: spacing of the map which will be used for interpolation (this is NOT the spacing of the image data from which to compute the interpolation coefficient) :param spline_order: desired order of the spline: [3,4,5,6,7,8,9] """ super(SplineInterpolation_ND_BCXYZ, self).__init__() self.spacing = spacing """spatial spacing; IMPORTANT: needs to be the spacing of the map at which locations the interpolation should be performed (NOT the spacing of the image from which the coefficient are computed)""" self.spline_order = spline_order """spline order""" self.n = spline_order # convenience short-hand for the spline order self.Ns = None # image dimension if self.n not in [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]: raise ValueError('Unknown spline order') # Poles for the different spline orders self.poles = dict() self.poles[2] = AdaptVal(torch.from_numpy(np.array([np.sqrt(8.) - 3.]).astype('float32'))) self.poles[3] = AdaptVal(torch.from_numpy(np.array([np.sqrt(3.) - 2.]).astype('float32'))) self.poles[4] = AdaptVal(torch.from_numpy(np.array([np.sqrt(664.0 - np.sqrt(438976.0)) + np.sqrt(304.0) - 19.0, np.sqrt(664.0 + np.sqrt(438976.0)) - np.sqrt(304.0) - 19.0]).astype('float32'))) self.poles[5] = AdaptVal(torch.from_numpy( np.array([np.sqrt(135.0 / 2.0 - np.sqrt(17745.0 / 4.0)) + np.sqrt(105.0 / 4.0) - 13.0 / 2.0, np.sqrt(135.0 / 2.0 + np.sqrt(17745.0 / 4.0)) - np.sqrt(105.0 / 4.0) - 13.0 / 2.0]).astype('float32'))) self.poles[6] = AdaptVal(torch.from_numpy(np.array([-0.48829458930304475513011803888378906211227916123938, -0.081679271076237512597937765737059080653379610398148, -0.0014141518083258177510872439765585925278641690553467]).astype('float32'))) self.poles[7] = AdaptVal(torch.from_numpy(np.array([-0.53528043079643816554240378168164607183392315234269, -0.12255461519232669051527226435935734360548654942730, -0.0091486948096082769285930216516478534156925639545994]).astype('float32'))) self.poles[8] = AdaptVal(torch.from_numpy(np.array([-0.57468690924876543053013930412874542429066157804125, -0.16303526929728093524055189686073705223476814550830, -0.023632294694844850023403919296361320612665920854629, -0.00015382131064169091173935253018402160762964054070043]).astype('float32'))) self.poles[9] = AdaptVal(torch.from_numpy(np.array([-0.60799738916862577900772082395428976943963471853991, -0.20175052019315323879606468505597043468089886575747, -0.043222608540481752133321142979429688265852380231497, -0.0021213069031808184203048965578486234220548560988624]).astype('float32'))) def _scale_map_to_ijk(self, phi, spacing, sz_image): """ Scales the map to the [0,i-1]x[0,j-1]x[0,k-1] format from the standard mermaid format which assumes the spacing has been taken into account :param map: map in BxCxXxYxZ format :param spacing: spacing in XxYxZ format (of the map which hold the interpolation corrdinates) :param ijk-size of image that needs to be interpolated :return: returns the scaled map """ sz = phi.size() scaling = (np.array(list(sz_image[2:])).astype('float32')-1.)/(np.array(list(sz[2:])).astype('float32')-1.) # to account for different number of pixels/voxels ijk coordinates (only physical coordinates are consistent) phi_scaled = torch.zeros_like(phi) ndim = len(spacing) for d in range(ndim): phi_scaled[:, d, ...] = phi[:, d, ...]*(scaling[d]/spacing[d]) return phi_scaled def _slice_dim(self,val,idx,dim): """ Conveninece function to allow slicing an array at a particular index of a dimension :param val: array :param idx: index :param dim: dimension along which to slice :return: returns the sliced array """ if dim==1: return val[:,:,idx,...] elif dim==2: return val[:,:,:,idx,...] elif dim==3: return val[:,:,:,:,idx,...] else: raise ValueError('Dimension needs to be 1, 2, or 3') def _initial_causal_coefficient(self,c,z,tol,dim=1): """ Computes the initial causal coefficient for the spline filter. :param c: coefficient array :param z: pole :param tol: tolerance :return: returns the intial causal coefficient """ if self.Ns is None: raise ValueError('Unknown data length') if dim not in [1,2,3]: raise ValueError('Dimension needs to be 1, 2, or 3') horizon = self.Ns[dim-1] if tol > 0: horizon = int(np.ceil(np.log(tol)/np.log(np.abs(z)))) if horizon<self.Ns[dim-1]: # accelerated loop zn = z.clone() Sum = self._slice_dim(c,0,dim=dim) for n in range(1,horizon): Sum += zn*self._slice_dim(c,n,dim=dim) zn *= z return Sum else: # full loop zn = z.clone() iz = 1./z z2n = z**(self.Ns[dim-1]-1.) Sum = self._slice_dim(c,0,dim=dim) + z2n*self._slice_dim(c,-1,dim=dim) z2n *= z2n * iz for n in range(1,self.Ns[dim-1]-1): Sum += (zn + z2n )*self._slice_dim(c,n,dim=dim) zn *= z z2n *= iz return Sum/(1.-zn*zn) def _initial_anti_causal_coefficient(self,c,z,dim=1): """ Computes the intial anti causal coefficient for spline interpolation (i.e., for the filter that runs backward) :param c: coefficients :param z: pole :return: anti-causal coefficient """ if self.Ns is None: raise ValueError('Unknown data length') return (z/(z*z-1.))*(z*self._slice_dim(c,-2,dim=dim) + self._slice_dim(c,-1,dim=dim)) # todo: there is some code replication here (to compute the interpolation coefficients for the different dimensions) # todo: not clear (to me) how to avoid this without in-place operations which are not permitted by pyTorch def _convert_to_interpolation_cofficients_in_dim_1(self,c,z,tol): """ Converts cofficients (or initialy the signal) into interpolation coefficients along dimension 1. :param c: coefficient array (on first use this should contain the signal itself) :param z: pole :param tol: tolerance :return: returns c itself with was modified in place """ dim = 1 nb_poles = len(z) lam = 1. # compute the overall gain for k in range(0, nb_poles): lam *= (1. - z[k]) * (1. - 1. / z[k]) # apply the gain c *= lam # loop over all the poles for k in range(0, nb_poles): # causal initialization c[:, :, 0,...] = self._initial_causal_coefficient(c, z[k], tol, dim=dim) # causal recursion for n in range(1, self.Ns[dim-1]): c[:, :, n,...] = c[:, :, n,...] + z[k] * c[:, :, n - 1,...] # anti-causal initialization c[:, :, -1,...] = self._initial_anti_causal_coefficient(c, z[k], dim=dim) # anti-causal recursion for n in range(self.Ns[dim-1] - 2, -1, -1): c[:, :, n,...] = z[k] * (c[:, :, n + 1,...] - c[:, :, n,...]) return c def _convert_to_interpolation_cofficients_in_dim_2(self,c,z,tol): """ Converts cofficients (or initialy the signal) into interpolation coefficients along dimension 2. :param c: coefficient array (on first use this should contain the signal itself) :param z: pole :param tol: tolerance :return: returns c itself with was modified in place """ dim = 2 nb_poles = len(z) lam = 1. # compute the overall gain for k in range(0, nb_poles): lam *= (1. - z[k]) * (1. - 1. / z[k]) # apply the gain c *= lam # loop over all the poles for k in range(0, nb_poles): # causal initialization c[:, :, :, 0,...] = self._initial_causal_coefficient(c, z[k], tol, dim=dim) # causal recursion for n in range(1, self.Ns[dim-1]): c[:, :, :, n,...] = c[:, :, :, n,...] + z[k] * c[:, :, :, n - 1,...] # anti-causal initialization c[:, :, :, -1,...] = self._initial_anti_causal_coefficient(c, z[k], dim=dim) # anti-causal recursion for n in range(self.Ns[dim-1] - 2, -1, -1): c[:, :, :, n,...] = z[k] * (c[:, :, :, n + 1,...] - c[:, :, :, n,...]) return c def _convert_to_interpolation_cofficients_in_dim_3(self,c,z,tol): """ Converts cofficients (or initialy the signal) into interpolation coefficients along dimension 3. :param c: coefficient array (on first use this should contain the signal itself) :param z: pole :param tol: tolerance :return: returns c itself with was modified in place """ dim = 3 nb_poles = len(z) lam = 1. # compute the overall gain for k in range(0, nb_poles): lam *= (1. - z[k]) * (1. - 1. / z[k]) # apply the gain c *= lam # loop over all the poles for k in range(0, nb_poles): # causal initialization c[:, :, :, :, 0,...] = self._initial_causal_coefficient(c, z[k], tol, dim=dim) # causal recursion for n in range(1, self.Ns[dim-1]): c[:, :, :, :, n,...] = c[:, :, :, :, n,...] + z[k] * c[:, :, :, :, n - 1,...] # anti-causal initialization c[:, :, :, :, -1,...] = self._initial_anti_causal_coefficient(c, z[k], dim=dim) # anti-causal recursion for n in range(self.Ns[dim-1] - 2, -1, -1): c[:, :, :, :, n,...] = z[k] * (c[:, :, :, :, n + 1,...] - c[:, :, :, :, n,...]) return c def _convert_to_interpolation_cofficients_in_dim(self,c,z,tol,dim=1): """ Converts cofficients (or initialy the signal) into interpolation coefficients along desired dimension. :param c: coefficient array (on first use this should contain the signal itself) :param z: pole :param tol: tolerance :param dim: dimension along which to filter the coefficients :return: returns c itself with was modified in place """ if dim==1: cr = self._convert_to_interpolation_cofficients_in_dim_1(c,z,tol) elif dim==2: cr = self._convert_to_interpolation_cofficients_in_dim_2(c,z,tol) elif dim==3: cr = self._convert_to_interpolation_cofficients_in_dim_3(c,z,tol) else: raise ValueError('not yet implemented') return cr def _convert_to_interpolation_coefficients(self,s,z,tol): """ Converts the input signal, s, into a set of filter coefficients. Makes use of the separability of spline interpolation. :param s: input signal :param z: poles :param tol: tolerance :return: returns the computed coefficients c """ sz = s.size() dim = len(sz)-2 if dim not in [1,2,3]: raise ValueError('Signal needs to be of dimensions 1, 2, or 3 and in format B x C x X x Y x Z') c = MyTensor(*(list(s.size()))).zero_() c[:] = s self.Ns = list(s.size()[2:]) if np.any(np.array(self.Ns)<=1): raise ValueError('Expected at least two values, but at least one of the dimensions has less') # do this dimension by dimension (as the filter is separable) for d in range(dim): c = self._convert_to_interpolation_cofficients_in_dim(c,z,tol,dim=d+1) return c def _get_interpolation_coefficients(self,s,tol=0): """ Obtains the interpolation coefficients for a given signal s. :param s: signal :param tol: tolerance :return: interpolation coefficients c """ return self._convert_to_interpolation_coefficients(s,self.poles[self.n],tol) def _compute_interpolation_weights(self,x): """ Compute the interpolation weights at coordinates x :param x: coordinates in i,j,k format (will have to be converted to this format from map coordinates first) :return: returns a two-tuple of (index,weight) holding the interpolation indices and weights """ sz = x.size() dim = sz[1] index = MyLongTensor(*([self.n+1]+list(x.size()))) weight = MyTensor(*([self.n+1]+list(x.size()))).zero_() # compute the interpolation indexes # todo: can likely be simplified (without loop over dimension) if self.n%2==0: # even for d in range(dim): i = (torch.floor(x[:,d,...].data + 0.5) - self.n//2) for k in range(0,self.n+1): index[k,:,d,...] = i+k else: for d in range(dim): i = (torch.floor(x[:,d,...].data)-self.n//2) for k in range(0,self.n+1): index[k,:,d,...] = i+k # compute the weights if self.n==2: w = x - index[1,...].float() weight[1,...] = 3.0 / 4.0 - w * w weight[2,...] = (1.0 / 2.0) * (w - weight[1,...] + 1.0) weight[0,...] = 1.0 - weight[1,...] - weight[2,...] elif self.n==3: w = x - index[1,...].float() weight[3,...] = (1.0 / 6.0) * w * w * w weight[0,...] = (1.0 / 6.0) + (1.0 / 2.0) * w * (w - 1.0) - weight[3,...] weight[2,...] = w + weight[0,...] - 2.0 * weight[3,...] weight[1,...] = 1.0 - weight[0,...] - weight[2,...] - weight[3,...] elif self.n==4: w = x - index[2].float() w2 = w * w t = (1.0 / 6.0) * w2 weight[0] = 1.0 / 2.0 - w weight[0] *= weight[0] weight[0] *= (1.0 / 24.0) * weight[0] t0 = w * (t - 11.0 / 24.0) t1 = 19.0 / 96.0 + w2 * (1.0 / 4.0 - t) weight[1] = t1 + t0 weight[3] = t1 - t0 weight[4] = weight[0] + t0 + (1.0 / 2.0) * w weight[2] = 1.0 - weight[0] - weight[1] - weight[3] - weight[4] elif self.n==5: w = x - index[2].float() w2 = w * w weight[5] = (1.0 / 120.0) * w * w2 * w2 w2 -= w w4 = w2 * w2 w -= 1.0 / 2.0 t = w2 * (w2 - 3.0) weight[0] = (1.0 / 24.0) * (1.0 / 5.0 + w2 + w4) - weight[5] t0 = (1.0 / 24.0) * (w2 * (w2 - 5.0) + 46.0 / 5.0) t1 = (-1.0 / 12.0) * w * (t + 4.0) weight[2] = t0 + t1 weight[3] = t0 - t1 t0 = (1.0 / 16.0) * (9.0 / 5.0 - t) t1 = (1.0 / 24.0) * w * (w4 - w2 - 5.0) weight[1] = t0 + t1 weight[4] = t0 - t1 elif self.n==6: w = x - index[3].float() weight[0] = 1.0 / 2.0 - w weight[0] *= weight[0] * weight[0] weight[0] *= weight[0] / 720.0 weight[1] = (361.0 / 192.0 - w * (59.0 / 8.0 + w * (-185.0 / 16.0 + w * (25.0 / 3.0 + w * (-5.0 / 2.0 + w) * (1.0 / 2.0 + w))))) / 120.0 weight[2] = (10543.0 / 960.0 + w * (-289.0 / 16.0 + w * (79.0 / 16.0 + w * (43.0 / 6.0 + w * (-17.0 / 4.0 + w * (-1.0 + w)))))) / 48.0 w2 = w * w weight[3] = (5887.0 / 320.0 - w2 * (231.0 / 16.0 - w2 * (21.0 / 4.0 - w2))) / 36.0 weight[4] = (10543.0 / 960.0 + w * (289.0 / 16.0 + w * (79.0 / 16.0 + w * (-43.0 / 6.0 + w * (-17.0 / 4.0 + w * (1.0 + w)))))) / 48.0 weight[6] = 1.0 / 2.0 + w weight[6] *= weight[6] * weight[6] weight[6] *= weight[6] / 720.0 weight[5] = 1.0 - weight[0] - weight[1] - weight[2] - weight[3] - weight[4] - weight[6] elif self.n==7: w = x - index[3].float() weight[0] = 1.0 - w weight[0] *= weight[0] weight[0] *= weight[0] * weight[0] weight[0] *= (1.0 - w) / 5040.0 w2 = w * w weight[1] = (120.0 / 7.0 + w * (-56.0 + w * (72.0 + w * (-40.0 + w2 * (12.0 + w * (-6.0 + w)))))) / 720.0 weight[2] = (397.0 / 7.0 - w * (245.0 / 3.0 + w * (-15.0 + w * (-95.0 / 3.0 + w * (15.0 + w * (5.0 + w * (-5.0 + w))))))) / 240.0 weight[3] = (2416.0 / 35.0 + w2 * (-48.0 + w2 * (16.0 + w2 * (-4.0 + w)))) / 144.0 weight[4] = (1191.0 / 35.0 - w * (-49.0 + w * (-9.0 + w * (19.0 + w * (-3.0 + w) * (-3.0 + w2))))) / 144.0 weight[5] = (40.0 / 7.0 + w * (56.0 / 3.0 + w * (24.0 + w * (40.0 / 3.0 + w2 * (-4.0 + w * (-2.0 + w)))))) / 240.0 weight[7] = w2 weight[7] *= weight[7] * weight[7] weight[7] *= w / 5040.0 weight[6] = 1.0 - weight[0] - weight[1] - weight[2] - weight[3] - weight[4] - weight[5] - weight[7] elif self.n==8: w = x - index[4].float() weight[0] = 1.0 / 2.0 - w weight[0] *= weight[0] weight[0] *= weight[0] weight[0] *= weight[0] / 40320.0 w2 = w * w weight[1] = (39.0 / 16.0 - w * (6.0 + w * (-9.0 / 2.0 + w2)))\ *(21.0 / 16.0 + w * (-15.0 / 4.0 + w * (9.0 / 2.0 + w * (-3.0 + w)))) / 5040.0; weight[2] = (82903.0 / 1792.0 + w * (-4177.0 / 32.0 + w * (2275.0 / 16.0 + w * (-487.0 / 8.0 + w * (-85.0 / 8.0 + w * (41.0 / 2.0 + w * ( -5.0 + w * (-2.0 + w)))))))) / 1440.0 weight[3] = (310661.0 / 1792.0 - w * (14219.0 / 64.0 + w * (-199.0 / 8.0 + w * (-1327.0 / 16.0 + w * (245.0 / 8.0 + w * (53.0 / 4.0 + w * ( -8.0 + w * (-1.0 + w)))))))) / 720.0 weight[4] = (2337507.0 / 8960.0 + w2 * (-2601.0 / 16.0 + w2 * (387.0 / 8.0 + w2 * (-9.0 + w2)))) / 576.0 weight[5] = (310661.0 / 1792.0 - w * (-14219.0 / 64.0 + w * (-199.0 / 8.0 + w * (1327.0 / 16.0 + w * (245.0 / 8.0 + w * (-53.0 / 4.0 + w * ( -8.0 + w * (1.0 + w)))))))) / 720.0 weight[7] = (39.0 / 16.0 - w * (-6.0 + w * (-9.0 / 2.0 + w2)))*(21.0 / 16.0 + w * (15.0 / 4.0 + w * (9.0 / 2.0 + w * (3.0 + w)))) / 5040.0 weight[8] = 1.0 / 2.0 + w weight[8] *= weight[8] weight[8] *= weight[8] weight[8] *= weight[8] / 40320.0 weight[6] = 1.0 - weight[0] - weight[1] - weight[2] - weight[3] - weight[4] - weight[5] - weight[7] - weight[8] elif self.n==9: w = x - index[4].float() weight[0] = 1.0 - w weight[0] *= weight[0] weight[0] *= weight[0] weight[0] *= weight[0] * (1.0 - w) / 362880.0 weight[1] = (502.0 / 9.0 + w * (-246.0 + w * (472.0 + w * (-504.0 + w * (308.0 + w * (-84.0 + w * (-56.0 / 3.0 + w * (24.0 + w * ( -8.0 + w))))))))) / 40320.0 weight[2] = (3652.0 / 9.0 - w * (2023.0 / 2.0 + w * (-952.0 + w * (938.0 / 3.0 + w * (112.0 + w * (-119.0 + w * (56.0 / 3.0 + w * (14.0 + w * ( -7.0 + w))))))))) / 10080.0 weight[3] = (44117.0 / 42.0 + w * (-2427.0 / 2.0 + w * (66.0 + w * (434.0 + w * (-129.0 + w * (-69.0 + w * (34.0 + w * (6.0 + w * (-6.0 + w))))))))) / 4320.0 w2 = w * w weight[4] = (78095.0 / 63.0 - w2 * (700.0 + w2 * (-190.0 + w2 * (100.0 / 3.0 + w2 * (-5.0 + w))))) / 2880.0 weight[5] = (44117.0 / 63.0 + w * (809.0 + w * (44.0 + w * (-868.0 / 3.0 + w * (-86.0 + w * (46.0 + w * (68.0 / 3.0 + w * (-4.0 + w * ( -4.0 + w))))))))) / 2880.0 weight[6] = (3652.0 / 21.0 - w * (-867.0 / 2.0 + w * (-408.0 + w * (-134.0 + w * (48.0 + w * (51.0 + w * (-4.0 + w) * (-1.0 + w) * (2.0 + w))))))) / 4320.0 weight[7] = (251.0 / 18.0 + w * (123.0 / 2.0 + w * (118.0 + w * (126.0 + w * (77.0 + w * (21.0 + w * (-14.0 / 3.0 + w * (-6.0 + w * ( -2.0 + w))))))))) / 10080.0 weight[9] = w2 * w2 weight[9] *= weight[9] * w / 362880.0 weight[8] = 1.0 - weight[0] - weight[1] - weight[2] - weight[3]- weight[4] - weight[5] - weight[6] - weight[7] - weight[9] else: raise ValueError('Unsupported spline order') return index,weight def _interpolate(self,c,x): """ Given the computed interpolation coefficients c and the map coordinates x (in ijk format) compute the interpolated values :param c: interpolation coefficients :param x: map coordinates :return: interpolated values """ sz = c.size() dim = x.size()[1] if dim not in [1,2,3]: raise ValueError('Only dimensions 1, 2, and 3 are currently supported') index,weight = self._compute_interpolation_weights(x) # apply the mirror boundary conditions for d in range(dim): width = sz[2+d] width2 = 2 * width - 2 lt_z = (index[:,:,d,...]<0) ge_z = (index[:,:,d,...]>=0) index[:,:,d,...][lt_z] = (-index[:,:,d,...][lt_z] - width2 * ((-index[:,:,d,...][lt_z]) / width2)) index[:,:,d,...][ge_z] = (index[:,:,d,...][ge_z] - width2 * (index[:,:,d,...][ge_z] / width2)) ge_w = (index[:,:,d,...]>=width) index[:,:,d,...][ge_w] = width2 - index[:,:,d,...][ge_w] # perform interpolation (using a helper function to avoid large memory consumption of autograd) w = perform_spline_interpolation_helper(c,weight,index) return w
[docs] def forward(self, im, phi): """ Perform the actual spatial transform :param im: image in BCXYZ format :param phi: spatial transform in BdimXYZ format (assumes that phi makes use of the spacing defined when contructing the object) :return: spatially transformed image in BCXYZ format """ #print('Computing spline interpolation') # compute interpolation coefficients c = self._get_interpolation_coefficients(im) interpolated_values = self._interpolate(c, self._scale_map_to_ijk(phi,self.spacing,im.size())) return interpolated_values
# functionals to avoid excessive memory consumption
[docs]class PerformSplineInterpolationHelper(Function): """ Performs spline interpolation, given weights, indices, and coefficients. This is simply a convenience class which avoids computing the gradient of the actual interpolation via automatic differentiation (as this would be very memory intensive). """ def __init__(self,index): """ Constructor :param index: index array for interpolation (as computed from _compute_interpolation_weights) """ super(PerformSplineInterpolationHelper, self).__init__() self.index = index
[docs] def forward(self, c, weight): """ Performs the interpolation for given coefficients and weights (we do not compute the gradient wrt. the indices) :param c: interpolation coefficients :param weight: interpolation weights :return: interpolated signal """ # perform interpolation sz_weight = weight.size() self.batch_size = c.size()[0] self.nr_of_channels = c.size()[1] self.n = sz_weight[0]-1 self.dim = sz_weight[2] self.c = c self.weight = weight w = MyTensor(*([self.batch_size, self.nr_of_channels] + list(sz_weight[3:]))).zero_() if self.dim==1: for b in range(0,self.batch_size): b_ind = MyLongTensor(*(list(self.index.size()[3:]))).fill_(b) for ch in range(0,self.nr_of_channels): ch_ind = MyLongTensor(*(list(self.index.size()[3:]))).fill_(ch) for k1 in range(0,self.n+1): w[b,ch,...] += weight[k1,b,0,...] * c[b_ind,ch_ind,self.index[k1,b,0,...]] elif self.dim==2: for b in range(0, self.batch_size): b_ind = MyLongTensor(*(list(self.index.size()[3:]))).fill_(b) for ch in range(0, self.nr_of_channels): ch_ind = MyLongTensor(*(list(self.index.size()[3:]))).fill_(ch) for k1 in range(0, self.n + 1): for k2 in range(0, self.n+1): w[b, ch, ...] += weight[k1, b, 0, ...] * weight[k2,b,1,...] \ * c[b_ind, ch_ind, self.index[k1, b, 0, ...],(self.index[k2,b,1,...])] elif self.dim ==3: for b in range(0, self.batch_size): b_ind = MyLongTensor(*(list(self.index.size()[3:]))).fill_(b) for ch in range(0, self.nr_of_channels): ch_ind = MyLongTensor(*(list(self.index.size()[3:]))).fill_(ch) for k1 in range(0, self.n + 1): for k2 in range(0, self.n + 1): for k3 in range(0, self.n+1): w[b,ch,...] += weight[k1, b, 0, ...] * weight[k2, b, 1, ...] * weight[k3,b,2,...] \ * c[b_ind, ch_ind, self.index[k1, b, 0, ...], self.index[k2, b, 1, ...], self.index[k3, b, 2, ...]] else: raise ValueError('Dimension needs to be 1, 2, or 3.') return w
def _get_linear_view(self,t): """ Takes a tensor and converts it to a linear view (needed for fast accumulation via put_) :param t: tensor :return: linearized view """ lt = t.view(t.nelement()) return lt def _sub2ind(self,indices,target_sz): """ Similar to matlab's sub2ind. Converts ijk indices to a linear index :param indices: ijk indices (as a list) :param target_sz: target size to which these indices belong :return: linearized indices """ aug_t_sz = list(target_sz) + [1] # augment one here, so we can easily compute the strides via products dim = len(indices) # this is stored in a list l_indices = MyLongTensor(indices[0].nelement()).zero_() for d in range(dim): l_indices += self._get_linear_view(indices[d])*int([d+1:])) return l_indices def _accumulate(self,vals,indices,target_sz): """ Necessary to compute the adjoint to the indexing into the coefficient array. Here we add entries based on where they were mapped from (via indexing). :param vals: Values :param indices: indices :param target_sz: target size :return: Returns accumulated values """ acc_res = MyTensor(target_sz).zero_() l_acc_res = self._get_linear_view(acc_res) l_vals = self._get_linear_view(vals) l_indices = self._sub2ind(indices,target_sz) l_acc_res.put_(l_indices,l_vals,accumulate=True) return acc_res
[docs] def backward(self, grad_output): """ Computes the gradient with respect to the coefficent array and the weights :param grad_output: grad output from previous "layer" :return: gradient """ grad_c = MyTensor(self.c.size()).zero_() grad_weight = MyTensor(self.weight.size()).zero_() if self.dim==1: # first compute the gradient with respect to the weight for b in range(0, self.batch_size): for k1 in range(0, self.n + 1): for ch in range(0, self.nr_of_channels): grad_weight[k1,b,0,...] += grad_output[b,ch,...]*self.c[b, ch, ...][(self.index[k1, b, 0, ...])] # now compute the gradient with respect to the coefficients c for b in range(0, self.batch_size): for ch in range(0, self.nr_of_channels): for k1 in range(0, self.n + 1): grad_c[b, ch, ...] += self._accumulate(self.weight[k1,b,0,...]*grad_output[b, ch,...], [self.index[k1, b, 0, ...]], self.c.size()[2:]) elif self.dim==2: # first compute the gradient with respect to the weight for b in range(0, self.batch_size): for k1 in range(0, self.n + 1): for k2 in range(0, self.n+1): for ch in range(0, self.nr_of_channels): grad_weight[k1, b, 0, ...] += grad_output[b, ch, ...] \ * self.weight[k2,b,1,...]\ * self.c[b, ch, ...][(self.index[k1, b, 0, ...]),(self.index[k2, b, 1, ...])] grad_weight[k2, b, 1, ...] += grad_output[b, ch, ...] \ * self.weight[k1, b, 0, ...] \ * self.c[b, ch, ...][(self.index[k1, b, 0, ...]), (self.index[k2, b, 1, ...])] # now compute the gradient with respect to the coefficients c for b in range(0, self.batch_size): for ch in range(0, self.nr_of_channels): for k1 in range(0, self.n + 1): for k2 in range(0, self.n + 1): grad_c[b, ch, ...] += self._accumulate(self.weight[k1, b, 0, ...] * self.weight[k2,b,1,...] * grad_output[b, ch, ...], [self.index[k1, b, 0, ...],self.index[k2,b,1,...]], self.c.size()[2:]) elif self.dim==3: # first compute the gradient with respect to the weight for b in range(0, self.batch_size): for k1 in range(0, self.n + 1): for k2 in range(0, self.n + 1): for k3 in range(0, self.n + 1): for ch in range(0, self.nr_of_channels): grad_weight[k1, b, 0, ...] += grad_output[b, ch, ...] \ * self.weight[k2, b, 1, ...] * self.weight[k3, b, 2, ...] \ * self.c[b, ch, ...][ (self.index[k1, b, 0, ...]), (self.index[k2, b, 1, ...]), (self.index[k3, b, 2, ...])] grad_weight[k2, b, 1, ...] += grad_output[b, ch, ...] \ * self.weight[k1, b, 0, ...] * self.weight[k3, b, 2, ...]\ * self.c[b, ch, ...][ (self.index[k1, b, 0, ...]), (self.index[k2, b, 1, ...]), (self.index[k3, b, 2, ...])] grad_weight[k3, b, 2, ...] += grad_output[b, ch, ...] \ * self.weight[k1, b, 0, ...] * self.weight[k2, b, 1, ...] \ * self.c[b, ch, ...][ (self.index[k1, b, 0, ...]), (self.index[k2, b, 1, ...]), (self.index[k3, b, 2, ...])] # now compute the gradient with respect to the coefficients c for b in range(0, self.batch_size): for ch in range(0, self.nr_of_channels): for k1 in range(0, self.n + 1): for k2 in range(0, self.n + 1): for k3 in range(0, self.n + 1): grad_c[b, ch, ...] += self._accumulate( self.weight[k1, b, 0, ...] * self.weight[k2, b, 1, ...] * self.weight[k3,b,2,...] * grad_output[b, ch, ...], [self.index[k1, b, 0, ...], self.index[k2, b, 1, ...], self.index[k3, b, 2, ...]], self.c.size()[2:]) else: raise ValueError('Dimension needs to be 1, 2, or 3.') return grad_c, grad_weight
[docs]def perform_spline_interpolation_helper(c,weight,index): """ Helper function to instantiate the spline interpolation helper (for a more efficent gradient computation w/o automatic differentiation) :param c: interpolation coefficients :param weight: interpolation weights :param index: interpolation indices :return: interpolated signal """ return PerformSplineInterpolationHelper(index)(c,weight)
# for testing # todo: convert the following code into real tests
[docs]def test_me(test_dim=1): from . import utils testDim = test_dim if testDim==1: s = np.array([20,-15,10,-5,5,-12,12]).astype('float32') #,-20,20,-30,30,-7,7,-3,3,-20,20,-1,1,-5,5,3,2,1]) #s = np.array([1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.]) spacingOrig = np.array([1./(len(s)-1)]).astype('float32') #s = np.tile(s,2) x = np.arange(0,len(s)).astype('float32')*spacingOrig # xi = np.arange(0,len(s)-1+0.1,0.1).astype('float32')*spacingOrig spacing = spacingOrig*0.1 s_torch_orig = AdaptVal(torch.from_numpy(s.astype('float32'))) xi_torch_orig = AdaptVal(torch.from_numpy(xi.astype('float32'))) s_torch = s_torch_orig.view(torch.Size([1, 1] + list(s_torch_orig.size()))) # s_torch =,s_torch),0) # s_torch =,0.5*s_torch),1) xi_torch = xi_torch_orig.view(torch.Size([1, 1] + list(xi_torch_orig.size()))) # xi_torch =,xi_torch),0) # xi_torch = xi_torch_orig elif testDim==2: s = np.random.rand(10,10).astype('float32') #s = np.random.rand(1, 10) #s = np.tile(s,(10,1)) #s = np.random.rand(10, 1) #s = np.tile(s, (1,10)) #s = np.ones([10,1]) #s = np.tile(s, (1, 10)) x = utils.identity_map_multiN([1,1,10,10],[1,1]) xi = utils.identity_map_multiN([1,1,20,20],[0.5,0.5]) spacing = np.array([0.5,0.5]).astype('float32') s_torch_orig = AdaptVal(torch.from_numpy(s.astype('float32'))) s_torch = s_torch_orig.view(torch.Size([1, 1] + list(s_torch_orig.size()))) xi_torch = AdaptVal(torch.from_numpy(xi.astype('float32'))) else: raise ValueError('unsupported test dimension') # do the interpolation si = SplineInterpolation_ND_BCXYZ(spacing,spline_order=3) si_tst = si(s_torch,xi_torch) #vals = torch.load('') #grad_output = MyTensor(1,1,61).fill_(1.) # #sif = PerformSplineInterpolationHelper(vals['index']) #sif.forward(vals['c'],vals['weight']) #sif.backward(grad_output) #test = gradcheck(PerformSplineInterpolationHelper(vals['index']), (vals['c'],requires_grad=True),vals['weight'],requires_grad=True)), eps=1e-2, atol=1e-4) #print(test) # ctst = si.get_interpolation_coefficients(s_torch) # si_tst = si.interpolate(ctst,xi_torch) # # val = (si_tst*si_tst).sum() # val.backward() # # #test = gradcheck(SplineInterpolation_ND_BCXYZ(spacing,spline_order=3), (s_torch,xi_torch),eps=1e-6, atol=1e-4) # #print(test) # # do the plotting if testDim==1: plt.plot(x,s) plt.plot(xi,si_tst[0,0,...].detach().cpu().numpy()) elif testDim==2: plt.subplot(121) plt.imshow(s) plt.clim(0,1.5) plt.colorbar() plt.subplot(122) plt.imshow(si_tst[0, 0, ...].detach().cpu().numpy()) plt.clim(0,1.5) plt.colorbar() else: raise ValueError('Unsupported dimension')
#test_me(1) #test_me(2)