Source code for mermaid.utils

"""Various utility functions.

.. todo::
    Reorganize this package in a more meaningful way.
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

# from builtins import str
# from builtins import range
import torch
from torch.nn.parameter import Parameter
from torch.autograd import Variable
from .libraries.modules.stn_nd import STN_ND_BCXYZ
from .data_wrapper import AdaptVal
from .data_wrapper import MyTensor
from . import smoother_factory as sf
from .data_wrapper import USE_CUDA

import numpy as np
from . import finite_differences as fd
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.init as init
from . import module_parameters as pars

from .spline_interpolation import SplineInterpolation_ND_BCXYZ

import os

    from .libraries.functions.nn_interpolation import get_nn_interpolation
except ImportError:
    print('WARNING: nn_interpolation could not be imported (only supported in CUDA at the moment). '
          'Some functionality may not be available.')

[docs]def my_hasnan(x): """Check if any input elements are NaNs. :param x: numpy array :return: True if NaNs are present, False else """ return (x != x).any()
[docs]def combine_dict(d1,d2): """Creates a dictionary which has entries from both of them. :param d1: dictionary 1 :param d2: dictionary 2 :return: resulting dictionary """ d = d1.copy() d.update(d2) return d
[docs]def get_parameter_list_from_parameter_dict(pd): """Takes a dictionary which contains key value pairs for model parameters and converts it into a list of parameters that can be used as an input to an optimizer. :param pd: parameter dictionary :return: list of parameters """ pl = [] for key in pd: pl.append(pd[key]) return pl
[docs]def get_parameter_list_and_par_to_name_dict_from_parameter_dict(pd): """Same as get_parameter_list_from_parameter_dict; but also returns a dictionary which keeps track of the keys based on memory id. :param pd: parameter dictionary :return: tuple of (parameter_list, name_dictionary) """ par_to_name_dict = dict() pl = [] for key in pd: pl.append(pd[key]) par_to_name_dict[pd[key]] = key return pl, par_to_name_dict
[docs]def remove_infs_from_variable(v): # 32 - bit floating point: torch.FloatTensor, torch.cuda.FloatTensor # 64 - bit floating point: torch.DoubleTensor, torch.cuda.DoubleTensor # 16 - bit floating point: torch.HalfTensor, torch.cuda.HalfTensor # todo: maybe find a cleaner way of handling this # this is to make sure that subsequent sums work (hence will be smaller than it could be, # but values of this size should not occur in practice anyway sz = v.size() reduction_factor = condition = True if type( == torch.cuda.FloatTensor or return torch.clamp(v, min=(np.asscalar(np.finfo('float32').min))/reduction_factor, max=(np.asscalar(np.finfo('float32').max))/reduction_factor) elif == torch.DoubleTensor or type( == torch.cuda.DoubleTensor: return torch.clamp(v, min=(np.asscalar(np.finfo('float64').min))/reduction_factor, max=(np.asscalar(np.finfo('float64').max))/reduction_factor) elif == torch.HalfTensor or type( == torch.cuda.HalfTensor: return torch.clamp(v, min=(np.asscalar(np.finfo('float16').min))/reduction_factor, max=(np.asscalar(np.finfo('float16').max))/reduction_factor) else: raise ValueError('Unknown data type: ' + str( type(
[docs]def lift_to_dimension(A, dim): """Creates a view of A of dimension dim (by adding dummy dimensions if necessary). :param A: numpy array :param dim: desired dimension of view :return: returns view of A of appropriate dimension """ current_dim = len(A.shape) if current_dim > dim: raise ValueError('Can only add dimensions, but not remove them') if current_dim == dim: return A else: return A.reshape([1]*(dim-current_dim)+list(A.shape))
[docs]def get_dim_of_affine_transform(Ab): """Returns the number of dimensions corresponding to an affine transformation of the form y=Ax+b stored in a column vector. For A =[a1,a2,a3], the parameter vector is simply [a1;a2;a3;b], i.e., all columns stacked on top of each other. :param Ab: parameter vector :return: dimensionality of transform (1,2,or 3) """ nr = len(Ab) if nr==2: return 1 elif nr==6: return 2 elif nr==12: return 3 else: raise ValueError('Only supports dimensions 1, 2, and 3.')
[docs]def set_affine_transform_to_identity(Ab): """Sets the affine transformation as given by the column vector Ab to the identity transform. :param Ab: Affine parameter vector (will be overwritten with the identity transform) :return: """ dim = get_dim_of_affine_transform(Ab) if dim==1: Ab.zero_() Ab[0]=1. elif dim==2: Ab.zero_() Ab[0]=1. Ab[3]=1. elif dim==3: Ab.zero_() Ab[0]=1. Ab[4]=1. Ab[8]=1. else: raise ValueError('Only supports dimensions 1, 2, and 3.')
[docs]def set_affine_transform_to_identity_multiN(Ab): """Set the affine transforms to the identity (in the case of arbitrary batch size). :param Ab: Parameter vectors B x pars (batch size x param. vector); will be overwritten with identity trans. :return: """ sz = Ab.size() nr_of_images = sz[0] for nrI in range(nr_of_images): set_affine_transform_to_identity(Ab[nrI, :])
[docs]def get_inverse_affine_param(Ab): """Computes inverse of affine transformation. Formally: C(Ax+b)+d = CAx+Cb+d = x; C = inv(A), d = -Cb :param Ab: B x pars (batch size x param. vector) :return: Inverse of affine parameters """ dim =0 if Ab.shape[1] == 2: dim = 1 elif Ab.shape[1] == 6: dim = 2 elif Ab.shape[1] == 12: dim = 3 if dim not in [1, 2, 3]: raise ValueError('Only supports dimensions 1, 2, and 3.') Ab = Ab.view(Ab.shape[0], dim+1, dim).transpose(1,2) Ab_inv = torch.zeros_like(Ab) for n in range(Ab.shape[0]): tm_inv = torch.inverse(Ab[n, :, :dim]) Ab_inv[n, :, :dim] = tm_inv Ab_inv[n, :, dim] = - torch.matmul(tm_inv, Ab[n,:,dim]) inv_affine_param = Ab_inv.transpose(1, 2).contiguous().view(Ab.shape[0], -1) return inv_affine_param
[docs]def update_affine_param(Ab, Cd): """Update affine parameters. Formally: C(Ax+b)+d = CAx+Cb+d :param Ab: B x pars (batch size x param. vector) :return: Updated affine parameters """ dim = 0 if Ab.shape[1]==2: dim = 1 elif Ab.shape[1]==6: dim = 2 elif Ab.shape[1]==12: dim = 3 if dim not in [1, 2, 3]: raise ValueError('Only supports dimensions 1, 2, and 3.') Ab = Ab.view(Ab.shape[0], dim+1, dim).transpose(1, 2) Cd = Cd.view(Cd.shape[0], dim+1, dim).transpose(1, 2) updated_param = torch.zeros_like(Ab) for n in range(Ab.shape[0]): tm_param = torch.matmul(Cd[n,:,:dim],Ab[n,:,:dim]) updated_param[n,:,:dim] = tm_param updated_param[n,:,dim] = torch.matmul(Cd[n,:,:dim], Ab[n,:,dim]) +Cd[n,:,dim] updated_param = updated_param.transpose(1,2).contiguous().view(Ab.shape[0],-1) return updated_param
[docs]def apply_affine_transform_to_map(Ab,phi): """Applies an affine transform to a map. :param Ab: affine transform parameter column vector :param phi: map; format nrCxXxYxZ (nrC corresponds to dimension) :return: returns transformed map """ sz = phi.size() dim = len(sz) - 1 if dim not in [1,2,3]: raise ValueError('Only supports dimensions 1, 2, and 3.') phiR = MyTensor(sz).zero_().type_as(phi) if dim == 1: phiR = phi * Ab[0] + Ab[1] elif dim == 2: phiR[0, ...] = Ab[0] * phi[0, ...] + Ab[2] * phi[1, ...] + Ab[4] # a_11x+a_21y+b1 phiR[1, ...] = Ab[1] * phi[0, ...] + Ab[3] * phi[1, ...] + Ab[5] # a_12x+a_22y+b2 elif dim == 3: phiR[0, ...] = Ab[0] * phi[0, ...] + Ab[3] * phi[1, ...] + Ab[6] * phi[2, ...] + Ab[9] phiR[1, ...] = Ab[1] * phi[0, ...] + Ab[4] * phi[1, ...] + Ab[7] * phi[2, ...] + Ab[10] phiR[2, ...] = Ab[2] * phi[0, ...] + Ab[5] * phi[1, ...] + Ab[8] * phi[2, ...] + Ab[11] else: raise ValueError('Only supports dimensions 1, 2, and 3.') return phiR
[docs]def apply_affine_transform_to_map_multiNC(Ab,phi): """Applies an affine transform to maps (for arbitrary batch size). :param Ab: affine transform parameter column vectors (batch size x param. vector) :param phi: maps; format batchxnrCxXxYxZ (nrC corresponds to dimension) :return: returns transformed maps """ sz = phi.size() dim = get_dim_of_affine_transform(Ab[0,:]) nr_of_images = Ab.size()[0] if nr_of_images != sz[0]: raise ValueError('Incompatible number of affine transforms') if dim != len(sz)-2: raise ValueError('Incompatible number of affine transforms') phiR = MyTensor(sz).zero_().type_as(phi) for nrI in range(nr_of_images): phiR[nrI, ...] = apply_affine_transform_to_map(Ab[nrI, :], phi[nrI, ...]) return phiR
[docs]def compute_normalized_gaussian(X, mu, sig): """Computes a normalized Gaussian. :param X: map with coordinates at which to evaluate :param mu: array indicating the mean :param sig: array indicating the standard deviations for the different dimensions :return: Normalized Gaussian evaluated at coordinates in X Example:: >>> mu, sig = [1,1], [1,1] >>> X = [0,0] >>> print(compute_normalized_gaussian(X, mu, sig) """ dim = len(mu) if dim == 1: g = np.exp(-np.power(X[0, :] - mu[0], 2.)/(2*np.power(sig[0], 2.))) g = g/g.sum() return g elif dim == 2: g = np.exp(-np.power(X[0,:,:]-mu[0],2.)/(2*np.power(sig[0],2.)) - np.power(X[1,:, :] - mu[1], 2.) / (2 * np.power(sig[1], 2.))) g = g/g.sum() return g elif dim == 3: g = np.exp(-np.power(X[0,:, :, :] - mu[0], 2.) / (2 * np.power(sig[0], 2.)) -np.power(X[1,:, :, :] - mu[1], 2.) / (2 * np.power(sig[1], 2.)) -np.power(X[2,:, :, :] - mu[2], 2.) / (2 * np.power(sig[2], 2.))) g = g / g.sum() return g else: raise ValueError('Can only compute Gaussians in dimensions 1-3')
def _compute_warped_image_multiNC_1d(I0, phi, spacing, spline_order, zero_boundary=False, use_01_input=True): if spline_order not in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]: raise ValueError('Currently only orders 0 to 9 are supported') if spline_order == 0: stn = STN_ND_BCXYZ(spacing, zero_boundary, use_bilinear=False, use_01_input=use_01_input) elif spline_order == 1: stn = STN_ND_BCXYZ(spacing, zero_boundary, use_bilinear=True, use_01_input=use_01_input) else: stn = SplineInterpolation_ND_BCXYZ(spacing, spline_order) I1_warped = stn(I0, phi) return I1_warped def _compute_warped_image_multiNC_2d(I0, phi, spacing, spline_order,zero_boundary=False,use_01_input=True): if spline_order not in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]: raise ValueError('Currently only orders 0 to 9 are supported') if spline_order == 0: stn = STN_ND_BCXYZ(spacing, zero_boundary, use_bilinear=False, use_01_input=use_01_input) elif spline_order == 1: stn = STN_ND_BCXYZ(spacing, zero_boundary, use_bilinear=True, use_01_input=use_01_input) else: stn = SplineInterpolation_ND_BCXYZ(spacing, spline_order) I1_warped = stn(I0, phi) return I1_warped def _compute_warped_image_multiNC_3d(I0, phi, spacing, spline_order,zero_boundary=False,use_01_input=True): if spline_order not in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]: raise ValueError('Currently only orders 0 to 9 are supported') if spline_order == 0: # return get_warped_label_map(I0,phi,spacing) stn = STN_ND_BCXYZ(spacing, zero_boundary, use_bilinear=False, use_01_input=use_01_input) elif spline_order == 1: stn = STN_ND_BCXYZ(spacing,zero_boundary, use_bilinear=True, use_01_input=use_01_input) else: stn = SplineInterpolation_ND_BCXYZ(spacing, spline_order) I1_warped = stn(I0, phi) return I1_warped
[docs]def compute_warped_image(I0, phi, spacing, spline_order, zero_boundary=False, use_01_input=True): """Warps image. :param I0: image to warp, image size XxYxZ :param phi: map for the warping, size dimxXxYxZ :param spacing: image spacing [dx,dy,dz] :return: returns the warped image of size XxYxZ """ # implements this by creating a different view (effectively adding dimensions) Iw = compute_warped_image_multiNC(I0.view(torch.Size([1, 1] + list(I0.size()))), phi.view(torch.Size([1] + list(phi.size()))), spacing, spline_order, zero_boundary, use_01_input) return Iw.view(I0.size())
[docs]def compute_warped_image_multiNC(I0, phi, spacing, spline_order, zero_boundary=False, use_01_input=True): """Warps image. :param I0: image to warp, image size BxCxXxYxZ :param phi: map for the warping, size BxdimxXxYxZ :param spacing: image spacing [dx,dy,dz] :return: returns the warped image of size BxCxXxYxZ """ dim = I0.dim()-2 if dim == 1: return _compute_warped_image_multiNC_1d(I0, phi, spacing, spline_order,zero_boundary,use_01_input=use_01_input) elif dim == 2: return _compute_warped_image_multiNC_2d(I0, phi, spacing, spline_order,zero_boundary,use_01_input=use_01_input) elif dim == 3: return _compute_warped_image_multiNC_3d(I0, phi, spacing, spline_order,zero_boundary,use_01_input=use_01_input) else: raise ValueError('Images can only be warped in dimensions 1 to 3')
def _get_low_res_spacing_from_spacing(spacing, sz, lowResSize): """Computes spacing for the low-res parametrization from image spacing. :param spacing: image spacing :param sz: size of image :param lowResSize: size of low re parameterization :return: returns spacing of low res parameterization """ #todo: check that this is the correct way of doing it return spacing * (np.array(sz[2::])-1) / (np.array(lowResSize[2::])-1) def _get_low_res_size_from_size(sz, factor): """Returns the corresponding low-res size from a (high-res) sz. :param sz: size (high-res) :param factor: low-res factor (needs to be <1) :return: low res size """ if (factor is None) or (factor >= 1): print('WARNING: Could not compute low_res_size as factor was ' + str(factor)) return np.array(sz) else: low_res_sz = np.array(sz) low_res_sz[2::] = (np.ceil((np.array(sz[2::]) * factor))).astype('int16') return low_res_sz def _compute_low_res_image(I, spacing, low_res_size, spline_order): import mermaid.image_sampling as IS sampler = IS.ResampleImage() low_res_image, _ = sampler.downsample_image_to_size(I, spacing, low_res_size[2::],spline_order) return low_res_image
[docs]def individual_parameters_to_model_parameters(ind_pars): model_pars = dict() if type(ind_pars) == type(dict()): # should already be in the right format model_pars = ind_pars else: # if ind_pars is not a dictionary assume that they come from the optimizer # (i.e., list and each list element has a dictionary with keys 'name' and 'model_params' for par in ind_pars: model_pars[par['name']] = par['model_params'] return model_pars
[docs]def compute_vector_momentum_from_scalar_momentum_multiNC(lam, I, sz, spacing): """Computes the vector momentum from the scalar momentum: :math:`m=\\lambda\\nabla I`. :param lam: scalar momentum, BxCxXxYxZ :param I: image, BxCxXxYxZ :param sz: size of image :param spacing: spacing of image :return: returns the vector momentum """ nrOfI = sz[0] # number of images m = create_ND_vector_field_variable_multiN(sz[2::], nrOfI) # attention that the second dimension here is image dim, not nrOfC nrOfC = sz[1] for c in range(nrOfC): # loop over all the channels and add the results m = m + compute_vector_momentum_from_scalar_momentum_multiN(lam[:, c, ...], I[:, c, ...], nrOfI, sz[2::], spacing) return m
[docs]def compute_vector_momentum_from_scalar_momentum_multiN(lam, I, nrOfI, sz, spacing): """Computes the vector momentum from the scalar momentum: :math:`m=\\lambda\\nabla I`. :param lam: scalar momentum, batchxXxYxZ :param I: image, batchXxYxZ :param sz: size of image :param spacing: spacing of image :return: returns the vector momentum """ fdt = fd.FD_torch(spacing) dim = len(sz) m = create_ND_vector_field_variable_multiN(sz, nrOfI) if dim == 1: m[:, 0, :] = fdt.dXc(I)*lam elif dim == 2: m[:, 0, :, :] = fdt.dXc(I)*lam m[:, 1, :, :] = fdt.dYc(I)*lam elif dim == 3: m[:, 0, :, :, :] = fdt.dXc(I)*lam m[:, 1, :, :, :] = fdt.dYc(I)*lam m[:, 2, :, :, :] = fdt.dZc(I)*lam else: raise ValueError('Can only convert scalar to vector momentum in dimensions 1-3') return m
[docs]def create_ND_vector_field_variable_multiN(sz, nr_of_images=1): """ Create vector field torch Variable of given size :param sz: just the spatial sizes (e.g., [5] in 1D, [5,10] in 2D, [5,10,10] in 3D) :param nrOfI: number of images :return: returns vector field of size nrOfIxdimxXxYxZ """ dim = len(sz) csz = np.array(sz) # just to make sure it is a numpy array csz = np.array([nr_of_images, dim]+list(csz)) return MyTensor(*(csz.tolist())).normal_(0., 1e-7)
[docs]def create_ND_vector_field_variable(sz): """Create vector field torch Variable of given size. :param sz: just the spatial sizes (e.g., [5] in 1D, [5,10] in 2D, [5,10,10] in 3D) :return: returns vector field of size dimxXxYxZ """ dim = len(sz) csz = np.array(sz) # just to make sure it is a numpy array csz = np.array([dim]+list(csz)) return MyTensor(*(csz.tolist())).normal_(0.,1e-7)
[docs]def create_vector_parameter(nr_of_elements): """Creates a vector parameters with a specified number of elements. :param nr_of_elements: number of vector elements :return: returns the parameter vector """ return Parameter(MyTensor(nr_of_elements).normal_(0., 1e-7))
[docs]def create_ND_vector_field_parameter_multiN(sz, nrOfI=1,get_field_from_external_network=False): """Create vector field torch Parameter of given size. :param sz: just the spatial sizes (e.g., [5] in 1D, [5,10] in 2D, [5,10,10] in 3D) :param nrOfI: number of images :return: returns vector field of size nrOfIxdimxXxYxZ """ dim = len(sz) csz = np.array(sz) # just to make sure it is a numpy array csz = np.array([nrOfI, dim]+list(csz)) if get_field_from_external_network: tmp = MyTensor(*(csz.tolist())).normal_(0.,1e-7) tmp.requires_grad = True else: tmp = Parameter(MyTensor(*(csz.tolist())).normal_(0.,1e-7)) return tmp
[docs]def create_local_filter_weights_parameter_multiN(sz,gaussian_std_weights, nrOfI=1,sched='w_K_w',get_preweight_from_network=False): """ Create vector field torch Parameter of given size :param sz: just the spatial sizes (e.g., [5] in 1D, [5,10] in 2D, [5,10,10] in 3D) :param nrOfI: number of images :return: returns vector field of size nrOfIxdimxXxYxZ """ nr_of_mg_weights = len(gaussian_std_weights) csz = np.array(sz) # just to make sure it is a numpy array csz = np.array([nrOfI,nr_of_mg_weights]+list(csz)) weights = torch.empty(*csz) # set the default if sched =='w_K_w': gaussian_std_weights = [torch.sqrt(std_w) for std_w in gaussian_std_weights] for g in range(nr_of_mg_weights): weights[:, g, ...] = gaussian_std_weights[g] tmp = AdaptVal(weights) if get_preweight_from_network: tmp.requires_grad = True else: tmp = Parameter(tmp) return tmp
[docs]def create_ND_scalar_field_parameter_multiNC(sz, nrOfI=1, nrOfC=1): """ Create vector field torch Parameter of given size :param sz: just the spatial sizes (e.g., [5] in 1D, [5,10] in 2D, [5,10,10] in 3D) :param nrOfI: number of images :param nrOfC: number of channels :return: returns vector field of size nrOfIxnrOfCxXxYxZ """ csz = np.array(sz) # just to make sure it is a numpy array csz = np.array([nrOfI,nrOfC]+list(csz)) return Parameter(MyTensor(*(csz.tolist())).normal_(0.,1e-7))
[docs]def centered_identity_map_multiN(sz, spacing, dtype='float32'): """ Create a centered identity map (shifted so it is centered around 0) :param sz: size of an image in BxCxXxYxZ format :param spacing: list with spacing information [sx,sy,sz] :param dtype: numpy data-type ('float32', 'float64', ...) :return: returns the identity map """ dim = len(sz) - 2 nrOfI = sz[0] if dim == 1: id = np.zeros([nrOfI, 1, sz[2]], dtype=dtype) elif dim == 2: id = np.zeros([nrOfI, 2, sz[2], sz[3]], dtype=dtype) elif dim == 3: id = np.zeros([nrOfI, 3, sz[2], sz[3], sz[4]], dtype=dtype) else: raise ValueError('Only dimensions 1-3 are currently supported for the identity map') for n in range(nrOfI): id[n, ...] = centered_identity_map(sz[2::], spacing,dtype=dtype) return id
[docs]def identity_map_multiN(sz,spacing,dtype='float32'): """ Create an identity map :param sz: size of an image in BxCxXxYxZ format :param spacing: list with spacing information [sx,sy,sz] :param dtype: numpy data-type ('float32', 'float64', ...) :return: returns the identity map """ dim = len(sz)-2 nrOfI = int(sz[0]) if dim == 1: id = np.zeros([nrOfI,1,sz[2]],dtype=dtype) elif dim == 2: id = np.zeros([nrOfI,2,sz[2],sz[3]],dtype=dtype) elif dim == 3: id = np.zeros([nrOfI,3,sz[2],sz[3],sz[4]],dtype=dtype) else: raise ValueError('Only dimensions 1-3 are currently supported for the identity map') for n in range(nrOfI): id[n,...] = identity_map(sz[2::],spacing,dtype=dtype) return id
[docs]def centered_identity_map(sz, spacing, dtype='float32'): """ Returns a centered identity map (with 0 in the middle) if the sz is odd Otherwise shifts everything by 0.5*spacing :param sz: just the spatial dimensions, i.e., XxYxZ :param spacing: list with spacing information [sx,sy,sz] :param dtype: numpy data-type ('float32', 'float64', ...) :return: returns the identity map of dimension dimxXxYxZ """ dim = len(sz) if dim == 1: id = np.mgrid[0:sz[0]] elif dim == 2: id = np.mgrid[0:sz[0], 0:sz[1]] elif dim == 3: id = np.mgrid[0:sz[0], 0:sz[1], 0:sz[2]] else: raise ValueError('Only dimensions 1-3 are currently supported for the identity map') # now get it into range [0,(sz-1)*spacing]^d id = np.array(id.astype(dtype)) if dim == 1: id = id.reshape(1, sz[0]) # add a dummy first index for d in range(dim): id[d] *= spacing[d] if sz[d]%2==0: #even id[d] -= spacing[d]*(sz[d]//2) else: #odd id[d] -= spacing[d]*((sz[d]+1)//2) # and now store it in a dim+1 array if dim == 1: idnp = np.zeros([1, sz[0]], dtype=dtype) idnp[0, :] = id[0] elif dim == 2: idnp = np.zeros([2, sz[0], sz[1]], dtype=dtype) idnp[0, :, :] = id[0] idnp[1, :, :] = id[1] elif dim == 3: idnp = np.zeros([3, sz[0], sz[1], sz[2]], dtype=dtype) idnp[0, :, :, :] = id[0] idnp[1, :, :, :] = id[1] idnp[2, :, :, :] = id[2] else: raise ValueError('Only dimensions 1-3 are currently supported for the centered identity map') return idnp
# # def centered_min_normalized_identity_map(sz, spacing, dtype='float32'): # """ # Returns a centered identity map (with 0 in the middle) if the sz is odd # Otherwise shifts everything by 0.5*spacing # # :param sz: just the spatial dimensions, i.e., XxYxZ # :param spacing: list with spacing information [sx,sy,sz] # :param dtype: numpy data-type ('float32', 'float64', ...) # :return: returns the identity map of dimension dimxXxYxZ # """ # dim = len(sz) # if dim == 1: # id = np.mgrid[0:sz[0]] # elif dim == 2: # id = np.mgrid[0:sz[0], 0:sz[1]] # elif dim == 3: # id = np.mgrid[0:sz[0], 0:sz[1], 0:sz[2]] # else: # raise ValueError('Only dimensions 1-3 are currently supported for the identity map') # # min_spacing = np.min(spacing) # spacing_ratio = spacing/min_spacing # # # # now get it into range [0,(sz-1)*spacing]^d # id = np.array(id.astype(dtype)) # if dim == 1: # id = id.reshape(1, sz[0]) # add a dummy first index # # for d in range(dim): # id[d] *= spacing[d] # if sz[d]%2==0: # #even # id[d] -= spacing[d]*(sz[d]//2) # else: # #odd # id[d] -= spacing[d]*((sz[d]+1)//2) # # # and now store it in a dim+1 array and rescale by the ratio # if dim == 1: # idnp = np.zeros([1, sz[0]], dtype=dtype) # idnp[0, :] = id[0] * spacing_ratio[0] # elif dim == 2: # idnp = np.zeros([2, sz[0], sz[1]], dtype=dtype) # idnp[0, :, :] = id[0] * spacing_ratio[0] # idnp[1, :, :] = id[1] * spacing_ratio[1] # elif dim == 3: # idnp = np.zeros([3, sz[0], sz[1], sz[2]], dtype=dtype) # idnp[0, :, :, :] = id[0] * spacing_ratio[0] # idnp[1, :, :, :] = id[1] * spacing_ratio[1] # idnp[2, :, :, :] = id[2] * spacing_ratio[2] # else: # raise ValueError('Only dimensions 1-3 are currently supported for the centered identity map') # # return idnp # # def tranfrom_var_list_into_min_normalized_space(var_list,spacing,do_transform=True): # if do_transform: # min_spacing = np.min(spacing) # spacing_ratio =min_spacing/spacing # dim = spacing.size # spacing_ratio_t = AdaptVal(torch.Tensor(spacing_ratio)) # sp_sz = [1]+[dim] +[1]*dim # spacing_ratio_t = spacing_ratio_t.view(*sp_sz) # new_var_list = [var*spacing_ratio_t if var is not None else None for var in var_list] # else: # new_var_list = var_list # return new_var_list # def recover_var_list_from_min_normalized_space(var_list,spacing,do_transform=True): # if do_transform: # min_spacing = np.min(spacing) # spacing_ratio =spacing/min_spacing # dim = spacing.size # spacing_ratio_t = AdaptVal(torch.Tensor(spacing_ratio)) # sp_sz = [1]+[dim] +[1]*dim # spacing_ratio_t = spacing_ratio_t.view(*sp_sz) # new_var_list = [var*spacing_ratio_t if var is not None else None for var in var_list] # else: # new_var_list = var_list # return new_var_list #
[docs]def identity_map(sz,spacing,dtype='float32'): """ Returns an identity map. :param sz: just the spatial dimensions, i.e., XxYxZ :param spacing: list with spacing information [sx,sy,sz] :param dtype: numpy data-type ('float32', 'float64', ...) :return: returns the identity map of dimension dimxXxYxZ """ dim = len(sz) if dim==1: id = np.mgrid[0:sz[0]] elif dim==2: id = np.mgrid[0:sz[0],0:sz[1]] elif dim==3: id = np.mgrid[0:sz[0],0:sz[1],0:sz[2]] else: raise ValueError('Only dimensions 1-3 are currently supported for the identity map') # now get it into range [0,(sz-1)*spacing]^d id = np.array( id.astype(dtype) ) if dim==1: id = id.reshape(1,sz[0]) # add a dummy first index for d in range(dim): id[d]*=spacing[d] #id[d]*=2./(sz[d]-1) #id[d]-=1. # and now store it in a dim+1 array if dim==1: idnp = np.zeros([1, sz[0]], dtype=dtype) idnp[0,:] = id[0] elif dim==2: idnp = np.zeros([2, sz[0], sz[1]], dtype=dtype) idnp[0,:, :] = id[0] idnp[1,:, :] = id[1] elif dim==3: idnp = np.zeros([3,sz[0], sz[1], sz[2]], dtype=dtype) idnp[0,:, :, :] = id[0] idnp[1,:, :, :] = id[1] idnp[2,:, :, :] = id[2] else: raise ValueError('Only dimensions 1-3 are currently supported for the identity map') return idnp
[docs]def omt_boundary_weight_mask(img_sz,spacing,mask_range=5,mask_value=5,smoother_std =0.05): """generate a smooth weight mask for the omt """ dim = len(img_sz) mask_sz = [1,1]+ list(img_sz) mask = AdaptVal(torch.ones(*mask_sz))*mask_value if dim ==2: mask[:,:,mask_range:-mask_range,mask_range:-mask_range]=1 elif dim==3: mask[:,:,mask_range:-mask_range,mask_range:-mask_range,mask_range:-mask_range ]=1 sm = get_single_gaussian_smoother(smoother_std,img_sz,spacing) mask = sm.smooth(mask) return mask.detach()
[docs]def momentum_boundary_weight_mask(img_sz,spacing,mask_range=5,smoother_std =0.05,pow=2): """generate a smooth weight mask for the omt """ dim = len(img_sz) mask_sz = [1,1]+ list(img_sz) mask = AdaptVal(torch.zeros(*mask_sz)) if dim ==2: mask[:,:,mask_range:-mask_range,mask_range:-mask_range]=1 elif dim==3: mask[:,:,mask_range:-mask_range,mask_range:-mask_range,mask_range:-mask_range ]=1 sm = get_single_gaussian_smoother(smoother_std,img_sz,spacing) mask = sm.smooth(mask) if pow ==2: mask = mask**2 if pow ==3: mask = mask*mask*mask return mask
# def compute_omt_const(stds,param,dim): # omt_power = param['forward_model']['smoother']['omt_power'] # omt_weight_penalty = param['forward_model']['smoother']['omt_weight_penalty'] # min_std = torch.min(stds) # max_std = torch.max(stds) # omt_const = torch.abs(torch.log(max_std/stds))**omt_power # omt_const = omt_const/(torch.abs(torch.log(max_std / min_std)) ** omt_power) # omt_const = omt_const*omt_weight_penalty/(EV.reg_factor_in_mermaid*2) # sz = [1]+ [len(stds)] +[1]*(dim+1) # return omt_const.view(*sz)
[docs]def get_single_gaussian_smoother(gaussian_std,sz,spacing): s_m_params = pars.ParameterDict() s_m_params['smoother']['type'] = 'gaussian' s_m_params['smoother']['gaussian_std'] = gaussian_std s_m = sf.SmootherFactory(sz, spacing).create_smoother(s_m_params) return s_m
[docs]def get_warped_label_map(label_map, phi, spacing, sched='nn'): if sched == 'nn': warped_label_map = get_nn_interpolation(label_map, phi, spacing) # check if here should be add assert assert abs(torch.sum(< 0.1, "nn interpolation is not precise" else: raise ValueError(" the label warping method is not implemented") return warped_label_map
[docs]def t2np(v): """ Takes a torch array and returns it as a numpy array on the cpu :param v: torch array :return: numpy array """ return (v.detach()).cpu().numpy()
[docs]def cxyz_to_xyzc( v ): """ Takes a torch array and returns it as a numpy array on the cpu :param v: torch array :return: numpy array """ dim = len(v.shape)-2 if dim ==2: v = v.permute(0,2,3,1) if dim ==3: v = v.permute(0,2,3,4,1) return v
[docs]def get_scalar(v): if isinstance(v, float): return v elif isinstance(v, np.ndarray) and v.size == 1: return float(v)
[docs]def checkNan(x): """" input should be list of Variable """ return [len(np.argwhere(np.isnan(elem.detach().cpu().numpy()))) for elem in x]
[docs]def noramlized_spacing_to_smallest(spacing): min_sp = np.min(spacing) spacing[spacing>min_sp]=min_sp return spacing
[docs]def time_warped_function(f): def __time_warped_function(input=None): start = torch.cuda.Event(enable_timing=True) end = torch.cuda.Event(enable_timing=True) start.record() output = f(input) end.record() # Waits for everything to finish running torch.cuda.synchronize() print(start.elapsed_time(end)) return output return __time_warped_function
[docs]def interoplate_boundary_right(tensor): dim = len(tensor.shape)-2 if dim==1: tensor[:,:,-1]= tensor[:,:-2]+ tensor[:,:-2]-tensor[:,:-3] if dim==2: tensor[:, :, -1,:] = tensor[:, :,-2,:] + tensor[:, :,-2,:] - tensor[:, :,-3,:] tensor[:, :, :,-1] = tensor[:, :, :,-2] + tensor[:, :, :,-2] - tensor[:, :, :,-3] if dim==3: tensor[:, :,:, -1,:, :] = tensor[:, :, -2, :] + tensor[:, :, -2, :] - tensor[:, :, -3, :] tensor[:, :,:, :, -1, :] = tensor[:, :, :, -2] + tensor[:, :, :, -2] - tensor[:, :, :, -3] tensor[:, :,:, :, :, -1] = tensor[:, :, :, -2] + tensor[:, :, :, -2] - tensor[:, :, :, -3]
########################################## Adaptive Net ###################################################3
[docs]def space_normal(tensors, std=0.1): """ space normalize for the net kernel :param tensor: :param mean: :param std: :return: """ if isinstance(tensors, Variable): space_normal(, std=std) return tensors for n in range(tensors.size()[0]): for c in range(tensors.size()[1]): dim = tensors[n][c].dim() sz = tensors[n][c].size() mus = np.zeros(dim) stds = std * np.ones(dim) print('WARNING: What should the spacing be here? Needed for new identity map code') raise ValueError('Double check the spacing here before running this code') spacing = np.ones(dim) centered_id = centered_identity_map(sz,spacing) g = compute_normalized_gaussian(centered_id, mus, stds) tensors[n,c] = torch.from_numpy(g)
[docs]def weights_init_uniform(m): classname = m.__class__.__name__ # print(classname) if classname.find('Conv') != -1: init.uniform(, 0.038, 0.042) elif classname.find('Linear') != -1: init.uniform(, 0.0, 0.02) elif classname.find('BatchNorm2d') != -1: init.uniform(, 1.0, 0.02) init.constant(, 0.0)
[docs]def weights_init_normal(m): classname = m.__class__.__name__ # print(classname) if classname.find('Conv') != -1: space_normal( elif classname.find('Linear') != -1: space_normal( elif classname.find('BatchNorm2d') != -1: init.uniform(, 1.0, 0.02) init.constant(, 0.0)
[docs]def weights_init_rd_normal(m): classname = m.__class__.__name__ # print(classname) if classname.find('Conv') != -1: init.normal( elif classname.find('Linear') != -1: init.normal( elif classname.find('BatchNorm2d') != -1: init.uniform(, 1.0, 0.02) init.constant(, 0.0)
[docs]def weights_init_xavier(m): classname = m.__class__.__name__ # print(classname) if classname.find('Conv') != -1: init.xavier_normal(, gain=1) elif classname.find('Linear') != -1: init.xavier_normal(, gain=1) elif classname.find('BatchNorm2d') != -1: init.uniform(, 1.0, 0.02) init.constant(, 0.0)
[docs]def weights_init_kaiming(m): classname = m.__class__.__name__ # print(classname) if classname.find('Conv') != -1: init.kaiming_normal(, a=0, mode='fan_in') elif classname.find('Linear') != -1: init.kaiming_normal(, a=0, mode='fan_in') elif classname.find('BatchNorm2d') != -1: init.uniform(, 1.0, 0.02) init.constant(, 0.0)
[docs]def weights_init_orthogonal(m): classname = m.__class__.__name__ print(classname) if classname.find('Conv') != -1: init.orthogonal(, gain=1) elif classname.find('Linear') != -1: init.orthogonal(, gain=1) elif classname.find('BatchNorm2d') != -1: init.uniform(, 1.0, 0.02) init.constant(, 0.0)
[docs]def init_weights(net, init_type='normal'): print('initialization method [%s]' % init_type) if init_type == 'rd_normal': net.apply(weights_init_rd_normal) elif init_type == 'normal': net.apply(weights_init_normal) elif init_type == 'uniform': net.apply(weights_init_uniform) elif init_type == 'xavier': net.apply(weights_init_xavier) elif init_type == 'kaiming': net.apply(weights_init_kaiming) elif init_type == 'orthogonal': net.apply(weights_init_orthogonal) else: raise NotImplementedError('initialization method [%s] is not implemented' % init_type)
[docs]def organize_data(moving, target, sched='depth_concat'): if sched == 'depth_concat': input =[moving, target], dim=1) elif sched == 'width_concat': input =, target), dim=3) elif sched == 'list_concat': input =,target.unsqueeze(0)),dim=0) elif sched == 'difference': input = moving-target return input
[docs]def bh(m,gi,go): print("Grad Input") print((torch.sum(gi[0].data), torch.sum(gi[1].data))) print("Grad Output") print(torch.sum(go[0].data)) return gi[0], gi[1], gi[2]
[docs]class ConvBnRel(nn.Module): # conv + bn (optional) + relu def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride=1, active_unit='relu', same_padding=False, bn=False, reverse=False, bias=False): super(ConvBnRel, self).__init__() padding = int((kernel_size - 1) // 2) if same_padding else 0 if not reverse: self.conv = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride, padding=padding, bias=bias) else: self.conv = nn.ConvTranspose2d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride, padding=padding,bias=bias) #y = \frac{x - mean[x]}{ \sqrt{Var[x] + \epsilon}} * gamma + beta #When affine=False the output of BatchNorm is equivalent to considering gamma=1 and beta=0 as constants. = nn.BatchNorm2d(out_channels, eps=0.0001, momentum=0, affine=True) if bn else None if active_unit == 'relu': self.active_unit = nn.ReLU(inplace=True) elif active_unit == 'elu': self.active_unit = nn.ELU(inplace=True) else: self.active_unit = None
[docs] def forward(self, x): x = self.conv(x) if is not None: x = if self.active_unit is not None: x = self.active_unit(x) return x
[docs]class FcRel(nn.Module): # fc+ relu(option) def __init__(self, in_features, out_features, active_unit='relu'): super(FcRel, self).__init__() self.fc = nn.Linear(in_features, out_features) if active_unit == 'relu': self.active_unit = nn.ReLU(inplace=True) elif active_unit == 'elu': self.active_unit = nn.ELU(inplace=True) else: self.active_unit = None
[docs] def forward(self, x): x = self.fc(x) if self.active_unit is not None: x = self.active_unit(x) return x
[docs]class AdpSmoother(nn.Module): """ a simple conv. implementation, generate displacement field """ def __init__(self, inputs, dim, net_sched=None): # settings should include [using_bias, using bn, using elu] # inputs should be a dictionary could contain ['s'],['t'] super(AdpSmoother, self).__init__() self.dim = dim self.net_sched = 'm_only' self.s = inputs['s'].detach() self.t = inputs['t'].detach() self.mask = Parameter([torch.ones(inputs['s'].size())]*dim, 1), requires_grad = True) self.get_net_sched()
[docs] def get_net_sched(self, debugging=True, using_bn=True, active_unit='relu', using_sigmoid=False , kernel_size=5): # return the and self.net_input padding_size = (kernel_size-1)//2 if self.net_sched == 'm_only': if debugging: = nn.Conv2d(2, 2, kernel_size, 1, padding=padding_size, bias=False,groups=2) else: net = \ [ConvBnRel(self.dim, 20, 5, active_unit=active_unit, same_padding=True, bn=using_bn), ConvBnRel(20,self.dim, 5, active_unit=active_unit, same_padding=True, bn=using_bn)] if using_sigmoid: net += [nn.Sigmoid()] = nn.Sequential(*net) elif self.net_sched =='m_f_s': if debugging: = nn.Conv2d(self.dim+1, self.dim, kernel_size, 1, padding=padding_size, bias=False) else: net = \ [ConvBnRel(self.dim +1, 20, 5, active_unit=active_unit, same_padding=True, bn=using_bn), ConvBnRel(20, self.dim, 5, active_unit=active_unit, same_padding=True, bn=using_bn)] if using_sigmoid: net += [nn.Sigmoid()] = nn.Sequential(*net) elif self.net_sched == 'm_d_s': if debugging: = nn.Conv2d(self.dim+1, self.dim, kernel_size, 1, padding=padding_size, bias=False) else: net = \ [ConvBnRel(self.dim + 1, 20, 5, active_unit=active_unit, same_padding=True, bn=using_bn), ConvBnRel(20, self.dim, 5, active_unit=active_unit, same_padding=True, bn=using_bn)] if using_sigmoid: net += [nn.Sigmoid()] = nn.Sequential(*net) elif self.net_sched == 'm_f_s_t': if debugging: = nn.Conv2d(self.dim+2, self.dim, kernel_size, 1, padding=padding_size, bias=False) else: net = \ [ConvBnRel(self.dim + 2, 20, 5, active_unit=active_unit, same_padding=True, bn=using_bn), ConvBnRel(20, self.dim, 5, active_unit=active_unit, same_padding=True, bn=using_bn)] if using_sigmoid: net += [nn.Sigmoid()] = nn.Sequential(*net) elif self.net_sched == 'm_d_s_f_t': if debugging: = nn.Conv2d(self.dim + 2, self.dim, kernel_size, 1, padding=padding_size, bias=False) else: net = \ [ConvBnRel(self.dim + 2, 20, 5, active_unit=active_unit, same_padding=True, bn=using_bn), ConvBnRel(20, self.dim, 5, active_unit=active_unit, same_padding=True, bn=using_bn)] if using_sigmoid: net += [nn.Sigmoid()] = nn.Sequential(*net)
[docs] def prepare_data(self, m, new_s): input=None if self.net_sched == 'm_only': input = m elif self.net_sched == 'm_f_s': input = organize_data(m,self.s,sched='depth_concat') elif self.net_sched == 'm_d_s': input = organize_data(m, new_s, sched='depth_concat') elif self.net_sched == 'm_f_s_t': input = organize_data(m, self.s, sched='depth_concat') input = organize_data(input, self.t, sched='depth_concat') elif self.net_sched == 'm_f_s_t': input = organize_data(m, self.s, sched='depth_concat') input = organize_data(input, self.t, sched='depth_concat') elif self.net_sched == 'm_d_s_f_t': input = organize_data(m, new_s, sched='depth_concat') input = organize_data(input, self.t, sched='depth_concat') return input
[docs] def forward(self, m,new_s=None): m = m * self.mask input = self.prepare_data(m,new_s) x= input x = return x